Rise of the Weakest Summoner

Chapter 391 – Mobile Supervision

Asterios glanced at his trembling lover and patted Tina on the small of her back. “Just go. We are done here.”

Her face snapped to him and she thrust herself forward to hug him for a second before running off towards the edge of the stage.

“Gwen!” she shouted joyously.

Invoking some kind of a wind technique, most likely from Esil, she launched herself off the wooden platform like a cannonball and traveled through the air with a big arc, blowing everyone’s clothes quite strongly at landing. She quickly pulled her taller sister into a tight embrace and the pair spun around while letting out quiet chuckles and whispers.

Meeting his grandfather’s gaze, Asterios nodded at the man and turned to Tina’s squad. “At ease.”

The proud riders relaxed in their saddles and exchanged smiles, finally being able to speak about the impressive ceremony they had been part of. Some of them caressed their feline companions softly, and the big cats definitely earned those for their immaculate performance. It might be a little sad to have to part with them after the deal with the Lesser Dragons would go through, but maybe Asterios should speak a bit more with the winged patriarch about this.

Nevertheless, he still had things to do here and now. Walking up to Irelia, by whose side his excited mate had flown by, almost knocking her off the stage, he stopped by the young Knight’s side.

“Was that last bit from the sword or did you realize you can do it after the connection formed?” he asked curiously.

She lightly shook her head. “No, My Liege. While this artifact weapon does possess a few impressive abilities, this technique was something I’ve been learning for a while now. It’s one of the simpler forms of Flame Arc that even people without much affinity can cast, using a proper magical conduit. But, it wasn’t this strong before since my magical studies weren’t that extensive and I don’t believe I have much talent for pure magic. I wanted to show you my determination to grow into a person worthy of your knightly order.”

“I see.” Asterios handed her the helmet she’d left in Silvia’s hands earlier. “Thank you for the display, but I’m well aware of how hard-working you are. As for this slight change, you are going to notice more of them in the upcoming days. Especially with fire attribute techniques, for an obvious reason. But, I believe you should see improvement in other areas too. Train and study hard. Just don’t forget to take breaks and enjoy your time with your family and friends.”

Receiving the equipment, Irelia turned to look at her parents, who were waiting for them with proud smiles on their faces. She smiled back with a tinge of rosiness decorating her cheeks before escaping away with her gaze, unable to hold onto that slightly embarrassing attention for too much longer. Asterios chuckled and gestured to the side.

“Let’s join them. We are done here,” he said, glancing at his mates, who nodded kindly. “Just so you know, you should be able to speak with us in your mind so don’t be too shocked when someone unexpected reaches out to you, like one of the rulers you might have seen during my inauguration.”

Her eyes widened to the brim as she looked his way, making him snicker a tiny bit. He was going to warn the others to be polite and careful around the young girl at first. It might take a moment to get accustomed to telepathic connection with so many important figures. Thankfully, as long as no one bothered her or she reached out to them, it was pretty much a non-existent issue.

They walked down the few stairs and headed towards the awaiting group. While strolling forward side by side, Asterios watched Irelia exude this confident aura of an elite Knight, already with her helmet back on her head, even though she still was technically so far away from such titles. She wasn’t even an official trainee in any of the academies. 

And most likely wouldn’t ever be if she decided to join his institutions.

One thought flashed through his mind as he was pondering over those aspects and he turned his head to face his exquisite guardian properly. “I’m curious about one thing. Did the Spellsongs promise to make you new armor each time you grow out of your current one?”

Irelia was still a rather young teenager and it was obvious she had a lot of physical development ahead of her. Especially in terms of her height. She was already a fine young lady, but judging by her brother and her mother, she would grow into a tall and impressive warrior in due time. And that came with the issue of fitting into her current, very stylized heavy armor in what could be simple months even. She was at the age of growth spurts in the end.

“There is no need for that, My Liege, even though Lady Cynthia requested that I visit their workshop often to make necessary tweaks to it during regular maintenance. I’m being taught how to care for this equipment, but it’s complex and will take a while for me to learn,” she answered from within her helmet. “This set is a powerful artifact. Supposedly, it’s going to match its form to my figure at all times. I can tell that there’s something to that because when I put it on from my spatial storage or want to pull some pieces off, it feels as if it loosens around my frame for easier access, fitting my body perfectly when set properly.”

