Rise of the Weakest Summoner

Chapter 409 – Linking Bloodlines

Before anything, Asterios decided to give the curious Lesser Dragons surrounding him some more time to satisfy their sudden need to investigate and examine the rare specimen before them. He could move on to the next part immediately, but being friendly and approachable might be a bit more beneficial. Especially since the mentors, while also fairly interested, remained somewhat cautious with their actions and questions.

And questions there were plenty. When the initial veil of anxiety and discomfort had fallen to an acceptable level, many young candidates talked over each other in their attempts to receive an answer to their query. Some inquiries had clearly been on their minds for a long time. Those individuals might have hoped to find out about those curiosities after becoming actual disciples.

Now, they would be getting an even better deal, with lots of additional knowledge and experience. As long as they were chosen for this first batch of recruits. Althea’s innovative program was currently limited to six spots as that was the number of people in Tina’s old Royal Division squad. There would be more in the future, but it was unwise to rush things.

So, that was exactly what Asterios was going to start with.

“Alright, everyone. That’s going to be it for fun and questions for now,” he said calmly, urging the bolder males and females to climb off his back. “I believe we can follow through with our offer. The crowd has thinned out a little bit, which is certainly good for you as the competition lessens. Yet, keep in mind that only a select few will be lucky enough to get in today. I say lucky because I’m sure most if not all of you are eager and talented enough to make it quite hard for us to decide on the six candidates we have to pick.”

“Only six?” One of the men tilted his head.

“Six is still more than one,” Phatru pointed out. “Look at it the other way, you have five more chances to be selected than usual when a mentor arrives in a nest. Therefore, be on your best behavior and listen closely to what Althea and Asterios have to say.”

At first, a combined whine of disappointment traveled through the gathering, but the audience quickly switched moods to a keen, perhaps hungry attitude.

“How are you going to choose the disciples?” One of the girls waved her hand to stand out from the crowd now that almost no one remained in their seats and had rushed down to the stage and its close vicinity. “Are we going to answer questions? Take a test? Be examined spiritually for those with the best potential? As a True Dragon, you can peer much deeper into our being than others, right?”

Asterios chuckled, changing back to his humanoid form for an easier time communicating with others. “Honestly, we’ll kind of leave it up to chance. And that’s because we are going to utilize Summoning Magic as mentioned earlier. With a few original tweaks, we will to reach out to you, and one person will hear a call. If everything goes as intended, we hope that the person you are going to connect with will share a decent affinity with you, both in terms of spirituality and character.”

“In the end, we want to make sure that everyone is comfortable with this arrangement, both you and your hosts,” Althea added. “How much time you are going to spend with those partners of yours will depend mostly on you and some of your obligations, but we hope to foster good relationships between the people of both realms. Having a friend you can share things with throughout the learning process and even your entire life is a highly advantageous and incredible thing. That’s true especially when either person comes from a different background with their unique perspective and beliefs, and has their own duties to focus on.”

“We’ll need an anchor or something if we want to attempt a summoning this targeted,” Grea pointed out, stroking her chin thoughtfully.

“That’s a very good point.” Asterios nodded. “But, before that. Tina, would you mind getting your guys ready?”

The azure-haired Summoner lady trotted up to him with a smile. “No problem. If I leave now, I should have enough time to prepare them for the ceremony while being able to keep most of the details to myself, leaving the fun part as a surprise.”

He smiled back seeing the mischievous twinkle in her blue eyes and leaned forward to join their lips in a delicate kiss. “Got it. Watch out for Kathy, she knows more than the others.”

She reached out for one more peck before stepping aside and opening a crimson gate next to her. The young Dragons whispered in awe amongst themselves as she disappeared in the interdimensional passage pretty much effortlessly.

“Now, let’s figure out how to best lock in on our eager friends here.” Asterios roamed his gaze over the gathered before turning to the rest of his mates and the ladies accompanying them.

“Maybe we can make a deal similar to the one my ancestors struck with Esil’s tribe?” Silvia offered. “Perhaps I should have brought it up before Tina left.”

“Oh, that sounds fun!” Miria clapped joyfully. “Do you think it will work with Lady Rhufija as the Nest Mother with the others considered her subordinates or something like that? She is the guardian of this place and people living here.”

“As long as the lady is willing to try.” He raised a brow at the Nest Mother.

“I’m interested to see how that would work,” Rhufija replied.

