Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 882: Another Trap

Well, that was only the first part of the terrible news set in front of the Shadow Clan, and Tianlong Yun as there was a more terrifying part to it as well.

What truly could spell as a piece of terrible news for the Shadow Clan was the fact, or to be more accurate the news that the government and the big families were actually ceasing hostility.

Not only that but they seemed to be extremely close to finding closure about their disagreements and taking a unified approach against the 'couple' in the first view.

This was something that was extremely against Tianlong Yun's and Shadow Clan's interests. Since the Clam and the Snipe weren't fighting anymore, then the Fisherman wouldn't be able to interfere.

There would be no benefits for the fisherman, and that would beat all the purpose of his arrival to this place.

Either that, or he would be forced to do everything himself, fighting against both sides by himself. While that was an option, it was the last option.

Of course, despite all this news and information, Tianlong Yun still had no intention of giving orders and instructions, everything was left in the hands of his shadow.

If he made a move at this time and moment, it would be the same as disrupting everything he had done until now.

Not to mention, that even if everything went to hell, he still had the power to fix everything. And if he had to burn the place into a desert then he would do just that, and let it be a warning for the rest.

With these thoughts in mind, Tianlong Yun continued enjoying life in his presidential suite, with his beauties, while his Shadow was dealing with the situation.

At this moment, the said shadow was in quite a complex and difficult situation. He felt that things had turned for the worst since he was trying to get fast success.

He had pushed the enemy too far, and they had decided to put their troubles behind their backs to deal with the bigger problem from outside.

Things were bound to become even more difficult from now on, as he had even received news of a possible big meeting between the government and the big families to discuss about their cooperation.

He clearly wanted to hijack this event and make sure that there were no peace talks between the two sides, but he didn't know how to do it.

After all, attacking both sides would end up in just bringing them closer, and attacking only one side, the other side would attack his people, and he would lose precious 'brothers' and 'sisters'.

With these thoughts in mind, he was undecided about what to do, as whatever choice or decision he made was going to affect the situation in the long run.

For that reason, he couldn't help but think deeply about the situation. He had to make sure that whatever choice he made, at least it wouldn't destroy the current advantage.

Meanwhile, both parties were preparing for the meeting that would take place soon, and each side had its own agenda.

While they would act united, and together against the foreign threat, their hands were still at each other's throats.

Each side was thinking of having the best out of this situation, especially the Kim Family. They were planning on giving all the help they could to the government to deal with the danger in front of them.

Sending more experts, and resources to the government would certainly be a difficult and dangerous decision to be taken, but the opponent shouldn't be anything simple either.

In fact, with what they had seen until that point, the opponent was quite difficult to handle, as even now there weren't many traces of them.

Like that, they would wash their hands from this topic, as they would have made the clam and snipe fight together while putting their selves in the position of the Fisherman.

The government had a completely different approach from the Kim Family though. They were thinking that while they 'fought' against the frightening foreigners they would take control of the country.

Of course, once everything was under their control, they would start then pushing all the 'traitors' and foreign factors from their country, while sealing the place down.

Time passed extremely fast, as tonight was the big meeting that all the interested parties had racked their brains to decide on how to act and deal with whatever issue there would be.

The venue was a neutral location on the outskirts of the capital, and even though this was a 'secret meeting' the whole country, and the world seemed to be aware of it.

After all, the more lucrative the Trap is, the higher are the possibilities of the rat jumping upon it and losing its life.

They weren't trying to hide the fact that this was actually a trap! In fact, it would be more accurate to say that they were openly admitting to it.

But even though there was a trap, everyone understood just how important something like this was, and they couldn't lose the opportunity even though it was a trap.

People were coming one after the other, and while the security at the entrance was weak no one doubted that soon the place would be sealed.

Whoever came in this place would come here to die!

Slowly but surely whoever needed to come was coming, yet there was no sign of any intruder or suspicious people.

Even though these guys suspected of almost everyone in there, they still hadn't found someone who would 'truly' be the suspicious person. 

Even though that guy wouldn't walk around with a sign on his forehead showing that he was the suspicious person everyone was thinking about.

It didn't take long before the important people of the government, and the big families arrived, as the only people missing were the Leader and the Kim Family Head.

It seemed like those two were challenging each other about who arrived the latest and had the crowd's attention, with neither of them backing down.

Time was ticking, and soon it was the time to start the conference, but there was still no sight of the Leader and the Kim Family Head.

The crowd started worrying that something might have happened to the two of them, but knowing their strength, that was just a slight concern.

Who knew what all these people would think if they knew that both of those guys had yet to appear due to being tsundere about who would be coming last.

Or that could be a scheme of theirs to see who were the most anxious and suspicious people among the crowd.

It was only when the time had passed by around 2 hours, that finally, two limos appeared at the entrance of the venue, as both guys arrived at the same time.

While they seemed both courteous and respectful to each other, there seemed to be a slight hostility in their gazes. But everyone found that simply normal.

"Everyone, let us sit down and immediately start with this conference, as there are a lot of things we need to discuss, and no one is leaving this place until we have solved every issue we have!"

In order to state his position and standing, the Leader was the one to throw the order for everyone to sit and start preparing for the marathon in front of them.

The Kim Family Head just looked at the Leader with a smiling face and did just as he was told. After all, he had achieved what he wanted to do, the Leader had lost his cool.

In but a short time, the people in the crowd started screaming and jumping in each other's throats as they discussed the issues between both sides.

Each side claiming to be in the right, while undermining the other side's efforts. The only people who seemed to be calm and collected about this issue were the Kim Family people.

These guys weren't becoming part of the mess and seemed to be trying to act as a mediary between the people with opposing views to find a middle path.

It was weird, really weird, as normally the Kim Family were the ones to raise their voice the loudest, and the whole crowd couldn't help but look at them with doubt and suspicion.

It was at a point that a Kim Family member was trying to find a common path between the two sides, that someone close to the Leader exploded in a loud sound,

"Kim Family Head what is the meaning of this!? What are you trying to do!? Do you think you and your people are the Leaders and in control of this country now!?"

The whole crowd's attention turned towards Kim Family Head, and that guy, who was looking at each other with weird looks.

The Leader's guy was looking at Kim Family Head with hostility and anger, while Kim Family Head was looking at him with a grin and grimace.

He didn't seem bothered in the least by the accusations, as he turned his smiling face towards the Leader, and said in a low but clear voice,

"Hehehe~! It seems like it's my win this time, the people on your side got worked up first!"

The Leaders face was dark and gloomy right now, but he understood what Kim Family Head was saying, as he said in a displeased voice,

"You are right, these fools made me lose face again! Act now!"

Immediately as he said those words, sounds of choppers, heavy armored cars, tanks, and soldiers running were heard, as the venue was sealed completely…

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