Rolling love

Chapter 65

The chapters are getting longer so it’s getting difficult to post daily.

We finished the translation of les interpretes. It’s quite a great novel with a strong female character, so do peek in if you are interested in such novels.

I am now looking around for my next project as this one will be finished in another 20 days. I have two maybes-

1. Same room but not same bed- prologue and a few chapters here

2. Black and white- this is another very strong hero like JYN. The summary here

If you have something you would like to recommend , please let me know in the comments section. My only two requirements are that it isn’t too long ( < 100 chapters ) and that the female character is strong..

On to rolling Love now. Lu Zheng just steals my heart..❤️❤️

Chapter 65

As her body was jolted, Yan Liang moved her face to the side.

The torment never stopped. The metal headboard of the bed was about to hit the wall as this man covered her body with his. His strength was extreme, but he entered her slowly, very slowly, till he was deeply embedded in her .

He ground against her, probed and pounded, as sweat and other body fluids flowed Cheng constantly. But in her heart there was nothing but numbness.

In the silence, Jiang Yu Nan suddenly raised her chin

This jolted her from her apathy, and she tried to grab his wrist.Not only did she fail to grab it, he managed to twist her arm

Because of this action, her legs, which he had placed on her chest to subdue her, pressed down mercilessly on her internal organs . In a flash, all her senses were heightened, she almost blacked out and her body spasmed in a series of contractions. Jiang Yu Nan stopped , his peripheral senses told him that this woman had been pushed to the extreme.

He was trapped in the continuous spasms of the woman, he could neither advance nor retreat. He bowed down to look at her flushed face.

Futilely, she tried to move her face sideways. But her chin was still in his grip and she had no other choice but to glare at him with resentment

“ Why can’t you look at me ? We are husband and wife.”

His voice wasn’t affected by the same emotions that heated their bodies, it was as cold as always.

..Husband and wife…

Yes, husband and wife

Till she was able to deliver a crushing defeat with her own hands to him, they would still remain husband and wife.

The sweat on her forehead dripped down into her eyes, as she blinked, it seemed as if a tear flowed down.

Jiang Yu Nan looked at her. An unfathomable emotion surged in his eyes. It seemed as if something was about to break through his defences. But the calm was quickly restored . Jiang Yu Nan moved her legs down. Their bodies were still close. He turned her over so she was kneeling on the bed. He knelt behind her, holding on to her buttocks as he prepared for a second round.

Her cell phone was still on the bedside table and suddenly started vibrating. Yan Liang gritted her teeth. She was numb all over , but as he dragged her arm behind , even her numbness dissipated.

The knees grinding against the bed had already turned numb. Her enemy was tightly attached to her body. As the phone vibrated and he pounded her, her mind was blank for a moment. Bursts of heat were generated where they were joined together, and she was moist and smooth as silk.

The sound of the the phone stopped. As he continued grinding against her, moist heat seeped into her body and she could not help the trembling that travelled from her waist to her hip

The phone vibrated again.

When the screen lit up once again, Jiang Yu Nan reached out from behind to take her phone.

Over the decadent sound of their bodies colliding, she heard a male voice answer the phone when Jiang Yu Nan picked up the call.

“ Wait a minute” , he said as he threw the phone straight at her.

Jiang Yu Nan withdrew the hand that was holding her arm. Without his support, her upper body fell softly to the bed while her lower body was still in his hold. She could see the phone in front of her. Was it the DJ, who couldn’t wait for her to call back and had called her himself ?

She looked at the phone display carefully and stiffened…


It was Lu Zheng..

It had been two years since he had last contacted her…

This was the most inconvenient time to re-appear again..

Yan Liang wanted to hang up the phone. But when her fingers touched the screen, the man behind her pushed her body to the extreme. As the tide swept through her, her body trembled and her vision blurred…

…… …

…… …

Jiang Yu Nan stood by the side of the bed as he put on his trousers. As he zipped up his pants, there was a brief sound, then the sound quickly dissipated, restoring the eternal silence in this house.

Only the lamps on both sides of the bed were lit in this room. The light was dim. He glanced back at the woman wrapped in the soft light. Her body lay curled up in the bed, not a stitch of clothing on her. Her eyes were emotionless, her knees red and her hands were folded in front of her chest , holding the mobile phone.

It looked like a scene from an oil painting, where her hands were not holding a phone, but praying to wash out all the dirt and evil..

“ He’s just cancelled his own wedding and he’s already in a hurry to find a married woman to nibble on. Not only that, he doesn’t hesitate to call her. Should I admire the tenacity of such a man or laugh at him?”

