Rise of the Zerg in the World of Gods

Chapter 160: Xu Luo’s Fury, The Terror of Stam Ray Worms!

"Kneel!" The mysterious figure looked at Xu Luo and issued an authoritative command.

An endless divine pressure then bore down on him.

At this moment, Xu Luo felt as if the weight of the entire world was pressing down on him. The heavy burden made it seem like he couldn't breathe.

In all his years of life, this was the first time he had felt such a suffocating, heavy pressure. Even when he was preparing for the college entrance exam, facing a life-changing decision that would determine his future based on his grades, he hadn't felt this tense.

"It's just a mere phantom. Even if your true body were here, you wouldn't have the right to make me kneel," Xu Luo retorted. The more intense the pressure, the stronger his resistance became.

As someone from a modern civilization, Xu Luo had never had the concept of kneeling to others in his consciousness. Even in this interstellar age, modern civilization had no notion of kneeling. Some people had become accustomed to throwing their weight around in the World of Gods, thinking that with their powerful strength, everyone should submit to them when facing them.

But at this moment, Xu Luo only wanted to say one thing to him - No!

The heavy pressure made him feel like he was suffocating, unable to speak at all.

As for his physical strength, which was considered decent among his peers, it had no power of resistance in front of a powerhouse of this level. It was like a strong child, just a kindergartener, facing a robust adult - still helpless.

The gap between them was simply too large, with no basis for comparison.

Xu Luo was indeed powerful, but his power was actually more reflected in the strength of the Zerg. The various characteristics of the Zerg gave them many advantages among numerous races, allowing him to gain many benefits in the early stages and achieve his current start.

However, no matter what, his Divine Domain had been established for too short a time. He was not enough to face a true God now.

But even so, it didn't mean that a mere phantom of a God could humiliate him and make him kneel.

Xu Luo struggled to raise his head and look at the God's phantom. Although he knew this was just a simulation of the other's real-world phantom in virtual combat, the personality was based on the real person. At this moment, intense disgust arose in his heart.

From the bottom of his heart, Xu Luo disliked this person, and by extension, disliked the school he belonged to, and even despised this plane world.

Under the pressure of the God's phantom, whether Leviathans or other Zerg, all remained motionless at this moment.

Even though the Zerg only possessed simple thoughts without specific intelligence, the God's pressure was equally effective against them.

The God's pressure indeed wouldn't make them feel fear, but the pressure itself was part of the God's rules, and rules contained power.

Only Gods could directly face Gods.

It wasn't that Gods couldn't be seen, but because only rules could counter rules, and only rules had the ability to engage in equal dialogue with them.

Therefore, the God's pressure directly made the simple thoughts of these Zerg instantly stagnate, unable to make any response.

Facing Xu Luo, the Zerg Overlord, they directly disconnected, as if in a vegetative state, unable to respond to any external stimuli.

Facing the attacks of those native powerhouses, these Zerg stood still in place, allowing them to act.

Although the God's strength was very powerful, he was after all not in his true body. His influence on this world wasn't that severe, and his influence was limited to within this plane world. He had no way to affect anything outside the plane world.

Although Xu Luo's power indeed wasn't comparable to true powerhouses, in this world, the power he controlled was actually more formidable than this phantom.

The Zerg within the plane world were indeed suppressed by the other side, now facing slaughter. But they didn't know that at this moment, dozens of starships were stationed in outer space. With a thought from Xu Luo, these starships, which had seemed like static images floating in outer space, suddenly came to life.

All several dozen starships neatly aimed in one direction, then opened various ports. Instantly, beams of light projected from them.

At this moment, Xu Luo didn't think about hiding his power or not. For him, when there was no harm to himself and his vital interests weren't damaged, he could live simply and get along peacefully with others.

But now, when he was being harmed like this, to hell with hiding power and issues of exposure.

If one has powerful strength but can't even protect oneself, what's the point of living?

This was already a distorted world, and he didn't have the power to fight against those who made the rules of this world.

But at least in this World of Gods, he could be free from others' oppression. At least in this Novice Divine Domain, no one could threaten him yet.

Countless Stam Ray Worms all fired their ray beams to attack at this moment. Innumerable light rays converged together, forming a beam that pierced through the entire heaven and earth.

At this moment, dazzling light filled the space between heaven and earth.

The God's phantom that connected heaven and earth, with its invincible power, disappeared at this moment. His entire figure was directly pierced by that beam projected from beyond the sky!

Without saying a word, he directly dissipated between heaven and earth.

Under the shocked gazes of his believers, these creatures present were also collectively melted by the light beam.

Gold-tier creatures, Silver-tier creatures? In front of this invincible light beam, they were all nothing but trash.

No one knew where this light beam came from, just as they couldn't believe that the power of a God could actually be broken.

But this was exactly what happened. Xu Luo's figure dissipated between heaven and earth, his consciousness descending upon the Zerg in the starships. He didn't care about the numerous Zerg still remaining in that plane world.

At this moment, in his furious emotional state, he continued to command the Stam Ray Worms to attack without regard for anything else.

Beams of light projected onto every corner of this world, whether uninhabited deserts, crowded big cities, forests, or oceans.

The sky collapsed and the earth split, mountains crumbled and seas surged - all this played out in this world at this moment!

The doomsday described in ancient legends probably wasn't much different from this.

