Rise of the Zerg in the World of Gods

Chapter 118: You Have the Potential of a Main God

On the second day of the competition, No. 1 High School became a sea of people. Besides students from each school coming to watch, there were also many people from various sectors of society.

Compared to yesterday, more people came after the official start.

No. 1 High School opened multiple battle venues, conducting competitions for multiple schools simultaneously.

Everyone could freely choose which school's battles they wanted to watch.

Due to time constraints, the battles were very compact.

Point matches were held in the morning, while individual and team matches were scheduled for the afternoon.

Each day's schedule was very full.

Because they had already fought one match, today's point match didn't involve No. 6 and No. 1 High Schools.

Students and teachers from No. 6 High School voluntarily went to watch the battles of various schools, hoping to "spy on the enemy" and help their own school.

With nothing to do, Xu Luo also wandered around, watching some interesting matches.

Although everyone's Divine Domains were still in the initial stages, they had the basic configurations.

Second and third-year students had even formed preliminary stable social structures, progressing from the primitive stage to the civilized era step by step.

Only a freak like Xu Luo would completely neglect to build his Divine Domain. Others were very attentive to their Divine Domains, constructing various buildings or non-humanoid creature lairs in an orderly manner.

This itself was a huge expenditure.

It wasn't just about raising units.

When appearing, part of these people's Divine Domain situations would be revealed. Although it was just a glimpse, it allowed Xu Luo to roughly understand their Divine Domain situations.

Divine Domain Architecture itself was a compulsory course for students, as important as the Species Encyclopedia.

Although his own Divine Domain didn't need various buildings, Xu Luo actually had good grades in this course. Observing others' buildings and such, he could roughly understand what level of development they had reached.

Although not completely accurate and with some errors, it was enough to make some judgments.

Each creature had different feeding requirements and environmental needs, requiring customized care.

For example, elves needed to eat various fruits, humans needed grains and meat, dragons required large amounts of meat and various magic-infused minerals.

Phoenixes only ate phoenix tree fruits and bamboo fruits.

Demons fed on negative emotions of living beings, while angels, though not needing food, had strict living environment requirements, only living in environments imbued with light power. They also needed large amounts of light stones to maintain their power...

Each had different requirements, and these were the main subjects students learned in their daily courses.

How to raise their own units, cultivate species, and build their Divine Domains were all profound subjects.

They needed to know what they needed and what others needed.

In a Divine Domain, besides the faith power output from believers, more importantly, it needed its own industries. Otherwise, it would be difficult to maintain daily expenses.

Not everyone was like Xu Luo, who didn't need to manage the faith levels of creatures and had stable output.

"Unexpectedly, these schools' strength is quite good," Xu Luo remarked after making a round.

He had gained some understanding of the general situation of each school.

Some people had quite good starts, with several Silver-tier beings observed.

After all, the entire Tianhai City had a resident population of over 30 million, plus a large number of migrants, as well as students sent from surrounding areas, making for a huge population.

But among the 19 high schools, less than 30,000 students were admitted each year.

It wasn't that there were only this many high school students in all of Tianhai City, but that there were only this many Divine Domain students. Others followed the ordinary education path: after junior high, if they couldn't enter a Divine Domain high school, they went to ordinary high schools, ordinary universities, and after graduation, found ordinary jobs, then married and had children.

Of course, in the current environment, there was a high probability they wouldn't find jobs.

Each student started learning about God's Domain from junior high, then went through step-by-step screening. By the end of junior high, candidates were basically confirmed, and others could only attend ordinary high schools.

This was because quota was limited, so it could only be done this way.

Moreover, even having a Divine Domain quota didn't mean one was worry-free.

Students were constantly having their Divine Domains shattered and had to transfer to ordinary high schools.

Just this month, No. 6 High School alone reported seven third-year, eleven second-year, and eight first-year students transferring.

So the number of human Gods wasn't as many as imagined.

Out of the initial 20,000+ people in Tianhai City, by the time of high school graduation, having over 10,000 left would be good.

Most would, during these three years, either be invaded by others, have unsuccessful Divine Domain development, expenses exceeding income, or even face faith backlash due to oppressing believers, leading to revolts and their own overthrow.