Jiang Yu Nan’s voice resounded through the bedroom and soon scattered into tiny invisible pieces. Finally there was the sound of the bedroom door closing, and peace was restored once more in the room.

Yan Liang lay curled up in the bed for a long time, before her brain repeated and comprehended the last words of Jiang Yu Nan before he left, “ Are you tired of our marriage ?”

Yan Liang learned the news about Lu Zheng and his prospective bride in the next day’s newspaper.

Lu Zheng and Zhuang Zi Nan’s impending marriage had created quite a sensation in the city. Now that it had been called off, the failed marriage was destined to be hot news throughout the city. There was a lot of speculation by the media , the gossip mills were working over time, there were wild guesses and rumours about why Zhuang Zi Nan had broken her betrothal.

Thinking of the phone call in the early morning , Yan Liang put aside the newspaper and picked up her coffee.

The table was laden with breakfast items made to her taste, there wasn’t a trace of the onion shallots she disliked. But she still didn’t have the slightest appetite.

Even the cup of coffee was put back after she had taken just one sip.

Yan Liang raised her head to look at Jiang Yu Nan. His clothes and hairstyle were all meticulously groomed. Jiang Yu Nan was holding his coffee cup. As she looked at her, his eyes met hers for just a moment, then he grabbed the newspaper with his other hand and accurately found that article his wife was just reading.

After reading it, he laughed.

With the hand that was holding the newspaper earlier, he raised her chin. This sudden movement bewildered the servant who had just entered the room . She paused at the door and dared not get closer, thus leaving Jiang Yu Nan undisturbed. Jiang Yu nan gazed deeply into his wife’s eyes, “ Your lover has removed the obstacle between you two, why do I not see the slightest bit of happiness in your eyes ?”

Her chin hurt from his tight grip, but she looked happy and laughed at his question, “ It seems you slept badly last night. You look exhausted.”

She even raised her hand to touch his cheek.

Her faux concern obviously stunned Jiang Yu Nan for a moment. Then he brushed off her hand, put down the coffee and sat down at the other end of the table to have his breakfast.

Yan Liang restrained her urge to laugh. She looked up and caught sight of the servant hovering near the door. “ Zhu Jie , did you buy the things I asked for ?”

The servant walked up to her. Looking at the man sitting at the opposite end of the table, she hesitated to give Yan Liang the bag. Yan Liang herself reached out to take the bag from her.

Jiang Yu Nan only looked up once. Then he concentrated on cutting the bacon, as if he was not aware of the scene in front of him. Yan Liang opened the bag and took out the medicines inside it. Her actions were deliberately noisy , but the man opposite just kept his head down.

Finally Yan Liang had no choice but to give up. She took an oral contraceptive with her coffee and stood up, “ I’ll get to work, you continue with your breakfast.”

She turned away. The sound of her high heels moved farther and farther away till the sound disappeared.

This time Jiang Yu Nan looked up.

The servant was still standing there. She could clearly see what Jiang Yu Nan was looking at, so she confidently called out to him, “ Master..”

Jiang Yu Nan did not seem to hear her, he only looked quietly at the medicines strewn on the table opposite him.

His eyes reflected an emotion akin to grief. The servant could not bear to look directly at him. She could only quickly remove the medicines from the table and go back to the kitchen.

***** *****

Half an hour later, Yan Liang parked her car in the company’s

underground car park.

After parking her car, she started walking towards the elevator, but was abruptly stopped when she passed a Maybach parked in her path.

“Miss Yan!”

Yan Liang stopped . The driver of the parked car had stuck out half of his body from the car to call her.

Yan Liang quickly scanned through her memories to confirm that she had never met this person in her entire life.

Seeing Yan Liang still standing in front of the car and not making a move, the driver added helpfully, “ I am the driver of Mr Lu.”

Yan Liang stiffened

Her heart thundered in this huge desolate parking lot.

She hesitantly approached the window at the rear of the car.

When the window was rolled down, Yan Liang was surprised..

The man sitting in the car, with hair at his temples that seemed to have greyed overnight …

Was none other than Lu Mingting.

Yan Liang sat in the car. She didn’t know what to say and had no idea of the destination. The only certainty she had was that this elderly man was completely indifferent to her. His face was calm, he pretended she did not exist.

Then why had he come to see her ?

Yan Liang could not think of any reason.

Lu Mingting was silent throughout the trip, he seemed to have no intention to speak to her.

