Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 862: Tang Family Under Control

Even though Tianlong Yun had thought this to be the case, it was only now that he was slowly proving this theory of his.

It wasn't that normal cultivators didn't collect Soul Power, it was only that they were doing that unintentionally during their meditations, and what they collected was extremely crude and unrefined.

The geniuses or those who had great souls would certainly be able and capable of collecting more Soul Power, and their condition would certainly be better than the rest.

But even in that case, it was only done so by pure instinct. They had no idea that Soul Power and Soul Strength were one of the main steps to reaching the next Realm or having their breakthrough.

If it weren't for the legacy of that Ancient Cultivator, and his trip to the Soul Realm, Tianlong Yun would also have been completely ignorant of the fact.

Every disaster hides an opportunity, and every opportunity is accompanied by a disaster.

This old adage seemed to be an irrevocable axiom, while Tianlong Yun had been killed and gone through all that horror, he had also chanced upon something so incredible.

Of course, this didn't mean that he was happy that such a tragedy had hit him in the Immortal World, but he certainly didn't have the same rage and fury inside his heart any longer.

After all, what he had managed to build in this place, was something that he extremely lacked in the Immortal World.

A family of his own!

The pros certainly surpassed the cons and by a lot, so in a sort of way he was happy that something like that had happened, despite the pain, he had gone through.

Well, that was a matter of the past, and it was something that he couldn't change no matter how much he tried.

He should be happy that he was alive and was given a second chance. He didn't want to look toward a dead past but look forward to a bright and great future.

As he was lost in such thoughts, he saw towards the ground where Master Tang seemed to have lost all of his will and attitude.

He didn't look like the Master of the Tang Family any longer, but just like an old man who had gone through quick aging.

He had never thought that the person he had considered to be his greatest tool, would actually turn into the bane of his Tang Family.

While he had thought that Tianlong Yun might end up as a disaster for the future, he had never thought that he was already a disaster.

What he probably didn't understand right now was that even if he hadn't taken Tianlong Yun into his Tang Family in the first place, this outcome was still irreversible.

In fact, his actions had only given his Tang Family more face and opportunity otherwise, Tianlong Yun wouldn't bother much with his Tang Family.

What Master Tang didn't know was that whatever happened was an extremely good estimate of his Tang Family's losses.

A large part of the important figures of the Tang Family had actually been sent away from the Tang Family place in the last days.

Not only that but also all the women and children of the family had been taken into safe places and were secured of their lives.

Of course, all those that had close ties to the arrogant idiots who didn't know when to draw back would be sent to hell, as Tianlong Yun had no intention of leaving loose ends.

But the important part was that most of them would continue their lineage and family, and the Tang Family would be prosperous under his Shadow Clan.

Patriarch Tang and Ancestor Ling had worked extremely hard in the last days, trying to work under the nose of the Tang Family's peak-level Ancestors trying to rope in as many Elders as they could.

In fact, the fight was considered finished even before it had started, as all that happened during that time had been Tianlong Yun's whims.

At that moment, Patriarch Tang left his son's side, and came kneeling down to Tianlong Yun, while he said,

"Winners are heroes, and losers are villains! The Tang Family accepts our defeat, we only ask for a way of survival!"

"From the start, I had no intention of wiping out the Tang Family! If you had surrendered earlier you would have been able to save many more lives and stop all those useless sacrifices.

Anyway, that is in the past, from now on I will check on your Family's continuation, if you obey and please me, I can assure you great prosperity.

Even greater than what you would have if the whole country became yours!"

There were a lot of people who wanted to call out to Tianlong Yun for shameless boasting, but none of them dared to.

After all, Tianlong Yun had not only taught them what it meant to look at the mountain but not see its greatness, but also a terror like no one else.

Thinking like that, perhaps whatever he said wasn't just shameless boasting, but a possible reality!

Of course, at this moment, a shadow appeared right beside Patriarch Tang, as he reported with a solemn and heavy tone,

"Patriarch the Tang Family's Holy Grounds have been secured!"

Shock after shock! The Tang Family people felt that tonight they had experienced enough shock for a few lifetimes.

If they still held doubts until now, then those doubts had been crushed to dust at that moment. Their Tang Family had truly fallen, from now on they would work for Tianlong Yun.

"Uhum~! Good Job! Prepare for the next stop!"

"I obey the Patriarch!"

With those words, the shadow disappeared as two more appeared beside Tianlong Yun. Different from the first one though, these two seemed just like two maids looking after their Master.

"Take her inside and take care of her!"

"Yes, Patriarch!"

During all the battle and commotion, Tang Family's Eldest daughter had actually been looking from the side and had been protected by a weird barrier of Qi.

No matter what happened around her, nothing had actually been able to reach her, as she could only look stupefied at everything.

Whatever idea of greatness she had for her previous man and husband had been shattered to dust by Tianlong Yun's performance.

Now she understood that all the time she had been nothing more than a frog at the bottom of the well! This was great enlightenment for her and her future.

As one of the maids took the Eldest Daughter of Master Tang away, the man himself seemed to have completely lost himself and his focus.

He was just like a great general thinking about how he lost when the enemy was cutting off his head. Looking at that situation, Tianlong Yun could only sigh in defeat.

The truth was that he had a lot of use for someone like Master Tang because he would be the perfect new Leader of Huaxia.

He had everything to become the one, wits, strength, reputation, and will. But it looked like he would have to wait a while before something like that was possible.

As he was thinking like that, he seemed to have been suddenly reminded of something, as he quickly said,

"Prepare me a report of all the losses, and current economic, political, and strength standings. Also, take one team of disciples and put them to work to reconstruct this place.

I want it ready in a month tops!"

"Yes, patriarch!"

"Little Tang lead me to those guys' cultivation rooms in the Holy Grounds, there are some things I need to do!

White Snake come with me too!"

Patriarch Tang felt extremely weird to suddenly hear Tianlong Yun call him little Tang because his age and Tianlong Yun's were like that of a great-great-great-grandfather and his nephew.

If someone could call the other little, it would certainly be him calling Tianlong Yun like that, but he didn't dare to voice any displease.

Under the lead of Patriarch Tang, Tianlong Yun entered one of the best rooms for cultivation in the Tang Family's Holy Grounds, while he had taken even the corpses of the two peak-level Ancestors in there.

Patriarch Tang didn't understand what Tianlong Yun was trying to do, and neither did the White Snake, at least not until Tianlong Yun said,

"Sit in the lotus position and leave yourself unguarded, I am going to lift the seals on your body, and have you share your Qi with these two!

Like this, you will have two Fake God Realm puppets under your control, while escaping the Heavenly Law as well!"


Patriarch Tang seemed to have gotten used to Tianlong Yun's shocks, but the White Snake couldn't help but get shocked and a bit reluctant.

It wasn't that it didn't want to obey Tianlong Yun, or that it didn't trust him, it was just that this seemed a bit too surreal.

Was something like that even possible!?

"Don't waste my time! If I wished to do you harm, you wouldn't have been here like this, now be quick as we need to be on our way!"

Whether she liked it or not, whether she was willing or not, it didn't matter. Since this was Tianlong Yun's order, the White Snake could only do as she was told.

In the next few minutes, she understood that her Master was mysterious beyond her imagination, as all the skills, technique, and strength he possessed were beyond this planet, even though she hadn't seen much of it.

Just as Tianlong Yun said, in a short time the White Snake had two puppets under control, and the feeling of danger had disappeared.

Her Master was awesome!

While she was lost after Tianlong Yun, the man himself seemed to be thinking about what was coming next…

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