Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 902: Kill First Ask Later

"You should die!"

While the old man had yet to understand what the hell was going on, and who was the one responsible for his downfall, he heard Tianlong Yun's serious voice and felt shivers down to his soul.

At first sight, Tianlong Yun looked just like a debauched Young Master who only cared about his carnal desires and nothing else.

Yet, the moment that he opened his mouth and stated those words in a cold, and detached voice, the old man felt like the Grim Reaper had sentenced him to death.

No, that couldn't be, right!?


Unfortunately, the reality was much different from what he expected, as the next moment, the pressure around his body grew so big that he felt like a normal mortal pulled by four horses in four directions.

He was unable to even plead for forgiveness when his body was ripped into four parts just like he was some piece of paper.

This was the fragility of human life, or to be more accurate the fragility of the weak. In face of strength, nothing else mattered.

Normally the vitality of such an expert was extremely high, even though he was quite old at the moment, he was a genius that had reached quite a high cultivation.

He was someone that could easily live through a few thousand years, yet under the remaining pressure of Tianlong Yun's move, his fleshly body immediately started rotting.

Surprisingly though his life didn't seem to have fully ended, as before the crowd could reveal their looks of horror and fear the old man's soul seemed to jump out of nowhere and try to run away.

As long as he had hope, he would return back stronger and take his revenge on whoever this bastard brat was.

The plan and the mentality seemed great, but before he could even run away, an invisible net to the naked eye surrounded and trapped him.

"What!? Noooo~! Impossible~!"

He could only scream in unwillingness as the net started closing down on him and crushing his soul slowly.

It was clear that Tianlong Yun was taking his sweet time killing the guy, while the rest of the people in there seemed unable to even believe their eyes and senses.

'Aaaarrrrggghhhh~! Stooppppp~! Pleaseeeeee~! Aaarrrggghhhhh~!'

Unable to bear the strong suppression on his soul and the fact that his existence was being threatened the old man could only scream in pain and fear.

Fortunately or unfortunately though only Tianlong Yun was able to hear his screams of pain and fear, as to the rest it was nothing more than a show of lights.

A small firefly seemed to be covered in some shiny plastic. The firefly seemed to be doing everything it could to escape, but it never was enough.

Tianlong Yun didn't seem to be in a hurry, he continued to slowly increase the pressure on the small soul while continuing to enjoy the service of the beauties.

Half an hour later the situation was the same. Tianlong Yun continued to pressure and crush the soul of the captured expert, while the beauties were still servicing him.

The people in the crowd seemed to be still breathing but had given up on living! Until now they had hopes that someone powerful would take Tianlong Yun down in their stead, but now it was over.

Whatever hope and wish they had seemed beyond impossible at this moment, and they seemed to have lost all vitality.

They were nothing more than living corpses, even those that had told their women to gain Tianlong Yun's favor earlier couldn't help but have hopes and resentment in their hearts.

And now that they had been faced with the harsh reality of Tianlong Yun's true strength, their souls seemed to have been crushed.

At this moment, Tianlong Yun immediately seemed to have noticed something above him, as he looked with a strange look towards the sky, and especially in a direction.

"Heheheheh~! Little bastard, how dare you to mess with our country, and with the Ancient Powers of this World! You truly seem to not know how to spell the word 'dead'!"

Just as Tianlong Yun's expression was getting more and more serious a hoarse and creepy voice entered his ears and threatened him.

It seemed like it wasn't only the J country's plan, but even the plot of those bastards from the West, they were trying to kill him.

Surely they shouldn't know his identity as the Patriarch of the Shadow Clan, and they only knew he was behind the great happenings.

This meant that either someone close to him had actually betrayed and sold him to the Western Powers, or they had some form or some way to find out about him and his plans.

Either way, it seemed like his peaceful life would be ending soon, as the whole world was about to turn into his enemy.

Before all that though, there seemed to be a much more difficult trial to overcome, and that was the current attack and situation.

"Hmph~! Even if I die here today, do you think you can escape death!?"

With a cold snort and a cold voice, Tianlong Yun just moved his hand into a grabbing gesture and quickly pulled something towards himself.

"Huh!? How!? Noooo~! Im-Impossible~!"

Unfortunately no matter how impossible he found this situation to be, he could feel the space around him press and pull him towards Tianlong Yun just like a sheep to the butcher.

Tianlong Yun didn't seem to care about his unbelieving face, and expression, as he quickly pulled him towards himself, and the moment he placed his hand on the guy's throat, he disappeared.

It looked like Tianlong Yun's policy had changed drastically, if before he would deal with his prey just like a cat playing with her food, this time he was killing first and asking later.

This type of Tianlong Yun seemed much softer and smoother than the previous one, despite the cruelty that he was showing. At least he killed the opponent directly and didn't humiliate them.

But while the crowd behind him was thinking like that, they suddenly felt their instincts ring just like alarm clocks, warning them of their impending doom.

It felt terrible like they had no other choice or option besides death! How could that be!? Even a Great Boundary Ascension Expert's attack didn't give them that feeling.

Furthermore, there was Tianlong Yun in front of them. Even though this bastard was extremely vicious and evil he wouldn't let them die as long as he was there.

So why did they feel so hopeless, so scared, and so frightened!?


At that moment and situation, they could only feel the pressure increase exponentially in an instant, as their bodies were being crushed to mush before everything became dark around them.

It was unknown whether they just passed out or died, but there was just the sound of a really fast sword cutting effortlessly through the wind and no loud resounding explosion.

Even in their last moments, they could only see Tianlong Yun's figure covered in light and slowly disappearing from existence.

Only one thought run through their mind before they lost conscience. 'Something terrible had happened!'

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