Ruin World's

Chapter 17: Space pirate attack on earth

Jade sigh and say "it not that easy to escape the slumber condition. Because in the universe for a domain lord level warrior to enter the slumber means they exhausted their soul power to much. If anyone enter slumber through using soul power exhaustion in the levels under demi god. Then they are likely will never awake up from the slumber. Only Demi god level warriors can wake up from slumber because of their lifespan is infinite. But for domain lords to wake up from slumber in his 1 million years of lifespan is quite the miracle itself."

Huo meanwhile in his slumber condition in the mind realm learning how he can use the beast eyes power and receiving the beast eyes inheritance. It talking his minds power and evolving his mind power along side while training. After 3 more years Huo open his eyes. To Huo this 7 years like 7 days or maybe 700 years. Huo doesn’t know exactly how much time has been pass by.

Jade with joy and surprised expression said "master you are amazing not only you reached level 5 craftsmanship. But also regain consciousness with just 7 years from deep slumber."

Huo asked with great shocked but his expression didn’t changed a bit "Jade what do you mean by 7 years."

Jade then explain everything to him and also said "you don’t have to worry. I already sent 103 people with best combat ability toward earth they will reach there in a few days. It will take at most 4-9 days."

Huo then ask Jade to "call Geon's team."

Jade called them and said "master just wake up and wanted to talk to you guys."

All the warriors then greet Huo in the call.

Huo said "you guys don’t have to directly interfere with them from the start. Watch from the side lines if you guys see that earth's warriors are completely useless during the battle against pirates. Then you guys can interfere. Because its also a opportunity for process to become strong. If we just lead them with safety. Then they will never learn and will only rely on strong warriors shoulder's. I want them to become strong by doing what had to be done."

Geon with respect in his eyes replied "yes, master. We will then only interfere when the situation become to dire for them to handle."

Huo then said "don't be reckless just because you have strong warrior with you. They also might have some with them. So think first then take actions. Because they are my blood related family members. I don’t want to lose you guys in that process."

Geon, Elfy and Hen said with complex expression "yes, master. we will definitely try our best to take the safty measurements."

Huo again said "on the 5th floor in my room there is a storage ring that have many level 4 armor's and weapon's. Use the best weapon that suits you guys and provide support to each other during the fight."

Warriors replied to Huo "yes, master."

"I believe you guys have what it takes to roam the universe alone. But remember universe is so vast that where and when what will happen anyone don’t know" Huo said to his warriors.

After that Huo cut the call and said to Jade "let's see how many plant life form are here."

Huo saw that besides the life force pool there are 27 plant type life form.

Jade said "its rare to see a plant life form to sow his own seeds. What I saw only few plant life form can produce seed. They are very rare. If you have been a level 7 rank craftsman. Then you could have made a artificial life force pool by using materials those are here in this space and could have sow the plants there to multiply them."

Huo asked "can't I just store the seeds and take the materials with me in the storage ring for now. Later when I become level 7 rank craftsman I can just make one."

Jade reply "you have to reach atleast beyond the Demi god level to become a level 7 craftsman. Level 6,7,8 you couldn't reach by just honing skills and understanding law engravings. You also have to experience many things to reach there. Up untill now you depended on your high gene level. But that's not gonna help you to reach the next levels. So try understanding the meaning of refinements, weapon armor creation process. Then when time comes you will realize something and automatically will reach the next levels by one step a time."

Huo understand that he cannot just make reckless decision anymore and have to understand the process of the refinement and have to learn many things of the universe to reach new heights. Because of his mind power increase dramatically he also slowly understand that he is still far from being able to protect other's. because he didn’t even have enough power to protect himself.

"I will try my best to utilize everything I have and not act recklessly anymore" Huo said to himself

Then he start thinking everything he had done and try to find fault from everything to make better decision in the future. Its also a training for him to claiming his mind.

Meanwhile Geon enter the solar system and said "so this is where master born."

Elfy said to Geon "what will we do now. When we cannot interfare directly from the beginning in the battle."

