Rise of the Zerg in the World of Gods

Chapter 132: Spores – Staam Ray Zerg, Suffocation Zerg!

After the competition ended, Xu Luo had basically nothing to do except for his courses, so he immersed himself in his Divine Domain, invading one existence after another.

He didn't destroy others' Divine Domains, but only annihilated their living forces before making them accept his protection.

The number of his Downstreams directly exceeded a thousand, and Gold-tier xenomorphs were constantly increasing.

This was a silent frenzy.

No audience could know that Xu Luo had done this.

The school could know some of what he had done through the backend, such as how many Divine Domains he had destroyed, but not every detail. That wouldn't be monitoring students' situations; it would be direct surveillance.

Now that Xu Luo wasn't directly destroying others' Divine Domains, no one knew he had done something even crazier.

This continued until he ran out of search cards.

Without search cards, Xu Luo finally stopped his frenzied behavior.

By this time, he had more than twenty Gold-tier 9 xenomorphs in his hands.

Gaining such powerful forces in such a short time was beyond Xu Luo's expectations.

This also made him realize the potential of xenomorphs. If the cause of genetic collapse could be overcome, this would be an extremely powerful species.

Not that Leviathans weren't powerful, but the two types of power weren't the same.

At this point, Xu Luo finally had the mind to pay attention to the evolved creatures produced by the Overlord system earlier.

Spore - Staam Ray Zerg!

This was a spore-type Zerg, small in size, able to emit beam attacks. It was very fragile itself, but its attacks were very powerful.

This was an incredibly magical Zerg.

Because it was a combination-type Zerg.

Initially, Staam Ray Zerg were only Bronze-tier, but after accumulating enough numbers, they would become Silver-tier, or even Gold-tier.

This was a Zerg that ignored tier limitations.

As long as there were enough numbers, they could be infinitely combined and synthesized.

It seemed uneconomical to use multiple Staam Ray Zerg to synthesize one Silver-tier.

But the truly terrifying aspect was its infinite synthesis function.

Silver-tier Staam Ray Zerg could emit death rays with astonishing power.

At Gold-tier, it directly became laser attacks.

The appearance of this Zerg made Xu Luo think of its uses.

Staam Ray Zerg weren't suitable for expeditions, being too fragile. Once engaged in close combat, they would die in droves. But if they were fixed in one position for positional warfare, they would be very formidable.

Just right for Xu Luo's Divine Domain which lacked defenses, so he simply placed Staam Ray Zerg in various corners of his Divine Domain. Not too many, just eight Staam Laser Towers.

Eight Gold-tier syntheses, with striking power covering the entire Divine Domain.

Once invaders came, they would be attacked by them immediately.

Because they were fragile, Xu Luo arranged a certain number of Zerg to protect the eight Staam Ray Towers, and also set up some defensive formations.

As long as they themselves weren't attacked, they could keep attacking.

As for consumption? For Xu Luo, this wasn't a problem.

He just needed to supplement evolution points.

This was the first gain.

Then there was the second.

Spore - Suffocation Zerg!

Silver-tier 5!

This was a very peculiar Zerg.

Because it didn't look like a Zerg, but more like a plant.

As for its ability and strength, Xu Luo could only say its potential was limitless.

This type of Zerg usually didn't seem special.

But in battle, they would open their hair follicles, floating like dandelions, spitting out large amounts of stored derivatives, spreading throughout the air.

These derivatives could enhance the power of other Zerg when touching them, although the auxiliary effect was weak, it was better than nothing.

But once they touched other creatures, it was different.

They would enter through the respiratory tract or pores of those creatures, obstructing their breathing, causing them to suffocate to death.

Or they would burrow into the bodies of others, lying dormant like time bombs, or directly forcibly controlling the bodies of others, making them their puppets.

Although they could only control those weaker than themselves, spitting out thousands of derivatives at once, these small things weren't noticeable on the battlefield. Once touched by them, it was a terrifying thing.

