Rise of the Weakest Summoner

Chapter 388 – Not Alone

After spending a moment longer simply gazing into the horizon and admiring the natural beauty of the forests surrounding Glimmervale, Asterios and Rook retreated from the battlements and strolled back into the city. They talked briefly about Ast’s plans regarding all the structures currently being in construction and Miria’s father was impressed by their academic plans.

Depending on how their situation developed in the future, it wasn’t impossible that Glimmervale could offer housing or education to people from other realms. Currently, it all depended on Ast’s skill, which was in the very initial stages at the moment as he had just discovered it and began understanding how to approach the transfer. Someday, with the help of his incredible mates, perhaps they would be able to invent an easier method to cross realms.

But, of course, such techniques or magical devices would be highly coveted.

Thankfully, Glimmervale was steadily growing in strength and it didn’t rely only on Asterios, his ladies, and their local allies. The equipment used by the guards, sentries, and soldiers was already of an incredible grade and the Spellsong family would be coming up with only more great artifacts over time. Then, with the academies being finished, the number of skilled individuals residing in the city would be immense.

It would be only natural for those people to come and defend their place of education in the face of possible dangers or threats.

Not to mention the support of Lesser Dragons as long as Asterios and his team managed to secure a good relationship with Nest Mother Rhufija. Under Althea’s and Phatru’s guidance, there was no doubt that the younglings would grow into strong and smart Dragons. Venuzathor was looking forward to aiding their combat development too.

All in all, Glimmervale wouldn’t take long before becoming a major player on the international board. While being endorsed by at least three known political and military powers was significant, it still wasn’t as meaningful as displaying one’s own power and influence. A few past events had already helped build Glimmervale’s reputation, but now that it was under new management, no one could be sure that the positive streak would be upheld.

However, the news about a greatly beneficial dungeon might tip the scales of favorability rather significantly toward Dragon Valley.

Passing through the middle section, called the Dragon’s Body, the pair gazed upon the mesmerizing magical formations serving as an additional protective layer inside the town. Rook was especially in awe since he wasn’t exactly a magical person and Asterios was happy to explain the inner workings of the currently inactive shields.

The topic of making Miria’s village safer with something similar came up as they were starting to see an increase in the presence of wild and uncontrollable magical beasts and Asterios promised to talk it out with his mates and supporters. Making sure that the parents of his lovers were safe would obviously take a very high priority. Rook suggested he consulted the details with Oria as she and a few other females kept an eye on their defenses, which certainly surprised Asterios a bit.

Miria’s father could only chuckle at that.

Arriving near the main square, they stepped into a cozy restaurant and picked a table near a window on the third floor, getting a nice view of the surrounding buildings and streets. Asterios offered to pay and Miria’s dad fought him valiantly for a moment, finally having to relent as there was no chance he wouldn’t be getting treated by his son-in-law during their first outing. Rook insisted that it should be the other way, but Asterios convinced him to take the responsibility the next time.

As they were sipping on their chosen drinks, Miria’s father peered ponderingly through the window. “So, from a local chief to an interdimensional emperor. You are certainly moving fast.”

Asterios smirked while shaking his head. “If it was only up to me, there is no way things would be progressing this quickly. And it’s not like I rule over some interdimensional empire right now, just one tiny nation in my home realm.”

“I think you are forgetting the Lizardkin from the Scorching Steppes.” The man smiled at him slyly.

“They aren’t officially part of the nation,” Asterios pointed out. “To the public, we have secured a mutually beneficial relationship that results in a pretty decent trade deal.”

“Doesn’t change the fact that they are technically under your rule,” Rook insisted. “Just like the Spiritual Foxes. And no, you aren’t their leader, but your mate has quite a lot to say when it comes to the decision-making of their tribe so that counts too. I’ve heard a thing or two about some flying cities becoming part of your kingdom too. There’s not much longer you can deny your realm-spanning influence.”

Sighing softly, Asterios turned to the streets. “I know that and that’s why we are doing our best to prepare. Displaying our ability to get in touch with Lesser Dragons is going to be a pretty big step in that direction. Our people need to start getting used to the prospect of visitors from other realms stopping by. If things continue as is, we’ll draw plenty of attention from other worlds. Not every interdimensional traveler will be brought here by one of our own. This is still a quite alien concept to many.”

“Your world must have plenty of stories and legends just as ours,” the tiger man said. “Especially since Summoning Magic seems to be a common thing so the natives aren’t that unused to seeing or meeting beings from other dimensions.”

“You are right. It’s just that every little thing worries me. Each prospect, situation, case, and element seems so much bigger than us that it’s difficult to predict the ramifications of even the minor actions,” Asterios explained a tad tiredly. “I bet Miria has told you many times how much I rely on knowledge, information, and plans. Or at least how much I did when I was much weaker.”

