Rise of the Zerg in the World of Gods

Chapter 139: The Bewildered Snake Demi-God

Recently, the nearby star region had been very lively, especially in the regional channel, where new members joined the ranks of complainers every day.

The original alien races consoled the new members while secretly rejoicing in their misfortune.

After experiencing bad luck themselves, seeing others suffer the same fate somehow made them feel less miserable.

Some alien races who hadn't been invaded were very confused, as a star region was vast, and they were far apart from each other.

Some even boasted shamelessly, challenging the invader to come and attack them, even revealing their approximate location.

However, Xu Luo ignored such people. It was too far, and there was no need to go there specifically for one individual.

Of course, if he could attack later, he would deal with them in passing.

Although both Xu Luo and Ying Yinglo invaded others, they were different.

At that time, Ying Yinglo was very famous, so she couldn't expose her whereabouts, otherwise many alien geniuses would surround her.

Moreover, she was about to ascend to godhood, so she had to be careful about hiding herself.

In contrast, Xu Luo had no fame at all now. Only those alien races under the Umbrella knew about him. And they didn't know Xu Luo's name, only calling him Zero.

Even though he was attacking other alien races on a large scale, it was limited to this star region. Attacking each other within the same star region was normal, and other regions wouldn't bother to intervene.

Although nearby alien races had united to ambush him, they were all defeated by Xu Luo.

With a large number of powerful Zerg at hand, only top-tier geniuses could be his match.

But while there were many top-tier geniuses, the star region was vast. How easy was it to encounter them?

As for coming specifically to cause trouble for him?

No one was that free.

Top-tier geniuses were very busy, busy improving their strength, busy invading others.

Even if they came, the starships were flying, their position not fixed. Who knew where they would go? Tracking wasn't that easy.

As for the alliance of those alien races?

Xu Luo actually hoped they would come to him, saving him the time to search for them.

"Listen up, those ahead! You're surrounded. Surrender quickly, or I won't be polite!" Seeing a Divine Domain, Xu Luo, following his usual practice, directly had his avatar step forward to shout.

Through the amplification crystal, his words could be clearly transmitted.

Although sound couldn't travel in the void, the starship was now directly against the surface of the other's Divine Domain, transmitting sound into the interior of the Divine Domain, naturally very clear.

"Hiss—" A series of hissing sounds came.

"What ignorant creature dares to disturb me?" A figure like a small mountain emerged from the swamp, one head after another surfacing.

This was a Chimera, with seven heads, already at the Gold tier.

This was a Demon Claw civilization member. The Divine Domain had no buildings, only various terrains where creatures like Chimeras and Anacondas lived—a veritable snake country.

As a level-three civilization, Demon Claw was domineering in reality and no pushover in the World of Gods.

Especially this Demon Claw member, as an existence about to ascend to godhood, he usually invaded surrounding neighbors. At this time, most of his army was out conquering.

He was already being nice by not bullying others, and now some ignorant fool dared to come and bully him?

For him, this was an utter humiliation.

The huge Chimera soared from the swamp, transforming in mid-air into a youth with a human form but six snake heads.

At this time, countless snakes surged from all directions in the entire Divine Domain, whether hibernating or doing whatever, none were exempt.

The youth's face had gray skin with some strange totems.

His divine true form was a seven-headed Chimera, which would become nine-headed when he ascended to godhood.

Originally, he just wanted to accumulate power to ascend to godhood.

But after seeing Ying Yinglo directly become a True God in one go, he also had thoughts.

Just becoming a Low God, who knew how many years of suffering it would take, and he might even be destroyed before becoming a True God.

Ying Yinglo directly pointed out a clear path, which was to cultivate Legendary-level believers in the novice Divine Domain.

When igniting his divine flame, he would let them ascend to godhood simultaneously. This way, as soon as he became a God, he could directly become a True God. Even if he didn't succeed, having his own subordinate gods would mean he wouldn't be too weak when reaching the Divine Continent, avoiding bullying by other gods.

But he didn't expect that while he had no intention of bullying others, someone would come knocking at his door?

At this moment, this Demon Claw civilization member was furious.

No matter who came, he was determined to make them suffer.

Throughout the Divine Domain, giant snakes awakened from all directions.

Not only were there Chimeras, but also nine-headed snakes, two-headed fire snakes, lava giant snakes, and so on.

Over thirty Gold-tier snakes appeared at once.

At this time, Xu Luo hadn't heard a response.

He directly relied on the sturdy starship to crash into the Divine Domain's outer defense.

But unexpectedly, this defense was extremely solid, completely different from those he had attacked before.

The starship rammed into it head-on but couldn't break through.

Xu Luo was a bit surprised.

Then he had the starship retreat and charge at full speed.

The entire Divine Domain shook, but that thin layer of defense still wasn't broken. It only rippled like water.

However, while it was like this outside, inside was different.

The starship's collision directly caused the Divine Domain to shake violently, as if heaven and earth were collapsing.

The Demon Claw civilization youth named Asiba was furious, but at this moment, he could only mobilize all the giant snakes to stabilize his Divine Domain.

Because this collision directly caused the earth to crack, causing great damage.

Especially for those low-tier snakes, this impact was no less than world-ending, a devastating blow.

Seeing the defense so solid, Xu Luo also knew he might have encountered a big shot this time.

He had invaded for so long, encountering nearly a thousand alien races, but had never encountered such solid defenses.

The starship's full-force collision couldn't break it, showing a significant investment.

For such defenses, he wasn't without options.

First, the starship could repeatedly collide, believing it couldn't withstand forever.

However, this way, this Divine Domain would basically be ruined, and his starship would need factory repairs.

