Ruin World's

Chapter 25:Blood World

But universe law said "its not possible. Because I couldn't find his location and it's also go Against the rules of universe. That's why I cannot give you his location and any other things."

The 7 throne holder then order their whole organization to search for someone who gain the law recognition even before reaching 1000 years old age.

Meanwhile Jade didn’t said to Huo but she also very surprised even through its almost one million years in chaos star. At the same time for a state lord level warrior to gain law recognition and top of all the hardest two law's Space and Time at that.

Jade with complex emotions said to herself "please don’t get discovered by higher level warriors Huo. It will become chaos if they find you."

That's why jade didn’t let him leave immediately after recognition and so Huo remained in chaos star for another 20000 years and gained level 1 of the space law and time law's full understanding. He didn't stop there and continued his training in the blink of the eyes another one million years pass by in the Chaos star. In the real universe its only been 1050 years. Huo finally breakthrough to space and times 2nd level understanding too. After that Huo tried out his teleportation power and could teleport anywhere under 10000 kilometers area.

Jade said "congratulations master, you gained a lot in this training period."

Huo smiled and said "thank you, Jade."

Jade asked "what are you going to do now."

Huo replied "even if I want to I cannot reach the 3rd level in this warrior level. So I will train my Craftsmanship and blood drop blade picture technic for now."

And so Huo started his training once again. Because of Huo's high law understanding in two higher level law's. This time for him training become very smooth and after just 5000 years in Chaos star he could make level 5 weapons and armors like nothings at all without feeling any burdens in power. Beside craftsmanship Huo also mastered the blood drop blade picture technic to its 7th level early stage and could fully utilize the level 6th power with his high gene and mental power. He can make a sword but that's not very stable now. So he remain in the star for another 500 years and stabilized his level 7th that can help him maintain the Blood drop Sword for around 10 minutes. Also Huo modified his Dark ghost ship to a very strong and made it very fast in traveling.

Huo said to Jade "its seems like we will be leaving soon."

Jade said "you have worked very hard for the past years… master."

Huo said "I will soon reach level 6 Craftsmanship."

Jade replied "I will wait for that day."

Huo said "yes, I will make you the best quality body I can make with the best materials."

Jade replied "you do realized that a level 6 craftsman's hand made best quality artificial body means a treasure to others….right."

Huo replied "its because it will be for you. That's why I will make the best quality artificial body and its not going to be a waste in my eyes."

Jade said "thank you for saying that."

Huo said "then let's leave the star for sometimes. Then we will return here again after gaining the Royal Destroyer body part."

Jade said "yes master, but before going you also have to make a armor. So can hide your forehead from others."

Huo laughed and said "I already made it. Do yo really think I don’t know. In the universe gaining law recognition form Space law and Time law means a lot to even demi god level warriors. And I am just a State lord level warrior hahaha."

Jade sign and said "its seems I became useless after your beast inheritance."

Then they departed from chaos star.

Huo said "I should make a storage ring that can hold this ship too."

Jade reply "why don't you make a world ring intend……..master. It can also help you storing living things too."

Huo said "but for that we will need some higher beings blood and wood laws higher understanding. But I only have low understanding of the five lower law's. like earth, gold, water, fire, wood."

Jade said "master, maybe you don’t know. Because you didn’t get the recognition in wood law. But for craftsman's wood law is very easy to obtain. It will take another 50-55 years. Why don't you try to study the wood law now."

And so Huo started his wood law study by some pictures and in the 29th year got the recognition. Huo was shocked because its only took 29 years to get the recognition.

Jade laugh loudly and said "its normal for you to gain the recognition in wood law this early. It's because you trained in space law and time law. All the plants need time and space to grow. That's why you only need to understand the wood law itself."

Huo said "but I still need blood."

Jade said "why you exclude yourself from that list of higher beings."

Huo laugh and said "hehe I forgot I am a special life form myself and universe law regards me as a higher entity."

