Ruin World's

Chapter 21:Attending welcome party from Navi's clan

Clan elder's along with clan leader waited for Huo's arrival after hearing that they left Navis quarter and went toward the main building of the clan.

Not long after their arrival after they arrived Huo this time first greeted their clan leader. They also greeted Huo and show respect to each others.

Clan head then have some chat with Huo and asked "how did my clans descended able to help you warrior."

Huo said "Navi helped me by saving some planets that I bought not too long ago. When I was training in a dangerous star."

Navi's clan head understand what Huo mean by saying dangerous star for training. For domain lord level warriors to addresses a star by dangerous means survival rate is less then 10%.

Then Clan head also asked to Huo "can I know which clan member you are part of."

Huo replied with respect "my clan don’t permit it’s members to reveal their clan name when they are in training period. So I am sorry about this matter."

Clan head asked "so when your training period is going to be end."

Huo replied "until I reach Law level."

Clan head with shocked expression said "ooh…it seems young master is from very ancient clan."

Huo laugh and said "not really. We only have some trillions of years history that's all."

Clan head was shocked and "said 100 million Eras of history."

Huo asked Jade "what is he saying."

Jade replied "in the universe 10000 years=1 Era. You can see the details in the chart."

So Huo opened the chart of the time and saw

Ruin world years time count











1000000 [1 million]



10000000 [10 million]



100000000 [100 million]



1000000000 [1 billion]



10000000000 [10 billion]

1 million


100000000000 [100 billion]

10 million


1000000000000 [1 trillion]

100 million


10000000000000 [10 trillion]

1 billion


100000000000000 [100 trillion]

10 billion


1000000000000000 [1 Quadrillion]

100 billion


10000000000000000 [10 Quadrillion]

1 trillion


100000000000000000 [100


10 trillion


After seeing the chart Huo replied to clan head "yes, something like that."

Clan head then said to Navi "you got such a formidable person as your friend. So you must maintain this relation" and laughed.

Navi answered "yes, I will try my best."

Clan head said to Huo "warrior are you interested in marriage. In our clan we have quite a number of some beautiful descendant's."

Huo reply "in my clan all descendent only get to married one time in their life time. So I hope you will understand my situation."

Clan head said "its quite unfortunate. I thought you can marry my this descendent."

Then point his finger toward clans strongest and most beautiful woman Navis eldest sister.

Huo laugh and replied "if I hadn’t got married. I would have asked to you for her hand in marriage."

Then they talk normal matters and asked clan head "may I know your visits reason this time. You would be simply come here to just meet your friend within your busy schedule."

Huo replied "that’s right. I promised Navi if he can help me defending my territory I will give him a level 3 rank weapon. That's why I am visiting this time and having some fun with him in the free time."

Clan heads eyes gleamed and said "it’s rare in the Xin Empire to give away level 3 rank weapon like this."

Huo laugh and said "compered to our friendship and Navi's help its actually very small price."

Then after some time Huo excused himself from the gathering and left to Navi's quarters along with Navi.

Clan head said to presented clan members after Huo left the hall "this young man is very strong. He not only withstand my killing intent. But also pressure me with his own killing intent. I thought he had just promoted to domain lord level. But it seems he is nnot far from become a state lord level."

All the clan members presented in the gathering was shocked after hearing this.

Navis eldest sister said "you mean to say he is stronger than you clan head."

Clan head said "not only me. He is even stronger than his own guards who had been in the domain lord level for quite a long time. He will also enter state level very soon. Maybe within 100-200 years. That's why I wanted to make a solid connection with him. At this young age he is already a domain lord level warrior. I couldn’t even imagine how strong will his ancestors is. I can't even think about his parents level."

Navis eldest sister said "what do you mean by at his young age?"

Clan head said "he is merely 200-300 years old. Compare to you he is thousands of years younger and also compare to Navi he is many centuries years younger. It seems Navi this time made a very formidable friend. If they can maintain there relations well Navi will be a very hidden weapon to the clan as well."

All the elders and strong warriors are shocked and also agree with him.

In the meantime Huo was enjoying his time with Navi.

Huo after that day pass by asked Navi for some serious talk.

Navi said "so you are leaving now."

