Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 858: A Devil’s Opportunity

Yet he had actually been ignored like that by someone that he considered to be just like a stalk of grass in the wild, completely insignificant.

Of course, this could be considered as the action of a blind and ignorant little girl, and he could pretend like he hadn't seen it happen.

If this were a normal situation and there weren't many people around he could have done that, but unfortunately right now they were surrounded by all the Tang Family people and disciples.

In this situation, it felt like the White Snake's ignoring was similar to a resounding and echoing slap that he couldn't tolerate.

"Hmph~! Courting Death!"

With these thoughts in mind, it was impossible for him to actually think of letting the White Snake go, as he snorted displeased, and then used just one finger thick Qi-ray towards her.

After all, she wasn't supposed to be extremely strong, in fact, she was supposed to be just a normal human, despite wielding a Divine Sword she wasn't worthy of him using the formation full strength.

The main point that everyone seemed to have escaped until now due to everything that had happened, was how would the White Snake be able to wield a Divine Sword if she didn't have any Qi.

While there was no sign of Qi-waves coming from her body, this should have just made the situation even more dubious and terrifying if they had caught on to that simple but vital detail.

Of course, since the current attack was close to a hundredth or a thousandth of the Qi-ray attack towards Tianlong Yun there wasn't much sound coming from it.

As a matter of fact, the only sound that was spread in the surroundings was that of an extremely thin edge cutting through the air.


To the surprise of the Tang Family people, but especially to that of Master Tang, and the peak level Ancestor of the Tang Family, the beauty didn't move in the least.

Not only that but she didn't even blink her eyes in front of the danger, looking at it as if it was some sort of toy laser light that wouldn't harm her in the least.

Under the surprised eyes of the whole Tang Family people and disciples, something even more shocking happened, as a dark shadow was seen appearing right in front of her and using his own body to block the attack.

The face of the peak level Ancestor of the Tang Family immediately became solemn and heavy, as he thought that the mysterious expert had finally shown up.


At this moment there was the sound of water sizzling and evaporating on top of an extremely hot magma or iron rod, accompanied even by an amount of smoke, making them think that their Qi-ray was working.

The next moment they learned how wrong they were about both assumptions, as not only wasn't their Qi-ray attack not working, but even the person in front of her wasn't any mysterious expert.

The one who had just blocked this attack perfectly was none other than Tianlong Yun.

The Tang Family people and disciples could only get surprised and a little startled after seeing this because they had long lost the ability to get shocked by Tianlong Yun.

It was difficult to determine whether this was a good or bad thing, but they didn't have time to ponder on it, as they were more concerned about how to continue from now on.

The peak level Ancestor of the Tang Family seemed to be the first one who could regain control over himself and a sufficient cool head to react, as he immediately sent another Qi-ray towards Tianlong Yun.

Right now, he didn't have time to trash talk, or waste, as he could only do the best he could, and send the strongest attacks toward Tianlong Yun that he could.

He had no idea why this little bastard was actually this terrifying, but he knew that the only thing that could save himself, and the Tang Family was only his death.

Tianlong Yun had to die!

With these thoughts in mind, he didn't waste even a second as he immediately directed the strongest Qi-ray attack that he could from the formation he was controlling.

Even though the Tang Family people and disciples amounted to extremely great numbers, this Qi-Gathering attack defense formation used great amounts of Qi in every use.

If the energy that the Tang Family people and disciples could provide was measured in 4 or five buckets of water, then the Qi-ray attack would need at least a bucket of water each time.

This meant that the Tang Family, or to be more precise the Tang Family peak level Ancestor could only launch three more such attacks at Tianlong Yun.

Seeing the same move once again, Tianlong Yun didn't seem to care about it anymore, as he immediately took the Charging Dragon's stance, and prepared for his counterattack.

While the Tang Family people and disciple's eyes and senses were blocked and devoured by the Qi-ray attack, the White Snake could actually see that this time the Dragon figure behind Tianlong Yun became much more real and clearer.

It didn't seem like it was only a figure any longer, but like it was a full Dragon that was jumping for its meal out of Tianlong Yun's being.

'Boooooooooooommmmmmmmmmmmmm~! Rooooooaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrr~!'

The sound of the two different attacks clashing was mind blowing and deafening, if it weren't for the cover of the Qi-gathering attack defense formation all those little guys would have to close their ears as hard as they could.


Even in the cover of their formation, these guys' ears were almost ruptured by the sound produced, and almost lost their focus, but they weren't normal people either.

The biggest problem at the moment was that they all heard a powerful Dragon Roar follow the aftermath of the explosion, and they couldn't help but feel a terrible foreboding.

What an accurate bad foreboding it was, as the next moment from the area of impact of the two attacks, a yellow, red dragon covered in flames appeared from the area of impact and was heading towards the peak level Ancestor.


Fu*cking Impossible!'

These two thoughts crossed the head of the peak level Ancestor, but he didn't have time to continue expanding on them, as right now there were more important things to think about.

His Tang Family was in grave danger.

To be more accurate he was in grave danger! In his mind and thoughts, his Tang Family would be alive as long as he was alive.

Once he died then the Tang Family would be dying with him, this was something that he couldn't allow to happen. He couldn't allow it to happen.

Fortunately, things weren't over yet, as he was the center of a powerful formation, and he still had the opportunity to fight. He would have to use everything he could to fight back.

With these thoughts in mind, he immediately directed all of the gathered Qi to form a great shield around himself and the Tang Family people and disciples.

'Rooooooaaaaarrrrrrrr…, Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaammmmm…'

Tianlong Yun's martial technique roared once again in pride, strength, and confidence, as it clashed with the big shield in front of it, unafraid of death.

Another booming and deafening sound was spread once again, as this time one could easily see blood trickle down many of the Tang Family people and disciples' ears.

They were almost forcibly thrown out of their concentration and formation, but fortunately, they managed to hang on and block the terrifying attack.

The green to blue shield around the peak level Ancestor and the whole Tang Family had managed to stand this time, but it was thinned by a lot and seemed to be extremely close to breaking down in pieces.

"Heheheheh~! What a cunning old man, I truly didn't expect you to be so heartless old thing!"

While the Tang Family people weren't able to understand what and why Tianlong Yun was trying to say, their level of alert increased by quite a bit.

Still, they were all focused on their duty, and could only think of performing their duty to the best of their abilities if they didn't want to die.

Tianlong Yun had to admit that the Tang Family people were extremely well-trained and had great composure and character.

Unfortunately, there were still a lot of flaws' in their formation, especially at the eye of the formation. With these thoughts in mind, he said in a low but clear and threatening voice,

"Heheheh~! If you manage to withstand the next barrage of attacks from me, then I might consider leaving you all alive when this is over!

I wish you the best! Heheheh~!"

His words seemed extremely arrogant and cocky, but neither the peak level Tang Family Ancestor, nor Master Tang, nor the people and disciples of the Tang Family could make fun of him.

After all, the strength and prowess he had shown until now were enough to shut them all up, and they could only fear what he was about to launch next.

On the other hand, Tianlong Yun immediately started gathering Qi once again, as the crowd could finally see his lifelike and scary Dragon behind him.

Apparently, he hadn't used his full strength against their first peak level Ancestor earlier, making them even more frightened of the demon.

Unfortunately for them, Tianlong Yun didn't seem to stop at materializing only one dragon, or to be more accurate the materialized dragon wasn't normal.

This one had 9 heads, and 9 tails, making him look like a completely different level of terrifying in their eyes…

Check out my newest book! Return of Lust!

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