Rising Shards

Interlude S2.10: “Dusk Fumblers”

Kitty Kilander was not taking to her dwindling stardom well (an unfairly and bizarrely quick dwindling), but at least Wildfire Hearts provided plenty of good outlets to help ease the pain of losing out on being a top fighter in Haven, getting dropped from her record label, and plenty more. She could boss around students, kick students out of her mentee groups, and best of all, make fun of the other teachers.

Today, she decided she would have words with Ms. Corinani, a teacher that had been recently assigned to watch over Jeanette Dusk. Corinani lasted an even shorter time than Kitty did. The loser teacher was anxiously shuffling through papers in the staff lounge at Wildfire Hearts. Kitty thought about knocking the papers over right away, but decided against it, as Corinani just looked too pathetic, especially with her lunch consisting of a slice of bread with butter and half a piece of ham on it and a third of a nearly spoiled banana.

“Corinani, why are you here?” Kitty asked. “The rumors aren’t true, are they? Did you seriously fumble Jeanette Dusk?”

“Not fumble, exactly,” Corinani said. “I’d say you fumbled Dusk.”

“Wanna run that by me again? I didn’t fumble her, I dropped her because she was starting to freak me out. Girl’s got serial killer vibes. And she smells.” Kitty said. “And I was busy with my celebrity schedule.”

“Which you clearly aren’t busy with now.”

“Last I checked, I could still obliterate you in a fight,” Kitty said. “So you might want to be careful talking to me like that.” She smiled warmly.

“Whatever.” Corinani said, going back to her papers.

“Here, let me help you with that,” Kitty said, sweeping the papers off the table and onto the ground, stepping on them before leaving the room.

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