Nodding, Asterios navigated his bond with Tina to reach out to Esil without bothering his beloved unnecessarily. ~Esil? Do you have a moment to talk?~

~Yes, I do,~ the winged patriarch answered right away. ~What is the matter that requires you to speak with me directly?~

~Just a question. Do you think a similar arrangement to what you have with humans can be achieved with Lesser Dragons in your place and me in King Welrond’s?~ Asterios asked.

~It should be.~ Esil hummed ponderingly. ~As long as the community you are targeting considers the person you have in mind as an anchor a definite leader, there should be no issues in the process, even if they don’t share blood, race, or anything.~

~Great. So, what do you suggest we do? I know only a few things about this kind of situation and the academy’s information was rather scarce on such a rare, almost legendary contract.~ Asterios scratched his head. ~As far as I know, there can be an anchor or a spell?~

~Unfortunately, I’m only familiar with one approach, and that is designing a unique Summoning Array, infusing it with the blood of the promisor and the promisee,~ the wise lion responded. ~It should be enough, in my opinion. I haven’t seen it fail once in our case and the summoning seemed accurate.~

~Thank you. We’ll figure it out somehow. Have a good day.~ Asterios withdrew from the connection and returned to the amphitheater.

“Already on it!” Grea stated from somewhere below and he found the raunchy researcher scribbling something on multiple sheets of paper on the ground, seemingly starting somewhere in the middle of their conversation.

“Just keep it… suitable.” He sighed softly, receiving an impish snicker in response.

“We can combine both, can we not, my Lord?” Selene offered. “Just to make the connection stronger.”

“We would need a meaningful anchor, then,” Althea joined in, glancing at Rhufija. “Something personal, preferably.”

“I think I have a fitting idea,” the Nest Mother showed a trace of a smile.

Extending her arm forward, she exposed some of her skin, which soon disappeared under the cover of tough scarlet scales. Then, she leveraged one with her sharp nail and tore it off. Examining it briefly, she passed it to Althea, who nodded approvingly and gave it to Asterios.

Sharing a glance, Rhufija’s mates copied her actions. They reasoned that it would be better if they were included too in case this kind of contract exerted some kind of pressure on their beloved during the actual summoning. Asterios allowed this, of course, not wanting to antagonize the trio who was still slightly wary of him.

“Hmmm…” Miria tapped her cheek while looking at the colorful plates in Ast’s hands. “May I see them for a moment, Master?”

“Sure.” He shrugged and transferred them to her palms.

Smiling appreciatively, she turned around and sat on the ground, starting to tinker with them somewhat. A few Lesser Dragons moved closer to observe what the cat-eared girl was doing but he didn’t peek, knowing that it would make Miria even happier to present whatever it was to him on her own.

“Well, both the circle and the anchors are being worked on, it looks like.” Asterios chuckled. “Where are we going to draw the array this time?”

“Instead of drawing, I thought about carving it in the middle of this space.” Rhufija gestured at the flat half-circle between the main stage and the first rows of the audience. “Am I right to assume that you are willing to let people watch this ritual and the concurrent summonings?”

“I don’t see why not.” He spread his arms.

“Then that’s what we are going to do.” She nodded resolutely. “This amphitheater will gain an additional role. From now on, this is where we will gather when new disciples are going to be chosen for your program to study abroad. It should be a fascinating spectacle to see who receives the call and how they follow through it.”

“Making a show out of it. I like that.” Grea laughed, standing up. “How’s this? Not too hot for your tastes?”

She practically pushed the finished design into Ast’s face. He looked it over thoroughly alongside his mates and smirked softly.

“Oh, it’s definitely hot. I’m getting excited just looking at it.” Asterios wound his fingers through her black hair and lightly pulled the genius woman into a rough kiss. “You are amazing for coming up with this entire thing on the spot.”

“Eh, it was nothing.” Grea nibbled on her bottom lip. “But you know where to find me if you want to thank me properly.”

“Will do.” He winked at her. “Time to put this on the ground, then.”

“Allow me, my Lord.” Selene held out her hand.

He handed her the sketch and she got to work right away. Calling upon a few more tails, the fox lady materialized a spiritual spear and began carving the lines and symbols in the polished stone. Bit by bit, the extremely complex circuit came to completion. It was truly a work of art and even those not associated with Summoning Magic could tell.