Geon said "first we will get information about the current strongest being in the earth. Then will wait for the invaders to come. If we see that earth has the power to fight then we will only protect masters families weak members and let the strong ones to fight. Master want them to grow by experiencing real life and death training. Its a very effective method practically because in the dire situation warrior unleash their most of the potential. Also some warriors evolve their physic and breakthrough to new major levels in times like this. Master made the best decision possible for earths warrior. Like he did for us in the rare stars to train our body and mind. So we can evolve and also give us special potion to gain extra help in cultivation process."

So they enter the Earth's atmosphere and hides theirs aura and stayed close to Feng family. Geon order Elfy to protect Lin specifically because she only breakthrough to the starry level and she a woman just like Elfy. Elfy then remained along with Lin 24 hours and so time pass by like that. After 3 years space pirate invade the earth. In the pirate group there was 7 universe level warriors and all of the others is starry level. In earth that time only 13-15 warrior managed to breakthrough to universe 2-3 level warrior. Situ become Earth's strongest with Huo previous help. So Geon and his team directly didn't interfere and remain silent only protecting Huo's wife and mother. The battle begins situ along with many strong warriors fought them. After 2-3 weeks the battle ended with that earth lose 5 universe level warriors and the enemy lose the whole battle by losing their life's.

Sometimes later Lin called Huo after settled the matter.

Lin said everything to Huo.

Huo laughed and said "that's a great experience for the earths people. Now they will get serious."

At that time all his family and Feng clan members are present in the Situ's mansion. Lin also was there and made the call from there. His sons and daughter was in Lin's room and watching their mother talking to their father.

Quan then get beside Lin and said "didn’t you say that universe warriors will not interfere with earth."

Huo replied "they weren’t warriors they are bunch of space pirates. If they were universe warriors then they would have called me for entering permission."

Quan said "if anything would have happened to mom in this battle."

Huo laughed and said "Elfy show yourself to them."

Then suddenly a beautiful woman appeared out of nowhere beside's Lin.

They all were shocked and said "who are you to Elfy."

Elfy said "greeting young masters and mistress. we are master Huo guard team that have been living in the shadows for the last 3 and half a years to protect you from any dire situation."

Huo's 1st son asked "what do you mean by we?"

Elfy replied "along with me there are total 103 guards have been placed in the earth. We are the most strong warriors in the master Huo's guards team."

Huo said on the communication system "I send them to protect you guys from any hidden dangers. Since the mission is complete they will soon return to me."

At that time suddenly Shen asked Elfy "ma'am so is our father knew from the beginning that a battle will take place in earth."

Elfy replied "you are half correct and half wrong. Master find out that earth will be going to invade by space pirate before the attack. Then through universe communication system master asked a friend of his to distract the pirates and made a deal with his friend to earn him some time to get here. After that master nonstop train and made the ship that we used to come here. Master risked his life to protect you and went into slumber for 7 long years. If master exhausted a little more than that at that time he could have been died. Because of masters sacrifices we are able to reach here before the pirates and to tell the truth most of the universe pirate was killed by us in the battle not by earths people."

Huo's family was shocked after hearing the story.

Ann then asked "ma'am what do you mean by my father had to make a deal to his friend to just distract the pirates few more years."

Elfy replied "young miss in the universe nothing is free. Everything has a price. To tell you the truth in the universe family members kill each others just to get some minor resources. We are lucky that we meet master Huo. He treat us like his own sibling and told us to treat you guys like family members too. That's why we are guarding you from the pirate from this close."

Quan asked "ma'am then why didn’t you just killed them. After all you guys must be really powerful to just kill them in an instant."

Elfy laugh and replied "we are told to protect you from dire situation not to help you directly by killing them. Because that way you will gain life and death experience. Also you guys will evolve and some of you might had been breakthrough the bottlenecks in cultivation."

Lin laughed and said "if its Huo's idea then its true. Many warriors actually showed great potential in this battle and some even breakthrough their major levels. Your father really think carefully before doing anything and made sure to protect you guys."

At that time Sihu Huo's sister felt a very strong energy and rush to Lin's room. Then see a beautiful woman standing in front of Lin.

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