Rise of the Weakest Summoner

Chapter 372 – Reject Reformation Plan

As the dust from the fight slowly settled down, the ladies approached the trio from the sidelines. While Althea began weaving her magic to heal the ground, Bryn approached Rusilthea with the obvious intention of healing her bruises and wounds. The draconic woman looked at her hesitantly at first, but after Tina gave her an encouraging nod, she allowed the treatment.

And certainly, there were things to work on. The winged healer started with the worst injuries, weaving her spells into the other woman’s lower abdomen. Rusilthea held herself strong after incurring such a massive wound, but it was clear with each movement that she was in a world of pain. And just when the treatment began, she transferred into a world of relief.

Though, from how euphoric her expression became, one could wonder if not also a world of pleasure.

But, getting rid of such discomfort could definitely feel incredibly good so no one blamed her for it, nor did they point it out. With Tina’s damage from the duel being fairly minimal, Asterios and his recovery energy boosted by Tia were enough to take care of everything. He didn’t need to reach for the Spellslinger or more complex Summoner techniques. A gentle kiss with unhurried transfer mended all the bruises, all the while their draconic guest got a first-row seat for the unintended show.

With the majority of the landscape regrown and turned back to its former glory, Althea called for the table and the chairs once more. “Let us take a seat and relax a little before we begin the introductions and negotiations. I’ll grab something to drink from my cabin and return in a moment.”

She flashed Asterios a delicate smile and took off into a run, quickly transforming into her true form mid-step, soaring into the air as a dazzling emerald serpent. She technically didn’t have to bring anything but he figured out that his mentor wanted to establish her identity as another Lesser Dragon so that her friend’s daughter's worries could ease quicker. It certainly caught the intended person’s attention.

“Come on. Let’s do as she says,” Tina said, gesturing with her head at the prepared meeting spot. “Are you all good or do you need anything else?”

“No, I’m alright. Thank you for the healing. I can barely feel any discomfort now so I can sit down. Only some ghost ache is left and it should fade soon. I honestly thought it would be quite difficult to do for a while.” Rusilthea waved her hands dismissively.

The blue-haired girl chuckled guiltily. “I’m really sorry about that. But, in a fight, you need to abuse every given opportunity. With how powerful our enemies are, we can’t afford to waver at a crucial moment. Even though I do feel extremely bad doing that to you as a fellow female.”

A wry smile formed on the woman’s lips as they unhurriedly took their seats. “Oh, it was a heinous act, that’s for sure, but I’m not going to hate you for it. I’m honestly impressed, but perhaps I shouldn’t have judged you so harshly in the beginning. Even if a young one, you are a True Dragon, and everyone seems to have been right by constantly reminding us not to fuck with any under no circumstances and to run at the first opportunity.”

Asterios and Tina exchanged glances while the other ladies laughed, making Rusilthea frown at them all in mild confusion.

“I’m afraid I’m not a True Dragon, or any kind of Dragon for that matter,” the Summoner girl explained. “I’m just a plain and simple human. With a not-so-plain and not-so-simple True Dragon mate.”

Rusilthea’s eyes widened in surprise. “I thought… That both of you…”

A small smirk snuck itself onto Ast’s face. “Let us start the introduction, then. I’m Asterios. In short, I had my Hearts sealed away and was dropped in this realm, living as a human for almost two decades. Now, I’m learning what it means to be a True Dragon while also having two Hearts from different ancestries and a third source housing an Arch Dryad. That’s why some of my behavior might throw you off, but otherwise, I'm pleased to meet you.”

“As for me, I’m Kindra Hestizo, and the reason this handsome guy might seem a little weird by your usual standards.” Ast’s mother giggled impishly. “You see, I found him in a burning village and took him as my own. I had no idea he was anything else but human so that’s how we lived. If only I had known I was raising a little Dragon. But, perhaps I should be thankful for him remaining inactive until so much later on. Accidental and spontaneous combustion of random furniture would have been a problem to explain.”

That got a few laughs out of the gathered crowd.

“I’m Miria!” His first mate beamed at her cheerfully. “I’m a beastfolk, specifically Pantherkin! I’m Master’s first mate and his magical familiar since he summoned too!”