First of all, Grea had picked an octagram as a base instead of the usual circle, perhaps wanting it to be unique. It wasn’t unheard of to use other shapes, circles simply showed the most success and efficiency in the hands of novices and somewhat advanced Summoners.

But, she, Asterios, and Tina weren’t amateurs.

Inside the rare shape, she borrowed some of the elven patterns to fill it up, drawing winding and wriggling paths resembling vines and nature. They parted for the most crucial part, which was an unusual depiction spanning over the entire width and length of the octagonal form. Its lines and angles were all straight and sharp in a geometrical fashion.

As for what this depiction depicted, after some time staring, Bryn pointed out that it was a True Dragon from either above or below, similar to Dragon Valley’s emblem. There were five pivotal sigils inside tiny circles at the top, drawing the head; four additional symbols lined up in a wide trapezoid below that made up the wingspan; and five more on a column extending south that resembled a rhomboid certainly meant to represent the end of a fancy tail.

Some other filler shapes, paths, and sigils littered the design here and there, but everything created an amazing union, not obstructing the core of the entire thing. That was why Asterios was so impressed, and so were the ladies.

“I’m done too!” Miria exclaimed as she shot up. “It took me a moment because I couldn’t decide on the material for the string but I ended up with my fur if it’s alright with you, Master.”

Moving closer, the panthergirl brought her furry hands up to showcase her work, a slightly nervous smile painting her lips. It turned out she had made a necklace out of the four scales, putting tiny holes in them and threading a thin black cord through those, which everyone now knew was made from her own fur.

“What did you…?” Rhufija’s eyes widened to the brim as she took a step back.

Miria’s rounded ears lowered onto her hair. “Oh… I’m so stupid, I should have asked—”

“I don’t think she is offended or angry,” Asterios cut her off before she dove too deep into a self-deprecating mood.

“No…” The Nest Mother shook her head. “Just… How did you…?”

“Ummm… I covered one of my claws with mana since that’s what I have lots of practice with and focused really hard to make the sharp aura thin and long… Then I simply made the holes and strung some of my fur together to make a durable thread…” Miria explained with an uncertain tone.

“Simply…?” Rhufija was still as stunned as before.

Seeing the confused state the panthergirl was in, Asterios let out a quiet chuckle. “Miria, do you remember the first scale we ever stumbled on?”

“Of course, Master. It was your father’s. The statue attacked us right after.” She nodded vigorously. “Why?”

“And do you remember what it took to even scratch it?” The edge of his mouth curled up in a faint smirk as realization dawned on his adorable mate.

“Ohhhhhhhhhh…” A heavy blush tinged her cheeks as her ears proudly stood up again.

“Yeah. And you simply sat down and made some holes in them.” Asterios plopped a hand on top of her head and lovingly ruffled through her hair, caressing her cute ears too. “It’s just proof of how far you have come. Rhufija was a bit unsettled because you just showed us that you can literally claw through her and others almost effortlessly. How would you feel in her place?”

“Ehehehe~” Miria giggled bashfully, an infectious grin taking over her sweet, reddening face. “Sorry and thank you!”

Placing a quick peck on her ear, he drew back and let the cuddly panthergirl put the necklace on him. Since both the array and the anchors were ready, they moved to the next part. Everyone stepped aside, leaving the stage to him and the Nest Mother. Asterios invited Rhufija into the center of the formation and they faced each other calmly.

“From what a wise friend told me, we need to mix our blood and infuse the circuit with it while agreeing on the terms of this deal. I’ll take care of the technicalities linked to the actual magic, guiding this ritual from start to finish,” he explained.

“So be it.” She nodded formally and pulled out a fierce knife from behind her thigh, slashing her palm open without hesitation and extending it forward alongside the dagger.

Asterios smiled wryly. “We’ll need to be fast, then.”

Taking the blade, he made a cut on the back of his hand first, showing its almost instant disappearance due to his insane regeneration, which surprised Rhufija greatly again.

“I’ll do my best to suppress it but I’m still rather new to this entire thing,” he shared honestly.

Making a much deeper cut on the inside, he willed it to stay open, or at least heal much slower. Tia assisted him, offering her decades of experience. Together, they managed to force the wound to stay almost untouched. But, he could feel his control over her powers waning with each second so he thrust his bleeding palm to meet the Nest Mother’s hand.

