Rise of the Zerg in the World of Gods

Chapter 123: Flexing Muscles, Warning the Disloyal

Seeing Xu Luo not cherishing his lord-level creatures at all, those Pica civilization Demi-Gods felt very pained.

But coming to their senses, they felt even more pain.

Xu Luo was trading his lords for their Gold-tier units!

Ten butterfly queens fought to the death, injuring their opponents, leaving the rest to Vivi.

Although restricted by the Peace Contract and unable to act himself, Xu Luo could still give simple commands.

The butterfly queens were lost, but there were still fairy butterflies. Now, fairy butterflies were absorbing evolution points at the Creeps, along with faith power, to evolve into new butterfly queens.

The entire butterfly-type Zerg could only have ten butterfly queens, but after losses, they could quickly promote from fairy butterflies.

It was precisely because he was in his own stronghold that Xu Luo dared to do this. Even if butterfly queens were lost, he could quickly replenish them.

While the opponent's losses couldn't be replaced.

"How are his lord-level believers endless?" Seeing butterfly queens die but still having lord-level creatures, the Pica civilization Demi-Gods didn't understand at first, but after a while, they finally realized that he had resurrection methods. So after fighting to the death with their Gold-tier units, they directly resurrected, while their Gold-tier units died in vain.

They didn't know that the butterfly queens had truly died, but it was almost the same.

Anyway, the number of butterfly queens hadn't decreased at all.

At first, they had a slight advantage in high-end combat power, but now it was different. The butterfly queens' reckless fighting without regard for cost directly caused Gold-tier unit casualties. Now the balance of victory was slowly tilting towards Xu Luo's side.

The Silver-tier battlefield, which was already at an advantage, became even more unstoppable with the support of high-end combat power.

In contrast, on that Pica civilization's Divine Domain, the invading Zerg had been almost completely surrounded and killed. Now the entire Divine Domain surface was covered with corpses, both Zerg and their own units.

There were both humanoid and beast-like forms.

However, no matter what, they were about to achieve victory.

Although it was a pyrrhic victory, they had ultimately achieved their goal.

These aliens hadn't expected the Zerg to be so tenacious and their faith so firm.

Generally speaking, for intelligent life, even with firm faith, except for fanatics, other believers would collapse when the death toll reached a certain level. Even devout believers would waver in their faith when facing massive deaths.

But Zerg were different. Although Zerg were intelligent life, they only had simple intelligence, no souls of their own, acted on orders, had no fear, and their faith was eternal.

In battle, even when at a disadvantage, they would fight to the last soldier. Without the Overlord's order, they wouldn't retreat a single step.

So now, although surrounded, the Zerg's frenzied fighting spirit made the besieging allied forces hesitant to advance. Faced with the Zerg's do-or-die attitude, there was a fundamental difference in combat power between the two sides.

In the end, the besieging allied forces wasted many troops before finally taking down the Zerg.

While they were victorious here, the allied forces that had invaded were already defeated.

The Gold-tier units were completely destroyed, and the remaining units were just being slaughtered one-sidedly.

The faces of the Demi-God avatars in mid-air were turning green.

No one had expected that with more than a dozen of them united, they would end up being completely defeated by the other side.

With more than a dozen powerful Demi-God avatars, they ended up not playing any role at all.

Now, unable to leave the area covered by divine light, they could only watch helplessly as their units were slaughtered.

Thirty minutes passed quickly, but for the Demi-God avatars, it felt as long as a century.

Their units were completely gone, and even the corpses had been devoured by the Mayflies.

They were furious, all erupting with powerful auras.

Their units were gone, but their own combat power remained. Even if they couldn't do anything to Xu Luo, they wanted to teach him an unforgettable lesson.

But just as they thought this, seeing a circle of golden butterflies surrounding them, these Demi-God avatars were somewhat surprised.

Then it felt like their heads were hit with a big hammer, instantly losing consciousness.

The soul butterflies' soul impact was a very effective method against living beings.

Now, with so many soul butterflies jointly launching soul impacts, these Demi-God avatars were instantly affected.

At the same time, a bright sword light shot up from the ground, instantly destroying several Demi-God avatars.

