Rise of the Legendary Emperor

Chapter 71: King Hedor I

"My King making the scroll look ancient won't be a problem but I don't know any ancient spells it was never my kind of thing" Ken scratched his head a little.

"I can take care of that but Don do you really need to give him the original spell?" Reghys asked.

Ken thought Reghys would be a huge dragon with claws and look terrible but when he saw the elegant woman with wings he couldn't believe his eyes. Even though Reghys appeared before him in her Human-like form, it took several minutes to make Ken stand up from kneeling in front of her.

Hearing the man kneeling before her from actually the future Reghys's eyes went wide in surprise as she started to discuss all the theories and other stuff until Knight couldn't hear any more mumble and stopped them.

"I've already told Joel to spread the rumors about the scroll, if my guess is right the King would have heard it by now" Don said.

"Ok but who's going to deliver the scroll to him, and what happens when you give him the scroll do you think that king will leave you alive?"

Reghys found many holes in Don's plan and couldn't help but raise some questions.

Just by seeing the dragon woman Don knew she has many questions and found his plan a little undercooked but according to Joel King's mansion plans and his new daily routine after conquering Bracidia had become super-secret and no one knew how many magis are guarding him. Don and Knight knew if they had more time or more spies like Joel they would have found something but now Don had to go with what he has and Don knew if push comes to shove he could disappear using the teleporter without a problem.

"He's a collector and normally these people know in and out of what they are collecting so we can't give him a hundred percent fake but" just as Don paused Reghys had a wry smile on her face

"You want me to write a spell that would not be found as a fake right? I know some ancient spells I will tweak them a bit so you'll get some time before he realizes its a fake"

"That'll be enough" Knight said.

"But my King, who is going to deliver the scroll you cant send Joel king Hedor certainly know his face"

"It's time I met another King don't you think?"


"Your Highness our spies reported that there are rumors going about someone looking to sell an ancient spell scroll " a soldier in full plate and chain mails said to a man sitting on his throne.

As the soldier reported to him, the man on the throne slowly lifted his head and looked at the soldier and the soldier could see the excitement in his king's eyes.

"Is there any truth to the rumors?"

"Your highness! Your highness "

Before the soldier could answer the king another soldier came running towards and knelt before him

"What?" the man asked the soldier with a slight irritation on his face

"Your Highness a few moments ago Mr.Meng the manager of the Peacock sent us a message saying that there is a duo looking to sell what you are looking for"

At the moment the soldier finished reporting the king stood from his throne with a face full of smile and rubbed his palms together in excitement.

King Hedor valued his life among all the things and after he started to expand his kingdom through any means he got various death threats and even some assassination attempts. Until he got Bracidia's lands King Hedor would remove the threats to his reigns within his kingdom by any means necessary but when he saw the evidence about his crimes that Joel collected, he became extremely cautious with his actions and also the threat he received from that prince made him stay inside his palace most of the day.

Even though King Hedor was told to be very cautious, he had a weakness when comes to his collection of ancient fire spells. The lust he had for them even made him wage war against small kingdoms and also ordered the merchants and Auction house managers to report him if anything related to ancient scrolls emerged.

"Did he say anything else about that duo who has the scroll?"

King Hedor always liked to get what he wants without paying for them but he didn't want to mess with the wrong people when he could have bought them using the money in the treasury because he knew there are many powerful people that could destroy him and his entire kingdom in a few hours in this world like that arrogant prince and princess.

"Your Highness he didn't say anything about that" the soldier stuttered when he spoke.

"Idiot!" King Hedor wanted to send some soldiers and beat the hell out of Meng when he heard the soldier.

"Send Leo after them I want where are they coming from, what's their levels, how did they get the scroll everything"

"Yes Your Highness"


"My lo huh Archer why is he taking this long?"

After some discussion with Knight Don took Gael with him this time to execute his plans.

