Ruin World's

Chapter 12: Getting 1000 slaves with a simple deal

Manager said "how much money do I have to offer you in order for you to sell this weapons to me."

Huo replied "I don’t need money. I have plenty of money to buy the customized ship again and again few time's. So you can offer me something that only you couyld offer me."

Manager replied "how about I give you the previous black and deep red ship too."

Huo asked "isn't that ship customized by someone else for their comfort. Do you really want to give me that ship as a price for these items"

Manager thought maybe Huo didn't get satisfied by the price and so manager said" how about I add more around a thousands of slave warriors."

Huo ask Jade about this matter and decided to take the offer and said "Give me the list of slaves. I will choose the slaves quality".

Manager said "of course, of course you have the right to choose your slaves after all."

Then manager gave Huo a list and said "In this list there are thousands of starry level 9 peak and only around hundreds of universe level warriors. You can pick up to thousands of slaves from here. But you can only choose 20 universe level warriors and 980 starry level warriors. But if you choose universe Level 9 peak warriors then i will give you all the universe level 9 peak warriors we have here."

Huo saw in the list there are almost 34 different origins universe level 9 peaks warriors had been placed in.

Jade said in his mind "there are only thirteen warriors with best potentials. In the future they can breakthrough domain to state and then state to law levels too. So you don’t have to carry extra risks in the future and if you teach yours soul slaves the Soul binding technic then they can make their own soul slaves too. Then you can take them without any problems."

Huo asked "how many are here with spirite power."

Jade reply "all of them in the list are spiritual power users."

Huo again asked "how much time will they need to breakthrough in the next major level."

Jade replied "minimum 100 years and highest 900 years."

Huo said "let's take all of them then."

Jade reply with utmost respect "you made the right decision master. Even with 5 trillion dollars we couldn't get this many goods hehehe."

Huo said to manager "then let me help you dispose of them manager."

Manager laugh loudly and said "because you helped me dispose of them. I cannot just sent you empty hand can I. So the girls who showed you around the shop at the time you came to our shop and also greeted you today I will give them to you as a gift."

Huo replied "thank you for your kind offer" and laugh with manager.

Then Jade took most potential candidates from the list and send them to manager.

Manager without thinking twice sent them to Huo. After that along with those slave and ships Huo left.

Jade said to Huo "master you gained benefit this time very big and that idiot manager didn't even realized."

Huo in his new ships control room seated and left the Tao star. The other ship followed him by Ship A.I. system.

Huo asked Jade after seeing the 2 ships A.I. system "Jade why are you feel like more human then those A.I. system."

Jade reply "so you finally realized master. The thing is I had evolved to an living A.I. system 30000 years ago in the ruins. When a A.I. system can feel the nature of life and can operate with his own will then they can evolve into higher beings too like living being. After creating me my previous master and creator throwed me in the earth direction with his heir's inheritance. That's why I don’t have any emotion towards him. At that time I can only enter my creators A.I. systems memories and with that memory I saw all the things they gone through and happened to my creator. Through the memories again and again I felt the emotions and then suddenly one day I felt like something is different in my core system and then I was born again. That how I become what I am now."

Huo then said with sad expression while patting Jade's head "you gone through a lot. You don’t have a body if you had a body i would have hugged you and let you enjoy to your heart content in the vast universe."

Jade also get emotional and said "you already given me enough and could give me body after reaching level 6 Craftsmanship. So don't worry about the past."

"What do you mean" Huo asked.

Jade replied respectfully "when you reach level 6 Craftsmanship then you can create artificial body for A.I systems and can help me cultivate too. After all I will also have life force and core too like other beings. You can also build body at level 5. but I prefer level 6 because at that time you can give me a true treasure body. Craftsmanship level 6's master's crafted body are indestructible ones hehehe" and Jade smile.

Huo replied "okay, I understood. But to reach that level I will need really huge time."

Jade reply "no problem master. I will wait for that day."

Jade then asked "where are we going now."

Huo reply "somewhere far enough so that greedy ship shop keepers cannot find us. I also need to breakthrough to universe level. So I need some monster blood too."