“I wish to offer you an accord,” Asterios started as their mixed blood dripped onto the formation and lit it up in crimson. “I shall provide a safe and fair living space inside my nation and my realm for your pupils to live in, prosper, learn, and gain experience. All I ask for in return is their equally fair service arm-in-arm with the partners that will choose them, including but not limited to public appearances in draconic form, assistance in defending the nation from threats of an appropriate level, and help with general duties that do not belittle their status and personal worth.”

“I’m willing to accept the contract,” Rhufija picked up after him. “As long as you swear to treat my people right at all times and protect them from the danger they otherwise would not be capable of handling. Life and death is a natural cycle and I shall not blame you for the passing of each individual depending on the circumstances and decisions that led to the unfortunate event. Take care of them as if they were your own children and I shall put my trust in you and your entourage.”

“I accept.” He nodded solemnly, tightening his grip around her hand.

“And so do I.” She mirrored the motion.

A small spiritual blast burst out of their location, taking the audience by surprise, but it soon faded away, leaving only the faintly glowing magical circle as evidence of the ritual. Asterios felt something settle deep within him, and he noticed that each scale on his necklace bore a mystical symbol. Rhufija seemed to sense something too, and found a mark on her dagger that he had returned before the declarations.

“Now all that’s left is to confirm if things worked out properly.” Grea put her fist on her hips excitedly. “Are we going in right away?”

Asterios cleaned his hand while Bryn offered her healing to the Nest Mother, rolling his eyes at the wording of his playful demon mate. “We might as well since everyone is gathered here. All depends on Tina.”

~Ready whenever,~ the Summoner girl replied. ~We are waiting for your return so that they can get an introduction from both of us.~

“I’m leaving this side to you then, Nest Mother.” He respectfully bowed towards their gracious host. “We will begin in about half an hour. In case you have any questions, Phatru and Rusilthea shall assist you and get in touch with us if necessary.”

“We will be waiting for your calls.” She offered an equally polite nod. “Everyone, get back in your seats. This is going to be a prestigious event that requires your decorous cooperation. Besides, we have a lot to talk about before our new allies reach out to us.”

Leaving Rhufija to her own matters, Asterios turned to Visenna and Jellal. “Are you both coming with us? Or is one of you staying for now?”

“Someone has to keep an eye on things on this side, don’t you think?” Jellal sniffed lightly. “I’ll stay for now and make sure you haven’t just tricked everyone into slavery.”

Staring at the man incredulously, he offered the young lady a comforting smile. If he could tell that her mate was stepping back to make her the sacrificial lamb in case this was truly a deception, someone as clever as her would definitely figure it out too. She sighed softly and shook her head more to herself than anyone else.

Making sure to control his technique to the best of his abilities, Asterios carved a passage into Kraedorion, capturing the audience’s attention for a brief moment, no matter how much effort into handling it the Nest Mother put in. Althea offered Visenna a hand and the pair walked through it, followed by him and the girls.

Appearing inside Althea’s lair, Asterios found Tina’s subordinates standing in a line while proudly saluting to their hearts, with Kathy positioned in front of everyone as the vice-captain of the squad, soon-to-be captain. They all wore neat dark crimson military uniforms that appeared more or less unisex, consisting of long and durable pants, long-sleeved jackets with shoulder straps, the left one attached to a short cape covering that side and the back. All buttons and details were black with obvious draconic themes. And to finish that image, they all wore ornamental caps.

“I see that Tina has already brought out your new outfits.” He smiled at them. “Are you ready to become official members of the Dragon Guard?”


It's all coming together.


Enormous gratitude towards our  Living Legends of the highest tier - Moheebi3abc, Lynderyn, Muff_Diver_Dave, Jeffrey B., and Shadow Silvermane! No less respect for our EX-rank Guild Members - Julian, Wiliam H., Sura, James M., and D3monEmper0r! And naturally towards all the S-rank Guild Members - FSoen Kigi, Fandley, Darth Mole, Dennis W., William J., Michael S., Tonatsi, Robert H., Fussel, Trenton S., SIDracon, Alvzorin, Rando C., TheGovnor, Drew P., Solomon P., Eddie F., Chocotaku, RandomRandomly, Nicholas G., Cody B., Saint J., Atomic0chicken, Patrick F., Zadwolf, Seamus M., Jonas, and Timmy! We wouldn't be able to have such epic adventures without your support! This Guild Master is greatly honored by your presence!

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