Last night , at Lu Zheng’s wedding, this man seemed to be middle aged. Today he looked like he had aged a lot overnight

Eventually the car entered a hospital.

Aa they approached the hospital, she tightened her hands in a fist, and her hands remained in a fist till the car finally stopped in the open parking lot.

Once the car stopped, the driver came out and held the door open for Yan Liang.

Yan Liang looked back at the other side. She wasn’t sure what Ming ting intended to do, but before she asked him, he himself ordered the driver, “ You go with Ms Yan.”

Yan Liang could only nod slightly to say goodbye and followed the driver all the way to the ward.

It was a luxury ward. There was security outside to grant the patients inside privacy. All the rooms were exclusive and didn’t have any namer cards. The driver opened the door and seemed to have no intention to enter the ward. To Yan Liang he said, “ Miss Yan, please go in.”

Although she had somewhat guessed it, she was still surprised to see lu Zheng sitting alone on the bed holding a newspaper.

When lu Zheng saw her, his face registered equal surprise.

Face, neck, left hand, right leg.. there wasn’t a single part of his body that seemed unhurt. There were bandages all over, some places just had antiseptic ointment on them. This transformation of the romantic suave groom of yesterday was shocking.

Yan Liang frowned, and asked him the question she couldn’t solve herself, “ How ..what happened.. ?”

Lu Zheng smiled superficially at her, but just that smile caused his wounds to ache and he grimaced in pain.

Somehow Yan Liang could not bear to look directly at him. She bent her head to look at the newspaper spread on his knees..wasn’t this the same article she was reading in the morning?

“ Isn’t it ridiculous ? I am an adult now, but my father beat me up like a disobedient child. “

Yan Liang didn’t know how to respond to this.

Looking at her , Lu Zheng laughed.

How could this man always smile at her ?

No matter how pathetic she looked, how unbearable her shame.. she was so ashamed she couldn’t look at him.

Especially when she thought of the phone call early that morning, did he hang up ?

Had he heard her heavy breathing inspite of her tightly covered mouth..

She wanted to ignore all this.. but she didn’t know how.

After thinking about it , she said, “ If your fiancée decided not to marry you, it is her fault. Are you supposed to tie her down and force here to marry you ? You shouldn’t be blamed for this.”

Did he realise that she said this to evade her own disturbing thoughts ? Why else would he smile at her so helplessly ?

But as was his nature, he did not have the heart to expose her. He only said, “ My dad told me some things, but I know it’s not comprehensive. Since you are here, can you answer some of my questions ?”

She didn’t comment.

“ The destruction of Xu – in addition to Jiang Shi Jun, was Jiang Yu Nan also responsible for it?”

The woman seemed to be stunned. Lu Zheng couldn’t read her expression and couldn’t guess what was going through her mind, but he had lots to say and so he dismissed her lack of response. He didn’t for a moment regret his own obsession with the woman

Yan Liang did not answer him so he continued tempting himself , “ You haven’t divorced Jiang Yu Nan because someday you plan to use this relationship to revive Xu ?”

“……” “…”

He looked at her shyly, and slowly enunciated the next few words. There was a kind of firmness in his tone as he stated, “ What if I said I will help you ?”

Yan Liang suddenly looked up.

The emotions in her eyes betrayed her.

Lu Zheng could clearly understand everything now. He recalled various incidents he had witnessed in yesterday’s banquet and the word that kept echoing in his heart was , “ no wonder “

No wonder she smiled so brightly, no wonder when he looked at her he felt so distressed and irrational, no wonder he was finally able to stand up to his father..

Yan Liang’s eyes flashed several times, them she finally asked him, “Do you think that I will once again believe that someone is willing to help me with no agenda of his own after Jiang Yu Nan betrayed me ?”

“……” “…”

Yan Liang shook her head again and again, “ I can’t promise you Xu’s shares , but I can’t afford another one billion of debt.” Then she shook her head again and rectified her earlier statement, “ I should say, even if I can afford it, your father will never allow you to do so.”

There was no smile on Lu Zheng’s face, but there was a hidden smile in his eyes. With that smile, there was a trace of self deprecation, “My father has already controlled half of my life. I can only use the remaining half of my life to disobey him.”

Two years ago, he had easily agreed to his father’s conditions : her debt of a billion dollars would be forgiven if he forgot her.

But now he was determined.

Although his smile was still tranquil, there seemed to be something hidden behind that smile. Yan Liang was again confused.

“ If you really want to know what my interest in this is..” Lu Zheng paused, “ I want you.”