Walking and stopping, watching the matches for a while, Xu Luo noticed someone watching him. Following the gaze, he found it was Xu Chengzhi from No. 16 High School whom he had seen yesterday.

Seeing Xu Luo look over, Xu Chengzhi nodded slightly in greeting, then turned away.

Looking again, he was already swallowed by the crowd.

Xu Luo continued to watch battles between different schools, not putting this matter to heart.

On the other side, Xu Chengzhi's face showed little expression as he spoke calmly.

"Are you satisfied now? You've seen the person. Anything else? If not, I'm leaving."

"What are you talking about? You just had your assistant look at him for a moment, what could I possibly see?" A gentle voice came from his personal assistant.

"I asked you to help me look at my nephew, who's also your cousin. What, are you that unwilling?"

"No!" Thinking of something, Xu Chengzhi's mouth twitched, and he quickly denied it.

"Hmph!" On the other end of the call, a woman who looked to be in her thirties snorted.

"Don't think I don't know what you're thinking. Your father doesn't like your fourth uncle, and you side with your father, but no matter what, he's still surnamed Xu."

"I understand, Aunt," Xu Chengzhi quickly interrupted her.

He was worried that if they continued talking, he would bring trouble upon himself.

"Alright," Xu Mingfeng didn't say much more.

"I've seen him this time. He's much more handsome than my brother. In a few days when I have time, I'll come to see him."

"Huh?" Xu Chengzhi was dumbfounded.

"You're coming in person?"

"Do I need to report to you about seeing my own nephew?" Xu Mingfeng glared with her almond-shaped eyes.

"For the old man's 150th birthday, the whole family should be together, right?"

"Yes, yes, yes!" Xu Chengzhi nodded quickly.

After she gave a few more instructions and hung up, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

His reverence for this aunt was ingrained in his bones.

Thinking of his task, Xu Chengzhi took a deep breath.

He transferred to Tianhai not only to avoid the monsters in the capital and get a quota here but more importantly to see his fourth uncle's son.

Because of the old man's situation, no one had dared to contact the fourth uncle's family for years.

But now that the old man was aging, things were different from before. Especially with his 150th birthday approaching, although he didn't say it, everyone knew he definitely wanted the family to reunite.

It's just that the old man had been a soldier all his life and was very stubborn. Even in old age, he was still very hard-headed.

They, as the younger generation, certainly needed to help their elders solve worries.

However, after more than ten years without contact, even if the old man wanted a family reunion, it still depended on the fourth uncle's attitude.

Because it wasn't convenient for the elders to come forward, they sent him to pave the way.

"Quite impressive," Xu Chengzhi smiled, thinking of how Xu Luo single-handedly swept through all the first-year students of No. 1 High School yesterday.

After all, he was family. Although they hadn't been in contact for over a decade, seeing a relative do well was naturally a happy thing.

With both fourth uncle and aunt in the military, this cousin had reached this step without anyone's help. If he had the family's support, he should be even more formidable, right?

The Xu family hadn't produced any particularly powerful experts in a long time.

"Hi!" A voice interrupted Xu Chengzhi's thoughts.

"What a coincidence!"

The girl's bright smile was as radiant as the daylight.

"He-hello!" Seeing this girl he had just met yesterday, Xu Chengzhi's voice became stammering.

In all his years, he really didn't know how to interact with girls.

"Hello, want to watch the matches together?" Compared to Xu Chengzhi, the girl was much more at ease.

Completely different from her performance yesterday.

But no one knew that when she said this, her palms were sweating.



"So fast!" Watching the two walking side by side towards other venues to watch matches, Cha Lei and Xu Luo each drank a cup of synthetic beverage, exclaiming.

"Xiaoling moved quickly. I bet that guy will fall for her soon."

Men chasing women was like climbing a mountain, women chasing men was like crossing a thin veil. Cha Lei believed that the guy, who was like a silly goose, would soon fall at Wang Xiaoling's feet.

"Not that fast," Xu Luo thought it shouldn't be.

