Rise of the Zerg in the World of Gods

Chapter 129: The Correct Method of Using Underlings

The Zerg never feared war.

They had never been afraid of competing in numbers either.

Xu Luo didn't reveal his God body, but his consciousness enveloped the entire Divine Domain, observing the whole battle.

Though there had been constant accumulation and consumption, it was no longer like the time just after the big battle at the beginning.

During these many days of competition, besides waiting for the Leviathan's evolution every day, Xu Luo hadn't been idle.

The Queen could lay 240,000 eggs in one real day. After this period, Xu Luo had directly accumulated a million Zerg, so he naturally wasn't afraid of the opponent.

Now that the opponent had entered Xu Luo's Divine Domain, on his home turf, the Zerg's strength had a double boost from the Divine Domain and the hive, making them extremely powerful.

Especially as the hive continued to grow, it now spread throughout every aspect of the Divine Domain's underground.

The Zerg could emerge from any direction to attack the enemy.

The opponent's lineup was undeniably strong. Wary of Xu Luo's fairy butterflies, they hadn't brought a single Bronze-tier unit.

Unfortunately, they still underestimated Xu Luo.

His mass hatching of low-tier Zerg was not only to harvest faith power but also to deal with the competition.

He didn't want to deploy all earth dragon zerg or all soul butterflies right from the start.

But in his own Divine Domain, Xu Luo had no reservations about his actions, mobilizing all units directly.

As Silver-tier 9 elites, earth dragon zerg were naturally very powerful, but they were still overshadowed by the xenomorphs.

Although the Leviathan had emerged, among Silver-tier units, xenomorphs were still the strongest, without exception.

Apart from their short existence time, xenomorphs had no flaws.

More importantly, there were corpses everywhere now. No need to prepare extra evolution points.

And one facehugger could form many xenomorphs.

From the channel, some Demi-God avatars squeezed out.

Seeing that the units couldn't gain the upper hand, the opponent wanted to rely on numerical advantage, seeking a breakthrough from high-end combat power.

However, as soon as they appeared, they saw the sky suddenly shower golden light, enveloping them and rendering them immobile.

Consuming a God's Imprisonment Scroll, a group of Demi-God avatars were trapped. Although the duration wasn't very long, it was enough for Xu Luo.

In terms of high-end combat power, Xu Luo's side was still at a disadvantage. Now, although he had consumed a precious scroll, it prevented the opponent's powerful Demi-God avatars from participating in the battle. For Xu Luo, this was the greatest achievement.

Xu Luo himself didn't appear at all.

Before these veteran Demi-Gods, his own strength wasn't worth mentioning. Moreover, this kind of war focused on the strength of subordinate units. Whether he appeared or not made no difference, so naturally, he didn't show up.

If he used the Leviathan's full power, he could deal with some Gold-tier units and relieve some of the pressure he faced.

But Xu Luo still wanted to hide himself a bit, to fish a little.

If he could succeed based on this information gap, it would be a victory for him.

Now, although the opponent had quite a few Gold-tier units, Xu Luo's side wasn't without any resistance.

Besides the three Leviathans, there was also Vivi, as well as the equally Gold-tier soul butterflies, and the lord-level butterfly queens.

Although only Silver-tier 9, they could barely resist an ordinary Gold-tier unit.

Moreover, the butterfly queens could fight to the death.

After one butterfly queen died, a fairy butterfly would replace it, with the promotion speed being very fast.

"Zero, hand over my Divine Domain aura!"

Among the many Demi-God avatars, one spoke up, his voice rolling, spreading far in the Divine Domain.

Without getting back his core aura, that Demi-God was still uneasy.

For now, Xu Luo made a quick decision. Directly negotiating while holding the Divine Domain core would always be a threat to himself.

Although he could also reversely investigate the whereabouts of that trace of his aura to find Xu Luo.

But if he really ran away, for a mere trace of aura, there were many ways to shield its connection with the main body.

But the other side couldn't do this.

Simply put, the Divine Domain core aura was just a trace of aura. Because the sensation was weak, it was easy to hide, but the opponent's Divine Domain core couldn't be hidden!

It was precisely because of this that Xu Luo could be said to stand in an invincible position.