“That’s just the life of people in power.” Rook reached out and patted Asterios on the shoulder over the table.

Leaning his head to the back and resting it on the surface behind his bench, Asterios sighed heavily. “Sometimes I’m not sure if I’m the right person to take such an important position.”

“Ah. The good old impostor syndrome.” His father-in-law laughed warmly. “Trust me, there’s no man or woman who doesn’t feel like that at least once in their life. Though, it seems to plague us a little more than them, honestly, for whatever reason. I have some years behind my belt and still doubt myself rather regularly.”

Looking straight at the man, Asterios snorted gently. “You? From what I know, you are considered the best artisan in the village. And I’ve seen your talent with my own eyes at least a few times, like with the heavy desk we commissioned from you for the Spiritual Fox Matriarch.”

“Maybe, but as I said, the feeling of being inadequate never really leaves you.” Rook shrugged noncommittally. “You know my mate. Oria is a female that can be described with a single word—badass. There’s more to her than you think. I’m just some small crafter, yet I’m with someone this great in the eyes of our community and our kind. I still often get plagued by thoughts that I’m not enough. The same goes for my work. You could say that I’m the only professional woodworker in the village so the villagers don’t have much choice. The competition isn’t that high for fine things. They might be being polite just so as not to ruin their relationship with me.”

Giving himself a moment to fully take in the man’s words, Asterios considered Rook’s faint, wry smirk. “How do you deal with all of that, then?”

Rook took a deep sip of his mead and struck the table. “That’s the thing. You don’t.”

Asterios didn’t bother trying to hide his confusion.

The Tigerkin man snickered at him. “That’s what you have others for.”

“Others?” Asterios raised a brow.

“Just try walking into your bedroom all brooding and gloomy and tell me what happens,” Rook offered, matching him with his own brow. “Usually, I need to make a new bed the next morning.”

They both chuckled and Ast’s frown faded away, replaced by a cordial smile.

“You see, we tend to look at and notice the worst in us,” the man continued. “It takes someone else, someone who loves and cares about us to focus on the best parts. For me, it’s my amazing wife and incredible daughter. For you, it’s all those charming mates and cordial family members.”

“I guess I can see that.” Asterios nodded, taking another sip of his drink.

“The only way to fight those feelings is to let them play their role. Some people might be more stubborn than others and require more reassurance, but that’s exactly what your loved ones are for. Because you aren’t alone. Ask them and that’s exactly what they will answer with,” Rook added with more emotion. “And after you let them pull you out of that dark hole, then you can focus on what matters the most, being the best version of yourself for them that you can ever be.”

Asterios pondered his statement deeply and nodded once more, raising his mug. “Let us drink to that. Family.”

“Family,” his father-in-law repeated and they bumped their drinks.

A heavy but comfortable silence fell onto them as they both enjoyed the taste of their beverages while glancing out of the window. People were milling about and doing their daily things, creating an image of a thriving community. Occasionally, someone would direct their gaze towards the building the duo sat in and wave or lower their head respectfully at Asterios. Naturally, he responded in kind to such greetings.

Rook studied him casually and lowered his tankard. “What are you thinking about?”

It took Asterios a few seconds to realize that he’d been spoken to. “Oh. Nothing, really. I was just a little lost in how… nice… this all feels.”

Miria’s father stared at the faint hint of a sentimental smile on Ast’s lips pensively until it finally clicked in his mind and his head cocked back in realization. Then, Asterios watched him stand up and move around the table. The man squeezed into the opposite bench where Asterios was sitting and slid himself close, setting down his mug nearby. Rook threw his arm over Ast’s shoulders and peered into his drink.

“Listen, son. Do you mind if I call you that?” he asked and Asterios nodded curiously. “I’m really wondering how to say this without being insensitive, but from what I know, your mother was the only person present by your side as you were growing up. And don’t misunderstand me, she’s done a more than fine job with how you turned out, but no matter how wonderful your female parent is, nothing can change the fact… that you are a guy.”

A tiny bit confused, Asterios listened without interrupting, waiting for his father-in-law to continue.

“I don’t think I have to tell you that Miria spent something like eighty percent of her time with Oria, though that percentage varied over various periods of her young life. It changed a lot when she began maturing, unsurprisingly.” The man chuckled amusedly. “What I’m getting at is, boys are the same. Sometimes, we connect deeper with the parent most similar to us, and physical aspects are the most prominent early in life. And no matter what, you can’t deny that you’ve lived all your life pretty much surrounded by women who took good care of you, can you?”

“No, I can’t,” Asterios answered honestly since it of course was the truth, even with the few other men from the neighborhood he knew.

