Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 913: Ruler Of East III

Since he was extremely disappointed with what these clans had to offer in terms of strength in front of him, Tianlong Yun could only hope that they would be better in terms of pleasuring him.

Who hadn't heard of the stories about the beautiful 'kunoichi' of the country, the definition of charm and seduction, extremely skilled in turning a head of state into a simple-minded buffoon.

As for the matter of treating the Ancestor of the Kiri Clan, and the Patriarch of the Senbu Clan as nothing more than his servants, no one was able to pay attention to that.

Not even the two of them themselves had any idea of that, as they were still unable to understand what had just happened that night.

Just like striding into his own home Tianlong Yun didn't seem to care about the eyes or thoughts of the servants and other people in the Senbu Clan compound.

Everyone was under the impression that Senbu Clan would change tonight, and they would reach the top.

Yet for some reason that hadn't happened, and all they witnessed was this guy walking inside the Mansion just like he was in his own room.

Not only that, but the joke became even bigger as Tianlong Yun actually was walking towards the Patriarch's bedroom.


Watching Tianlong Yun's stride and his rude behavior, one of the butlers of the Mansion that were loyal to the Senbu Clan couldn't help but come out and try to show him his place.


Unfortunately, he had no idea that his action of devotion and loyalty would be confronted by a tight slap that sent him flying, while a loud voice of order was heard,

"Everyone kneel and lower your heads! NOW!"

It came as a shock for sure, but no matter how shocked they were they knew and recognized the owner of the voice, and immediately obeyed.

The words and orders of their Patriarch were unquestionable mandates for each and every one of them.

They would even lay out their lives if asked to, not to mention kneeling and lowering their heads. Even the butler who had just been slapped away followed the order, despite looking a bit unwilling.

Patriarch Senbu himself couldn't help but have killing intent toward Tianlong Yun, but he had no other choice but to protect his loyal and devoted followers.

"Bring all the women of the house to serve me, the same applies for the other Clans!"

On the other hand, Tianlong Yun acted like he hadn't seen what happened, as he just threw those words as ordinarily as possible amidst everyone in there.

Hearing those words, the servants of the Senbu Clan couldn't help but feel that Tianlong Yun had just dug his own grave with those words.

Who didn't know that his wife and daughter were the most important and special people for their Patriarch?

In fact, they were also part of the reason he had taken his decision to take control of the country, and everyone within it.

No matter who he was, he was bound to be face slapped by their Patriarch. Just thinking about it they couldn't help but become a bit expectant.

Unfortunately their expectations were bound to be crushed, as forget about their Patriarch ragging but he just kneeled himself as well, as he said,

"Yes, Master!"

Just what joke was this!?

It felt like nothing short of a nightmare, something that would only happen in a horror movie. Yet no matter how many times they pinched each other, they couldn't wake up from the nightmare.

"Ma-master what is going on, how could you…"

The guy who had just received the slap earlier couldn't help but jump once again as he felt that this was something unacceptable.

At that moment he looked like the reincarnation of loyalty, but his great devotion wasn't rewarded as all he got was body separation.

That's right, all the devoted and loyal servant got was full body separation in two, from head to toe. The look of devotion and rage was still present on his face even after death.

He had died so fast that he hadn't even been able to process his own death. Not even his ghost was left behind at this point, he was fully gone.

The rest of the servants were still unable to comprehend what the hell had just happened at that moment.

One of them was gone just like that!

Before they or their Master could even cry in protest though, a calm and ordinary voice spread throughout the place,

"This better be the last time that someone tries to die such a meaningless death or make a useless stand!"


Just as Tianlong Yun's words finished, another servant seemed to think too lightly of his own life. This time he didn't even manage to utter a letter, as his body was cut in two.

"Anyone else!?"

It was at this point that all the servants of the Senbu Clan were faced with a true challenge for their loyalty and devotion.

If earlier they would have jumped together from the momentum created, right now none of them dared to even think of it.

Their lives were on the line!

It wasn't just a theoretical option any longer but a real hard fact. If a word came out of their mouths, their lives and souls would jump out of their bodies, not even leaving behind a full body.

Patriarch Senbu's face clearly showed his feelings, if he could, he would have already chopped Tianlong Yun into so many pieces that even the stars would look too few.

Then he would want to re-attach those pieces, and then chop him all over again. He was going to do that for as long as eternity.

Unfortunately, he didn't have the means or the strength, as now he was nothing more than Tianlong Yun's servant, and he could only obey his orders.

Perhaps if he had voiced a word, or done something to oppose Tianlong Yun's terror, more of his servants would have jumped to defend the Clan and attack Tianlong Yun.

But that was nothing more than a theoretical thought because the servants only saw their Master keep his head lowered, as he said,

"Yes Master, I will bring everyone in a moment!"

There was certainly defiance, hatred, rage, and even killing intent mixed in his words, but despite all that he just obeyed like a little slave.

Their Patriarch's behavior and words left the loyal and devoted servants of the Senbu Clan pretty confused and dissatisfied because even in death their words and actions weren't valued.

They were dying for nothing!

Patriarch Senbu could understand that he had lost his servants' loyalty and devotion, alongside the love and company of his wife and daughters, as today his world had turned upside down.

It was supposed to be his time to rise above the masses and become the ruler of the country and all the people within, yet he had become even lower than a normal person.

Those normal people he had wanted to rule, should be happily going about their lives without many changes. It looked like there were a lot of advantages to being just an ignorant sheep as well.

Still, when all was said and done, the only thought crossing his mind was,

'Would things change had he accepted Tianlong Yun's offer!?'

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