Rise of the Zerg in the World of Gods

Chapter 167: The Powers of Gods

"Xu Luo, I'm reporting an urgent situation. A God's Tomb has been discovered in star region K-313, and there's a suspected Divine Spark inside!" Zhong Tianyue's voice came through urgently as soon as the call connected.

"The top human geniuses are already taking emergency action to rush over there. I remember you were active in star region G-21 earlier, right? It's not far from there, and you now have some strength. You can go join the commotion and see if you can gain anything," Zhong Tianyue said with a serious expression.

"There's no specific requirement for you, and we don't expect you to snatch the Divine Spark. But Divine Domains usually leave behind some things. You can grab these and sell them later for resources, which should accelerate your development."

Zhong Tianyue couldn't help but sigh. This student, Xu Luo, was truly the most effortless one he had ever taught.

In just a few short months, he felt there was nothing left he could teach him.

Given the strength Xu Luo had shown now, forget high school level, even many average university students couldn't compare to him.

"What? A Divine Spark?" Xu Luo, who had been watching the commotion and was interrupted by the sudden call request, had to step out to answer. Upon hearing this, his mind was filled with question marks.

The call request had been ringing urgently, and he thought it was something important. But after connecting, he didn't expect this.

"I'm there right now. If possible, it's best if the humans don't come to join the commotion."

"What are you planning to do?" Hearing this, Zhong Tianyue's first reaction was very cautious, a sense of foreboding rising in his heart.

"Don't do anything rash! Many top geniuses from various civilizations have already gathered there. Although you have some strength, you're not enough in front of those beings," he hurriedly warned this lawless student.

At first, he thought this kid was very low-key, the type to make big moves quietly, or you could say very scheming, silent in reality but striking hard in God's Domain.

But at some point, this kid suddenly seemed to let loose, his actions becoming more and more exaggerated. Like during the previous competition, bombarding the plane world. Then leading his so-called Virtuous Organization to directly rob ten civilizations' star regions.

When he saw the financial loss reports from those alien civilizations at that time, he was completely shocked.

Such a big commotion couldn't be covered up. The ten plundered civilizations made a rough estimate, listing out the approximate economic losses and destroyed Divine Domains.

Seeing that string of data, he felt it was very alarming. He didn't expect this kid to be so fierce.

And all along, his slogan had been to convince others with virtue, but he violently subdued others, flexing his muscles and beating them up.

At that time, he just thought it was fooling around and didn't take it seriously. But unexpectedly, in such a short time, the Virtuous Organization that he created as a joke, directly made a leap-like rapid expansion in such a brief period, having over a hundred thousand members.

Moreover, under Xu Luo's call, these guys actually didn't resist. Since when did the unruly alien races become so obedient?

But it had to be said, this was indeed a very huge force.

So when Xu Luo produced several thousand Divine Domain cores in one go earlier, he wasn't too surprised. Because compared to the commotion they caused, that harvest of Divine Domain cores seemed to be nothing.

"Oh, it's nothing. I just think it's better if they don't go, to avoid accidental injuries. It's hard to explain," Xu Luo smiled slightly.

He had a plan to reap the benefits, and if humans went over, he felt it would be difficult to handle. It would be troublesome to let them go, and not good to attack them either.

"Accidental injuries? Kid, you're not planning to catch everyone in one net, are you?" Zhong Tianyue immediately guessed his intention.

"You're not thinking of blocking the exit of the God's Tomb and attacking everyone who comes out, are you?"

"Ah! How did you know?" Xu Luo was a bit surprised that his thoughts were seen through.

It seemed that old Zhong understood him quite well. That's exactly what he wanted to do.

So many people just attacked him together, causing heavy losses to his Zerg.

It's tit for tat. At this point, he didn't plan to enter the God's Tomb anymore. Who knows what's inside?

The experience in the Titan God's Tomb last time was really spine-chilling for him, so when he heard the word "God's Tomb," he actually felt a bit resistant.

Now, for this unknown God's Tomb, he didn't want to enter at all.

But not entering the God's Tomb didn't affect his plan to ambush outside.

He would just block the outside, and attack anyone who came out, snatching their benefits. It was the same for him.

Moreover, this way was more effortless, and he didn't have to face potential dangers inside the God's Tomb. He could directly reap the benefits.

"You kid, what kind of person you are, don't I know?" Zhong Tianyue laughed and scolded.

But then he sighed.

"However, I can't make this decision. I can only make a suggestion to those above. You know, given your current weight, you can't compare to those people in the eyes of those above."

"I know, that doesn't matter," Xu Luo didn't care how much weight he carried in the eyes of those above.

He felt it was better to have less weight. There were fewer burdens, and if those above didn't pay much attention to him, he could do whatever he wanted, without so many constraints.

Being valued by those above might bring more cultivation, more benefits and resources, but correspondingly, after enjoying these benefits and treatments, the burden to bear would be greater, and more responsibilities would need to be shouldered.

He didn't want to experience these things too much. He preferred to take care of himself first, and only when he had spare capacity would he manage others.

This was his life attitude.

After ending the call with Zhong Tianyue, Xu Luo immediately entered his Divine Domain, connected with his avatar, and continued to focus on the chaotic battlefield there.