So the other side naturally wanted to get their Divine Domain core aura back first. This way, no matter what happened in the end, they would have gained something, even if the action wasn't successful, there would be no hidden dangers.

"You want it?" Xu Luo's voice echoed between heaven and earth.

"Then come and take it!"

"Come and take it!"

"Take it!"

The voice kept echoing, lasting for a long time.

Xu Luo didn't take the other's threat to heart at all.

If they could do anything to him, they wouldn't have waited until now. They would have directly breached his Divine Domain core. At that time, wouldn't he be at their mercy?

The forces on both sides kept falling, and then new forces joined in.

The other side had forces joining from other Divine Domains.

As for Xu Luo's Zerg, it was simple: the Queen laid eggs, and then they were hatched.

Although he couldn't upgrade all the Queens at once, the No. 1 Queen had completed her advancement first.

The No. 1 Queen was the most important; the others were just offshoots. The most important was still No. 1.

After No. 1 became Gold-tier, her egg-laying quantity didn't increase much, but her strength improved considerably.

More importantly, after the Queen reached Gold-tier, the previous obstacles disappeared. Now other Zerg, even if only Silver-tier, could consume faith power and evolution points to directly breakthrough.

At this time, the great battle between both sides was just a tug-of-war, seeing whose reinforcements could keep up.

War is fought with logistics, with resource reserves.

The other side had prepared for a long time, specifically for this battle, so naturally, they didn't need to worry about logistics.

As for Xu Luo, the Zerg side never had to worry about logistics.

Both sides could be said to have fought their brains out.

Using two Divine Domains as the battlefield, divided into Gold and Silver grounds.

The Leviathans directly suppressed more than a dozen Gold-tier units.

As for the Silver battlefield, there was no need to say much.

With xenomorphs present, there was no need to consider too much, just fight.

There was no need to consider the opponent's numbers and such. Just keep fighting, and eventually, the gap would be closed.

At this time, Xu Luo himself sent many Mayflies into the opponent's Divine Domain, firstly to collect those corpses, and secondly to start gnawing at the opponent's Divine Domain. Good or bad, there would be some gains.

Fighting to this extent, it could be said that neither side had much of a victor.

If Xu Luo won, the opponent's units would also be basically wiped out, and there wouldn't be much to plunder afterward.

But this kind of issue concerning survival couldn't be conceded an inch.

After a long stalemate, with the Leviathans returning to support, the balance was declared over.

The four great Gold-Tier Monarchs taking action was devastating for ordinary units.

After directly beating the units to near extinction, Xu Luo still chose to take prisoners.

"No. 213, you now have two choices. Either submit and accept my protection, or continue to resist stubbornly and have your Divine Domain destroyed by me."

Xu Luo's voice rang out authoritatively.

"What does 'resist stubbornly' mean?"

No. 213's focus was elsewhere.

"Make your choice!"

Xu Luo didn't answer.

Now he had the initiative, and the other side had no choice.

Either live on their knees, accepting his "protection," or die standing!

"I'm willing to submit!"

After failing to resist, he still chose to submit, preserving his Divine Domain.

He thought, at worst, he'd accumulate more strength and resist again. If that didn't work, he'd choose to ascend to godhood when the time came.

He didn't believe that she could still pursue him to the God's Continent then.

"Then let's talk about the bill between us!"

Xu Luo looked at him without any courtesy.

"One month's service fee, plus unit transmission, transmission channel construction costs, unit loss fees..."


Hearing so many items, No. 213 was directly stunned.

He knew how ruthless Xu Luo could be. With so many items, how much would it be in the end?

"I have no money!"

He answered honestly.

"Oh, now all your units have been killed by him, you have no troops under you, no more resource output, your Divine Domain is almost destroyed, and you have no source of income."

"This is simple."

Xu Luo indicated that this was no big deal.

"Come, sign this. Then what you owe me won't be a problem, and I'll arrange for humans to work for you, letting you pay off the debt sooner!"

Saying this, Xu Luo handed over the treaty he had just drafted.

This was notarized by the Temple of Gods and was binding.

The terms on it were that because No. 213 had caused Xu Luo to suffer huge losses, he now had to compensate at full price. But because he had no money, under the witness of the Temple of Gods, a contract was now established. Notarized by the Temple of Gods, both parties agreed that the other party would fully compensate Xu Luo for all losses. Due to temporary inability to repay, installment payments would be made, witnessed by all gods.