Demi-God avatars were essentially carriers of consciousness, formed by faith power.

Without the control of Demi-God consciousness, they were just a mass of energy.

Now that the Demi-God consciousness was unconscious, it meant losing control over faith power, resulting in easy dispersion.

After all, they were Demi-Gods with very high resistance. It was only for an instant; Vivi had struck once, and before she could strike a second time, those Demi-God avatars had awakened.

Light began to release from the soul butterflies' bodies. They didn't dare to stay, fearing their avatars would also be destroyed.

The units were already lost, and the avatars carried a large amount of faith power. It would be too pitiful if they were destroyed.

But whether these avatars could escape depended on whether Xu Luo would let them go.

He directly cut off the transmission channel but didn't expel them from his Divine Domain, thus keeping them trapped.

If they were powerful enough, they could break through the outer defense of the Divine Domain and enter the void.

But obviously, they didn't have such ability.

With the strength of Demi-God avatars, entering the void without any protection, they could probably last a few seconds against the void turbulence.

Even Divine Domains would quickly be destroyed without the protection of a Divine Domain core, let alone mere faith avatars.

Trapped like rats in a cage, with numerous soul butterflies and ten butterfly queens restraining them, plus Xu Luo lending a hand, it didn't take long to deal with these Demi-God avatars.

Only at this point did Xu Luo finally breathe a sigh of relief.

He had really been scared just now. Fortunately, whenever he encountered various consumable scrolls, he would buy them if he had spare money, which was why he had the Peace Contract.

Without this item, if more than a dozen Demi-God avatars attacked together, even with butterfly queens fighting to the death, they couldn't have stopped them.

The impact of more than a dozen additional Gold-tier level combat powers on the battle situation was too great.

Not having time to clean up the messy Divine Domain, he just let the Mayflies devour all the corpses, leaving behind equipment. The transmission light pillar piercing through heaven and earth appeared again.

And this time, two pillars appeared directly.

One was for the previous Divine Domain. Since the other side had placed an order and the task reward was paid in advance, he had no reason not to do it.

The other was for Number 64's Divine Domain.

No positioning was needed; using his Divine Domain core aura as a guide, he could directly know its location.

Their allied forces had already been defeated, and the remaining two were naturally not a concern.

But this situation absolutely could not happen again.

If someone dared to plot against him, they had to be directly destroyed.

Otherwise, if other members followed suit one by one, things would become difficult to handle.

At this point, there weren't many forces left in the two Divine Domains.

Most of Number 64's forces had been deployed to that trap Divine Domain, with some entering Xu Luo's Divine Domain, leaving not many in his own territory.

As for the Divine Domain used as a trap, although it initially gathered many units, the Zerg were too tenacious, resulting in heavy losses. There weren't many units left.

In front of the Zerg Xu Luo sent over, they were quickly resolved.

Ignoring the pleas of the two, Xu Luo coldly destroyed their Divine Domains.

Such things absolutely could not be tolerated.

One time would lead to countless times. Once he showed mercy, it would be harder to handle in the future.

Facing aliens, Xu Luo had no compassion at all.

They were inherently opposing camps; it was either you die or I perish, so naturally, there was nothing to say.

The gains from the two Divine Domains were ordinary, without many units. Xu Luo directly moved the two broken Divine Domains over and merged them with his own Divine Domain, finally making his domain plate a bit larger.

Although a huge plate would expose him to Divine Calamities and encounter stronger void turbulence.

But with a larger Divine Domain, he could collect more faith power.

Xu Luo was now just storing as many evolution points as possible, as there would be more and more places needing them in the future.

Destroying two Divine Domains in one go, but Xu Luo didn't seem happy at all.

Although he won, he actually suffered heavy losses, directly losing more than half of his forces, using up his accumulation from this period.

At the same time, he deeply realized that his strength was still not enough.

No matter how strong Silver-tier was, it was always insufficient when facing Gold-tier.

This time, the opponent's Gold-tier numbers weren't too many, but what about next time?

He couldn't always be lucky.

His desire for the Leviathan became even more urgent.

