Rising Shards

Side Fangs #135: “Caeda’s Mission”

“Lights. Strings. Tearing?” Caeda said as Octa Kathron paged through slides being projected on a wall. It reminded her of when she got an eyesight test at school. But instead of letters on a wall, it was images of strange and seemingly random things.

“That’s enough for today,” Octa said. She turned the lights on.

Caeda yawned. “So, how did I do?”

“Adequately for your experience level.” Octa said.

“Same thing as always, then?” Caeda sighed.

“You’ve had three sessions with me.” Octa said. “That’s hardly enough time to be weary of me.”

“Not of you, Mrs. Kathron,” Caeda said. “Or, Ms. Kathron, sorry.”

Caeda felt bad at the awkward silence that followed. She liked that Octa didn’t seem to mind when she complained or brought up criticisms (she thought she’d be kicked out during the first official session when she called out Octa for being painfully vague) or said potentially uncomfortable things.

“I don’t know a lot about you, do I?” Caeda said.

“I’m a scientist that works at the Taramin Labs on a vitally important project.” Octa said. “What more do you need to know?”

“I’m just curious is all,” Caeda said. “There’s plenty you know about me already from all our interviews and tests.”

“And because you broadcast every thought that enters your mind.” Octa said.

“Heh,” Caeda said. “That’s true. But how else will I let people know what I feel? What I want?”

“You don’t have to let people know everything,” Octa said. “That could be the theme of today. For example, what have I told you about your work here?”

“Because…you said something huge and terrible is happening,” Caeda said, feeling energized at Octa describing Caeda’s contributions as ‘her work.’ “And that I can help you stop it.”

Being part of something so important had Caeda incredibly excited. So far at Rising Shards, she hadn’t done anything of note. But if she could help Octa against some huge threat, that would fulfil her dream way before she ever thought she could.

“That’s correct,” Octa said. “And have I told you any other details?”

“Not really,” Caeda said. “I would like to learn more, though.”

“But if I don’t tell you more, will that dissuade you from continuing?”

“Yes. Or, no?” Caeda said. “I won’t give up, I mean. Because I know this is important.”

“Then I’ve told you everything you need to know.” Octa said.


“Everything you need to know for now.” Octa said. “I won’t keep you in the dark forever.”

“Alright,” Caeda said. “That said though, I don’t think it’d be too hard to tell me a bit more about yourself, even if our mission is top secret.”

Octa squinted.

“I know the lesson was just not say everything there,” Caeda said. “But maybe a few little things?”

“Like what?”  

“Like…” Caeda thought about what she wanted to ask, realizing she spoke “Will your husband…ex-husband? Ever stop by?”

“Why would he?” Octa asked.

“Because I’m still not sure if he actually is your ex or not,” Caeda said. “Just that I’m pretty sure you’re lying to me every time you talk about him. Whether you’re split or together, I can’t get a firm answer, so it makes me wonder if he’s around but just can’t be here for secret reasons.” She gasped. “Is he part of the secret mission that you can’t tell me about yet?”

“Maybe,” Octa said. “Or maybe my differing answers are an experiment to see your reactions.”

“Do you treat everything like an experiment?” Caeda asked. “That sounds like a lonely way to live. Don’t you form bonds? Is that why your husband left you? Er, sorry.”

Octa didn’t show any sign that Caeda had offended her. She barely looked like she heard Caeda at all.

“When a burden falls on you that’s so heavy that the fate of millions of lives rest upon it, and the only way to save them is to experiment, wouldn’t you always be experimenting?” Octa asked.

“Is your work that big a deal?” Caeda said, her mind racing at the thought. Probably less anxiously than she should be about the millions of lives thing, but more about how cool it would be to be a hero that saved millions of people.

Our work,” Octa said. “And yes.”

“Wow,” Caeda said. “And just to be clear, by our you’re including me, right? You’re not talking about some secret other person here?

“There are many people involved in this mission, you can see them all around the labs,” Octa said. “But yes, I’m including you, Caeda.”

Caeda got a bit too hyper to the point that she was embarrassed about it later, especially when she almost ran into a file cabinet on the way out, but the embarrassment was worth the thrill of chasing her dreams, ones that seemed to become more real each time she visited Taramin Labs.

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