“I shouldn’t have expected anything less from them. And I’ve already witnessed how magical it is during our little delve.” Asterios rubbed his chin. “Well, I’m glad you have everything thought out. Also, this way, you can already start making your own mark on the world. As long as you don’t mind this suit becoming one of your most recognizable features.”

“Not in the slightest. It’s an honor. This armor is beautiful and the draconic themes make it so dazzling and impressive. And I do like the red and black mix. Thank you for setting up this incredible stage, My Liege.” Irelia hit herself in the chestplate with her fist.

“You are welcome.” He delicately patted her on the top of the helmet, shaking it lightly. “Now go and give your parents a hug. They look like they are dying to hold onto their treasure of a daughter.”

With one last salute, Irelia quickened her pace and reached her folks just to be swallowed in a group embrace. Asterios chuckled at the cordial sight and turned to his own family waiting for him too. But, before he could greet his grandparents and maybe try to separate the two blue-haired beauties, someone placed a hand on his shoulder from behind.

“Love, I gotta go.” Grea slipped her arm through his and pushed herself into his side. “This is super fun, but I left the others back in the workshop and they are waiting for me.”

He snorted and offered his demon lady a passionate kiss. “Don’t let them wait too long, then. But, I will be dragging you out of there to the bed if I have to.”

She nibbled on her bottom lip seductively. “I almost want to intentionally miss the time to see that happen.”

Shaking his head, he slapped her butt and stole one more peck. “Go before I change my mind.”

“Love you.” Grea gave him one more hug and disappeared in Umbra’s shadows.

Asterios glanced over his shoulder at Althea and Bryn. “You two can return too. Thank you for showing up for the ceremony. You look dashing in these uniforms.”

The Valkyrie blushed shyly while crossing her arms under her chest, which pushed the already strained material of the vest almost past its physical limits. It was fighting for its dear life to hold onto her impressive breasts and the view would send most men into a daze.

His draconic mentor simply let out a quiet chuckle. “Have fun with your grandparents. I’m going to be back soon to introduce myself to them. For now, I need to check on Rusilthea.”

Opening a gate to her lair, she disappeared into the swirling surface with a smile. Bryn gathered her courage to move closer and offered Asterios a gentle kiss before moving through her own portal. With the trio gone, he gestured at the remaining four of his mates to join him and finally reached his grandparents.

“Now, what brings you three here without any notice?” He smirked at James, Anna, and Gwen. “I have to admit, I didn’t expect this combination.”

At that time, Tina stopped assaulting her sister with hugs and grinned at her. “Yes! What are you doing here, Gwen? I thought you were busy since you didn’t show up for the event.”

She flashed the shorter sister a wry smile. “I’m really sorry, Tina… I was in the middle of my exams and had no way of doing anything… I wanted to come here for a long time already and missed such an important day…”

“You shouldn’t feel guilty about that. Not even my father would have been able to rescue you from your fate.” Silvia let out a faint chuckle.

“As for us, we’ve both been abroad too, handling different matters,” Ast’s grandmother said with a delicate sigh. “We considered dropping by for a minute or two with your familiar, but we didn’t find a chance to do even that and could only send you our gifts.”

“I received those properly and don’t hold it against either of you,” he replied with a reassuring tone. “But, that still doesn’t explain why now and how you arrived together. Coincidence?”

“Not really.” Gwen laughed, stealing glances at Silvia, just as much of a fan of the princess as before.

“We heard she didn’t get a chance to come too and waited for the trials to end,” James responded. “And since Gwen has aced most of them, with a word or two of encouragement from our family, her superiors agreed to release her onto her well-deserved mid-term break ahead of everyone else.”

“I was surprised to find the Hestizo family waiting for me at the dormitories.” She nodded gratefully at the mature pair. “I’m going to spend my break here and catch up with everyone. I’ve heard so much about this new nation. Rumors say it’s secretly led by Dragons.”