Another method was to deploy Mayflies, directly gnawing away the protective shield, breaking open a hole.

The third method was similar to the second, directly deploying Fire Locusts.

As for using barrier-breaking methods, there was no need.

Thinking of this, Xu Luo directly released Fire Locusts and Mayflies, gnawing at the protective shield before them.

Fire Locusts were much stronger than Mayflies, so their efficiency was very high.

The entire protective shield was covered with a dense layer of Fire Locusts, and the usually invisible Mayflies now showed themselves.

From the inside, a huge hole could be seen appearing in the sky, continuously expanding.

Through that hole, the black void outside could be seen, along with void turbulence pouring in, causing damage in the Divine Domain.

Outside the hole was a huge object. Looking at it, the full view couldn't be seen; just the visible part was already enormous.

After the hole appeared, countless figures quickly descended into this world through it.

The first to enter were some very small and weak creatures.

Asiba didn't take them seriously at all.

He directly called on his believers to drive out the invaders.

Because he couldn't gauge the opponent's strength, he even prepared to summon his army conquering outside.

However, while Asiba thought this way when first seeing the Fire Locusts, seeing them pouring endlessly through the hole, he realized he had been rash.

No matter how insignificant, when the numbers were enough, even ants could bite an elephant to death.

His Divine Domain had many creatures, but not many powerful snakes, as he followed an elite route, focusing on cultivating a small number.

Every loss was enough to pain him.

Now, where the Fire Locusts passed, nothing grew.

Asiba was stunned seeing this scene.

Were these reincarnated starving ghosts?

Wherever they invaded was gnawed bare, not even a leaf left.

Who would do this?

As for the snakes encountered along the way, they truly met with great misfortune. Upon contact, they flew away, leaving only bare bones on the spot, not a bit of flesh left.

This was truly professional, clean and tidy, leaving no trace.

Even after a while, not even bones were left, gnawed away by unknown creatures.

Although Fire Locusts seemed insignificant, they were actually very terrifying. Asiba originally thought such weak creatures would surely be crushed by his snake tribe, but the result was the opposite.

Unless they were absolutely overwhelmed by force, these creatures posed little threat.

This was especially true for those snake tribes without magical attack abilities.

They only had physical attack abilities, but physical attacks mostly couldn't hit these agile little creatures. Once pounced upon, they would be gnawed clean.

Using magical attacks wasn't foolproof either.

The snake venom that the snake tribe was most proud of had no effect on Fire Locusts. Unless it was a special venom, like the corrosive kind, pure snake venom was useless against them.

Even many spells had no effect on Fire Locusts.

For example, after being unfrozen, they were still lively. Unless directly pierced to death by ice swords or ice spikes.

Although fire was a good attack method for such fragile little creatures, Fire Locusts themselves had fire attributes. Unless the power reached a certain level, it couldn't threaten them.

In just a moment, the Fire Locusts had ravaged a large part of Asiba's Divine Domain.

Their overall size had grown larger, and their strength had also increased.

Seeing this, Asiba wanted to curse several times!

They were using his Divine Domain's accumulation to enhance their strength!

Asiba was furious and directly summoned his powerful warriors, determined to kill these invaders.

Especially the starship hovering outside.

Although he didn't want to cause trouble everywhere before ascending to godhood, preferring to preserve his strength and quietly accumulate faith power for igniting his divine flame,

Now, it wasn't a question of whether he wanted to fight or not, but that others had already attacked, causing massive damage to his Divine Domain.

This directly shook the foundation of his ascension to godhood. Who could tolerate such a thing?

However, just as the Gold-tier giant snakes scattered throughout the Divine Domain began to move, three huge figures flew in through the rift in the sky, not concealing their aura at all.

"Gold-tier 9, Monarchs!" Asiba paled in shock.

Who on earth was this, actually deploying such behemoths?

Everyone had a few Gold-tier 9 believers, but Gold-Tier Monarchs were rare, each one a treasure!

Even the previously formidable Ying Yinglo didn't have Gold-Tier Monarchs, showing how precious they were.

The previous grand battle for godhood involved many alien geniuses, and although they deployed many units, including many Gold-tiers, they were mostly ordinary and elite, with few Lords, let alone Monarchs.

No wonder Asiba was so surprised when he saw the Leviathan.

In comparison, the two Gold-tier 9 xenomorphs weren't as surprising.

Seeing the Gold-tier invaders, Asiba's believers, the Gold-tier giant snakes, also soared into the sky, directly meeting them.

Gold-tier couldn't survive in the void.

But flying within the Divine Domain was no problem.

However, as fast as they flew up, they fell even faster.

In just one encounter, the Leviathan, transformed into a dragon, swiftly caught two giant snakes by their vital points, instantly killing them.

This speed was so fast that even Asiba didn't react in time.

Two Gold-tiers died just like that?

Although they were just ordinary Gold-tier snakes, suppressed by the dragon bloodline, and it was ordinary versus Monarch, tier 1-2 versus tier 9, this speed was too fast! Shouldn't they at least exchange a blow or two?

But regardless of what he thought, death was a fact.

If it weren't for stronger giant snakes rushing over, like the nine-headed snake, also a Gold-tier 5-6 elite, capable of fighting the Leviathan, along with many other Gold-tiers restraining the Leviathan together, without entities capable of directly confronting it, what followed would only be one-sided slaughter.

The two Gold-tier 9 xenomorphs also engaged three or four Gold-tier giant snakes.

In an instant, most of Asiba's Gold-tier forces were tied up.

The Divine Domain was vast, and others hadn't arrived yet.

[21/21 - Chapters Released this week]

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