Huo said "I enjoyed my time here, my friend and the promised thing is in this suit case. You can open it and see for yourself if it is in your liking."

Then take out a suit case from his storage ring and gave that to Navi.

Then Navi opened the suit case and said "you promised level 3 weapon. But why are you giving me a level 4 defensive type weapon."

Huo said "you are my first friend in the universe and I like your character. If I could I would have given you the best thing I have. But its quite unfortunate because I don’t have any. In the Xin empire level 4 weapons are like clan heirloom to some clans. So I choose a weapon with best defense along with reflect attack system. So you will remain safe by wearing this weapon. If anyone see this armor without touching it. They will also think its a level 3 spiritual weapon. So you don’t have to worry about other within your clan to attack and steal it from you."

Navi said to Huo "thank you my friend for your generosity."

Huo with smile said "it’s not for free. You know you will have to defend my territory in the future too. When I am not near by my territory."

Navi with smile said "then I will not hesitate and take this weapon as a advance payment."

Huo said "it seems time my friend. I will have take my leave now. In the future I will again meet with you. So stay safe and alive. Also remember to cultivate diligently in the times you are comfortable. So when I meet you again in the future next time I will spar with you. So you also must become a Demi god level warrior."

Then Huo left and Navi stared at the vast universe alone.

Navi notice in the suit case there is a potion and a note.

In there Huo Written to him "my friend I cannot give you much. But with this potion your gene level will evolve to some extent. You will have to use it in your starry level period. Then this potion will help you to some extent. If that time period pass by then maybe this potion will not gonna help you anymore in evaluation."

Huo didn't said anything like you will be get killed if you cannot withstand the potion power. Because the potion Huo gave him is a excellent high with many hidden danger in it. If Navi cannot handle the pain he will die for sure. The potion also will help him to some extent. The potion will rise gene level by only 5 to 10. Its also because of him not in the planet level but on the starry level.

The reason why Huo gave him that potion is defending his home earth. It is the biggest favor anyone can do for him while he is not around. So he see Navi as a savior of solar system and earth.

Navi after reading the letter enter his training room with motivation and drink the potion.

The potion was made of Domain lord level monsters blood and life force pool's water.

If Navi was in planet level at that time then this potion could have help him raise his gene level atleast by 70. If that happened then Navi would have been become a genius in the Jun clan. But now it will solid his Foundation for cultivation and give him atmost 5-10 gene level. It is also possible if he can endure the pain from the potion.

Meanwhile Huo went toward earth with his ships high speed.

After one and half months later Huo enter solar system. Then land his ship on the Mars star. After that Huo park his main ship there and took small ship to enter Earth's atmosphere.

Huo called Lin to ask "where are you."

Lin said "in the office. But why."

Huo said "I will pick you up in a minute."

Lin remain shocked and said "what do you mean?"

Huo said "what do you think. I said come out I am in front of the office."

Lin couldn't believed but went down stairs with hopes up and saw Huo was standing there.

She couldn’t hold back and hug him.

After that Huo take Lin and went to their house.

After arriving home some servants asked to Lin "miss, who is this person that come with you."

Lin replied "you mean Huo. He is my husband Feng Huo."

All the servants are shocked to hear that. They only heard about him and see his picture. That picture was also very old like 150 years. But this is there first time seeing him.

At that time Huo and Lin went to hall room. Then they start talking about their thing's.

Then some time later Wen come to home and see one charming young man was talking with his mother. His mother’s face expression was very happy so he went towards them and see black haired and very charming face. He was like a model. Not only that Web thought he might be Earth's most handsome man.

Lin said to wen "come here and greet him."

Huo at that time asked to Wen first "how are you."

Wen replied "i am good, you look very familiar sir."

Lin said to Wen "isn't it obviously. You look similar to him… you know."

Wen went speechless and make few call to his sibling first and said "quickly come home a very important person come to our house."

Then wen said to Huo "dad you should have sent your picture to us with that communication device. Your face didn’t look that handsome to me in the calls before."

Huo laughed and said "you brat, you are teasing your own dad."

Sometimes later Ann came and said "who is the person you are saying very important."

Then she saw Huo and ask "who is this handsome young man."

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