Both these Zerg types had good development prospects, giving Xu Luo greater expectations for this evolution ability.

There was still plenty of time, continuing to evolve like this, someday powerful Zerg would surely be evolved.

And this was evolving based on the genes in the current gene bank.

But as Xu Luo continued to attack others, he would obtain more and more genes.

Because he temporarily had no more search cards, Xu Luo stopped his frenzied behavior and turned to settle down for a while, digesting his battle results.

Constantly plundering others was the fastest way to become stronger.

Those alien races he invaded hadn't thought about resisting, gathering stronger existences to invade him, wanting to snatch back their Divine Domain core auras, or even gain more.

But Xu Luo was no longer the same as before.

He not only had Leviathans in hand but also xenomorphs.

No matter how powerful the opponent's lineup was, with so many Gold-tier units in reserve, he was no longer at a disadvantage in high-end battles, needing butterfly queens to trade lives to delay the opponent's speed.

Of course, this was also because he hadn't encountered truly top-tier alien individuals.

Existences with direct Gold-tier unit legions, otherwise, he still couldn't beat them.

After all, others had developed for several years, which was decades in the Divine Domain. Even with the assistance of the Overlord system, it wasn't so easy to catch up.

When the opponents invaded, Xu Luo didn't say much, directly defeating them and then incorporating them under the Umbrella.

He wished for more such targets.

The number of Zerg began to increase day by day. Without battles, Xu Luo just raised them, consuming large amounts of evolution points every day.

His own Divine Domain was still a bit barren, without many resources. To prevent Mayflies from continuing to gnaw on the land and reduce the Divine Domain area, Xu Luo often bought large quantities of terrain cards, landform cards, and resource cards.

Especially various minerals, which he directly placed underground in the Divine Domain, letting Mayflies slowly collect them. He could place several terrain and landform cards in one place.

The faith power provided by the Zerg was increasing, but for Xu Luo it was never enough. Every bit of faith power he accumulated, he would use to purchase various prop cards, or directly increase the number of Leviathans.

Or use it to pay for the cost of building starships.

He adopted the method of paying a sum of money for each starship built.

The starships he specially commissioned were indeed special.

These starships looked no different from others on the outside, but the inside was completely different.

The internal space of the starship was expanded by space magic, able to carry more soldiers.

Generally, starships had living areas, cargo areas, and so on, but the starships Xu Luo needed were different.

He didn't need cargo areas or living areas. Zerg only needed a place to lie down, and could even squeeze together when space was tight.

One area was for Zerg hibernation, and another for placing Creeps. This was the area division of the starship.

Creeps were necessary when traveling. Besides carrying a large number of evolution points to maintain logistical supplies, Creeps also shouldered the responsibility of healing.

Although fairy butterflies also had some healing ability, it wasn't their main job after all. Naturally, they weren't as good as those priests.

Creeps could accelerate the healing of Zerg injuries. Combined with the Zerg's own recovery ability and the healing ability of fairy butterflies, the effect was quite considerable.

Besides transport capacity, another issue that couldn't be ignored was the load-bearing problem.

Xu Luo had thought about cramming as many Zerg as possible into the available space to transport over.

When the fleet began its expedition, who knew when they would return, so sending more over now also avoided the need for frequent replenishment.

Besides having sufficient internal space and load-bearing capacity, these starships were built entirely with various rare metals, able to resist various degrees of attacks, withstand void storms, and ignore most attacks from void creatures. There was no need to worry about being destroyed by void creatures, causing an entire starship of Zerg to wander in the void.

Although Zerg didn't need to breathe and could survive in the void as long as they had energy supplements, without starships, they couldn't reach the next place with a Divine Domain and would have no foothold. Once supplies were exhausted, they would naturally die.

Apart from being sturdy, another point was that according to Xu Luo's requirements, the flight speed had to be fast enough.

As for attack capability?

Xu Luo didn't pursue this. If he needed attack capability, why spend so much money building these things?