“Selene of the Spiritual Foxes.” The vulpine lady inclined her head. “Same race and realm as Miria. Second mate. Possibly a descendant of Asterios’ mother.”

“And I’m Tina. A human, as mentioned. Ast’s third mate. We went to the same academy and… Well… I had kind of a big crush on him for a long time…” Tina averted her gaze shyly, a fair blush dusting her cheeks.

“My turn!” Grea jumped in her seat, slamming her palms into the table to lean forward. “I also went to the same school but as a teacher! Unfortunately, I failed to seduce him before they kicked him out but he came back for that pussy nevertheless! Damn, now I kind of wish he had wrecked my cunt earlier. Getting banished for shagging with a teacher sounds way better than ignoring some idiotic rule about non-intervention in duels. Oh, and I’m a demon, Dahaka tribe. Natives of this world too.”

The person in question from those lucid fantasies groaned lightly, evoking a fair share of chuckles and giggles. Even Rusilthea allowed herself the faintest smirk at the corner of her mouth.

“Silvia.” Their resident princess curtsied politely. “I joined as fifth in line. My father is the king of humans in this realm. I was supposed to inherit the throne, but we are currently figuring out the situation after Asterios formed his own nation and I can be considered one of his queens. And I’m a human too, with some ancient elemental blood mixed in my ancestry.”

“Formed his own nation, sure.” Asterios snorted playfully to the side, making them chuckle again.

The winged lady called for her complex halo and smiled warmly. “I’m Bryn, a valkyrja from another realm. Our world is lost to spiritually toxic monsters and I’m on the council of a flying city fortress where we continue to survive. There are twelve of them. Master helped us a lot through trading and even directly fighting our enemy, and I know he will keep aiding us in the future too.”

“And I’m Althea but you must already know that.” Their draconic companion chose that moment to return, descending behind her chair and shifting back. “I bet Pha barraged you with stories about our childhood to serve as good life lessons on how not to behave, but perhaps you didn’t take them to your heart too much.”

An actual trace of rosy shade tinged Rusilthea’s cheeks as she kept her expression fairly neutral.

“Before Asterios accepted me as his True Mate, he saved my life from a lethal poison and I took him as my disciple so he could learn more about us and True Dragons,” Althea continued. “I know it might be hard, but try to relax. He is a True Dragon like no other. You wouldn’t believe how gentle and kind he is.”

Grea was already preparing herself for her usual insert but Asterios pacified her with a light glare. Now that everyone had taken their turn, they looked expectantly at the woman Phatru had sent them. Rusilthea took a deep breath and tried to smile softly.

“You already know my name, but almost everyone calls me Rusi. Only Ma uses my first name on a daily basis, and some of the old crones in the caregiver position. Honestly, it’s a handful. Seems important to Ma so I try to show it proper respect when she’s around,” she began.

“Many ladies tend to pick rather symbolic names with some meaning in them,” Kindra shared. “One day you’ll understand why they sound so fitting and suitable.”

“It’s of no surprise as its origins are linked to her two best comrades from way back in the past.” Althea assumed a reminiscing expression. “She always valued her friends and family so it’s quite characteristic for her to link both, naming her beloved daughter after her two besties whom she didn’t expect to see ever again.”

“Yeah. Ma talked lots about you and the other female. Knowing her, she didn’t show it much while she was here, but after coming back home, she was so overjoyed to see you doing well that she could barely stand still. I’ve never seen her shed so many tears before. It honestly felt like I was seeing the real her for the first time,” Rusi admitted while scratching her cheek.

“And so, we arrive here,” Asterios said. “How much did she manage to convey to you before you answered our call?”

“Not much, sir.” She glanced at him, but still seemed to have his imposing image at the forefront of her mind and avoided his gaze. “With how much trouble she had talking, and how often she got off-topic, I was only let know that her best friend might accept me as her disciple so I should not fuck up the chance or I would get my ass whipped. And also warned that she is with a True Dragon I better behave in front of. It honestly smelled like bullshit and a fake threat to keep me in check. We give each other shit from time to time but she would never send me off to some unknown place into the claws of an evil lizard.”

