Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 872: New Leader (Unified Huaxia)

It was more of a case when the new toys seemed much better than the ones he had at the time, but none of the new toys had attracted his attention.

The chances that these ladies had to be something more than just his present toys were infinitely close to zero, just so that he didn't say zero and demoralize them.

After all, in these few days, it had been them who had gotten addicted to what he could do to them and their bodies, not the opposite.

He couldn't blame them though, as the disparity in their skills, stamina, resistance, and control was even deeper than the disparity between Heaven and Earth.

With these thoughts in mind, Tianlong Yun was going through the latest news from around the world that his Shadows had brought him.

While Huaxia was blocking any sort of outgoing information, the incoming information channels were booming.

More and more countries and organizations were lining up against Huaxia, with the intention to know what was going on lately.

At the same time, thanks to his beautifully enacted smoke screen, they started paying attention to EITS as well.

Masons, The Holy See, and Royalists had already come to an agreement with each other, joining forces to share Earth among them.

None of them would like the appearance and sudden brightness of another organization like EITS, which were getting more and more unbridled with the passing of time.

They all respected and appreciated EITS for their position and product, but they would never allow them to grow big enough to ask for a piece of the pie.

For that reason, the Trinity that was formed was paying even more information to them, as they even started to use their own people to gather information about EITS.

With his move, Tianlong Yun had actually managed to divert most of their attention towards his greatest enemy.

Normally the Snipe and the Clam would fight each other the moment they came in contact, and he had just prepared the environment for that to happen.

All he had to do was to wait patiently on the side while growing stronger so that he could take them out easily the moment that they had worn out each other.

With these thoughts in mind, Tianlong Yun continued reading through the information, and the most disturbing part was that many fairly big organizations were getting restless against Huaxia.

With the happenings, before, during, and after the Heavenly Lightning Tribulation, and especially with the disappearance of many Fake Gods, and peak-level Ancestors, it was quite understandable.

While a few of them were in Tianlong Yun's possession, a big number of those guys were actually taken away by Justice League, which was suffering a lot lately.

With the great acting scene that Tianlong Yun had set up after the Heavenly Tribulation, the Trinity held Justice League as the responsible perpetrators, so they were being attacked quite viciously.

Their bases were being razed to the ground, and their people were being killed and burned at the stake. It was a way to frighten the rest of the atrocities they would suffer and leave the organization.

Surprisingly, despite these 'threats', the organization was thriving, and they were gathering more and more people with each passing day.

Not only that, but they seemed even ready to start spreading their influence in bigger and wider areas, recruiting even more people.

To a lot of people, especially to the Holy See organization, these guys seemed nothing short of those heretics of old, trying to spread their faith, and beliefs trying to undermine their power.

It looked like even in a modern time like this, the Holy See Sect was being forced to declare another crusade against the 'heretics' and 'lunatics' of the Justice League.

Reading all this, Tianlong Yun couldn't help but snicker in satisfaction at how good things were going for them at the moment, and in fact, it looked a bit too good.

This was a bit unsettling at the moment, but there wasn't much he could do besides trying his best to prepare for any surprise.

Of course, his first preparation was already underway, as the big families and the parliament had gathered to actually select their new Leader.

The whole country had their eyes towards the great gathering as it was called, as people discussed for hours, and gave many candidacies to finally elect one of them.

It was none other than Master Tang, he was going to be the new Leader of the country, chosen with a unanimous vote.

Surprisingly, even the Yao and the Qin Families people voted for the same man, making him the first person to be chosen with a unanimous vote.

People all around the country were excited and expectant of their new Leader, who seemed like a true and through Huaxia nationalist.

As the new Leader of Huaxia, the first order that Master Tang gave was the execution of the assassin, while also declaring an Orange Alert throughout the country.

A lot of people were shocked by the decision because this gave even the right of using Nuclear Weapons as a means of protection.

This was just crazy!

Of course, the reason why Master Tang did something like this, wasn't because he was afraid of other countries, but because he was afraid of other organizations.

In a few words, he was actually warning EITS, and whatever other organization out there, that they should be careful of their actions.

While this wouldn't put a stop to their ambitions, ideas, and undertakings, it would surely make them think twice before acting.

With the election of the new Leader, the information enclosure seemed to have been raised once again. Not only that, but the information came raining down, like an autumn storm.

A lot of useful, and wasteful information started coming from Huaxia, making the people processing that information not make right or wrong calls easily.

Only when it was thrice confirmed, could the information they were receiving be called correct and was passed to their higher-ups.

While this maintained the quality of the information, it certainly slowed down a lot the process, and by the time their information arrived, it was already spread to the world.

But that didn't really matter to their bosses, as they were only pondering on one thing, Huaxia was united under one man, and it had become a dangerous enemy.

One that they couldn't allow continuing existing like this! They either had to break their unity or destroy the big pieces.

The second opportunity would require a strong group of people, and the involvement of many Ancestors, which were already lacking in numbers.

For that reason, almost all of them decided on the first option, as they started making contact with the three big families, and great generals of Huaxia.

They were offering wealth, power, and resources to whoever separated from the big union, and for those that were willing to work with them, they even gave experts and logistics support.

Tianlong Yun felt that there was no reason why he couldn't accept all these gifts, as he had never thought it would be this easy, and simple to make a shit ton of money.

It looked like his opponents and enemies were much more goodwill, and helpful than he had thought, as his 'coffers' were getting full.

And if that wasn't enough, he was even getting some well trained soldiers. Even a thousand thanks wouldn't be able to cover for this great goodness they had done.

Of course, he played along with the guys sent to buy people, as he mentally noted their names, ages, attitudes, and even characters so he could deal with them later.

Not far away from Tianlong Yun's current residence, was located the Leaders Abode, Master Tang was seated in his office room, while two young looking men stood in front of him.

"Are you sure about the information!?"

"Yes, we are extremely assured of it, Master! Third Master Yao is still alive and in health!"

"Very well, just keep an eye on him until I tell you to make a move, now let us talk about the truly important stuff.

Have you don't what I asked of you!?"

"We did Master! It's just that there isn't much to know about him, from an early age until recently he was nothing but a piece of trash with a dark future.

But one decade ago, everything seemed to suddenly change, as he turned from a poor and incompetent fool to the dashing and surprising handsome man in front of you.


"Sorry Master, I was mistaken, he turned into a real and experienced demon, who needed a thorough cleansing or death!

Master Tang couldn't help but get a bit jealous, the moment that he heard his enemy being evaluated highly by his closest guards.

Still, despite everything, he was certain, that no matter what happened, Tianlong Yun was going to suffer a lot in his hands.

There was a lot of hatred, rage, and fury buried deep into Master Tang's chest, and he was planning on releasing it fully upon Tianlong Yun.

"Very well, you may go!"

"Yes, Master!"

With those words, the two guards immediately disappeared from the office room, while Master Tang placed his head between his hands, and started thinking of the next move.

Tianlong Yun seemed to have ignored him previously and not taken any measure against him, providing him with a chance.

With this extra life opportunity he had, he would surely make Tianlong Yun regret it and suffer.

"Kekekekek~! It seems like you are dreaming once again…

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