Rise of the Weakest Summoner

Chapter 405 – Not So Nice to See you

“Did no one teach you manners, Keruvia?” Phatru crossed her arms as she answered the clear provocation from the younger Lesser Dragon. “When you want to ask something, you raise your hand and wait to be addressed. Or at least precede your query with a question if you may interrupt.”

“Althea told us not to hold back, didn’t she?” Keruvia scoffed to the side.

“Yeah. The last time. When we were presenting the idea to you, and even then, people somehow managed not to cut us off in the middle of it.” The older woman squinted at her. “And it’s Lady Althea or Mentor Althea for you.”

The two females clashed with their gazes fiercely enough that Asterios could feel the sparks flying between them. Phatru, playing the more direct and emotional side, didn’t mince her words. It had been established during the previous meeting too. And it didn’t look like the pair’s personalities aligned too well.

“It’s alright. You know how impulsive and uncouth younglings can be. We’ve been like that once too. She just doesn’t know better yet.” Althea smiled softly at Phatru before also moving her eyes onto the troublemaker. “In the end, the time one needs to mature fully varies greatly per person.”

Keruvia almost recoiled from the witty concealed insult, which made the ladies on the stage chuckle and giggle quietly.

The emerald-haired beauty might be the polite and wise one in this duo with Rusi’s mother, but that didn’t mean she had no way of fighting back without sounding like a sage at the same time. Characters like the one before them were pretty much immune to crude epithets and phrases, but clever word usage that made them look not only stupid but even childish was their bane most of the time.

Unfortunately for Keruvia, Althea had a lot of experience handling brats like her while remaining perfectly respectful.

“You are right.” Phatru nodded and smiled back at her. “We shouldn’t judge people by the mistakes of their youth, should we? Otherwise, scarcely anyone here would be considered to have a clean past.”

Plenty of young Dragons and even some of the mentors standing at the top of the theater looked around awkwardly. It was true that nobody enjoyed talking about their early days. Everyone had at least one or two memories they wished they would permanently forget.

Now, thrown completely out of her depths, Keruvia had only one path forward. At least according to the fairy-sheltered youngling.

“Stop turning it around to direct all the attention on me!” She snapped. “This is about you and the mockery you two are making of our traditions! All while claiming that you rightfully left your mentor! You are just dissatisfied that things didn’t go your way, which made you come up with this scheme! If you think slandering one of the more respected mentors is going to end well then you are full of yourself!”

Phatru was ready to chew the woman out, but Althea’s nonchalantly raised palm stopped her. Taking a deep breath to calm herself down, she nodded appreciatively and left the unruly female in her friend’s capable hands. She’d always been the more rash one in their group of friends. People who didn’t want to even see their wrongs riled her up so much. Even right now small sparks began flickering over her skin and scales.

“I understand that the changes we are suggesting might be controversial and hard to accept for someone who lived their entire life accustomed to the ancient system, and I fully respect your views and opinions on them, but you have all come here today because you are interested in hearing more about our initiative and perhaps in seeing how it turns out, isn’t that right?” Althea roamed her gaze over the audience. “You knew what you were getting into. If you disapprove of it, you are free to show your opposition by leaving the attendance instead of rudely interrupting this discussion that many of the attendees were looking forward to. In the end, we will fail to meet our objective if not enough candidates sign up for our program, no? So, make your dissatisfaction shown not by confronting us, but by convincing them.”

A few murmurs of approval echoed throughout the auditorium as the mentioned listeners agreed with her. More and more people began turning around and casting annoyed glances at the purple-scaled girl. Her friends were starting to look rather uncomfortable with so much attention on them. Even a few of the present mentors had to give it to Althea. Her logic was fairly indisputable.

Seeing that Keruvia had nothing immediate to reply with, Ast’s teacher ignored the female and returned her focus to the proper audience of their show.

But, just as she opened her mouth to continue where she’d left off, the intrusive woman was at it once again.

“Aren’t you the rude one now showing a complete disregard for a respected guest?” Keruvia asked.

“The meeting has already started. I would argue the ones showing up late are being rude instead,” Althea replied calmly.