That was roughly the meaning. It didn't matter that there was no real name on it; directly imprinting one's aura would do.

It had the same effect as a real name.

No. 213 had an expression of extreme discomfort.

Now it was good; he was saddled with a lot of debt, and there was also a lot of extra interest generated.

With the Temple of Gods as witness, he couldn't violate it even if he wanted to.

It wasn't that no one had ever violated contracts of the Temple of Gods, but those all paid huge prices. His small debt wasn't worth going to such lengths.

After resolving the issue with No. 213, Xu Luo began friendly negotiations with the other trapped Demi-God avatars.

It wasn't that they had no way to directly disperse this avatar and leave this Divine Domain.

But under the current circumstances, they didn't dare at all.

For no other reason than that Xu Luo had conducted friendly communication with them, directly dispatching Zerg to their worlds for "military exercises."

Of course, if their friendly negotiations temporarily became unfriendly, these exercises could possibly become actual combat.

"Look, because of you, so many of my lovely soldiers have died. I was about to go collect service fees, but now it's all been delayed."

Xu Luo looked at them.

"Either accept my protection and pay my service fees in full every real month from now on, or I'll deal with you now and use your Divine Domains to make up for my previous losses!"

The exchange between both sides was very friendly, with smiles on their faces throughout.

At this time, Xu Luo also possessed a Zerg to appear before them.

This group of sensible aliens finally deeply realized that this world was very dangerous. Weak, helpless, and pitiful as they were, they indeed very much needed the protection of a strong existence with big fists. Therefore, they decided to join the embrace of the Umbrella family, striving hard for the grand plan of the Umbrella from then on.

To show their sincerity and determination, they handed over their Divine Domain core auras to Xu Luo.

Faced with this situation, Xu Luo declined repeatedly, but unable to refuse such enthusiasm, he finally directly took these people's sincerity, making the Umbrella family suddenly gain more than a dozen members.

With this, the matter was finally resolved satisfactorily, and Xu Luo also achieved his goal.

After letting the Mayflies clean up the aftermath, he directly drove away all the other aliens, casually assigned them some tasks, sold the previously captured units to them, letting them have some self-protection ability, lest they be killed by others.

Of course, this wasn't free.

Xu Luo sold to them at a 30% premium on the market price.

Because they couldn't produce money, they all signed contracts to slowly pay back over time.

Xu Luo had long thought about the use of these people.

Now he received more and more tasks every day, sometimes feeling he couldn't keep up.

Now with the appearance of these aliens, he had free labor.

In the future, he could throw any matters to them to handle, only needing to step in when others couldn't resolve issues.

More importantly, these guys didn't need to be paid wages. How much to give was all up to him.

This was really a very happy thing.

Although he had lost quite a few troops, he had tested the Leviathan's strength and also increased quite a few objects that could be legally exploited.

Whether from a short-term or long-term perspective, it was a profitable thing.

The signed contract, witnessed by the Temple of Gods, produced an effect. No matter when, this money must be repaid. Once the time limit was exceeded, the Temple of Gods would begin liquidation.

In serious cases, they would even directly force the sale of the processed person's property to ensure repayment.

This was just an interlude when Xu Luo was collecting debts. Others hadn't been collected from yet, and he had to continue.

Although there was occasional resistance afterward, they were easily suppressed by the Leviathans, and there was never again such a big commotion as before.

However, this time running around collecting debts like collecting rent unexpectedly led to the final number increasing by quite a bit.

Now with more and more underlings, there was a greater need to ensure his own strength, while also giving the underlings things to do, not letting them be idle.

Only when the underlings became wealthy could he, as the boss, earn more.

One by one, they owed him quite a bit. If they continued to struggle like this, it would take forever to pay off the debt they owed him.

The idea that the rich lead the poor to wealth made sense.

Now Xu Luo wanted that kind of life, letting his underlings be busy while he just sat and waited to collect money.

[09/21 - Chapters Released this week]

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Tomorrow Planned Release: +3 Chapters

Planned Bonus Chapters: October 14 (+15 Chapters); October 31 (+15 Chapters)

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