Rise of the Zerg in the World of Gods

Chapter 121: Professional God Fighter League

Cha Lei's easy win left him quite disappointed, feeling that he hadn't showcased the true strength of his Kobolds.

This opportunity to shine in front of many people ended up with an average performance due to his opponent's weakness, which was truly disappointing for him.

Next up was Wang Xiaoling's match.

Although her intelligence seemed to drop to negative levels when facing Xu Chengzhi, she was very calm and collected in actual combat.

Wang Xiaoling's elves and half-elves were developing well, already showing initial signs of forming an elven forest. In the future, she could grow war trees, ancient trees, and other such trees.

Without much difficulty, she won this match.

In his spare time, Xu Luo also saw Xiang Xun's match.

Regardless of his personality, Xiang Xun was quite formidable. His dragon-blooded warriors were in full force, directly defeating all opponents.

Meanwhile, as he continued to watch, Xu Luo also saw some familiar faces.

Xiang Lu and Fang Xuan from No. 1 High School, whom he had just defeated yesterday; Zuo Jiaojiao from No. 3 High School, Zuo Tianyao's grandniece; and Zheng Qiao from No. 8 High School.

These people were quite strong in their respective schools, so they easily advanced.

Interestingly, when Zuo Jiaojiao appeared, it caused cheers from the entire venue.

This girl was simply too beautiful, her appearance alone was very attractive.

After she won, her popularity soared, strongly rushing into the top ten.

Indeed, beautiful girls are always very popular.

Time quickly came for Xu Luo's match.

He was to face Fang Zikai from No. 8 High School.

As he appeared, many people were paying attention. Various clubs had specially sent people to observe the situation. Although he might be someone they couldn't approach, people always have hope. What if he was moved by the conditions they offered?

Entering the game pod and appearing in the virtual space for the battle, unexpectedly, Fang Zikai on the other side hurriedly chose a mode.

"I choose possession battle!"

He was well aware that Xu Luo could take on the entire first year of No. 1 High School alone, let alone their entire No. 8 High School, not to mention just himself.

Therefore, a unit battle would be just handing over victory.

To win, he had to think of other methods.

If he had strong personal strength like Qianqian or Xu Chengzhi, he would have chosen a Demi-God battle.

Unfortunately, his personal strength was average, so he could only take a chance with a possession battle.

Because in yesterday's battle, none of Xu Luo's units had shown exceptional strength, only defeating No. 1 High School's people through ambush and overwhelming numbers.

As it wasn't a personal battle, Xu Luo breathed a sigh of relief. This way, he could keep some things he had prepared. He really didn't want to use items right at the start.

The two chose their units to appear.

Fang Zikai's unit was a curvaceous night elf, while Xu Luo's was the valiant golden-armored Valkyrie-like Vivi.

Recently, he had been controlling Vivi in battles, becoming more familiar with her abilities.

Moreover, because Vivi was a Sacred Spirit, wholly devoted to him, there were no barriers when controlling her in battle, making her more convenient than other fanatical Zerg.

Fang Zikai had no idea what choosing this mode meant.

Vivi, a Gold-tier Monarch, was not only formidable against high school students but could even be considered a top ace in university.

Xu Luo, controlling Vivi in battle, easily won without revealing all of her strength.

Without relying on his overwhelming power to suppress the opponent, Xu Luo still won using equivalent strength, showing that his daily immersion in the arena was effective.

It wasn't in vain that he spent a fortune to install a personal arena at home, spending a lot of time each day on combat training.

Although the time wasn't very long, it was already showing significant results.

After winning, Xu Luo's popularity on the rankings soared again.

Online discussions about him began to emerge.

Yesterday's powerful defeat of No. 1 High School had already given him huge exposure and strong topic potential. Now, the possession battle showcased that his subordinate units had strong individual strength, while also demonstrating his combat skills.

Therefore, more and more people supported him, with many expecting him to qualify and represent Tianhai in the competition.

There was an online betting discussion about who would qualify.

Previously, 96% of people thought Qianqian would qualify. For others, like Zuo Jiaojiao from No. 3 High School and Wen Zhiyuan from No. 8 High School, there was some chance of qualifying, but it wasn't absolutely certain.

Because every time during competitions, these students' strength would surge, and it was possible for unknown ordinary students to upset famous genius students.

Now, in everyone's minds, Xu Luo was certain to be one of those who would qualify.

A student with a strong Divine Domain development and good looks naturally easily attracted many supporters.

Besides the original students from No. 6 High School, now some from other schools had started to support Xu Luo.

The high school league was actually a selection path for these students to become star God Fighters and professional God Fighters.

If one truly had talent and potential, even if they weren't valued before, under the three modes of team battles, individual battles, and points battles, they could showcase their units, personal strength, and other aspects. Whether they had potential would be basically displayed before those clubs, and if they had value, the clubs would naturally come to contact them.

The strength Xu Luo displayed was already very attractive. If not for his seed status making them hesitant to approach, people would have already come to contact him.

The entire God Fighter system had different divisions.

With the struggle of all races' Gods as the core, it was a universe-wide grand event held every five years, with terrifyingly high rewards each time.

Apart from this universe-wide event, several civilizations near each star region would jointly hold regional God Fighter competitions. These were different, some held annually, some every two or three years.

The highest human competition was called the Dragon God Cup, held annually.

Participation requirements were S-class clubs and the champions and runners-up from the top league who stood out.

The top league required A-class clubs to participate, which were the highest level clubs on a planet.

Below the top league was the secondary league, with B-class clubs participating, which was the highest event for each large region.

Below the secondary league was the city league, whose influence basically only covered several cities, known to few people, mainly composed of C-class clubs.

