Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 906: Senbu Clan’s Might

Even though both Patriarch Muto and Patriarch Kiri had already reached the Fake God Realm, for some reason they still felt inferiors towards Patriarch Senbu.

Perhaps it was their lifelong beliefs and thoughts that had made them somehow subservient to the Senbu Clan, always awaiting their decision.

Perhaps it was a natural fear of facing someone dangerous, like their natural enemy. Just like little mice in front of the house cat.

Of course, neither of the two would accept or admit to something like that. First it would dampen their spirits, and second it would fully destroy their image and achievements.

As for Patriarch Senbu, he was just looking at the two old fogies in front of him with an extremely careful and startled look.

He had already created an idea of their strength by looking at their fight from afar but now that he had them in front of himself, he could finally determine that they had reached that 'Realm'.

This was most certainly a great news for their country, had this been previously, but now things changed drastically.

That was because his Senbu Clan had already decided to take action and become the 'de facto' rulers of this place.

They were going to be tip of the pyramid, ruling everything under heaven on their own country, and these two fogies would be a danger to their rule, and their existence from there on.

Even though it was a pity to have them gone like that, Patriarch Senbu was already decided to put an end to these two.

He wasn't really worried by the prowess they had shown until now. After all, he had reached the same 'Realm' long time ago. His experience and foundation were so much more stable than these two.

Was just like comparing a player that had long been playing to a new amateur one who had nothing but talent going for him.

The fight was already decided before it even started!

With these thoughts in mind, he just looked calmly at both of them, and said in a calm and collected tone,

"I appreciate your hard work and efforts, for that reason I intend on going full power from the beginning and give you a quick death!

Have a nice journey!"

With that said, he didn't wait for the opponents to make a move or say a word as smoke started coming out of his body and slowly expanding around him, until it created a pitch black ninja behind him.

The pitch black ninja figure behind seemed extremely lifelike, just like a black demonic ninja coming out of hell precisely for the two victims.


That was the only word blurted from the pitch black figure as it extended its two large hands towards the two Patriarchs.

It was clear that it intended to end their lives in one quick move.

Patriarch Muto and Patriarch Kiri had been completely frozen in shock and startle from the moment that the pitch black ninja had appeared, feeling as if they were in front of their ancestor.

Something from inside forced them to think of that pitch black ninja as someone they could only respect and never dare to show killing intent or even aggressivity.

It was only when the two hands had reached and surrounded their bodies that they could finally feel a jilt of shock and awake from their predicament.

Despite being able to awake at that moment, they still didn't have enough time to create a total defense against the attack, and it was only due to their instincts that energy started pouring from them.

Around Patriarch Muto the energy took the shapes of two katanas standing parallel to his body, while for Patriarch Kiri the energy turned into a red samurai similar to the pitch black shadow.

Of course the samurai was much smaller compared to the pitch black ninja and it looked much more illusory than the opponent, still it was a full one, and not just a hand.

'Swwiishhhhhh…, Baaannnnggggg…, Booooooooommmmmm…, Boooooooommmmmm'

The next moment the sound of the katanas swishing through the air and cutting on the hand, combined with the sound of two large bodies clashing rang out, releasing a great deal of momentum and energy.

Right after that, there were two loud booming sounds coming from the momentum of the clash, and the energy waves created squashed down quite a few of the experts and elites down below.

Still the ones to suffer the most though were Patriarch Muto and Patriarch Kiri, those two were thrown back by more than a few miles from the loud explosions.

Not only that, but also the state that they had ended in seemed extremely pathetic and pitiful. Two little kids being thrown to the wall, even though they were fighting their opponent together.

But that didn't matter much to them at that moment, as the really important bit for the two Patriarchs at the moment was that they were inferior.

Even though it was two versus one, even though they were both at full power to save themselves, they had still come out short.

This was most certainly a shocking matter. One had to understand that to their knowledge this 'Realm' they had reached should have been invincible.

Not only that, but they should have been the only who had reached this realm after millennials, yet they couldn't have been more wrong.

As if to mock their thoughts and understandings, the pitch black ninja behind Patriarch Senbu seemed to only have suffered an itch to his hands, as it was ready to send his hands forward once again.

Not to belittle the two Patriarchs, the biggest reason why they had come out so short on the fight just now was due to them only acting on instinct, and also because their attack was 30% weak.

That last 30% was due to the partial domain of law that Patriarch Senbu was using that was perfectly compatible with night-time and the darkness of the area.

If the same clash happened once again, Patriarch Muto and Patriarch Kiri would come out much better, but that was something that Patriarch Senbu didn't wish to happen.

He didn't want to give time and hope to his enemies, especially knowing what kind of attention what happened just now would attract.

He had to finish this as soon as possible, before he made the preparations for those vultures that would be coming soon, especially that new Eastern Ruler.

With those thoughts in mind he decided to not hold back any longer, and once again smoke started pouring out of his body.

This time the smoke was bright red like blood, giving an extremely eerie feeling. Even though the previous pitch black ninja was scary, the one now seemed like death himself.

Of course the scariest part about this new guy was that he was in no way inferior to the previous one as terror struck the hearts of Patriarch Muto, and Patriarch Kiri.

They were finished, it was impossible for them to survive this attack, the only thing that they could think at that moment was to escape.

They could only run away!

Even though it meant that they were abandoning their people and their families they had no other choice but to run away.

As long as they were alive their families had a hope of being reborn in the future…

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