Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 852: The Hiding Expert!?

His words and his voice were calm and cool, but for Master Tang and the incoming three Ancestors of the Tang Family, he was talking arrogantly and overconfidently.

After all, they were used to people trembling in their presence, because even if they hadn't reached the Fake God Realm, they were still Great Boundary Ascension Realm high-level experts.

Most importantly they were all aged and experienced experts. While it might seem like a stupid thing to say, the truth was that none of them had been able to reach that level at a young age.

For that reason, no matter how heaven-defying Tianlong Yun was, he shouldn't be able to have reached their level of strength.

With these thoughts in mind, they expected to enter and see Tianlong Yun afraid even if he wasn't terrified of them.

Could it be that he had so much trust in the expert that was keeping an eye on him? But they weren't able to feel the presence of anyone else in there.

That meant that either that expert was too good at hiding his presence and they weren't able to sense him, or there wasn't any such expert.

Most probably it was the first option, as Tianlong Yun or the frail beauty by his side shouldn't have been able to easily deal with their attack.

The moment that they noticed this, they immediately turned a bit more solemn and serious, as one of them took a step back, and seemed to be sending a mental message for more reinforcements.

Tianlong Yun immediately noticed that by the sudden disruption in space around him, but he didn't do anything to stop it.

"Do you want us to wait for your reinforcements to arrive, or do you want to have a shot first!?"

To top it off, Tianlong Yun even said something out of the Tang Family experts' expectations, as they couldn't help but feel a bit weird and complex.

The three Ancestors of the Tang Family looked at one another in shock and startle, as they hadn't expected Tianlong Yun to actually realize that, but that made them even more assured of the hiding expert.

Another thing they became fully assured of, was that this expert was beyond their abilities and capabilities so they could only wait for more help.

"Even though we can crush you like a bug, we do accept that we are no match for the expert hiding in this room!

Still, we swear to not let you leave even if we lose our lives blocking the way. Today both you, and that expert behind you will have to die for the future of my Tang Family!"

Tianlong Yun only looked at these guys with a calm, cool, and amused expression, while the White Snake was looking at them with plain mockery and despise.

It was one thing if they were decided to play this little game of theirs to keep their pride alive, but did they have to be this stupid?

If there was truly an expert of that level in the office room where they were standing, then why did he even have to hide!?

Even if he hid at first in order to make Tianlong Yun look unprotected, then why would he still need to hide!?

Forget about everything else, the one opposing them was clearly Tianlong Yun, and yet they didn't realize and accept the truth.

It was true, there was no more blind person than the one covering his own eyes!

What she didn't know though, as that Tianlong Yun was actually playing with his Space Law, making the counterattacks from different positions.

After all, no matter how much prowess he showed, if he didn't make them think that there was someone much stronger in the shadows, he would have to fight the whole Tang Family one by one.

Even if that wouldn't actually be difficult to do for him, as with his skills and his abilities he was more than capable of taking them down one by one, it would be too much of a waste of time.

For that reason, he decided on such a strategy to pull the strong guy out from the beginning, and not waste precious time.

"Heheheh~! Then what do you say of trying to make that guy appear by attacking me!? That should be doable right!?

Furthermore, you will also be able to understand a bit of his power, and then you can have a better chance at beating him down!"

"Heheheheh~! That was exactly what we were thinking brat! You can only blame yourself for your death wish!"

With that said, the Elder who seemed to be the angriest with Tianlong Yun took the lead and jumped in attack towards him.


Immediately the figure of a blue wolf was formed behind him, giving an aura of starvation and thirst. 

The attack of a Great Boundary Ascension Realm expert taking form, it was something that not many people could achieve.

Most of the Martial Art skills were founded on animals or different phenomena. The strength of those attacks contained was directly proportional to the image formed by the artist.

It wasn't a challenge of the size of the figure but their quality and density, which showed even the mastery of the practitioner on the martial art technique itself.

The blue wolf formed behind this Ancestor of the Tang Family was terrifying, it would make normal people think of it as some sort of God of Death, as they would be unable to stop shivering in front of him.

The two Tang Ancestors behind him didn't stay to watch either, as one of them started conjuring a big shard of ice, while the other threw a black dagger toward him.

It was a triple attack that Tianlong Yun shouldn't be able to defend against. They were trying their best to make sure that the expert behind Tianlong Yun showed himself.

And if he didn't, well he could only collect Tianlong Yun's corpse as they had no intention of letting Tianlong Yun leave the Tang Family Mansion alive that night.

Seeing the prowess of their Ancestors, Master Tang seemed like he had finally seen the sun shine in the morning, while Patriarch Tang was looking at this with a complex expression on his face.

He didn't know which side to pick, and which side to cheer for, but either way, he understood that the Tang Family would fall from its independent glory tonight.

Knowing that he couldn't help but sigh inside full of complex and weird feelings. As he returned to look at the battle in front of him.

At this moment, Tianlong Yun took out his Life's Regret blade from his body, and with a swift movement of his wrist, he made a horizontal slash.

'Clangggg…, swooosshhh…, swoosshhh…'

The next moment, a colorless, lightless, and soundless sword attack swept in front of him. The black dagger clashed on the attack sweep and was thrown back, while the Tang Family Ancestor and the ice shard were cut in two.

While the black dagger didn't end up in two parts and was thrown away with a clang, while the ice shard and the Tang Family Ancestor were cut into two parts without a sound.

It didn't even release the sound of cutting a paper, as the other people inside the room with the exception of the White Snake had yet to understand that their comrade had died.

"Tang Wei why did you stop like that!? Continue with the attack, take him down!"

Seeing that their relative had stopped midway one of the Ancestors at the back, the one with the dagger couldn't help but scream at him to continue forward.

It was only as he screamed like that, that the body of the person he had just called out was actually torn into two parts, and blood exploded from the cut like springs.



Each and every one of the Tang Family people were fully shocked by this event, as none of them had actually seen when something like this had happened.

It was beyond their comprehension!

At the same time, the black dagger that had clashed with Tianlong Yun's blade sweep returned to its owner's possession, only to see it hanging together by a thin thread.

The ice shard that had been cut into two clean pieces suddenly exploded into many smaller shards that were even smaller than needles and pins flying around the room.

Even if those shards didn't kill anyone around they would surely cause a lot of injuries to the people around, but the White Snake reacted, as a green fire was emitted from her mouth to melt the shards.

"Ho-Ho-How is this possible!? Just what kind of skill is this!? How could something like this come into existence!?

Who the hell did this!? Who is responsible for this!? If you are such a strong expert then come the fu*ck out and face us like a man!

Stop hiding in the shadows like a fu*cking coward pri*ck!

Get the fu*ck out!"

As everyone seemed lost in their stupefaction, Master Tang seemed to have lost it at that precise moment, and he started throwing Qi attacks all over the place.

Even though his strength was far from being on par with the Ancestors, he was still acting just like Rambo.

Small Qi Balls were continuously created from his body and then were sent in a shower motion towards the surroundings.

It didn't seem like he cared that he was destroying antiques, books, or expensive equipment. All he cared about was finding the position of the hiding expert.

Because this was something that Tianlong Yun shouldn't be capable of pulling off… 

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