As for the high school league, it didn't belong to this professional God Fighter system, but because it represented the future of a civilization, its influence was very high.

It was also a talent pipeline for various clubs, with outstanding students being absorbed by clubs of different levels.

What every club wanted most was to move beyond their city, gradually advancing, completing a triple jump from C-class to A-class, winning the championship to qualify for the Dragon God Cup.

For a professional God Fighter, the Dragon God Cup was their highest lifelong goal.

Take Ying Yinglo for example, why was she so popular?

Besides being humanity's top genius, she was also currently the only triple crown winner, having won three Dragon God Cup championship trophies, and several star region championships. When she participated in the God's Battle earlier, Ying Yinglo was still very young and not as strong as now, only achieving a top 32 ranking.

Although humans were already satisfied, Ying Yinglo naturally wasn't happy.

The God's Battle two years ago was forcibly cancelled due to two level-seven civilization Main Gods above starting a war, so everyone was waiting for the God's Battle starting three years later. What kind of results would Ying Yinglo, who had become a True God, achieve!

The high school league was limited to current students, while professional God Fighters were limited to Gods whose Divine Domains had been opened for less than 20 years.

Those exceeding this couldn't participate in competitions.

This was the standard for all races.

When further divided into different levels, it would be different again.

For example, the age limit for the top league could be higher, the secondary league needed to be more youthful, and the city league even more so.

According to the relevant explanation, if within a certain age, one hadn't reached the corresponding league level, it only proved that they weren't suited for the professional God Fighter path, and it was better to retire early.

God Fighter, God Fighter!

Why was it called God Fighter?

Initially, this God Fighter competition was actually used by alien races to resolve interest disputes.

The cost of powerful civilizations going to war was too enormous, especially for level eight or nine civilizations. It meant countless planets and star regions would be annihilated in the aftermath of their battles.

Such destructive power was too great, so after the emergence of God's Domain, they agreed to resolve disputes in God's Domain, with no civilization allowed to wage war in reality.

With three level-nine civilizations and more than ten level-eight civilizations taking the lead, level-seven civilizations complied, and other civilizations had no choice but to obey.

Who would dare to disregard the ban and wage war, only to face sanctions from higher civilizations?

And if higher civilizations violated?

The two higher civilizations that went to war two years ago have now become history under the siege of all other higher civilizations.

After establishing rules, disputes were resolved in God's Domain, with a special arena opened. The two civilizations with conflicts would send their representatives, like gladiators, to fight inside, and only the victor could come out.

Time and again, this custom continued.

Gradually, this custom was preserved. Conflicts were resolved in God's Domain, with each side sending their God Fighters.

However, later it also spawned many commercial interests.

The high and mighty Gods, supreme beings in their own Divine Kingdoms, fighting like common folk, how fresh and exciting for those beings who couldn't enter God's Domain!

Whenever there were relevant disputes, people would always go to watch, even willing to pay high prices for a spot if there were no seats available.

Some people specialized in related industries.

Later, some saw a business opportunity. Why not simply hold a competition themselves?

Use prize money to attract people to compete, then openly sell tickets!

Thus, a new industry emerged and swept across various civilizations.

Often, competitions were also held to demonstrate one's strength and sovereignty to other civilizations.

It was also an occasion for those higher civilizations to show off their power.

In any case, this was a win-win situation for all.

Audiences could watch their favorite competitions, God Fighters gained benefits, organizers profited, and the affiliated civilizations cultivated their own powerful God Fighter talents, showcasing their military might when facing other civilizations.

Every club spared no effort in recruiting talents. As long as you had the value, they were willing to pay however much it took.

Huang Yifeng, a member of the S-class club [Oracle], had an annual signing fee as high as 100 million credit points.

This didn't include his various endorsements, live streaming income, competition prize money, and so on.

This was the money-making ability of top God Fighters; one person could become a tycoon.

Why did so many people want to become famous and top God Fighters?

It was because top God Fighters not only had fame but also profit.

Not to mention anything else, just entering the A-league basically secured the latter half of one's life.

Competing for a few years would earn more than what ordinary people could earn in a lifetime.

After defeating his opponent, Xu Luo didn't feel much, as no clubs came to contact him, so he was content with the peace.

Wang Xiaoling, for instance, already had quite a few C-class clubs approaching her.

What was unexpected was that clubs had even started to contact Cha Lei now, making this guy quite proud in front of Xu Luo for half a day.

Regarding this situation, Xu Luo could only sigh that different strokes for different folks.

They were still relatively peaceful here. The likes of Qianqian, Xu Chengzhi, Zuo Jiaojiao were surrounded by many more clubs.

Not just C-class, but quite a few B-class clubs too. If not for Qianqian's young age and the short development time of her Divine Domain, A-class clubs might even have come forward to recruit her into their reserves.

This was the appeal of geniuses, always attracting the attention of big capital.

As for Zuo Jiaojiao, clubs approaching her wasn't just because of her strength, but more for her outstanding appearance, and also her identity.

As the granddaughter of the late Zuo Tianyao's brother, the Zuo family still had strong social influence. If they could bring Zuo Jiaojiao into their club, even without achieving good results, just the Zuo family name alone could bring high attention and popularity to the club.

Regarding no clubs contacting him, Xu Luo was clear in his mind and wouldn't envy others' treatment.

He didn't really want to participate in such competitions anyway, preferring to be his own Umbrella and "protect" more alien races.

As for living under the spotlight, with everything about him becoming transparent, that wasn't what he wanted.

Becoming a seed was to hide away, so how could he go and become a professional player?

[24/21+4 - Chapters Released this week]

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