“Sometimes I wish my little Asti gave me a tiny bit more trouble while growing up.” Kindra turned to Asterios with a loving but a tad teasing smile. “Don’t get me wrong, it was a bliss raising such an understanding and dutiful young man, but you always hear almost all mothers talk about how challenging it is to keep their kids in line without losing their minds. For a long time, I was worried I was doing it wrong when you were so quiet and obedient. I didn’t want you to grow up too meek and compassionate, as wrong as it sounds, but our world isn’t exactly a kind place. However, now I’m grateful for that instead. I don’t think I could have handled a normal toddler as an inexperienced young girl, not to mention one with draconic urges running through its tiny body.”

“Just call me Asterios or Ast. I’m sure you are even older than me.” He chuckled softly at the image, trying to ignore the teasing. “Well, I’m that evil lizard in this scenario. However, rather than slaves, I’m looking for volunteers for my elite unit of Dragon Riders. Part of the deal will include mentorship from Althea here and some other benefits, like the right to live in this decently peaceful realm. The only downside to all of this might be the part where those volunteers have to serve as my men’s mounts in their true forms. I assume it might deter quite some people.”

“You would need to be so damn prideful not to even consider exploring a whole other realm just because you have to keep a friend on your back most of the time.” Rusi shrugged. “I haven’t yet heard too many details about this deal, but I believe it shouldn’t be extremely hard to find willing recruits. The young ones might be hesitant, but people like me, who are already waiting for their turn for decades, will take all the chances they can get.”

“So, you are basically suggesting we go after the rejects?” Grea snickered at her.

“No! Yes! I mean… Ugh!” The woman dropped her face into her palms while sighing heavily. “Look, I’m truly sorry about the first impression. I’m used to coming to people as strong and confident. It’s one of the easiest ways to be left alone and in peace. But, being standoffish isn’t a quality sought by many mentors, instead falling into the category they usually avoid. Not all of those traits are necessarily bad and it can feel a bit unfair at times. They are often good girls and boys and would work twice as hard to prove they are worth it.”

“That’s why it’s important not to take things at face value and judge a book by its cover, isn’t that right?” Kindra directed a sharp smile at the Dragon lady, making her show just a hint of bashfulness under the somewhat rebuking gaze. “But, kids are kids exactly because they make plenty of mistakes from which they learn about themselves and the world. A proper adult should put all the effort into seeing through that since everyone deserves respect and affection. Just so we are clear, there’s nothing wrong with being confident and domineering, but knowing when to make conscious use of those qualities to achieve set goals is important. You might get burned one day. I think you should ask your mother about it. You might need to work a bit convincing her to do it, but I bet she does have a story to tell.”

Rusilthea nodded lightly, managing a faint smile at the compliment-lecture combo from the motherly lady.

“We are going to consider each case with the same frame of mind, not discriminating over basic misconceptions,” Althea said reassuringly. “As long as the candidates fit our requirements, they will be offered a spot. Which realm are you two currently residing in and whose nest are you part of?”

“Ma couldn’t bear returning to your old nest after finishing her mentorship so she settled in the Phasmantia realm, picking it as her base of operations. It’s a relatively big world with a scarce amount of True Dragons but it’s not completely safe. Our home is governed by Lady Rhufija and her three male mates. They can be a little uptight about some rules, but it’s a good place to live. We don’t lack much.”

“I don’t think I passed by it on my journey. That’s good. Lesser chances that people recognize me and make it harder for us.” The other Dragon lady stroked her chin. “We’ll think about that soon. Right now, we should focus on your candidature. As long as we are moving on with this?”

She glanced at Tina and the Summoner girl nodded with a happy smile. “Yes. I know that it looked like we had a rough start, but I feel like we will work well together. Call it an intuition if you would like. Our affinities seem compatible too.”

“I certainly didn’t expect to get punched in the face the first thing after coming in, but I appreciate courage and straightforwardness.” Rusi showed a fierce grin. 

“Alright. Then, if you wish to join the rank of my disciples and earn the right to live here, you will have to form a contract with Tina, becoming her familiar. She is the leader of the current squad of riders and will manage the future ones too, but she doesn’t always stay with them. Therefore, you will have much more time for yourself, especially since she can fly on her own,” Althea explained. “Additionally, as she is Asterios’ True Mate, you will receive many benefits from their connection too, with one of them being access to his draconic energies. In return, we will require your aid in opening gates to Phasmantia. At least initially. We won’t demand you to completely change who you are, but we expect a certain level of respect and resolve to learn. This is not meant to be a vacation, even if multiple disciples under a single mentor is a rare occurrence.”