“It’s not his fault that the gathering was pushed forward a day or two earlier than the timeframe you have given us,” the female countered.

“Life is like a river, sometimes it might be straight and simple, sometimes it might have plenty of turns and become complex,” the astute lecturer answered. “I dare to say that failure to give oneself a healthy amount of spare time while aiming to arrive right at the very hour that something is going to take place is a sign of lacking self-discipline and forethought. Qualities that are quite important for a respectable mentor.”

“You are just scared he will expose you in front of the nest, aren’t you? That’s why you are fighting it back so much. I bet you’ve pulled some strings behind the scenes and convinced the Nest Mother to alter the schedule, though I have no idea what you had to offer for it to happen.” Keruvia snorted.

“This bitch…” Phatru growled under her nose.

However, she wasn’t the only one miffed by the statement. The rather high-position person-in-question frowned too. It wasn’t often someone accused Rhufija of accepting bribes to make important nest-related decisions that could affect the entire community. Or any decisions for that part.

She made a mental note to remember that remark, right now deciding to leave the handling of this situation to the honored guests, curious to see how they were going to solve it without antagonizing her subjects too much and lowering their chances of a positive outcome.

The Nest Mother only hoped the hasty and imprudent youngling wouldn’t dare to personally attack any of the seven ladies.

That would not end well for anyone.

By this point, Althea had clearly figured out who Keruvia had been talking about the entire time, and so had the rest of Ast’s family, including him.

Was she scared? Not so much. Uncomfortable? Perhaps a little. But she was certainly discontented in having to once again interact with the person she wished to have nothing to do with.

Yet, it seemed that fate worked in mysterious ways and she would not be able to avoid that interaction.

The only thing she could do at the moment was ensure that she did everything possible to make a lasting impression on the man. That would hopefully keep him away for the rest of eternity. She now had a loving mate, precious family, knowledge-hungry disciples, and so much more. She didn’t need to be bothered by the past alongside all that.

“And how long do you suggest we should wait for that respected guest?” Althea raised a brow at the girl. “Hours? Days? I can come and go all the time with the help of my powerful mate, but what does the gathered think about delaying this event for an indefinite period of time?”

Her experience in speaking to the audience showed easily as numerous individuals grunted begrudgingly, definitely not happy about making changes in their schedules. Even if those schedules weren’t that packed, judging by how this Lesser Dragon community lived, limited by the safe borders of their hidden recluse.

“Not any minute longer.” A new voice boomed throughout the area, coming slightly from the distance.

Everyone raised their heads and directed their eyes towards its source. It wasn’t difficult to spot the two serpentine figures slithering through the air as they quickly approached the field hall, one bigger and one smaller. The larger Dragon’s scales were of muddy brown color while the less impressive one’s body was green, yet much more shiny and mesmerizing. 

The shade was slightly different from Althea’s scales, where hers could be considered a royal emerald and the newcomer’s appeared somewhat colder. It was like a fresh and healthy leaf compared with a fine pine needle. Both had their own beauty and charm.

And that similarity turned out not to be the only one between the two ladies as a new female appeared before everyone when the two individuals landed at the far edge of the stage, quickly coming out of their transformations.

After sharing a few memories between him and Althea, Asterios could tell that the young girl—for a Lesser Dragon, at least—who had just made an appearance resembled his mentor from the early years. The signs were minuscule, but they piled up. Even with her long hair currently tied up into a ponytail, her clothes showing much more skin over her legs, stomach, and bust, her cloak loosely covering her exposed shoulders, her attractive face gently examining everything with a calm and concealed interest, she definitely resembled the past emerald lady, who didn’t miss any of that.

Next to her was a man and the owner of the voice they had just heard. He was half a head taller than his companion, his perfectly straight hair reaching his chest as it cascaded over his shoulders. His visage displayed a noble expression, however not the kind and valiant type, but rather one making him seem as if he was looking down on everything and everyone. He wore a brown-caramel mix of fine, intricate robes tightened around his waist with a precious sash, and a traveling cloak just as exquisite hanging off his back.