With a Gold-tier 9 Monarch-level creature presiding, he could say that at this stage, Xu Luo could walk sideways.

In the future, when facing Gold-tier creatures, he finally wouldn't need to think of ways to deal with them.

Number 64 was destroyed, and Xu Luo didn't hide it, directly announcing the matter to all group members.

Number 64 united many fellow species members to try to resist him, resulting in their destruction.

That was the general idea.

Xu Luo's intention was simple: those with similar ideas should give up early, or it would be too late to regret after being destroyed.

He was warning them not to try any tricks.

Being forced to pay protection fees, naturally many were dissatisfied, thinking of how to escape Xu Luo's control, but Xu Luo wanted to make them obey obediently.

Having used up more than two-thirds of his Zerg in one go, Xu Luo was also worried.

The Queen's egg-laying quantity was fixed; to increase the number of Zerg, he could only slowly accumulate over time.

As for things like breeding cards, it hadn't been long since the God's Battle ended, and many people had suffered heavy losses and urgently needed to replenish their forces. As a result, breeding cards were scarce in the market, quickly snatched up whenever they appeared.

Even if Xu Luo wanted to buy, he simply couldn't get any.

Moreover, for him, one or two breeding cards didn't have much effect anyway.

However, now that his Divine Domain's strength was greatly reduced, especially as he was facing the school's points competition which concerned the school's ranking, he naturally couldn't be careless.

If it were before, there would be nothing to worry about, but under the current circumstances, it wouldn't be so easy for him to win the competition easily like before.

Students from other schools weren't roadside cabbages that he could cut as he pleased.

Fortunately, there was still time. The time ratio between reality and the Divine Domain was different. By tomorrow daytime, he would have accumulated a certain number, and by then, dealing with those students shouldn't be a big problem.

However, the issue of breeding cards still needed to be put on the agenda.

The competition was a small matter, but if he didn't have enough troops, he couldn't suppress those restless aliens.

If his own strength wasn't strong enough, the so-called protection would only be a joke.

To become a great umbrella that covers the sky, he himself must be strong enough to suppress all aliens, making them not dare to act rashly.

Another point was to solve the problem of the Zerg's unit singularity.

Now the types of Zerg he possessed were slowly becoming more diverse, but to specifically counter different units, it was still inadequate.

In his vision, there should be a specific type of Zerg that could counter any unit that appeared.

This way, even if the Zerg's power wasn't strong enough, by relying on targeted power, they could achieve even more powerful results.

What was currently limiting the Zerg's numerical development was actually the insufficient egg-laying quantity of the Queen.

Now, the basic production quantity of each of the four Queens was 5,000, and even with the 20% bonus from the hive, it was only 6,000, amounting to 24,000 per day.

For Xu Luo, who wanted to explode his troop numbers and achieve overwhelming victory through sheer quantity, this number was not enough.

In one big battle, the number of Zerg deaths was counted in hundreds of thousands.

After each battle, he had to accumulate for a long time. This time was the same; he had painstakingly saved up several hundred thousand Zerg, but unexpectedly, such a battle suddenly occurred, and more than 2/3 of the Zerg were wiped out in one go.

Although there were still quite a few left, with just that number, they were sufficient for self-protection but inadequate for offense.

Unfortunately, he couldn't find an effective way to increase the Queen's egg-laying quantity now.

Constantly relying on various items to refresh the Queen's production quantity was not a long-term solution.

These temporary measures had very large constraints, and items like breeding cards were strategic resources, not something you could buy whenever you wanted.

Many times, even after waiting for a long time, he could only buy one or two, and this small quantity was insignificant to the overall situation.

The truly effective method was to solve the problem at its root, directly increasing the upper limit of the Queen's egg-laying quantity.

However, now that the Queen's tier couldn't be raised, Xu Luo didn't know what other ways there were to solve this problem.

He could only hope that after evolving the Leviathan, he could see if the Queen could advance to the Gold tier, and then see if the egg-laying quantity could be increased.

[03/21 - Chapters Released this week]

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Tomorrow Planned Release: +3 Chapters

Planned Bonus Chapters: October 14 (+15 Chapters); October 31 (+15 Chapters)

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