Tina snorted and giggled awkwardly. “Yeah, right. Just let me take a few steps back and I will shapeshift so that we can fly to our lair in the castle.”

Gwen didn’t seem convinced, but meeting the younger Nobelle’s gaze, Asterios felt like she knew more than she let on. Possibly, not all of it was rumors in her eyes. If she was even half as clever as Tina, he didn’t doubt she could connect the dots properly.

“We would have arrived sooner, but the other rumor is that you are planning to visit the mountain dwarves in the near future, and we decided to reach out to some of our business partners from that region to gather some useful intel,” Anna added. “That took a few weeks, unfortunately.”

“Now, I really wonder where that gossip originated from.” Asterios squinted at his mother, who hid her grin behind her fingers, acting innocent. “Anyway, let’s not stand here in the open and take a seat somewhere in the castle. Anything you need to be taken care of?”

They all shook their heads and the group was on its way. They bid farewell to the Richtenstein family, who also started their journey back to celebrate in their family circles. Irelia bowed deeply to Asterios, but before going away, she quickly ran forward to steal a happy hug from him. He completely didn’t mind her tough armor and let the young lady show her gratitude.

James wondered about the stage but the girls told him they would clean things up later. There was still enough space for their men to practice and train even while it was a free day for them. Worst case scenario, they would come back down to quickly dismantle it.

A few minutes later, they settled down in a comfortable guest room and their two headmaids ordered the servants around with treats and refreshments. Tina sat with her sister this time as the duo kept smiling at each other and chatting quietly about random things while holding hands. 

“So, how are your studies going, Gwen?” Asterios asked when she glanced his way. “Besides the fact that you are scoring high marks, of course.”

“I think I’m doing fairly well myself,” Gwen replied with a proud smirk, fixing her glasses atop her nose. “However, getting granted so many leaves does make at least a few people a bit angsty.”

“Is anyone bullying you?” Tina asked with a tense tone. “You have to swear that you aren’t hiding anything like that, Gwen. I will be really angry if I learn that you have been keeping secrets from me.”

“No, it’s not that bad. They can’t do much to me, both the instructors and other candidates. Especially now that they know who my sister’s husband is.” The younger sister snorted cutely. “But can’t I have any secrets from you, sister? Are you sure about that?”

Under the quite implicative gaze of her almost twin, Tina blushed heavily and shook her head in embarrassment. They both then chuckled together but Asterios felt like Gwen was still quite attentive to him, sneaking a glance or two, but those didn’t feel like that kind of interest.

“In any way, I’m on a good path to be done with most of the theory and local practice. I’m not sure if I can end my education with honors like my genius older sister, but I’m doing my best. I’m a bit more common when compared to someone so amazing.” She rained compliments on Tina without a break. “Then, I can finally start my internship at one of the guilds somewhere.”

“Does your institution say anything about that guild being located in the Human Kingdom?” Selene wondered out loud.

“Uh, no? I think? Why do you—”

“Selene! That’s such a great idea!” Tina gasped with delight. “You can set your internship at our guild!”

Gwen’s eyes went wide as she stared at her sister.

“That way, we could see each other more often while you can learn from one of the most respected guildmasters! And our parents are here too!” the Summoner girl continued excitedly. “Oh, as long as it doesn’t have to be under a civil guildmaster.”

“I’m all for that, Tina, but we should consider if it wouldn’t be better for her to take her internship at or closer to a guild she would like to work at in the future?” Asterios asked, trying to rein in his petite lover a little. “Our guild… does a few things differently from the typical establishments, to say it lightly.”

“That wouldn’t be an issue,” the person in question answered. “I’m not studying to become a normal civil guildmaster either but a stand-in instead.”

“Stand-in?” Miria wrinkled her nose. “What does that mean? You work as a vice-guildmaster?”

“No, but I wouldn’t be surprised if you’ve never heard of this version.” Gwen chuckled softly. “You can say that I’m a mobile guildmaster who gets assigned to a guild where its primary supervisor can’t continue to fulfill their responsibilities for whatever reason, over either a long or unspecified period.”

“That kind of makes sense.” Asterios nodded to himself. “But don’t they usually get replaced rather quickly under such circumstances or have their vice step in?”

