Rising Shards

Interlude S2.12: “Cartoon Betrayal”

I rubbed Oka’s back as she continued to cry. Usually if one of us was crying at our cafeteria table it was me, but Oka had the honors today. 

“It’ll be alright,” I said.

“What’s her problem?” Kalei asked as she clanged her lunch tray down. “I mean, you good there Oka?”

Oka wasn’t quite in a state of her cry session to answer coherently, but she wheezed something out.

“...ah. Didn’t get. Any of that…” Kalei said.

“Canon straight couple,” I explained. “In a series she was really enjoying, too.”

“Pfft,” Kalei laughed. “OK, but seriously, what’s got you so down, dude?”

Oka wailed, leaning against me. Kalei’s face dropped.

“Are you seriously crying because a guy and a girl got together on some…show? Book?”

“A cartoon,” Oka said. “A really awesome one until now. Then my girl Radish got together with the most boring guy imaginable.” She sniffed. “My soul is hurting.”

“The character’s name is…Radish?” Kalei said.

“And I thought the people would have my back in the community, you know?” Oka continued. “But I checked online and guess what ship won the popularity contest! The most boring ship ever!”

“Dude,” Kalei said. “How did you get this far in life if one straight relationship wrecks you like this?”

“Oka’s new to shipping, be nice,” I said.

“You don’t understand,” Oka said. “I’m fine with people being themselves obviously! Nothing against any straight folks! Even most fictional ones! It’s just…this particular fictional one…” She wailed.

“Wasn’t every book and movie you had growing up like the straightest stuff ever?” Kalei asked.

“Yeah and most of it sucked so I didn’t get emotionally attached!” Oka said. “Outside of the musicals, many of which were filled to the brim with gay subtext.”

“Uh huh,” Kalei said.

“And I thought Planet Ghost Warriors was too! I thought it wasn’t just subtext! I thought it maybe could have been text even! But then…Radish and the most boring, one note character. Just because he’s a boy! That’s why they’re supposed to be together? I didn’t even think CC was an important character! I barely paid attention to him. And even if he was important, they have no chemistry! Unlike Radish and Cecelia! Now that’s a couple!”

“Well, you’re not crying anymore, at least.” Kalei said. “But I’m not sure if whatever this is is much better.”

“I dunno if it’s better and I’m still probably gonna cry a whole bunch more!” Oka said. “Putting them together just because it’s some…basic…the expected…it was so. So! What am I trying to say here?”

“I believe the word you’re looking for is ‘heteronormative,’” Lillia said as she sat down. “And seeing the reinforcement of those heteronormative standards was an upsetting experience for her. I was there when Oka watched the straight couple be canonized. Luckily Zeta wasn’t far, so I summoned her for comfort.”

“I’m a veteran at fandom business, so I’ve been there,” I said. “I’m well versed in this kind of pain, so much that I may have a mental callous of sorts that protects me from them, allowing me to really help out my sun kissed gem here!”

“You’re talking like you don’t still have a big baby tantrum every time someone’s mean to Raina Starlight.” Kalei said.

“Shut up! That’s not the same thing!” I said.

Kalei at least backed off, sensing that I was almost in tears immediately from that.

“This is gonna sound mean,” Kalei said. 

“Tread carefully, Koridia,” Oka squinted.

“But I’m glad you two have each other because I’m pretty sure every other person on the planet would lose their minds dealing with you at times like this.”

“Awww.” I said. 

“But haven’t you ever had your very spirit crushed by heteronormativity in some form of media?” Oka lamented.

“That’s such a dweeb sentence I almost don’t want to respond,” Kalei said. “I mean, I guess? Probably, being gay and all? I don’t get invested in shows the same way you guys do, I think. Or have big tantrums like you two do.”

“One day you’ll know when you ship someone in some show, or book, or video game. And then who are you gonna come to when they betray you, and tear your very heart asunder?” Oka said.

“Maybe relax with the threats,” Lillia said. “If such a fate awaits Kalei, we’ll likely be the first to hear about it.”

“Now I’m kinda curious,” Kalei said. “This gives me an idea.”

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