Although in this situation, his Mage's Eye couldn't observe the battlefield across the distant void, and worker bees didn't have the ability to fly in the void to scout for intelligence.

But in God's Domain, there were numerous creatures and races. To be honest, various technologies, except for modern science and technology, were developed to the peak in terms of magic and related aspects. Various magical items were also emerging in endless streams.

Just like the magic crystal ball in Xu Luo's hand now, it could let him view events happening within a certain range nearby from a great distance.

Although the battlefield was chaotic due to numerous beings engaging in combat, making the view through the magic crystal ball unclear.

But Xu Luo didn't want to see these things. He just needed to use this as a reference to judge what stage the battle had reached and who ultimately entered the God's Tomb. That's all.

He was actually quite curious, not knowing what type of Divine Spark it was.

Gods were classified into types, and the types of Gods were mainly distinguished by Divine Sparks.

Different Divine Sparks contained different rules, and different divine duties also represented the future development direction of this God.

For example, a Fire God represented the rules of fire, and his divine duty was also related to fire, such as burning and so on, all pointing towards fire.

Divine authority actually represented the God's power, or authority, which not every God possessed.

At this time in the Hall of Gods, many True Gods or Main Gods and God Kings all had complete paths. Newborn Gods basically continued along the paths they had walked.

As long as there was no God who unified an entire path, it was basically very smooth.

In this aspect, Gods of the Light system were quite unfortunate, because the Lord of Light was both the God of Angels and the God of Light. One God held two powerful divine duties, exclusively receiving the faith of the entire angel race and the support of all light power users, leaving no way out for latecomers.

For those wanting to walk the path of Light Gods, the advantage was that they could receive the protection of the Lord of Light. They could basically walk proudly anywhere without fear. Although the Lord of Light wasn't the most powerful in the Hall of Gods, his fist was quite hard. He could basically rank in the top five, so there was no need to worry too much about being bullied by other Gods.

But the disadvantage was that Gods of the Light system couldn't become Main Gods. God King was their limit.

Generally, all Demi-Gods would determine their future development direction while in the Novice Divine Domain, deciding what kind of God they needed to become.

For example, a Spring God would develop in directions related to harvest, planting, reproduction, revival, and so on.

Developing with a specific focus would reduce many detours and unnecessary losses. It was like taking a shortcut, allowing one to quickly reach the direction they wanted to go, rather than searching aimlessly like a headless fly for their path.

This was the choice of most people.

There were also a few people who didn't admit defeat and wanted to carve out their own path, so they wouldn't be constrained by others.

Just like Ying Yingluo, after becoming a God, she received the title of God of Valkyrie. This was a God title that had never appeared in the Hall of Gods before, and she was the first God of Valkyrie in this world.

Xu Luo guessed that when he became a God in the future, his title should be Insect God, meaning the God of Zerg.

Although there were insect species in this world, and some insects were quite powerful, no God had ever made crawling insects their divine beast.

Only some more powerful insects would be sought after by others, but they were only developed along with other creatures, not as the main race of the other party.

He was the first Demi-God to make Zerg the main development creature and his divine beast. His future direction was also related to Zerg, belonging to a unique God.

Fortunately, no one competed with him for this path. As long as he kept walking down this path, it was a smooth one.

However, although generally, the path was set during development, accidents could happen.

Just like this time, a God's Tomb emerged, and even a Divine Spark appeared!

The Divine Spark itself represented the development direction of the God. A Demi-God might initially set their future development direction, but if they were lucky enough to get the help of this Divine Spark, all their previous preparations might actually be wasted.

Because the Divine Spark might not align with their original development direction.

Of course, Divine Sparks were precious. The development direction of a mere novice God was naturally not as important as a Divine Spark.

At this point, they would artificially change their original plan.

Of course, besides this, there were other ways to change, such as being favored by a powerful God and becoming their subordinate God. In that case, their development would need to align with that God, and the original plan naturally wouldn't be important anymore.

These were the development rules in God's Domain.

Development in the Novice Divine Domain was mainly to accumulate strength, so that when reaching the Continent of Gods, one could live more comfortably.

If the early development wasn't smooth, later on, one might not even be able to maintain the basic expenses of turning their Divine Domain into a Divine Kingdom.

Why were some people still insignificant Low Gods for countless years after becoming Gods?

It was because they didn't accumulate enough at the beginning, leading to having nothing left when becoming Gods.

After becoming a God, the Divine Kingdom and believers all required huge expenses. When the Divine Kingdom's own output wasn't enough to maintain these expenses, it became very dangerous for the God.

Most people could basically maintain these consumptions and have a little surplus.

This little extra power was stored as an emergency reserve, to be used urgently when encountering unexpected situations.

Because a God's divine power was consumable. Once used, it couldn't be recovered. It could only be replenished by consuming other faith power to supplement the original loss. But this consumption was irreversible, so Gods must have a certain reserve of power to have enough ability to respond when encountering danger.

Otherwise, when fighting a war of attrition, if there wasn't enough divine power reserve, a God would basically be very passive.

This was the importance of accumulation during the novice period.

If your foundation was solid and you were wealthy, even when you reached the Continent of Gods, you could rise in the shortest time and not be bullied by others.

[06/21+3 - Chapters Released this week]

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