At that moment, Asterios decided that his opinion of the man hadn’t changed and he disliked him just as much as he had before. Centuries might have passed, but he felt like the person he was seeing didn’t change in the slightest. It would be pointless to expect the slimy bastard to show any remorse for his actions, not to mention making an apology, even in private.

“Jellal.” Althea turned her head to meet the man’s eyes.

Disciple Althea.” He stared back at her.

Giving his female companion one more glance and a nod of acknowledgment, she refocused on her past mentor. “It seems your travels have caused you to fall out of the loop a little bit, old friend, so let me inform you that I’m no longer a disciple. In fact, I’ve become something akin to a mentor to many people, though I’m afraid that might be something beyond the limits of your comprehension.”

The male named Jellal frowned, creasing his sizable forehead. “Are you insulting my intelligence right now?”

“Have I ever directed any insults your way?” she queried smoothly. “I’m only stating a fact after taking into consideration the years we spent journeying together. People may choose different approaches to life, and I simply don’t think ours are similar enough to share the details of this worldview.”

He glared at her but didn’t bite back, slightly surprised by the difficulty of this verbal bout.

“Correct me if I’m wrong, but the last thing I remember is you not finishing your mentorship, escaping into the wide world without a word after judging that you don’t require any further lessons,” Jellal said. “As far as I’m concerned, you are hardly even a disciple, seldom anything more, especially as far away as a teacher of new generations. What are you trying to achieve by poisoning the minds of the young with your twisted ideas?”

“And who are you to declare that?” Althea tilted her head, causing the audience to share a few looks as she confronted the popular figure of authority. “Correct me if I’m wrong, but the last thing I remember is you retracting your gesture of handing me your scale as a sign of a finished learning journey after I rejected your advances. Let me just remind you that it’s not necessary to receive one to become a full-fledged adult. I have been one since that very day.”

As Jellal readied himself to counter, his companion took a tentative step forward.

“Please, excuse my discourtesy, but I can’t remain quiet as my mentor’s goals and objectives are being warped due to an emotional response following a slight miscommunication between the intentions of two individuals joined by a mutual partnership,” the young lady stated calmly, keeping her serene gaze on her teacher’s ex-disciple.

The teacher himself allowed a faint curl of a smirk to adorn the cusp of his lips, directing a hardly noticeable smug glance at Althea, perhaps assuming she wouldn't have expected her own eloquence to be used against her.

Yet, she barely paid him any attention, turning to the new speaker. Sizing the girl up once more, she smiled gently and inclined her head.

“I’m glad to see that proper manners are still a thing amongst the current generation, especially the one following in his footsteps,” Althea complimented her, directing a quick peek at the purple-scaled female who was still up in the audience. “However I’m worried about the impartiality of your declaration. Quoting a certain wise listener here, I wonder if you have witnessed the details from the other side of the picture.”

Some light chuckles rolled over the spectators, making Keruvia lower herself back onto her seat to disappear. She was still perfectly visible to the group on the stage, but the nearby attendees blocked her visage from being seen by the others seated in rows around her pack of friends.

Nevertheless, the rude girl had fallen to the second plan for now, with a much nicer one taking the lead.

~She is…~ Asterios began through their connection after peering into the young Lesser Dragon.

~I know,~ Althea mentally confirmed. ~Perhaps thanks to our union, I can feel it even clearer now.~

“So, you have accepted,” she added out loud, bringing a delicate flush onto the shorter lady’s cheeks. “Perhaps it is true that everyone has a type.”

“And what is that supposed to mean?” Jellal joined in once more.

“Nothing much. Pay it no mind, friend. Congratulations on finding a suitable mate. I always believed good things come to those who wait. Even if some need to be a bit more patient than others,” Althea said with a warm tone, increasing the crease on the man’s forehead with another witty remark.

The girls shared a good laugh with Asterios, keeping it private through their bond. It was getting hilarious how much fire their amazing sister-mate was dishing out to anyone who dared to challenge her. Even Phatru looked impressed. Asterios made sure to never try and outtalk his beloved mentor in front of a crowd. It was a recipe for disaster.