For him, this was just a means of transportation, something to break free from the constraints of search cards.

The successful construction of the starship made Xu Luo very happy, but there was one point that gave him a headache.

That was the price of the starship.

The actual capability of the starship, which exceeded the budget, was better than initially designed, but the price was also much more expensive.

The first one was considered a sample. As long as Xu Luo needed, they would begin large-scale production, but Xu Luo needed to pay a 30% deposit first.

The cost of these starships was really too high. The initial material costs needed to be borne by Xu Luo's side.

Of course, if he could find the materials himself, the construction cost could be greatly reduced.

Those rare metals were rarely possessed by humans, so they needed to be purchased at high prices, thus raising the cost.

For such a situation, Xu Luo's attitude was: Build it!

At worst, he wouldn't hatch Leviathans for now, but he had to get the fleet out.

With starships, he could directly start the first batch of expeditionary forces on their expedition.

First, conquer the large and small alien races nearby.

Develop them all into members of the Umbrella.

There might be no gains at first, but once they started to yield results, things would be different.

By then, increasing the number of Leviathans on a large scale would be the same.

There were no particularly powerful alien races nearby, so it wasn't necessary to have a large number of Gold creatures stationed.

As long as there were enough Silver-tier units, they could also take down the opponents.

While developing like this in the Divine Domain, in reality, Xu Luo had indeed become quite famous.

This year's Rookie King wasn't from No. 1 High School, but from the ordinary No. 6 High School, giving many people a topic for casual conversation.

Many people were paying attention to him, and some saw business opportunities, wanting to approach him for cooperation.

All Xu Luo needed to do was help shoot an advertisement or endorse their products, and they would immediately pay a sum that would be huge for a student his age. They could even provide faith power or various resources from the World of Gods if he wanted, which they could produce independently.

However, they couldn't even get past No. 6 High School's gate.

As for contacting Xu Luo directly?

They didn't know his contact information, so naturally couldn't reach Xu Luo himself.

Trying to indirectly approach through his classmates?

The students who knew his contact information were either rich or noble.

And those who had good relationships with him, like Wang Xiaoling and Tu Lei, wouldn't tell others about his affairs.

Those people had no choice but to wait at the school gate every day, hoping to catch Xu Luo.

To these people who approached him, Xu Luo had only one answer: Not interested.

He didn't have big money in hand, but he wasn't short of money either.

Moreover, these people were trying to fool an idiot. Did they think he was easy to bully because of his young age?

Not only was the price they offered low, but some people even buried traps in the contracts. If he signed, it would be equivalent to selling himself to them.

After being annoyed by these people, when anyone else came to pester him, Xu Luo didn't say much, directly calling the police to deal with it.

The police department in this world had quite strong public credibility, and their handling of matters was quite convincing.

It wasn't until the police intervened that those people realized Xu Luo really didn't want to cooperate with them, rather than holding out for a better price, that they finally quieted down.

Only some people thought he had a problem with his brain, not wanting to earn money while lying down.

But they didn't dare to do anything.

This was the Rookie King, not only with Zhong Tianyue behind him, but also the Education Department paying attention.

Principals like Dongfang Cheng representing their schools also had connections with him.

The regional league was about to begin. At this time, if anyone dared to touch their precious darling, these principals would let people know what it meant to have students all over the world after teaching for so many years.

Without the harassment of these people, Xu Luo's life finally settled down, and he could focus on preparing for his real special training course.

Xu Luo also attached great importance to improving his own Demi-God strength. Now that No. 1 High School was willing to help him improve, he naturally welcomed it.

So after finishing his courses during this period, he told Zhong Tianyue before preparing to go to No. 1 High School for special training.

The regional league was about to begin. In less than a month, he needed to make up for this shortcoming as much as possible.

At least he couldn't let people know in a short time that his Demi-God strength wasn't actually strong.

[15/21 - Chapters Released this week]

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