Rise of the Zerg in the World of Gods

Chapter 163: The Umbrella’s “Social Event”

After entering his Divine Domain, Xu Luo directly used his authority to send a mass message to all members.

The message was to attack the Red-Eye Civilization!

He needed to collect Divine Domain cores, but he couldn't openly say he needed these things in large quantities.

He also couldn't say that humans and the Red-Eye Civilization were now at war, and he wanted to help humans by causing trouble for the Red-Eye Civilization.

So his approach was to directly define a range and then start the Umbrella group's first "social event"!

As a large organization, how could they not have their own corporate culture?

Now that the team was growing larger and members were increasing, it was sometimes necessary to organize activities. Everyone acting together could also deepen their relationships!

As for whether it was socializing or collective hunting, that was up to individual interpretation.

Anyway, Xu Luo said he had randomly circled a coordinate point, and all members should attack in that direction.

As for whose civilization was in that direction, did that matter? This was a plundering carnival, a feast of gluttony.

As plunderers, did they need to care about who was being plundered?

Then that night, one Divine Domain after another moved its position, descending simultaneously to one place, or rather, one star region.

The Umbrella had originally risen from the edge, close to the borders of other star regions, so from their star region to the Red-Eye Civilization's star region was naturally quite close.

Every civilization had its own core star region, where its members were concentrated, and humans were no exception.

Xu Luo had run to areas where other civilizations were clustered because he had repeatedly attacked others and moved his position. By the end, he had long since disconnected from other human members.

The place where he was located was actually a chaotic zone, with all kinds of civilizations present, not fixed to any one civilization.

After arriving at the Red-Eye Civilization's location, there wasn't much to say.

Other Umbrella members weren't as powerful as Xu Luo, but they were smart. They had already formed teams in their communication channel, grouping in threes and fives to jointly attack a Divine Domain.

In such actions, they only pursued efficiency, aiming to grab the most things. Because Xu Luo had said this was a feast, they didn't develop new members, just killing and grabbing at will.

With such a good opportunity, the Umbrella members naturally agreed wholeheartedly.

Moreover, with the boss leading the charge, these subordinates following in the boss's footsteps and drinking a little soup was enough to fill their bellies.

As a result, a very surprising event occurred.

Over a hundred thousand Divine Domains airdropped into the Red-Eye Civilization's star region, burning, killing, and looting. Then, with lightning speed, they grabbed and ran, giving the Red-Eye Civilization no chance to react.

They had teleported there randomly, and now they randomly teleported away again, making it impossible to chase them.

Because they had raided the border areas, the Red-Eye Civilization members there weren't necessarily strong. By the time the powerhouses from the core areas arrived, these shameless individuals had long since fled.

As the leading brother, Xu Luo's dozens of starships naturally gained the most benefits.

This time, his goal wasn't to conquer the opponents, but to snatch their Divine Domain cores.

Upon arrival, he directly suppressed the opponents with his powerful strength, then sealed away their valuable units, and finally dug out the Divine Domain cores.

There was no large-scale battle, nor did he completely wipe out all the opponent's forces to force them to submit to him.

Because this time, his purpose wasn't to develop new members, so he naturally pursued the fastest efficiency with minimal losses to achieve his goal.

However, he didn't dare to be too blatant. With dozens of starships, he ultimately snatched 800 Divine Domain cores, making a big score before running away, intending to catch the opponents off guard.

All Umbrella members benefited, making this event a win-win situation for the Umbrella group.

Moreover, after this first time, everyone finally developed a sense of belonging to this collective. Although they were forced at the beginning, after joining this group, they found it wasn't so bad.

Although they needed to pay some protection fees, they were protected in this collective. The collective wouldn't arbitrarily oppress them, and when others bullied them, they had people above to help deal with it.

This was why many people actively joined. Because not having their Divine Domain destroyed was many people's dream, and for those without enough strength, being able to pay a certain price to find someone to protect them was not easy.

Now they only needed to pay one-tenth of their Divine Domain's output. This deal was really too good for them.

If they lost their Divine Domain, they would have nothing.

Moreover, there was a complete promotion mechanism within the Umbrella.

If you had strength, you could go and grab. If you couldn't beat others, you could find your superiors for help. If they couldn't beat them either, Xu Luo would personally intervene. If everyone together couldn't beat the opponent, then they would all join forces. With so many people in the Umbrella group, there was nothing to fear.

Those without strength didn't need to worry either. They could introduce others to join the Umbrella group, and those people would become their downlines. Naturally, they would collect the protection fees from those people.

Xu Luo never intended to monopolize all the benefits. If he did, this collective wouldn't last long.

If he only relied on force to suppress these people, he could suppress 100 people, 1,000 people, but what about when the numbers grew even larger?

Ten thousand, a hundred thousand - if all these people were dissatisfied, with such large numbers, if they all united together, even if his Zerg were powerful, they couldn't withstand so many people rebelling together.

The current situation was one of shared benefits. Everyone was part of a community of interests. The distinction between uplines and downlines also ensured that each person had a certain income.

In this way, with benefits evenly distributed, the entire group would spontaneously maintain their interest collective.

The bottom layer was always the exploited one, but in the Umbrella model, there was never a bottom layer. Because even those at the bottom could find others to be their downlines, transferring their losses to others.