Don and Gael went to a few of the shops and auction houses as sellers and all of them quoted their price on the spot when they laid eyes on the scrolls but he didn't sell it because he looked for King Hedor's man who would pass the message about the scroll to King somehow and just as he guessed the manager of this particular auction house acted very suspiciously when he saw the scroll and went to the backroom asking them to wait in the lobby.

And just when Don opened his mouth to answer Gael the manager came towards them with another man.

"Sorry for the waiting young masters, this is Mr.Leo he's very interested in buying the scroll " Meng said as he waited for Gael who was standing in front of Don to answer.

"Oh how much is Mr.Leo willing to pay?" Gael asked.

"Hahaha whatever you want young master,my employer is a very generous person but he's also a very cautious person"

Leo had many ways to find the truth about the youths before he came to the auction house but when he saw the innocent faces of these two he decided to take a more direct route.

"I don't get what you mean Mr.Leo" Gael tried his best not to show any weird expression on his face as he saw Leo laugh a little

"I mean my employer wants to know about the people he's going to do business with"

Seeing Leo, Don hoped he won't ask the scroll and give them the money right here because he wanted to meet the King himself, not his servant dog.

"What does he want to know? We are just roaming adventurers we got this scroll from a dungeon in Lanthaneer " Gael answered Leo using the information he got from Joel. Based on Joel's information there was a dungeon that appeared in Lanthanner which caused the entire empire to covert its wealth as dungeons usually had ancient spells and weapons and many other precious items.

Leo knew about the dungeon as everybody in the entire empire and continued to ask the youths some more questions

"No offense young masters but you two seem very young how did you get your hands on something precious like that scroll"

Gael knew Leo was trying to make them reveal their magical levels just like Don said before

"Well you can't say WE got the scrolls rather it was our grandfather who got the scroll but the poor man passed away fighting a thundering Viper all by himself" Gael shook his head and looked very upset which made Don appreciate Gael's acting skills.

"If I was not just a low-level master I would have ripped that snake in half" as he said Gael let his bound energy fluctuate around him a little.

Leo saw the magical fluctuations around the youth for a second and confirmed that he's indeed a low-level master but just for a second he thought he saw something weird in the magical fluctuations. However, seeing the two youths who were not as half old as his experience he blamed the ale he had last night for what he saw.

"I'm sorry young master but what about the young master behind you"

Although Leo nearly confirmed these two were harmless to King Hedor, he wanted to know everything about them

When Gael heard Leo he again shook his head and rubbed his forehead a moment

"He can't even kill an injured cat let alone a thundering Viper, my cousin here is not even an Apprentice Magi without me keeping him around a kid could beat him"

Don didn't know whether to laugh or cry when he heard Gael. Don was the one told him to improvise but he didn't think Geal would go this much.

Hearing the youth before him Leo's eyes went wide and stared at the youth behind him top to bottom for a moment

"I know some pills that could help him raise his magical levels young master" as Leo said he walked towards the youth and gently patted his shoulder like a concerned teacher.

The moment Leo placed his hand on Don's shoulder he felt like something scanning him and looked at Leo to see him frowning a moment before taking his handoff.

"What a weakling" Leo heard his mind voice when he couldn't even find a trace of magical energy within the youth. Don knew for someone like Leo, he wouldn't consider the point of not even having a drop of magical energy within him but think Don as a weakling just like most of the world.

"No thanks, Mr.Leo I'm planning to settle in life after selling this scroll not spending money on my cousin here" Gael mocked Don once again.

"Wise choice young master now if you come with me I guarantee you will get the best price from my employer"

Leo first planned to kill these two in the way but when he saw the space ring on the youth's finger he decided to let the King handle them because he knew to break open a space ring is not a simple job but a complicated one and if the ring has any special security measurements the items inside the ring would be destroyed when someone tried to open the ring forcefully.

"Alright lead the way Mr.Leo" as Gael said he started to follow Leo towards the exit.

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