“I promise I won’t give you trouble. Intentionally, at least.” Rusilthea smirked, but the obvious anxiety could be felt from her slightly forced confidence. “I know I don’t have the best reputation around the nest but I can work and study hard. Ma keeps saying that she’s not fit to be a mentor yet she’s already taught me so much with one or two unintentional lessons here and there. Maybe you will be able to convince her to try it. She could even join you and make it two mentors in your unique teaching program.”

“I honestly can’t say a lot about that mentorship system your people use, but I’m certain that I understand it enough to confidently say that if she’s managed to bring you up into such a strong-willed and lovely lady, she already knows how to share her knowledge and experience with others properly,” Kindra said encouragingly. “Being a mother and being a teacher are closer to each other than she would think. You might lack in some topics and subjects a teacher would specialize in, but from what I’ve heard, your mentors take personal guidance through a natural journey as their main approach. Your mother might be a more experienced teacher than she thinks she is.”

“While I can’t yet give my opinions on the matters of motherhood, I feel like Lady Kindra is correct with her assessment. And I certainly hope so too. I would lie if I declared that thinking about properly bringing up my young doesn’t make me worry about how well I would perform. But, knowing that I mentored a few respectable individuals in the elven court, does put my mind at some ease.” Althea shared a delicate smile with Ast’s mom. “We’ll have to talk with Phatru and see what we can do. Her low self-esteem was a bit of a problem in the ancient past.”

“This idea does sound appealing,” Asterios admitted. “Okay. If there are no objections, let’s proceed. I’m looking forward to working with you.”

“Likewise.” Rusi grew a bit more excited since the duel.

They got up and moved to the ritual circle. Rusilthea and Tina walked onto the patterns while everyone else remained out of bounds. The blue-haired girl did leave it for a brief moment to recharge her mana with Ast’s help, but she quickly jumped into the contracting part of the ritual.

Since the negotiations had concluded positively, the duo went through the necessary steps without a hitch. The bargaining phase didn’t take them too much time either since the requirements and benefits had already been discussed. Rusi would be receiving quite a lot for only a bit of added inconvenience considering the usual summoning deals. If an outsider took a peek at the written-down version of the contract, they might start wondering who was the master in that relationship.

The magic settled in without an issue too. Soon, Rusilthea could materialize Tina’s Summoner’s Brand at will and confirmed receiving access to a mental connection between them, which of course included all the others in it too. The sheer potency of draconic energy she could now sense directly inside Asterios stunned her for a good minute and he had a perfect example of just how powerful subconscious and instinctual habits could be. Even someone as brave and frank as their new Dragon ally could be affected by them.

“What now?” the woman asked after they were done. “This is going to need some getting used to. All that draconic mana at the tips of my fingers. I wonder how it must feel for Althea with a direct bond.”

“Unimaginably scary at first,” the emerald-scaled lady replied. “I believe we are going to visit your nest so you should check if you can properly open gates to that place. And, in my humble opinion, the two of us should be the only ones going.”

“I understand your reasons, but I’m inclined to disagree.” Asterios gave her an apologetic smile. “This might be silly, but I’m worried about you. It might be a different nest, but we can’t guarantee you won’t be met with animosity. And I’m aware that you are more than capable of handling yourself in most situations, but I feel like I should be out there with you and not let things happen in the first place.”

“I appreciate the thought, beloved disciple.” She stepped forward to place an affectionate kiss on his lips. “And I feel cherished by your desire to protect me, but this would be difficult. Even with your proficiency at hiding your aura and presence, you will be noticed by someone at first sight, revealing your twin Hearts.”

“I think you might find it hard to dissuade Asti when he sets his mind on protecting those he loves.” Kindra giggled knowingly. “Now when he actually has the power to do so? Nations be wary.”

“What if they wouldn’t be able to see me?” Ast’s forehead creased in thought.

Before Althea could request him to elaborate, his figure was enveloped by thick shadows and he plunged into the ground. Instead of disappearing, though, the small pool of darkness crawled into Althea’s own shadow and merged with it. They could notice the faintest shimmer to it, but it could easily be played off as lighting fluctuations.