“I don’t mean to insult your male parent, but it’s a fact that you’ve been missing out on a major aspect of your childhood due to his lack of presence,” Rook tried his best to sound compassionate and not condescending, which clearly wasn’t easy since he kept searching his beer for correct words. “There are things you, unfortunately, didn’t get to experience, and again without meaning to offend your female parent, that your mother wasn’t able to offer you, and that in my opinion, every young boy should have experienced. What I mean here is all the silly stuff the two of you do and keep a secret from the lady of the house, having a blast while at it.”

Chuckling quietly, Rook finally turned his face to match Ast’s.

“I bet you are a bit too old already to start sneaking out of the house to chase after chickens or have a shirtless mud fight with a race back to the bath before your mother notices, but know that I consider you as much my son as I consider Miria my daughter, and that any time you would need me, I will be there for you,” the blond man declared with a clear resolution in his tone and cordial intensity in his kind eyes. “I’ll always be glad to meet with you and get a drink or two in either realm, simply talking about… male stuff. Or nothing at all. Well, it’s not like I had a son and I know exactly what to do, but I was a kid once too, and I would truly love to do my best to be a proper father figure for you.”

Asterios could see how Rook grew a bit uncertain and awkward near the end but still attempted to come as supportive as he could, having to escape with his gaze back to his liquor once or twice for a brief moment.

“So, what do you say, son?” Rook picked up his tankard and raised it in front of them. “Should we try learning this stuff together? Two guys with zero experience with male fatherhood?”

Not wanting to keep him in suspense for too long, Asterios only briefly peered into the man’s golden eyes and brought his mug off the surface of the table too. “Yeah. Let’s see how this goes. Dad.”

They both grinned at each other and struck their drinks before downing them together.

For the next hour or a few, they continued to chat and laugh while both men recounted their childhood. It was as amusing for Asterios to listen to the typical young male upbringing from Miria’s realm as it was for Rook to hear about the troubles of human development in a solely female household. Though, according to the former, the latter’s stories were much more amusing as Asterios had partially been forced to mature a tiny bit quicker due to his circumstances. 

Not that he ever blamed Kindra for that, of course. He would never choose to replace such a kind and caring mother for anyone or anything else.

Soon, it was time to get up and regroup with the others. They had to decide what to do next with their interdimensional visitors. Therefore, Asterios called for a meeting in front of the castle island and everyone showed up in less than half an hour. Somehow, both the group of mothers and daughters sent him slightly cunning and mischievous glances. Especially when it came to the daughters’ best friends, who seemed to pay even more attention to him than usual.

Trying his best to ignore the weird premonition, he led the negotiations, and in the end, it was chosen that everyone would stay the night with them. There were no issues with that and they headed in. The maids prepared a few rooms for the guests, and Rook retreated into his own as the first person. Kindra, Oria, and Luna took another, while Zoe, Atra, Ronye, and their respective hosts went together too, leaving the rest of the ladies to accompany Asterios.

Before he followed them into their bedroom, Rook’s words resurfaced in his mind. Giving them some thought, he shrugged and decided to test his theory out even after letting himself be convinced by his Tigerkin father. Entering the room with Tina, Silvia, and Althea inside at a slight delay, since Grea had gone to her workshop for a moment, he closed the door unhurriedly and silently headed for the bed, for the first time ever completely dropping all the walls keeping his insecurities hidden not to worry others.

His blue-haired girlfriend appeared on his path so he smiled at Tina softly and left a tiny peck on her cheek, stopping only for the briefest moment. Reaching the mattress, he plopped himself down with a quiet sigh and glanced out of the nearby window, gazing at the sparkling stars.

Tina paused where she had been, just like the others, their eyes following his movements attentively. He felt a slight buzzing in the back of his mind, knowing well that it was an ongoing conversation between his mates, and no sooner than a few seconds later, the door opened.

Facing the entrance, he saw the missing trio standing in the doorway, ready to march inside. Tina started walking forward with the faintest frown, but before she could get a word out, a crimson gate rose right in front of her and even Grea rushed into the room, surprising Asterios a bit, a few streaks of colorful powder staining her face and clothes. The demon lady charged straight at him and crashed into his chest, pushing them both onto the bed as she hovered over him with a serious expression.

“Tell me, who hurt my man?” she asked tensely.

“What?” He showed a wry smile.

“We aren’t blind, Ast.” Someone grazed his hand and he found Tina by his side with a concerned expression. “And please, don’t lie and say it’s nothing.”

“I might not be the smartest or most perceptive, but I can feel that something is not okay,” Grea said as she ran her fingers through his hair slowly, gently, tenderly, like she was caressing something… fragile. “Please, tell me how I can help. Who do I have to strangle? Banish to another realm? Turn into a frog for a week so they don’t bother you? Is it me? Is it because I keep going away?”