That Xu Chengzhi looked like a soldier, probably from a military family. Such people might look silly, but they have strong self-control. Now Wang Xiaoling was interested in him, but they didn't know much about each other. Xu Chengzhi wouldn't fall so quickly.

"Then let's bet," Cha Lei gulped down his drink in one go, casually throwing the cup in a perfect arc into the trash can.

"I think it'll be soon. Let's set a one-month timeframe. I don't believe anyone can resist Xiaoling's charm with her fair skin, beauty, and wealthy family."

"Alright!" Xu Luo nodded with a smile.

This was just a harmless bet.

Finishing his drink in one gulp, he also threw his cup into the trash can.

"The loser buys milk tea. Let's say for a month. I don't want synthetic, I want pure natural milk tea."

"Are you serious?" Cha Lei's mouth fell open.

"Bro, one cup of natural milk tea costs 68. Do we need to go this big?"

That would be almost two thousand in a month.

"You don't lack this much, what are you afraid of?" Xu Luo said nonchalantly.

Cha Lei's family was in the government system, with a good family background and plenty of pocket money.

"I'm talking about you. What if you lose?" Cha Lei deliberately looked Xu Luo up and down.

"I don't think you have much pocket money!"

"You don't need to worry about that. I have money. But you should prepare to buy me milk tea!" Xu Luo smiled.

"Oh my, a cup of iced milk tea on a hot day would be so refreshing. How about we change it to soda?"

"You haven't won yet!" Cha Lei rolled his eyes in annoyance.

"Soda, I don't dare drink much of it."

Mentioning this, he had a belly full of complaints.

"Those idiots brought down the Starriver Group, making it so I can barely afford soda. I can only drink a bottle occasionally, and can't often eat natural meat. A bottle of soda that used to cost one credit point now costs fifteen, who could have imagined!"

Mentioning this, he always felt bitter.

With Starriver Group's collapse, countless people lost their jobs, and the government's relief pressure increased dramatically.

The prices of natural meat, grains, and such, which weren't too expensive originally, skyrocketed. Especially beer and the like not only increased in price but also decreased in quantity.

This was because to cope with economic pressure, the federal government had to export large quantities of grains and meat to exchange for money.

Ordinary people also started to subsist on nutritional substances. Those with better family backgrounds ate synthetic food, while natural food had become a luxury.

"Things will get better," Xu Luo comforted.

At first, he thought the overall economic depression had always been like this, and eating nutritional substances was always the case.

But unexpectedly, it wasn't so. Initially, most families ate synthetic food, and although natural food was quite expensive, ordinary families could still afford it occasionally.

And at that time, wages were still okay. Occasionally having barbecue and drinks with friends was still affordable.

Everything changed starting with the collapse of Starriver Group.

Now the poor overall environment affected all aspects. It didn't affect those truly at the top, but it was most feared by the middle class.

"Old Xu, hurry up and become a Main God, punish those guys!" Cha Lei joked.

"Now only a Main God can deal with them."

The power of the aristocratic families was too vast, involving all aspects. Faced with their resistance, even the president was helpless.

Perhaps only the emergence of a Main God, with the power to pressure everyone single-handedly, with the determination, courage, and confidence to overturn everything and start anew, could directly confront those people.

"You think too highly of me," Xu Luo laughed wryly.

"Humans haven't produced a Main God in hundreds of years, and you're counting on me? Who knows when that'll happen."

With the Overlord system, Xu Luo was confident in becoming a True God, a God King, but becoming a Main God wasn't that simple.

If it were truly easy to achieve, with countless humans striving for it, it wouldn't be the case that not a single one had appeared in hundreds of years.

Being confident in oneself is good, but overconfidence becomes arrogance.

Xu Luo had a clear positioning of himself. He wouldn't belittle himself, but he also wouldn't be proud and arrogant.

His current goal was to dominate the novice Divine Domain. As for other things, he hadn't thought that far ahead.

Do what is appropriate for one's position, focusing on his current plans was enough.

[21/21+4 - Chapters Released this week]

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Planned Bonus Chapters: October 14 (+15 Chapters); October 31 (+15 Chapters)

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