Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 888: Next Target & Commotion

"Forward to Japan!"

The crew was a bit startled by the sudden instruction, but they did just as they were told. Leader Hwang had properly instructed them that Tianlong Yun's orders were higher than his own.

While they had no idea what had happened, and why their Leader said something like that, they didn't dare to try and figure out why either.

While Tianlong Yun was in the Ocean, a strong wave of unrest was going through all of Asia. The rumors that they had all disregarded at first were turning into a reality.

The moment that they had all heard that Huaxia was becoming the ruler of Asia, they had all thought that this was nothing more than a ruse from the Western organization to seed unrest in the East.

But the moment that the Leader of Korea appeared and actually announced his deference to Huaxia, and his resignation the ruse became real and frightening.

That was because Huaxia had started to move and it had already taken a real step towards its goal, they had already brought a great country under their control.

This was both a piece of startling news but also a terrifying one for the rest of the Asiatic countries, who couldn't help but get fearful.

More about the countries, and people themselves, it were the Leaders and the Guardians who were scared of the possibility it brought.

Until now they had enjoyed most of the resources their countries could produce by themselves, and for their own people. They were having a blast doing whatever they wanted however they wanted.

Yet, all of a sudden the balance in Asia had been totally upturned, and now there was a country, there were some people that wanted to rule over them, their fates, and their resources.

That was something that none of them could bear to see it happen, for that reason, none of them was willing to accept the change.

Still, seeing that even a great country like Korea, with someone like Leader Hwang, had given up in front of Huaxia's strength and power, they understood that they weren't the other party's opponent.

For that reason, the way they saw it there were two paths in front of them, the first was to use public opinion, hate, and cannon fodder to block Huaxia's path, and turn them into the demon.

Secondly was to seek help from the West, whether that help would be in the form of experts or resources, they would be willing to accept anything.

The only problem would be the price they would have to pay after they had received their help, so they saw this second chance as a last resort.

Without wasting time, these leaders, and the organizations below them started spreading negative information about Huaxia and its purposes.

Among the information, it was said that the Huaxia people had turned into bloodthirsty demons who wanted to engulf the whole East in a big war that would claim millions of lives.

Not only that but they were even prepared to use mass destruction, and biochemical weapons to wipe their countries and their people from the map, only to replace them with their people.

At first, the general public was caught by surprise by the piece of news, and many saw it as a simple stupid declaration.

After all, who would dare to start a war in this day and age!? It was nothing from becoming the enemy of the whole planet.

But slowly, through different means, and through different situations, more and more people started to believe it.

Each and every country of the East started their own preparations with regard to this news, as they all invested a large amount of money in militarizing their people and preparing for war.

Surprisingly while the whole of Asia was preparing for a continental war, Huaxia was continuing its normal life without caring about them.

This surprised all those Leaders and Guardians as they were expecting at least some sort of response from Huaxia, even if it was a response of fear and protection.

Yet there was nothing!

It seemed like they didn't really care about whatever actions these guys and countries took. They were completely ignoring everything and everyone.

These guys had all expected Huaxia to start a military campaign and take control of Asia, as they had no intention of surrendering, but it looked like they were all fooled.

Just what the hell was going on!?

Why wasn't Huaxia acting!? They should know that with the takeover of Korea all these guys would get restless and start preparing, only a blitzkrieg attack might take them down.

At least in order to take control of more than half of Asia, once that was done then they could easily deal with the rest.

But without having at least half of them, the battle wasn't won, and they would never be able to become the rulers of Asia.

For some reason, the more did Huaxia behave like that, the more scared they became, as a truly bad foreboding was birthed in their hearts.

This situation was truly unnerving, and they couldn't allow it to continue like this, unfortunately, there was nothing they could do.

While all those countries and Leaders were feeling anxious and scared, Tianlong Yun had finally reached the coast of Japan and was ready to disembark from his yacht.

There were two beauties accompanying him there, one of them being the beauty from the Muto Clan, one of the country's giants.

The other one had a much more humble standing, but she was nonetheless someone that Tianlong Yun appreciated as she was his first Korean woman.

The journey had been quite pacifying, and pleasant for him as he had enjoyed the ocean with these two beauties by his side.

The moment that his yacht docked at the docks, and he came out accompanied by the two beauties though he attracted quite the attention.

It was normal, with the expensive ride he had, and the beauties by his side it would be weird if he didn't.

'Sigh~! There will always be idiots, no matter one goes! Just like there is bad grass even in the most beautiful garden, there will be cow dumps like this in every place and society.'

Despite having these thoughts though he pretended to not notice it, as he just got into the car prepared for him outside and left the docks area with the two beauties.

Less than 15 minutes after they had left the docks, there was a small caravan of 3 cars following behind him.

At this moment Tianlong Yun seemed to be resting on the Muto Clan beauty's chest, while the other beauty was massaging his feet.

The driver and the two ladies quickly understood that they were being followed, but none of them dared to disrupt Tianlong Yun's rest.

The small caravan seemed to be coming closer and closer with the intention of overtaking them, and the driver was thinking to increase the speed when he suddenly heard,

"Pull aside! It's time for some entertainment!"

The driver was a member of the Shadow Clan, one of the best operatives in this country, which was also why he was chosen as Tianlong Yun's driver.

He knew perfectly that Tianlong Yun was his Clan's Patriarch, and even though he was a bit taken aback at how young Tianlong Yun was, he didn't dare to underestimate him.

After all, which among the Shadow Clan hadn't heard about the tales of their majestic Patriarch? One could say that some of the members were even more obsessed that cult leaders with Tianlong Yun.

The moment that he heard Tianlong Yun's instruction, he immediately did as he was told, as he couldn't help but expect a great show in front of him.

While he wasn't the type to actively bully and deal with people like the bastards following behind them, he was certainly going to enjoy seeing them being taught their place.

Stopping the car aside, he immediately got outside and opened the door for Tianlong Yun, as Tianlong Yun came down followed by the two beauties.

"10 Qi pills that their sisters will be involved!"

"20 their mothers will be too!"

Just as Tianlong Yun was waiting for the caravan to arrive with a calm, and a creepy grin on his face, the beauty of the Muto Clan openly discussed a bet with her 'sister'.

Tianlong Yun almost choked upon his own saliva as he heard that, but just as he thought that the other one wouldn't accept something like this, she gave him a much more terrifying hit.

"Cough…, cough…, cough… What kind of monster do you think I am!? Would I ever do something like that!?"

Even though he didn't believe the words he said, but he still said them with conviction, only to see the two women look at him with clear-cutting faces.

After staying by his side all this while, they had started to become much more relaxed, and easy to talk with him, as they had found that he was extremely approachable.

That was also why they dared to talk and bet like this in front of him. Tianlong Yun was the type that wouldn't bicker with his women, as long as they didn't commit any grave mistakes.

Their faces now, clearly demonstrated that not even a ghost would believe him when suddenly the caravan stopped, and without even getting down from their vehicle, one of the guys said in an arrogant and authoritative voice,

"Leave the ladies, and scram to your mommy if you don't want to die!"

"Heheheh~! Brother Sota, what if his mother is a great beauty also!? Why don't you tell him to bring her as well!"

"Heheheh~! You are right! You heard my brother right, bring her too! Hahahahah~!"

While the two Young Master were talking like that, Tianlong Yun looked at the two ladies beside him with a look that said.

'Can you blame me!?'

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