“……” “…”

“……” “…”

Obviously the ward was still quiet, but in Yan Liang’s ears she could hear the ringing sound of a besieged city collapsing

***** *****

When Yan Liang returned to the company from the hospital, the regular weekly meeting was nearing completion.

In the last two years in the company, her attitude had been lacklustre. When she came in late, no one was surprised.

However, what Yan Liang did not expect, however was that Jiang Yu Nan was actually absent.

Till the end of the meeting, she did not see Jiang Yu Nan.

Jiang Shi Jun only occasionally visited the company was not too involved in the day to day operations.

When Yan Liang pushed the door of the door conference room open, the atmosphere in the company was slightly awkward. Jiang Shi Jun was sitting in the main seat, Yan Liang sat to his right. It was clearly evident to the other people present in the room that the two found each other’s presence disagreeable.

Fortunately, the meeting would soon he over . Everyone packed up their documents to leave. The secretary also packed up . Jiang Shi Jun was still sitting there , listening to his secretary narrate the next items on his schedule, “ 10:30 your slated to visit the new R&D centre. 11:30 is lunch with the governor. And 2 pm you’re playing with Liang Ruiqiang.”

As Yan Liang heard this at the door of the conference room, her footsteps , which were earlier sluggish suddenly became lively.

The secretary saw her paused and could not help but call out , “ Ms Yan ?”

With her back to the secretary, she waved her hand indicating that it was nothing. She looked over her shoulder and her gaze swept over they Secretary and Jiang Shi Jun briefly before she turned back and walked out of the room.

Once she was back in office, her next meeting was only an hour later. She had enough time to look through the documents to see what she had missed.

As she was turning the pages of her documents, her fingers unconsciously paused.

At 2 pm, Jiang Shi Jin and Mr. Liang Ruiqiang would play together … …

Jiang Shi Jun’s secretary’s voice still echoed in her ears. Yan Liang closed the file

Ming ting Group, Liang’s consortium.. she closed her eyes and leaned back on the chair..for the first time in a long time , she could see a ray of hope..

***** *****

Yan Liang was still staying out late every night. But she was no longer going to night clubs to kill time. Lu Zheng’s injuries were still serious, for a short while, it wasn’t clear when they would heal and Yan Liang visited him at hospital every night.

She most often met the Lu family chef as he delivered healthy food , but Lu Mingting only came once.

Yan Liang sat outside the ward, she didn’t want to disturb the conversation between father and son when she saw Mr Lu leave the room

She was helping Lu Zheng open the window he was finding difficult to raise when the silhouette of Mr Lu appeared downstairs in the front courtyard of the hospital. Lu Zheng pointed at the silhouette and said , “ My head injury is because he hit me with a cane made of a rare wood species. It’s as hard as stone, one knock is enough to give someone a cerebral concussion. “

He was laughing , and when he looked up, their faces were very close to each other.

Her smile was reflected in his eyes.

Instinctively , Yan Liang shrunk back. Seeing this, Lu Zheng placed a hand on her shoulder.

Yan Liang looked around and saw a basket of fruit at the bedside, she immediately moved back, “ I’ll wash the fruits. “

As she left the room, Lu Zheng’s gaze followed her.

What she was to him.. even if she was purely using him for her own purposes, he was willing to be used.

After staying in the hospital for the night, Yan Liang went home to change her clothes before going to work. Lu Zheng had the staff prepare an extra room and bed specially at the hospital so she could stay overnight. The quality of her sleep there was the best she had in the last two years.

When she breathed in the morning air , she always felt refreshed. But whenever she was at home, she was always on high alert.

Today , something seemed unusual. Jiang Yu Nan’s car was parked outside the main building and the rear door was open. Did Jiang Yu Nan just come back or was he preparing to leave immediately?

Yan Liang only looked at the car but did not greet the driver and went in.

Just when she reached the second floor, she heard a sound in the cloak room.

Aa she approached the cloakroom, she saw Secretary Lee stuffing clothes in a suitcase. Both his movements and expression were full of anxiety.

When Yan Liang suddenly appeared in front of him, the secretary was momentarily stunned. He put aside the things and nodded his head at Yan Liang in greeting

“What is this?” Yan Liang stood at the door and asked.

Secretary Li reluctantly smiled and answered, “ Mr Jiang always travels every ten days or so.. I just need to pack some things for him.”

Realising this trip of Jiang Yu Nan’s must be urgent, Yan Liang stepped aside and Secretary Li quickly packed the suitcase and left.

He carried the suitcase downstairs in a hurry , sat in the car, shut the door and then instructed the driver, “ Drive back to the hospital .”

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