Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 886: A Clown showing his Skills

While Leader Hwang was enraged and focused on humiliating Tianlong Yun for whatever he had done, the crowd couldn't help but look at him in astonishment and fear.

Even the soldiers around the venue couldn't help but feel that they had probably chosen the wrong side. They had probably done a great mistake.

Kim Family Head couldn't help but look at the whole situation much more carefully, and cautiously, as he didn't really know how it would end.

His Kim Family's luck was already entangled with Tianlong Yun's, he didn't have a way out of it momentarily.

But at the same time, he had personally witnessed Tianlong Yun's prowess, and he knew that despite his looks, and his age, Tianlong Yun wasn't an ordinary powerhouse.

It would be impossible for him to die just like that, without putting up even the smallest counterattack. For that reason, he was looking carefully at Tianlong Yun.

On the other hand, Tianlong Yun just looked at the bubble of water around him and seemed to sense whatever he could from that.

Differently from what the crowd around him thought, he was actually inspecting the bubble of water with a calm, cool, and collected face, he didn't seem to be in a dangerous situation.

The one who got the biggest shock from this situation was most certainly Leader Hwang, who knew the wonders of his trick, and he didn't expect Tianlong Yun to treat it like a little bubble of water.

That guy not only didn't seem afraid of the situation, but he even had the time and audacity to check it out like he was watching a work of art at the museum.

Tianlong Yun wasn't afraid or perturbed by the situation he was in, even though the water around him was growing in volume by the second.

Along with the mass of water around him, even the pressure around him grew stronger and it was a bit more difficult to breathe.

He felt like a normal person being crushed by a large, and big rock over his lungs, but that didn't seem to bother him in the least.

He was just looking at the Water Law principles in front of him and perhaps trying to get some comprehension from it.

Water Law was one of the Existential Laws, and one of the strongest among them because there was no life without water.

For Leader Hwang to be able to have an insight into such an important law clearly showed his great geniality and his talent.

No matter what character, and personality he had, the fact remained that he was still a talent who had taken his second step towards Godhood and was extremely close to being one.

Tianlong Yun valued him a lot, but what he was doing right now was nothing more than a clown showing his tricks in front of a great real magician.

Tianlong Yun's composure and attitude, while he was in the bubble of water growing by the second, was a great demonstration of how useless his little insight was in front of a true powerhouse.

Without caring much about the faces of the people in the crowd, or the facial expression of Leader Hwang himself who was slowly getting tired of using such a high consuming skill, Tianlong Yun continued with his work.

Unfortunately, while he was able to effortlessly stay inside the water bubble, and consider its principles for as long as possible, Leader Hwang wasn't able to continue for long.

After 5 minutes were over, Leader Hwang was unable to control the Water Law any longer, in defiance of the Earthly Laws, and he could only fall on his knees tired.

Immediately after the water bubble popped, and the water followed its natural path, while Tianlong Yun came out of it looking the same as when he had been placed in that water bubble.

There wasn't even a drop of water on his body, his face was rosy, and his breathing was even and calm, there was no sign that he had been under some 'terrifying' technique of Leader Hwang.

The same crowd that was earlier astonished and terrified of Leader Hwang, was now astonished and horrified by Tianlong Yun.

"H-ho-how is th-this po-poss-possible!?"

Knowing how difficult it was to reach this level, and how unique it was on Earth, Leader Hwang couldn't accept the reality in front of him, so he could only ask in despair and disbelief.

"Y-yo-you mu-must hav-have a-an art-artif-artifact, r-ri-right!?"

At that moment though his mind immediately found a reasonable logic that he was willing to accept. Like that, it wouldn't have been his fault, but that damn artifact's.

Opposite him, Tianlong Yun just looked at him with an evil grin, and mocking stare, as he said in a calm, cool, and detached voice,

"Artifact!? Do you think I need an artifact to deal with those clown skills of yours!? I truly do congratulate and value you to have found enlightenment into the Law and principles, but that's all.

Do you think that you have become a God now that you have a little insight!? Do you think that you are undefeated on this small Planet after reaching that!?

Do you think that you are fit to become the ruler of the whole World with just these meager skills!?

Aren't you humiliating and boasting yourself too much!?"

Each and every one of Tianlong Yun's sentences hit at Leader Hwang's self-confidence, and arrogance like a nuke.

In but a few moments, in but a few sentences he had turned from a proud swan to a meager chicken, unable and undaring to raise his head.

It was no wonder, as Tianlong Yun was using his Soul Suggestion on the guy, affecting directly his soul, and not only his conscience.

No matter what barriers and defenses his mind put in front to protect the ideas and thoughts in his head, the words reaching the soul would shatter them completely, and make the guy doubt.

Still, his conscience wouldn't give up that easily, as it immediately got into a reflexive counterattack, as Leader Hwang voiced out,

"Heheheheh~! A mere brat who relies on an artifact! What rights do you have to judge me and talk to me like that!?"

At this moment, Leader Hwang looked like he had gone crazy, and this craziness had brought him a frightening calm and a smile to his face.

After all, he truly believed that Tianlong Yun must have relied upon some external to resist his Water Law and that he was shamelessly boasting by saying that he didn't need such a thing.

"Hoh!? Is that so!? I truly valued your talent and potential to be able to reach such a stage on this small planet, but it looks like you are still a frog at the bottom of the well!

Normally I wouldn't bother with something like this, but I am willing to make one last effort to fully break and subdue you!"

With that said, Tianlong Yun's face showed a devilish grin, while he released his own Law domain upon Leader Hwang.

Instantly, the guy's face went pale as a sheet of paper, while all the blood in his body started churning up, his breathing seemed to have stopped, and he was unable to believe it.

This was the moment of truth for him, a moment and opportunity that he might never have come across.

Something that he couldn't believe it was possible! It was just mind-blowing. At this moment the magician was showing a 'true' skill to the clown, who could only admire it in revelry and terror.

Leader Hwang had his 'water bubble' shattered immediately, as he finally understood what was the next step he should walk towards.

This next step was much more difficult and arduous than whatever he had done until now, but just the thought of reaching it made his heart beat as fast as when he was a young boy seeking money, beauty, and power.

Tianlong Yun looked at the guy's expression from the side without caring much about him. If it weren't for his momentary desire to see what this guy would become in the future, he would have already killed him.

This was an opportunity, a second life chance that he was bestowing himself upon the guy. It depended upon him to whether value this opportunity or throw it!

"Master, please forgive me for my rudeness, and take me as your disciple!"

Under the fully mind-blown and stupefied looks, and expressions of the whole crowd around them, Leader Hwang didn't waste time as he immediately kowtowed in front of Tianlong Yun asking to be taken as a disciple.

"You aren't worthy of being my disciple, yet! But I can give you some guidance and help if you obey me well! Perhaps in the future, if you show enough potential, perhaps!"

If the first part hadn't already stupefied those present, Tianlong Yun's words surely did! A lot of these high and mighty figures had to clean their ears, fearing that they hadn't heard properly.

Tianlong Yun was calling their Leader worthless to become his disciple, this was certainly a piece of shocking news, and many feared that their Leader would go into a rage.

Differently from their expectations though, not only didn't their Leader enter rage mode, but he even turned into a soft and ass-licking puppy, as he said,

"I will try my best Master, just please allow me to call you Master until then! I promise to show you that I am worthy, I swear to make you change your opinion of me!"

'Was this guy still their ferocious and angry Leader!? Why did he seem more like a secretary or assistant asking for a raise!?'

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