“Not always. I know you have gone through one replacement but it was done with proper procedures and early declaration so things followed accordingly with the correct protocol,” Gwen continued. “But let’s say the guildmaster tragically passes away and there are additional elements to verify regarding that before a new one can be established, or that they become incarcerated for a complex crime that requires deep investigation into the entire branch, or there simply isn’t anyone trained or experienced enough to cover their absence in case of, for example, being called to one of the nation capitals for something extremely important. That’s when I step in.”

“So it was like that.” Silvia hummed to herself. “You basically travel the world and temporarily keep an eye on the guilds you are sent to. This requires quite the prowess. Being able to quickly find your bearings in each different place is something of a talent, no matter how uniform they might seem.”

“That’s so true. I never thought you were aiming for something this hard. But, it’s to be expected from my sister, isn’t it?” Tina smiled fondly at Gwen. “And well, it would allow you to sightsee and visit many interesting places and wonders, which is nice. Except for the fact that I wouldn’t easily know where to find you if I wanted to stop by.”

Gwen laughed lightly. “Yes, that’s true, but from what I know, you guys have at least one friend who can move you all over the realm at will. I’m sure you would be able to send them to track me down or something.”

“Or we could simply see if Guildmaster Suanori wouldn’t be able to ask about your current assignment at the headquarters.” Asterios winked.

“Or that,” she agreed. “Perhaps your own status and position would be enough now to pull that kind of information out, Dragon Lord.”

He rubbed his eyes. “Please, tell me they aren’t using that unironically out there.”

The ladies laughed at that and even his grandparents joined in alongside his mother. Gwen had a slightly teasing grin on her supple lips, one that others seemed to miss amidst their delight. It was becoming clearer and clearer which one of the sisters inherited more of their mother’s character.

As long as they weren’t having a fan meltdown in front of the most famous princess in the kingdom.

“Okay, let’s leave it at that for now.” Asterios snickered too, waving at everyone to get a grip. “I’m glad to see you again, Grandpa, Grandma. I hope you are doing well back in Tyrienheim.”

James shrugged casually. “Same old. Business is rolling slowly and we try to do our best. Although, it has become a tiny bit more difficult after you stole our most talented daughter to manage your own mercantile empire in a foreign nation.”

Kindra giggled cheekily, batting her eyelashes at them.

“No, it’s not the same old.” Anna shook her head and rolled her eyes. “Now that people heard about a Hestizo not only being granted a lordship over a remote town but even starting their nation that gets the approval of multiple other rulers? We are approached by so many fools trying to weasel their way into this through connections.”

“I’m sorry to hear that.” Asterios grimaced. “I should have realized how much inconvenience this could bring you.”

She dismissed his concerns with a hand. “No need to worry. We are glad to have the opportunity to filter through the individuals and groups that are aiming for a spot in your new kingdom. It’s not like we haven’t benefited from this either. It brought some decent partnerships and deals.”

“And through a few of them, but not only, we have managed to dig out a few interesting tidbits.” His grandfather leaned forward with an inviting smile.

“What kind of tidbits?” Asterios raised a curious brow at the man.

“Say, is there anything you would like to hear about a certain lineage with the family name of Rubytongs?”


The information network appears.


Enormous gratitude towards our  Living Legends of the highest tier - Moheebi3abc, Lynderyn, Muff_Diver_Dave, Jeffrey B., and Shadow Silvermane! No less respect for our EX-rank Guild Members - Julian, Wiliam H., Sura, James M., and D3monEmper0r! And naturally towards all the S-rank Guild Members - FSoen Kigi, Fandley, Darth Mole, Dennis W., William J., Michael S., Tonatsi, Robert H., Fussel, Trenton S., SIDracon, Alvzorin, Rando C., TheGovnor, Drew P., Solomon P., Eddie F., Chocotaku, RandomRandomly, Nicholas G., Cody B., Saint J., Atomic0chicken, Patrick F., Zadwolf, Seamus M., Jonas, and Timmy! We wouldn't be able to have such epic adventures without your support! This Guild Master is greatly honored by your presence!

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