Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 890: A Mole

This Master wasn't the only one with such thoughts and such intentions, as there were two more of his 'friends' and 'partners' were in the same position.

While their sons weren't as bad as the guy who had one of his arms cut at the joint, they weren't that much better either.

Their bodies were fully bruised, and quite a few of their teeth had been broken, not to mention the disgust and appetite disruption. They had truly been terrified and kicked down like rugs.

What's worse, these two 'friends' and 'partners' already had received full of Tianlong Yun's words, and they were on the same, not to say higher level of rage than the first guy.

Fortunately or unfortunately though they weren't as hasty and hot-blooded as their partner so they didn't make a quick act and decided to watch upon what would happen first.

If the situation was favorable for them to make a move they would support the 'cannon fodder. If not they would proceed according to the situation.

While the three Masters were making their plans and preparations, Tianlong Yun was enjoying life in his Immortal Hall's branch in the city.

In these years, his Immortal Hall had become an international brand with branches and franchises all over Earth.

He didn't seem to care in the least about what his released rabbits would bring to him. In fact, he was quite looking forward to that.

He wanted to know what these ants would be able to pull off before they started begging, this was just the start of this whole mess.

At the moment he was enjoying the care and attention of one of the beauties beside him who was feeding him grapes while the rest were massaging their body, as someone knocked on the door.

It was another beauty! Well, while she was certainly over the average she was nowhere even close to beauties like those beside him.

Still, the reason she had knocked on the door wasn't to come and serve Tianlong Yun, but to give him a notice,

"Young Master Tian I am sorry to disturb you like this, but in name of the Immortal Hall I would plead you to leave the place, as we have received information of your personal grudges outside!"

Our Immortal Hall is an upright and honored institution that doesn't wish to involve in the local and worldly disputes of other people or organizations!

So, please!"

Even though this beauty was actually speaking respectful words, her voice was quite a bit overbearing and cold.

It was clear that she was just putting up an act, to pretend like this was the decision of the establishment and not her own idea.

Of course, she had quite a few mistakes of her own, and among them, the biggest was that she didn't actually introduce herself or her rank in the establishment.

The moment that Tianlong Yun heard those words he immediately got extremely angry, despite not showing the slightest bit of it on his face.

"Are you kicking us out!? Is this how your Immortal Hall acts with all of their esteemed guests!?"

"Hahaha~! Esteemed guests!? Do you take me as a fool!?

If you were as you say you are, an esteemed guest, then the establishment owner would have personally come here to receive you, and you wouldn't be staying in such a box, but in our top ones!

So, before this gets any uglier than it already is, and lest you make an enemy of our Immortal Hall establishment, then you better run as fast as you can!"

The beauty seemed unable to control herself any longer as she immediately jumped into the offense. Either she thought too highly of the Immortal Hall, or she thought too little of Tianlong Yun.

"That seems really scary but clarify something for me before I run with my tail in between my legs! Is this only your opinion and decision or that of the manager, and the Immortal Hall as well!?"

The beauty was taken a bit by surprise by the sudden question, as the truth was this was her personal act. She saw this as her opportunity to not only make a fortune but also promote herself.

By showing to the owner of the place her quick wits, and her quick actions, and saving this Immortal Hall branch from any damage, she was more than certain that she would be promoted.

"Hmph~! Of course, this is the decision of my Immortal Hall, how would I dare to come here and talk like this without their backing!"

"That is what I thought as well! It looks like Xiangyun has become really careless lately! I will have to punish her later!"

The beauty didn't understand what Tianlong Yun was saying, she thought that he was just mumbling to himself. She never thought that Tianlong Yun was talking about the big boss of the establishment herself.

No matter what kind of establishment it was, if it grew too fast too big it was bound to come with problems like this.

Fortunately, Tianlong Yun and Tianlong XiangYun would filter all these moles whenever they could, and it was impossible for them to reach any high position in the Clan.

The beauty in front of him was only one of such moles who had stupidly shown itself right now. To her bad luck, her timing couldn't have been worse.

"I am losing patience here! Either disappear before I lose it or face the consequences!"

Seeing that Tianlong Yun wasn't leaving, and for some strange reason not feeling confident she could deal with him, the beauty decided to pressure Tianlong Yun into leaving.

As for the man himself, he just looked at this stupid woman in front of him without much of an expression on his face, as he seemed to talk to no one in special,

"Take her down for interrogation and bring the manager to see me! I want to know everything in 5 minutes!"

The beauty seemed a bit startled and angry at Tianlong Yun's attitude and words, as she thought that this guy must have lost his mind.

But before she could even open her mouth to say a word, she felt someone grab her from behind and place his hand on her mouth to shut her off!

She hadn't realized from where did that guy appear, or how. Still, she wasn't some weakling either, as she quickly recollected herself and immediately tried to escape the capture.

Unfortunately, all her actions were useless as not only wasn't she able to escape but she was also crippled by one palm to her back.

With just one move, the person who had captured her had broken her spine and crippled her, before pounding her to the ground.

She wanted to scream in pain and fury, unfortunately, she couldn't do shit. If she had at least her mouth at this moment she would start screaming and threatening Tianlong Yun.

Like that, she could probably scare him into pulling back and letting her go. now that her spine had been broken and she had been crippled there was no way she was letting Tianlong Yun go.

But she had to stay alive until the manager, and the rest of the personnel of the Immortal Hall came into her protection.

She no longer cared about her mission and protection, she only wanted Tianlong Yun's suffering, torture, and life.

Surprisingly though, Tianlong Yun didn't make a move, and neither did the guy who had crippled her, and she didn't know what to make of this situation.

Even though she was in a total delirious state due to the extreme pain, fury, and rage, she was still praying that Tianlong Yun didn't kill her until the manager and the rest came here.

Fortunately, it didn't take long for the manager to come running to the box, and even though her eyes were covered by her tears of pain and fury, she was able to see his appearance.

What happened next though, was what it totally terrified her and made her think that perhaps she had died and was watching illusions of torture.

After all, how could this be possible!? The manager came running inside, and without even caring about her and her condition, he immediately walked in front of Tianlong Yun and kneeled.

It was a kneel of revery and fear, something that she was witnessing for the first time! The proud and swan-like manager actually kneeled in front of someone like Tianlong Yun!

What the hell was this!?

"Disciple Hua greets the Patriarch and the Mistresses!"

The moment that she heard these words, the now crippled beauty couldn't help but feel her soul leave her body, as she had never even dreamed this possible.

Right now she regretted her actions, regretted her words, regretted her greed, but unfortunately, there was no medicine for regret.

"You better have a good explication for this!"

Tianlong Yun's voice was heavy, and stern, making even the beautiful manager shiver in fear, not to mention the crippled beauty on the ground.

Her mission had failed spectacularly and miserably!

While something like this happened to Tianlong Yun, the three Local Masters' armies were in the surroundings of the Immortal Hall.

Just like vultures and hyenas surrounding dead meat, they were all waiting for the opportune moment to make their move.

One thing was for sure, whatever happened tonight big changes would follow right after. The small city would change a lot.

'bzzt…, bzztt…'

At this moment the First Master who had decided to make the move first received a text message and his lips curled into a devilish grin, as he said,

"Prepare for action…"

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