Originally, he just wanted to quietly participate in a competition, simply take first place and be done with it.

But the appearance of that God's phantom, those simple two words, made Xu Luo feel extremely sick at this moment.

Especially when he thought of those living at the bottom of the city, and those school higher-ups who disregarded others' wishes and directly sacrificed the interests of many ordinary people to compete for more resources.

The negative emotions in Xu Luo's heart surged uncontrollably. Although these things actually had nothing to do with him, and he couldn't change anything, he just felt unhappy!

When he was unhappy, he wanted to vent a little.

This was Xu Luo's logic. There was no right or wrong, no consideration of whether it was worth it or not.

At this moment, he didn't want to think too much, he just wanted to vent his emotions a little.

Unfortunately, that God's phantom had no connection with his true body and wouldn't cause any sensation in the other party.

Otherwise, Xu Luo really wanted to let the other experience that even insignificant mortals, once they grasped power, could threaten even lofty True Gods.

Everyone is born ordinary, but future opportunities are unpredictable.

The Stam Ray Worms continued to attack. Although the consumption was enormous, the Creeps themselves stored a large number of evolution points, which all served as the source of their power, continuously replenishing.

Anyway, it was just a projection, not really consuming anything. Moreover, even if it did consume something, so what?

Even if it was just to fight for this breath, this consumption was worth it for Xu Luo. At worst, he could make it up later.

No one had expected that an ordinary assessment would turn out like this.

The audience outside all boiled over, because no one had thought that choosing a high-level plane for assessment was already beyond the norm, but the natives of that world actually possessed the ability to summon a God's phantom, and they successfully summoned it.

The appearance of over a hundred Gold-tier beings was already exaggerated enough, but the appearance of the God's phantom directly suppressed the entire field.

When that lofty "Kneel" was spoken, to be honest, all the audience members who heard it felt very uncomfortable.

It was only because it was in a simulated battle, not the other party's true body saying these words, so they couldn't say anything.

But the phantom was just a projection of one's true body, with the same behavior and speech style copied from the true body.

In other words, the fact that the other party could say these words represented their own personality.

They sighed, thinking that Xu Luo, with his outstanding talent, was being oppressed like this. If he really knelt down, especially during a live broadcast with so many people watching, it would probably be a huge blow to his mentality.

But the final result was something none of them had expected.

The starships, which were initially thought to be decorative, suddenly moved at this moment, catching everyone by surprise.

If they hadn't moved, to be honest, all the audience members would have forgotten about them.

But when the director directly showed all the starships neatly aiming at the God's phantom, then uniformly attacking and directly dispersing the God's phantom with one volley, everyone was stunned. What were they doing? Why did they suddenly attack?

After the God's phantom was dispersed, it became indiscriminate attacks. At this point, everyone could see why the attacks were like this - because that person was venting his anger.

Just like an enraged person, in an extremely angry state, would involuntarily destroy everything they see in front of them. The main manifestation is smashing things - pots, bowls, ladles, basins, if they were in front of them, would all be smashed in one go.

However, this person's way of venting was a bit different.

Because he wasn't simply smashing things, but forcibly destroying an entire world.

At this moment, seas flowed backwards, forests burst into raging fires, all life in the world was fleeing in panic, the earth trembled, tectonic plates even split deeply, mountains shook, and countless people became homeless, dying unjust deaths.

Xu Luo coldly watched all this, unmoved in his heart.

In the World of Gods, they were real living beings, but for him, the World of Gods was after all separated from him by a layer, just a game. Perhaps in the future, when he reached the realm of a Main God, there would no longer be any difference between the World of Gods and reality.

But at least now, for him, reality was reality, and the World of Gods was the World of Gods. There was an essential difference between the two.

Moreover, what he was facing now was just a projection of a world, not something that really existed. After the initial outburst of anger, after a round of venting, Xu Luo also regained his rationality. Although he was still very angry, he didn't do anything more.

At this point, continuing to attack was just to increase his points as much as possible. Since he had already started fighting, he might as well set an unprecedented score for future people to look up to.

Initially, he didn't want to expose all of his strength, partly for his own safety considerations, and also to avoid discouraging most people, feeling that the part of his strength he had revealed was already enough.

He just didn't expect that so many Gold-tier powerhouses would suddenly appear, and even a God's phantom was brought out. Well, there was no choice then, just eliminate them all.

Although the power of the Stam Ray Worms was exposed, most people probably thought it was just the ability of the starships themselves. The units inside the starships weren't exposed.

Although possessing so many starships was already a terrifying thing, as long as others didn't know the specifics, it naturally left many mysteries.

There was an essential difference between fully exposing the units inside and not exposing them.

Xu Luo was very clear about this point. Even in his moment of rage, he didn't release the dozens of Leviathans from the starships to cause widespread destruction.

Although that would have been more satisfying, it would also mean that he had completely lost his secrets.

This was something Xu Luo couldn't tolerate!

The current situation was just fine. His angry emotions had been vented, and his points had increased.

Although he had destroyed a world, what did it matter?

After all, there was no substantial harm to others. As for the owner of that plane world, although they might feel quite unhappy, they hadn't done anything, so this situation was quite messed up.

[21/21 - Chapters Released this week]

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Planned Bonus Chapters: October 14 (+15 Chapters); October 31 (+30 Chapters)

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