“What brings you here, then? Besides the invitation from one of our precious spectators, of course. We were not aware you two shared such a connection allowing either person to reach out to the other no matter the distance,” she continued, bringing the focus of the conversation back onto the arrogant male.

It was a well-played move, shutting down his companion before she got to throw another wrench into their plans. Knowing how respectful and polite the female was, Althea was sure she would wait to be addressed instead of interrupting the flow of the conversation again. She simply had no choice now that the older person—her mentor—had been questioned directly.

Of course, unless Jellal decided to be smart about it and redirected the attempt back to his disciple, but…

“What else if not the news of your sudden reappearance and a rather ridiculous campaign?” The man scoffed delicately.

As she had expected, he wouldn’t willingly defer to someone under him when spoken right to.

“I was lucky to be making camp near one of the bigger settlements when I heard the news shared by the local mentors and disciples,” he went on, spreading his arms. “Some of the claims we stumbled on made me quite concerned. As an experienced mentor with a past connection to the core of this matter, I couldn’t just sit idly and so I departed immediately, sacrificing the time that should belong to my disciple. But, she has benevolently agreed that this was necessary.”

“How generous of the two of you…” Phatru whispered under her breath, loud enough for the nearby conversation members to hear her.

“And what claims, pray tell, caused you such anxiety to force you to rush straight here at the drop of a hat?” Althea inquired, stroking her chin ponderingly.

“Oh, plenty of them, dear.” Jellal chuckled humorlessly. “But I’m sure everyone here is already well acquainted with your ideas behind replacing our respected mentorship system with unfocused and world-restricting methods that require the potential candidates to bind themselves to some strangers just so that they can travel into your powerful mate’s realm, where he can watch over their development from up close. Certainly doesn’t sound any close to a thinly veiled indoctrination, does it?”

To his credit, some participants did nod to his words. It wasn’t surprising. No matter how they would have presented this idea to the people, the fearful Lesser Dragons were bound to worry about the potential dangers of such solutions. 

Thankfully, it wasn’t a majority, and the theater was full of individuals who were honestly intrigued by and interested in trying something new after listening to Althea’s and Phatru’s sales pitch.

“And regarding that mate of yours.” The brown-haired man roamed his gaze over her and the six ladies patiently watching everything unfold without showing too much discontent. “He is brought so often, yet the details about him are so scarce. He is supposedly someone great, holding incredible respect, authority, and power in that other realm, yet we’ve supposedly seen no material proof of any of that. I look over this stage, and I see no male amongst you, as the message I have received pointed out, unless it was incorrect.”

Riding the wave of his short moment, Jellal slowly spun around to emphasize his point to the gathered.

“So why, pray tell, is he not with us right now?” Jellal asked, raising a brow at the ladies. “If he is so strong and capable, how come he couldn’t show up to either of your presentations? Who really is he? If he actually is.”

Althea sighed lightly and straightened up with pride. “Well, if you are so curious that you are unable to wait until we finish our introduction, then it’s all because he is—”

“A True Dragon!” A panicked shout came from somewhere far above them, silencing the auditorium so much you could hear a pin drop.

Then, in the span of a fraction of a second, all hell broke loose.




Enormous gratitude towards our  Living Legends of the highest tier - Moheebi3abc, Lynderyn, Muff_Diver_Dave, Jeffrey B., and Shadow Silvermane! No less respect for our EX-rank Guild Members - Julian, Wiliam H., Sura, James M., and D3monEmper0r! And naturally towards all the S-rank Guild Members - FSoen Kigi, Fandley, Darth Mole, Dennis W., William J., Michael S., Tonatsi, Robert H., Fussel, Trenton S., SIDracon, Alvzorin, Rando C., TheGovnor, Drew P., Solomon P., Eddie F., Chocotaku, RandomRandomly, Nicholas G., Cody B., Saint J., Atomic0chicken, Patrick F., Zadwolf, Seamus M., Jonas, and Timmy! We wouldn't be able to have such epic adventures without your support! This Guild Master is greatly honored by your presence!

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