Rising Shards

“Showdown at Iho Vinai” (5.3)

I forgot why we came to Iho Vinai as soon as Cavalier and Biggs showed us inside the gift shop. It was filled with tons of Tower related merchandise. I cursed my lack of money and wondered if I could bug Stella for some immediately to get an action figure of the character Raina Starlight played, Arlit (my favorite character in just about anything).

“It’s kind of weird they sell so many figures of this show,” Aira said. “I know it’s famous and all…”

“True,” Laenie said. “It’s all a bit corporate.”

“I guess so,” I said. I still really wanted that Arlit action figure. Not enough to text Stella, but I really thought about it.

“OK, we looked at all that,” Aira said after we’d ran through every row at least three times. “I think it’s time we get to Laenie’s stuff.”

“That’s right,” Oka said, her longing stare at a commemorative Tower book cover broken.

“That’s why we’re here after all!” I said, remembering just a moment before speaking.

Laenie perked up when we were finally going to the flower shop. I felt like I was being torn away from a really great dream by waking up just as it’s getting good when we left the store.

“Great! OK, so we need…” Laenie said as she pulled out a long list. “Mrs. Cyto asked me to pick up some starburst peony seeds, and the flower shop here is the closest place to get them.”

Laenie read through the entire list, and it was the loudest and most excited I’d ever seen her (or seen someone read a list before). I didn’t realize how much she loved plants.

“Hey, can’t Oka just like, make those seeds?” I asked.

“No,” Laenie said. “Mrs. Cyto is in charge of the flower club for a reason, and she can tell when something is naturally made or made with a Cani ability.”

“Laenie knows almost as much as her about flowers!” Aira said.

“I don’t know about that…” Laenie said, blushing.

The flower shop was quiet and peaceful, and Laenie softly gasped when we walked inside. She seemed like a completely different person when we were in there, twirling between rows of different seeds, gushing over all the different pots and tools around, and telling us all about every flower on display in the garden in the middle of the store. I spotted an orange flower growing at the edge of the others.

“Oka, look!” I said. “It’s a sun kissed gem!”

“Hey, yeah!” Oka said.

“That’s right!” Laenie said. “They mean good luck, especially on sunny days like today!”

“Oka made one for me!” I said. “When I first met her. It looked just like this!”

“That’s so sweet!” Laenie said. “They’re pretty tricky for a Cani…”

I didn’t talk about it with Oka because I didn’t want to embarrass her, but I still looked at the pressed flower in my book a lot. Knowing it was challenging to make made it seem even more special to me. Laenie finished grabbing all her supplies, and we got ready to leave.

“I’m so happy we got everything!” Aira said. “And with just enough time to spare.”

“Yeah,” Laenie said. I could hear a bit of sadness in her voice.

“Whoa, is Miss Silent actually talking?” Ovie said.

Laenie peeped again before going quiet. Ovie, Chellsi, and Mikeila-Keila blocked the doors out of the store.

“Hey, Zeta, this is your store!” Ovie said. “Because they probably sell fertilizer here.”

Chellsi and Mikeila-Keila didn’t laugh.

“Because she’s Zeta Manure!” Ovie said.

Still nothing from Chellsi and Mikeila-Keila.

“Ovie, do you ever just stop and think before you talk?” Oka asked. “You’re not as funny as you think you are.”

“Oh, I’m very funny,” Ovie said. “But at least I’m not living jokes like you four.”

“Ha ha,” I said. “You used that one on me already last week. You need new material.”

I didn’t want to let it show but I was panic stricken already. I managed to keep my voice from shaking.

“I have plenty,” Ovie said. “I bought a lot in this tourist trap. Much more exciting than buying seeds. Teacher’s pet.”

Laenie turned red and stared at her shoes.

“Hey, Zeta,” Mikeila-Keila said suddenly. “What did she say about you?”

“Yeah,” Chellsi said. “Jorts?”

“Jorts! Where did Jorts go?” Mikeila-Keila asked. “Ovie told us all about Jorts.”

I froze in place. I could feel my heartbeat. They couldn’t be talking about her.

“Who’s Jorts?” Aira asked.

“Hey, you know what would be really cool?” I asked. “If we all talked about whatever pants-related thing this is on the trolley home.”

“But we still have at least an hour,” Laenie said.

“Maybe we can talk about this outside?” Oka said. She seemed to know who they were trying to talk about, but obviously them talking about Jeans was really confusing.

“But it’s oh so hot outside,” Ovie said. “Come on, Zeta. Tell us all about Jorts.”

Ovie grinned at my squirming.

“Or, wait, it’s Jeans!” Ovie said. “That’s it, Chellsi and Mikeila-Keila. Jeans, not Jorts.”

Full pit in stomach. Gaping chasm in stomach. I wanted to just shrink down to the size of an ant and hide in the garden in the middle of the store.

“Don’t worry, we know all about her.” Ovie said. “She’s Zeta’s dear friend.”

“That’s all,” I said. “Canwepleasejustgonow.”

“No, Zeta.” Ovie said. “Because Mikeila-Keila asked you a question.”

“I did?” Mikeila-Keila asked.

“Yes, like a minute ago,” Ovie said. “What happened with you and Jeans, Zeta?”

“Can you just back off?” Oka asked.

“Yeah, just get out of here! I know lawyers!” Aira said. “The…suing kind of lawyers.”

Chellsi and Mikeila-Keila yelped at that.

“Ovie, let’s go,” Chellsi said. “Aira’s lawyers can sew our clothes!”

“She didn’t say anything close to that,” Ovie said. “But whatever. I’m bored.”

Ovie and her friends finally stepped aside. I darted through, glaring at Ovie on the way out. She gave me a smug, thin smile back.

“Sorry about that,” I said as we sat down at the fountain. I needed a few minutes to calm down. Ovie knew Jeans. Jeans had definitely said something about me to Ovie.

“Ovie’s so awful,” Laenie said. “We should head to the library next, I really wanted to see…hey, wait!”

Laenie looked through her bag frantically.

“A bunch of the stuff is gone! I just had it…” Laenie said.

“Hey Manure!” Ovie called out.

Ovie was at the side of the village square opposite of the gate, with her back to the path to the fields of tall grass that led to the farm. Ovie and her friends held up a bundle of things I just saw Laenie buy.

“Hey, you stole that!” Laenie said.

Ovie and her friends stuck their tongues out at us before running off towards the farm.

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