Searching his eyes, she leaned down and placed a tentative kiss on the corner of his lips, gone all the usual mischief and brashness, not a drop of a lewd comment, smirk, or grin.

Something brushed against his other hand and he found Miria lying next to him while the others stood around equally pensive. She brought his wrist to her face but only rubbed his palm and fingers dearly, seemingly afraid to overstep by being her usual cuddly self.

“Did my dad say something bad to you, Master?” she asked worriedly. “Should I go and talk to him? Tell Mom?”

Under all their gazes, warmth spread through his chest and he sighed delicately, moving his hand to stroke the panthergirl’s cheek lovingly.

“No. Nothing like that. I had an amazing time with him,” he answered truthfully. “It’s just… Sometimes I wonder if I’m really the right person in the right place… With Glimmervale… Dragon Valley… All of this…”

“That’s it?” Grea’s brows ventured north. “Idiot. Are you not aware of how amazing you are? How perfect? How smart? How compassionate? None of this would have been possible without you.”

With each compliment, she peppered his forehead with dainty kisses, still massaging his scalp.

“No, he is right,” Silvia said softly and everyone looked her way, the other girls staring at her incredulously. “It’s our fault. To be precise, it’s my fault.”

Moving closer, she too sat by his side and brushed his cheek, silencing him with her finger over his lips.

“We haven’t really considered too deeply how different this is for him. I’ve been brought up to be a ruler, he trained to be an adventurer, an explorer. I was taught from a young age how important it is to be confident in yourself no matter what, to not doubt yourself in front of your subjects, but he didn’t. He has all the right to wonder about his qualifications,” the fiery princess explained her statement affectionately. “I saw how kind and compassionate you are. How good you are at guiding others and helping them. How amazingly well you deal with the pressure of leading your subordinates. I might have underestimated how big of a burden this might become to you. I’m sorry.”

Asterios carefully sat down and brought her palm to his lips for a tender peck. “You didn’t do anything wrong.”

“That’s not fully true, my Lord,” Selene joined in. “All of us might have been pushing you a little bit too much, even with things we have asked you about first. We were blinded by how incredible of a man in front of us you are that we failed to remember that you are also… just a man.”

“Everyone has moments of doubt,” Bryn added wistfully, mirroring Rook’s words. “We haven’t seen much of yours in a while and might have become a bit overzealous.”

“Master…” Miria purred softly, pulling herself into his side.

“It’s alright. I’m just being silly. As you said, everyone gets like that sometimes.” He ruffled her hair and caressed her ears. “Thank you.”

Grea stole his lips for a cordial peck. “Just like you were there for me in my darkest moments, I’m always here for you. We are always here for you, as you are here for us. Don’t be afraid to tell us when you are feeling down. We want to support you too. Just ask and I’ll drop everything to simply sit next to you and not utter a single word or move a finger.”

“That would be quite difficult for you, don’t you think?” He snickered with a faint smirk.

She grinned a little and hugged him lovingly. “We do plenty of difficult things for those we care about, do we not?”

Taking that as a signal that the conversation was over, the others piled up on him too, turning it into a sweet group hug. A curious animal-eared head or two poked into the room to see why their friends had suddenly bolted away, but sensing the moment's mood, no one wanted to interrupt it with their presence.

After a while, Asterios managed to convince the girls that it was fine now and they released him from their clutches. They wanted to stay with him, but he insisted that they should return to their friends as planned and the ladies finally relented. Grea didn’t go back to her lab and took it upon herself to pamper him as much as possible while Tina, Silvia, and Althea accompanied the demon woman.

Rook had been right. There were things that only a family could solve. Just as he supported them, they supported him back. Together, they were whole.


Some bonding.


Enormous gratitude towards our  Living Legends of the highest tier - Moheebi3abc, Lynderyn, Muff_Diver_Dave, Jeffrey B., and Shadow Silvermane! No less respect for our EX-rank Guild Members - Julian, Wiliam H., Sura, James M., and D3monEmper0r! And naturally towards all the S-rank Guild Members - FSoen Kigi, Fandley, Darth Mole, Dennis W., William J., Michael S., Tonatsi, Robert H., Fussel, Trenton S., SIDracon, Alvzorin, Rando C., TheGovnor, Drew P., Solomon P., Eddie F., Chocotaku, RandomRandomly, Nicholas G., Cody B., Saint J., Atomic0chicken, Patrick F., Zadwolf, Seamus M., Jonas, and Timmy! We wouldn't be able to have such epic adventures without your support! This Guild Master is greatly honored by your presence!

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