Xu Luo seemed to have distributed his benefits to others, but in fact, as others' benefits increased, the protection fees he collected would be more. So the more subordinates others had, the greater his benefits actually were.

Just like this plundering, everyone benefited, but each person's benefits would be extracted layer by layer upwards. In the end, one-tenth of the proceeds from this action directly went to Xu Luo's hands.

Even if he did nothing, this income belonged to him. This was his brilliance.

Hit and run - since this was said to be a plundering feast, part of the Umbrella's corporate culture, it naturally wouldn't end easily after just attacking the Red-Eye Civilization.

After attacking the Red-Eye Civilization, Xu Luo had everyone teleport away, but not randomly. They went to the star region next to the Red-Eye Civilization's.

In this star region, then running far away to another place would seem problematic, so they just plundered the adjacent civilizations.

Not many, just ten civilizations. They ravaged the nearby few star regions, then all fled, completely leaving these star regions.

As for their original location, who would be foolish enough to go back there?

Divine Domains were inherently mobile, going wherever they pleased. There was never a fixed position that remained unchanged. They always ran to where there were benefits.

During this operation, all Umbrella members ate their fill, and everyone was very satisfied.

And unbeknownst to everyone, Xu Luo also achieved his true goal.

Not only that, but he also snatched a large amount of benefits.

Not just units and faith power, but various resources. He kept all these things, planning to use them as a front when setting up a platform later. For now, they were naturally used to increase his inventory.

Among the ten civilizations, Xu Luo snatched a minimum of 500 and a maximum of 900 Divine Domain cores.

In the final tally, he snatched a total of 7,200 Divine Domain cores.

Because of the cover provided by other Umbrella members, this number wasn't conspicuous.

With over a hundred thousand Umbrella members participating in the carnival, who knew how many Divine Domains were destroyed by those heavy-handed individuals.

Although the plundered civilizations cried foul about these plunderers' lack of morality, without any way to find them, the matter could only be left unresolved.

If they had only plundered the Red-Eye Civilization, which was currently at war with humans, they would naturally suspect that this was done by their enemy, the humans. But now ten nearby star regions had been plundered, not just by a single person, and these bandits didn't belong to any single civilization.

So there was no target to blame, which was the most infuriating thing.

However, all civilizations remembered one name.

The Umbrella!

This was the first appearance of this plunderer group, yet it thoroughly made all civilizations remember them.

In one day, they wildly plundered ten civilizations, destroying countless Divine Domains. In terms of economic losses caused, the damage they did was actually greater than the damage caused by Ying Yingluo's True God strike earlier.

Because that strike was just one hit, although the range was a bit wider, it was just that. This time was different. The number of Divine Domains they ravaged was countless.

Over a hundred thousand people! Even if some were in groups of three to five attacking one Divine Domain together, there were others capable of attacking several Divine Domains simultaneously.

Like Xu Luo alone, he directly took down several hundred to a thousand targets in one go. These people weren't necessarily all conquered by them. Some were quite strong and resisted stubbornly. Faced with such people, these plunderers would generally just grab what they could and leave, moving on to the next target.

In these civilizations where Divine Domains were concentrated together, they were too close to each other. Targets could be found easily, unlike in those chaotic Divine Domain areas where one had to fly for a long time to find a target.

For those Divine Domains directly destroyed, there was nothing to say. The worst were those whose units were snatched, whose resources in the Divine Domain were plundered, and even some rare mineral deposits were directly dug out, sealed, and taken away.

Truly digging three feet deep, such losses were the greatest.

Every civilization suffered heavy losses this time, and simultaneously issued bounties for Umbrella members through various channels.

Whether providing their coordinate information or any other intelligence about them, as long as it was true, a certain reward could be obtained.

If one could directly take out an Umbrella member, an even more generous bounty could be claimed.

It was at this time that the Umbrella members came up with a crazy operation that even confused Xu Luo.

These fellows directly reported their peers or uplines, then took the bounty and ran!

As for others being surrounded and attacked, what to do?

Find your upline!

If the upline couldn't handle it, then what?

Go find the boss!

Isn't the boss there to take the blame at critical moments?

Thus, Xu Luo very bewilderingly fought several battles, all because his subordinates were surrounded and attacked.

Although he received an appearance fee when he showed up, he just felt inexplicably unhappy.

Especially later when he learned that the intelligence about these surrounded people was actually reported by their own people, he was nearly angered to death.

How could there be such people!

If they had the guts, they should directly report themselves. What was the point of reporting others?

Reporting oneself, taking one's own bounty, then having Xu Luo come to the rescue - that would be the most flamboyant. However, no one was that foolish to do such a stupid thing.

After this incident, Xu Luo dealt with it very seriously. He seriously addressed this issue in the Umbrella's internal channel, criticized the relevant personnel, and fined them to compensate those who were reported. Only then was the matter considered over.

However, although this operation was a bit outrageous, it suddenly gave Xu Luo an idea.

When unable to find suitable targets but wanting to make money, couldn't he use such methods to deliberately leak relevant intelligence about himself or other Umbrella members, then attract others to attack them, while other Umbrella members lay in wait, directly waiting for others to come?

This seemed to be a good way to make money!

Perhaps he could try it later to see if this method would work.

[03/21 - Chapters Released this week]

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Planned Bonus Chapters: October 14 (+15 Chapters); October 31 (+30 Chapters)

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