Rising Shards

“The Endora Awakeners” (7.6)

We watched as Kalei and Risa followed Asteri downstairs to the basement of the house. Nothing in this place looked particularly like an office.

“Oh…wow.” Oka said as we reached the bottom of the stairs.

The basement of the house was unfurnished, with the visual items of note being a bar, a few couches by a television, a locked off room, and a tiny table in the far corner serving as a desk. No one besides the three seemed to be there.

“Was Kalei like almost murdered by a guy who pretends to have a business, then like lures people in and kills them?” I said.

“I feel like she’d mention that,” Oka said. "Maybe she had a nightmare where that happened?"

It was kind of weird to see Kalei in a work setting, even if it was this. She carried herself with less of a slouch and was dressing very professionally.

“So...do other people work here?” Risa asked.

“Duh,” Asteri said. “They all listen to me though. I’m the vice president here. No more questions though. And take your damn shoes off.”

Kalei and Risa slipped their sneakers off and continued to follow Asteri.

“Is Kalei messing with us?” Oka asked. “This can’t be real.”

Oka gestured to the other end of the office, where Asteri sat down in a tiny chair behind a tiny desk.

“Maybe this is a like exaggerated version of what happened?” I asked.

“I could see that if this had a display like yours,” Oka said.

“Risa first,” Asteri said. “Kalei, you get on the couch.”

Asteri sat down in a tiny chair behind the tiny desk. Risa had to sit down on a tiny footstool. The couch was close enough that Kalei could hear everything, which seemed bad for a job interview. Asteri began typing on his computer.

Asteri said and typed a bit more. “So Risa...doesn’t look like you’re in my database. Wanna tell me a bit about yourself?”

Oka peeked around Asteri’s shoulder. “The computer’s off, if you’re wondering. I don’t think it’s plugged into anything either. I’m not even sure if this is a computer.”

While Oka was on the other side of the office, I stayed near Kalei. When the other two weren’t looking, her proud posture started to break. I knew what her little fidgets meant, she was getting anxious.

“So, I was born in a farm town way out, then my family moved to Anesville, but I guess that’s not really relevant to—"

Asteri held a hand up. “Can you tell me something not completely boring and stupid?”

“Oh! Well.” Risa said. “I’ve worked a lot of jobs, and I think I’d be a valuable asset here. I also want to start a sex-ed empire that—”

“Can you make fake sticks?” Asteri asked.

“I’ve never done it, but I think I could!”

“Do you have passion?”

“Well I guess I do believe I’m a passionate kind of person.”

I noticed Kalei make a weird face at that. I knew I was probably reading into it too much, but her look at that answer got my mental gears turning.

“For sticks, Risa. That’s what we do here. We don’t dabble in your relationship problems. That stays outside. Keep your sass outside. You’re getting a bit sassy.”

“OK...well I think I could be passionate about sticks. I just need to...learn how to?

Asteri leaned back in his chair. He clicked on the keyboard for a bit.

“Yeah, none of this is plugged in.” Oka said as she wandered around. “I’m starting to believe your theory that this guy’s about to try to murder everyone.”

“You both start tomorrow. 8am.”

“I don’t even have to interview?” Kalei asked.

“You’re part of the Cani program, and you showed up, so that’s my criteria.” Asteri said.

We had another slow fadeout as Kalei and Risa looked elated, but also tried to keep themselves looking composed and professional.

We faded back in to the same office of BirchSceptre, and I yelled because it had like six people there now as Kalei and Risa walked down.

“Thirty five seconds.” Asteri said.

“What?” Kalei asked.

“Thirty five seconds late,” Asteri said, shoving his watch near their faces. “This level of sass will not be tolerated. Follow me.”

Asteri directed Kalei and Risa to the bar. There were paper shreds and stuff there, and some dour looking people twisting them together and painting them.

“Is this everybody working here?” Risa said.

“Just everyone you’re worthy to meet.” Asteri said. These guys make the fake sticks. They’re gonna teach you everything they know.”

The guys there offered their hands to shake, so I guessed they were trustworthy.

“It’s not a lot,” One said. “But I did win best fake stick award at the local stick contest.”

“Alright, Risa, get to it,” Asteri said. “Kalei, on me.”

Risa started work on the fake sticks as Asteri followed Kalei to a back room.

“So what do you need me for?” Kalei asked.

“I got some people coming down here today for a big stick sale,” Asteri said. “I need you to be my muscle.”

“Your muscle?” Kalei asked.

“You have your freaky weird powers right?” Asteri said.

“I mean, I will, but–“

The upstairs doorbell rang.

“He’s here.” Asteri said, but his voice had changed. Kalei looked completely anxious now.

“Wait—” Kalei said, but Asteri was gone.

“Hey…Zeta?” Oka asked. “You should see this.”

I turned to see the landscape behind us had shifted. The office was wrecked now. Everyone was gone. Something was written on all the walls in red, over and over.


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