Jade replied "why not first try to learn soul binding technics 2nd level. You already know first level Soul binding technique can only help you attack others souls and get weaker warriors than you as a slave. Your gene level is so high that's enslavement weren’t going to be a problem with low level gene warriors. Even so it's better for you to learn 2nd level too."

Huo replied " ok, let's try this method for the time being until we reach the next star."

Jade reply "we will now enter the black universe with 70 light speed/s."

"Ok, you can take control both of the ships. I will train in the 5th floor" Huo said and left the control room.

Huo first went to 4th floor then organized the warriors and give them better cultivation technic manuals to practice. Then he went to 5th floor VIP room to practice. Because of Huo was practicing Jade didn’t disturbed him and let the ship fly for the next 11 years in the universe with in deserted spaces to reach next destination.

After 11 years Huo opened his eyes and saw that his soul power is increasing with the help of 2nd level soul binding technic.

Jade said after seeing those differences " so 2nd level soul binding technic is for you to hone soul power and increase it slightly. But because of you having great gene level your soul power increased tremendously."

Huo said "it took me 11 years just to reach 2nd level. So should I try the soul binding technic in the worries."

Jade said with gleaming eye "why not. Do your best then" and asked 5 universe level 9 peak warriors to come 5th floors VIP room.

One warrior was like a 2.5 meter giant

One warrior was normal human type with 2 horns in his head

One with fairly good body and face like fairy tales elf with big ears smooth but shiny white color body.

One with 1.2 meter long body with almost like human body if he wasn’t have 1 horn and tail.

One with black color body with scales in his hand and foots.

Jade said "they have the best potential for breakthrough to Law level in the future without your help. But if you help this guys then its a different story."

Huo replied "then lets get started with the technic."

Then Huo ordered the warriors do not resist and just feel the way he is performing the technic.

First warrior succeed within ten minutes. Because of its Huo's first time performing the technic. It took some time then he gradually complete all the soul bindings with the other 4 warriors.

Huo said after performing the technic "I will not force you do things that I don’t want to do myself. But I need help from you now. because I am weak now and cannot protect my home planet by myself. So I hope you 5 will help me in doing what I am not capable now due to my low levels."

Even through they are his soul slave now and cannot resists anything. Even so they understand what's Huo wanted to tell.

Then 5 warrior bowed their head and replied "we will do whatever you ask us to do with our life's on the line.

Huo said "you guys are free to do what you want to do in the ship before I order you to do something but do not harm other warriors."

They replied "yes master."

Before they leave Huo asked them "what is your guy's names."

One replied "987533118f09"

Jade said "slaves do not have names in the universe."

Huo understand and asked "did you guys become slave after you born."

They replied "yes master, not only that we are all born in the same planet. That's star also own by the ship trading company. When we are at a planet level we put into work for the ship trading company directly."

Then Huo asked "what's the level of ship company's highest warrior."

They replied respectfully "the owner of ship trading company is at a State lord level. That was also 5000 years ago. When we were just selected by the company for the jobs."

Huo nodded then said "cultivate diligently from now on. No one in the universe other than me can order you. I will also provide you with necessary resources. So first breakthrough to domain lord level warrior. After that I will also help you with your other matter and cultivation's training and manuals in the future."

After ending his conversation with his new 5 soul slaves. Huo remembered his family and think many thoughts. Then with complex expression asked Jade ''what is my family members are doing now Jade. Can you tell me about their progress's.''

Jade reply " your grandfather successfully broke through to starry level warrior 3 years ago. Your father also reached planet level 7 and your mom reached planet level not to loge ago. As for your wife she is genius with high intelligence. So along with your previous help and her intelligence ability she reached level 5 planet level warrior two years ago. Also only your direct blood line are living out side the Feng clans area for your children’s safety and training. Your 1st son Shen is like your wife. He is talented in business and genius in study just like you. He also broken through planet 2nd level warrior. Your daughter Ann is like your copy she is good at study, research ,martial art and broken through to level 4 planet level. Your 2nd son Quan is martial art fanatic only care about his mother and brother's and sister and hate you to bones hehe."

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