So Huo made a world ring with 100000 kilometers area in it. The ring has artificial natural environment inside too. After that Huo travelled 23 more years. Huo arrived besides Blood World mini universe entry place. Huo saw there are many people outside the miniature universe. They are standing in their spaceships and waiting for something.

Huo asked Jade "why is there so many people in this area."

Jade replied "I thought you know. This is a very dangerous area. That why humanities great 5 leviathans higher beings guard this place and to enter this miniature universe's you will have to get their permission. This place also is a trail area for those who wanted to enter one of the universe's top 5 powers in the humanity."

Huo said "I didn’t understand what you just said."

Jade said "if you want to enter universe's one of the top 5 powers. You have to survive in this blood world miniature universe for atleast 5 months with universe level warrior cultivation. When you are between a domain lord or a Law level warrior. You have to survive there for atleast one year. If you successfully survive there you can enter any one of the top 5 organization's.

Huo nodded and said "I understand now. It's a survival test."

Jade said "in this specific area there was a huge battle happened long time ago. In that battle many Beast God's, Humanities God's and other races god level warrior have been fallen. If you can obtain there bloods it will help you greatly in cultivation with your absorption technique."

Huo asked "wouldn’t that be impossible. Because the took place many era's ago and bloods could had disappear in many ways."

Jade reply "it's true. But God's blood will never disappear and their body's will also remain the same as before when they were alive. That’s also the reason why we call them God's. so there is very low chances but you can try your luck into this mission of yours. If your are lucky you can even get a full body of God level warriors. Because even after death they have enough aura in their body to defend themselves from lower class warriors."

Huo asked "then why are this warriors are not entering to the blood world miniature universe. What are they waiting for in the universe ship's."

Jade said "they are waiting for Quotas to be fill. If 10000 people do not gather in one group. Then they will have to wait untill the Quotas get filled."

"So how many warriors are now here" Huo asked.

"There are around 8997 warriors in here. You maybe have to wait for 1 day or maybe 1 year" jade replied.

Huo said "then let's go and register our name in the list first then."

Then Huo went to the registration area and then some scanner scan him and identify him as a humanity’s citizen. When Huo registered he was placed as a 9038th number warrior in the list.

After 7 hours some ships come and around 700 people added to the list. After some more time universe bank alliance's one ship suddenly come. Huo only by seeing can tell that's a F grade modified ship with best materials possible.

Then one person come and said "his majesty Shao from the universe bank alliance came to enter the Blood world. So all the participants can now enter too along with his majesty."

Huo asked Jade "what do they mean by his majesty. Is he some empire's prince or something."

Jade replied "top 5 leviathans core members are called his majesty. Even if those warriors are now in a low level cultivation warrior. But in the near future they will become a pillar for the whole race. Because they are peerless genius's from the vast universe."

Then the entrance was open and all the warriors getting ready to enter the blood world miniature universe. After some time Huo read all the information and went to the blood world. When entered he saw countless small and big star fragments. The Star fragments are so big that even the small ones are bigger than earth in size.

Jade said "the information we got from the entrance after registration. In this information book it says in blood world miniature universe there are atleast 1 million star fragment's present right now. Each fragment is counted as a planet in this blood world miniature universe. There are living being all over the Star fragments. They made their own warrior level names too. They are like Soldier level, General level, City leader level, Country leader level, world leader level, lord level, god level. In original universe this levels are equals to

Soldier level= Planet level

General level= Starry level

City leader level= Universe level

Country leader level= Domain lord level

World leader level= State lord level

Lord level= Law level

God level= Demi god level

Master with your battle power you can be called Lord level. 1 lord level warrior here can control 10 Star fragment and 1 god level warrior can control 10 lord level warriors. In this miniature universe blood world rank names represent their position. In this place finding god level warriors are to hard right now. So you don’t have to worry about them. Without special circumstances they will not come here."

Huo said "so we can just began our investigation then."

Jade smile and said "yes, master."

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