~Self-transportation isn’t the only thing we share with Umbra that I’ve been putting some practice into.~ Ast’s echoing chuckle rolled through their minds.

“Incredible. Even when I look at the shadow directly, I get only a slight sense of unease. Without keeping my eyes around its core, I can’t tell anything’s wrong with it,” Rusi exclaimed in awe. “And when worse comes to worst, we can say that the eerie vibes are coming from a bond with a True Dragon. It might earn us some dirty looks but that’s much better than being attacked because we brought one in.”

“So it seems.” Althea surrendered the fight, albeit she didn’t look particularly unhappy about the discussion’s result. “But the rest of us should stay behind for now. Bringing in strangers while appearing out of nowhere might be somewhat suspicious.”

The girls assured her that she had nothing to worry about and encouraged the trio to get on with it. So, Rusilthea attempted to open a portal under Miria’s coaching, and an azure gateway formed in the air in front of her. She went in first to confirm where it led, but as soon as Tina and the others received the affirmation that everything was fine, Althea followed the other lady with Asterios in her shadow.

They reappeared in a relatively small bedroom without any special qualities. Everything was made of wood and the general structure of the walls, ceiling, and floor resembled one of the magically grown tree houses from the Elven Nation. It had a certain charm to it, for sure. Nevertheless, Rusi quickly ushered them out of her personal chamber and they stumbled on another person in the dining area.

“That was quick. I thought it would take you much longer to get through that thick skull my daughter boasts of, Thea.” Phatru chuckled teasingly.

The person in question huffed while crossing her arms and the duo of older females exchanged knowing smiles.

“You didn’t bring your mate? Bummer. This boring place could use some excitement. I’m not sure people living here even still remember the procedures upon True Dragon sighting,” she continued while inquisitively looking around.

If Phatru was having issues spotting him while already familiar with his energies, then Asterios was confident that the other Lesser Dragons wouldn’t fare any better for the most part. There was still a chance of some powerful or skilled person seeing through his trick, but it wasn’t worth it to worry about all the possible unexpected incidents.

To announce his presence, Asterios decided to play a little trick on his mate’s friend. He extended a dark tendril out of the other woman’s shadow, guiding it to give a tiny pull to one of the strings holding up her one-piece dress. 

It gave up with surprising ease and she jolted when the material moved, all the other cords unexpectedly following suit as if not even tied. But, to his surprise, instead of making any moves to catch it midway, Phatru just watched it slide down her lithe figure with a raised brow, letting it hit the floor with a quiet rustle. He didn’t exactly mean for it to descend the whole way down. 

And just like that, she stood in front of them in her full natural glory. Perhaps he should have, but Asterios hadn’t expected Phatru not to wear anything under her dress either, not even the tiniest hint of underclothes. However, she didn’t feel ashamed or embarrassed about it, and neither about the small, slightly accidental mischief after realizing how it had come to be.

“My, my. Was my daughter not enough for you?” Phatru gave Althea a mischievous glance, obviously staring at Asterios through her.

Ast’s mentor shook her head playfully. “You know True Dragons. They are positively insatiable. And I can personally vouch for that.”

The two ladies chuckled together while the third girl in the room rolled her eyes at them. It looked like besides a good peek at Phatru’s feminine charms, Asterios was also going to get one or two at Althea’s more open personality from her past while the duo of friends was together.

Hopefully, he would be able to handle it.


Well, task failed succesfully.


Enormous gratitude towards our  Living Legends of the highest tier - Moheebi3abc, Lynderyn, Muff_Diver_Dave, Jeffrey B., and Shadow Silvermane! No less respect for our EX-rank Guild Members - Julian, Wiliam H., Sura, James M., and D3monEmper0r! And naturally towards all the S-rank Guild Members - FSoen Kigi, Fandley, Darth Mole, Dennis W., William J., Michael S., Tonatsi, Robert H., Fussel, Trenton S., SIDracon, Alvzorin, Rando C., TheGovnor, Drew P., Solomon P., Eddie F., Chocotaku, RandomRandomly, Nicholas G., Cody B., Saint.J, Atomic0chicken, Patrick F., Zadwolf, Seamus M., Jonas, and Timmy! We wouldn't be able to have such epic adventures without your support! This Guild Master is greatly honored by your presence!

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