Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 875: Stalemate & Next Move

"Unfortunately the Justice League and EITS have proven to be a bit too much for us, so we would really appreciate some help!

With Elder Po reaching this level, I am sure that Huaxia will now have a few soldiers to spare and help us in eradicating this evil from our planet!"

This old fox, understanding that there was no way for him to get what he had come here for that night, he could only divert his objectives.

It's not like he truly expected any form of help from Huaxia, he just wanted to change the topic, and escape the maze they had been placed in.

"Hmmm~! Your words do hold some truth in them Elder Snake, with my current strength is not only Huaxia who I should protect but the whole world.

Thank you for reminding me of such an extremely important matter Elder Snake! With that in mind, my Huaxia will immediately send people to help you in those regards, we need to exterminate evil.

Really good words!"


Elder Snake had never thought such a scenario possible because while Elder Po seemed to be talking about responsibility there was a slight expression of greed on his face.

Just from that look on his face, it was clear that he wasn't intending to take only the responsibility that came with his power, but also all the benefits possible that came with his strength.

In short, a new wolf had been born in this small hut, and now they had to share the food! As if EITS and Justice League weren't enough, something like this had to happen.

Elder Snake now wanted to give himself a good kick on the bottoms just for the stupid words he had just spouted a moment ago.

He had made the situation develop from disaster to hell, and now he could only regret for his running mouth, the first in his life.

The only good thing about this whole ordeal was that Huaxia had actually agreed to send people to help them out against the Justice League and EITS.

Even though this situation couldn't be said to be the best, it wasn't the worse either.

After all, the moment they took care of the Justice League and EITS, there was nothing stopping them from dealing with Huaxia.

This was the best that he could think about at the moment, as he said in a fake grateful voice,

"Then I must thank Elder Po in advance for your help! I only hope that our cooperation lasts as long as Heavens themselves!"

"Heheheheh~! Sure it will, sure Elder Snake! In fact, our Huaxia will show our great will for a long cooperation by taking over our weak shoulders all the burden that your organizations have in Asia!"

"You are…"

Elder Snake was certainly startled and stunned by Huaxia's appetite for that reason he was a bit late to react, as the guy who played the bad cop earlier, jumped in anger.

Fortunately, he was quick enough to shut his mouth, before he caused even more trouble for the three of them.

"This Seat is what!?"

This time Elder Po seemed to be extremely displeased with the attitude and reactions of the 'bad cop' as he immediately released all the pressure that came with his level of strength.

'Cough…, cough…, cough…'

"Elder Po please stand your hand!"

This was already the third time that this guy was acting like this, and he needed a good reminder that he wasn't facing someone of his own standing, but someone that needed to be treated with respect.

For that reason, Tianlong Yun used his puppet to release all the pressure it could, with his help, and focus on that guy only.

Just as he had planned, the pressure was too big and too sudden for him to bear with it, and the 'bad cop' could only bend on his knees and cough a few mouthfuls of blood.

At that time, it was Elder Snake, the good cop, who immediately got in front of him, and tried to reason with Elder Po.

"Who do you think you are to be ordering this Seat around, Elder Snake!?"

Of course, since the situation had developed like this Tianlong Yun couldn't soften his stance, as he continued with his performance.

"No one, I am no one in front of you, Esteemed Master Po, I just don't want this situation to take a direction that neither side wishes!"

"Hmph~! Then you better control the people on your side, Elder Snake! Otherwise, you can't blame this Seat!"

"Yes, yes, of course, Esteemed Master Po! I will personally explain everything to his organization, and make sure that they give you an appropriate explanation!"

"Hmph~! They better do, otherwise this Seat with paying them a personal visit, and I assure you that it won't be anything good!"

Elder Snake was once again surprised and startled by Elder Po's words and stance, because the timid and always bending old man, had suddenly turned from a puppy to a starving wolf full of greed.

The worst part was that there was nothing he could do about it, as his strength wasn't sufficient, and different from the 'bad cop' idiot he could clearly understand that his organization wouldn't be able to help him at the moment.

He could only take it low this time and return the favor when the situation reversed. After all, once Justice League and EITS were over, it would be the time for Huaxia to disappear as well.

Seeing that Elder Snake was surprised and startled by his words Tianlong Yun said in a low but clear voice for all of them to hear,

"Why are you still staying in front of this Seat!? You better disappear before I change my mind! Do remember that Asia will be under our protection, and responsibility from now on.

Should I see people from your side unauthorized, I will treat them as trespassers! Was I clear!?"

In simple words, he was threatening the trio in front of him, and to the extent the people behind them, that they shouldn't appear in Asia without informing them, otherwise they would be treated as criminals.

While normal criminals would most likely and probably be put in jail, the situation was more than bleak for experts that were part of the supernatural.

Fortunately this time, Elder Snake managed to block the dirty mouth of the 'bad cop' as he said in a serious and solemn voice,

"I will direct your words to the Leaders but it will depend on them!"

"Well, it doesn't really matter what they think, they have no other choice anyway! After all, if you make us your enemy, then we would be left with no option but to cooperate with EITS or Justice League!"

"Okay, I understand!"

Elder Snake could only clench his teeth and accept what Elder Po just said, that was the bitter truth and reality they were faced with.

Even though a part of it was his fault, the one who was the most responsible and guilty about it was none other than the 'bad cop' idiot powerhouse.

With all of that said, it would be a stupid action to continue staying there any longer, so he immediately pulled away the 'bad cop' while the other guy followed them.

Weirdly and surprisingly that guy had been staying fully quiet, and calm under the whole situation. He didn't seem to feel threatened by Elder Po, and neither was he keeping a stand against him.

From the start until the end he had been standing more like an unconcerned third party, rather than someone who had been sent as part of the group to check on Huaxia.

Seeing his standing like that, even Tianlong Yun had left the guy free without doing or saying anything. After all, poking a sleeping snake would only mean more trouble.

He already had enough trouble with the situation how it was, so he didn't want any extra. But at least he had received an unexpected gift.

He had been thinking all this while about how to separate Asia from the other organizations, and incorporate it into Huaxia, and now the opportunity had presented itself.

Of course, just because he claimed Asia in front of the three biggest organizations on Earth didn't mean that Asia was his because he would have to first make those idiots follow his lead.

To make matters worse, these guys would probably think of him as a toothless tiger and would propose of some sort of autonomy amidst Huaxia's rule.

After all, even though they would like neither the rule of Huaxia, and neither that of those three organizations, at least Huaxia was part of their descent.

That wasn't all there was to it though, due to their dominance for all these centuries, the three organizations had deeper foundations in those countries, and they were bound to cause many trouble for him.

Even though they would accept his legitimate control in the public and in the open, they would never allow him to actually achieve it smoothly.

They would make sure that not only did he suffer trying to take over, but even break a few ribs, and damage a few limbs.

While death would be too big of a dream and illusion, they still would dare to dream it. Even if not the people on top, those underlings down the ranks would certainly do.

Of course, the situation wasn't as terrible as it looked like hearing it, as Tianlong Yun had his own preparations for something like this.

Soon, the three organizations, and the whole world would witness miracles one after the other…

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