Rise of the Archmage Alister

18 - Indigo

Forty-five minutes had passed without any success. Alister was finding it so difficult to sit still long enough to sneak up on anything. Small animals rustled away before he could get close enough to touch a single fur. Larger animals saw him from a mile away. He sighed, standing up again off of his dirtied knees.

“Ode?” he called out, and the woman hopped down from a nearby branch, to silently fall beside him. She was so frustratingly capable compared to how he was faring. Alister sighed again, “Any suggestions?”

She shrugged, “You’re not accustomed to the wilderness. It's understandable you’re having difficulty. You’re… I mean no offense… but you’re a noble kid. Since when have you really had to watch your movements so carefully or had to focus for so long in silence?”

“I… it has been a while, I suppose,” even in his last life, the form of stealth he was using in the years before death was more running away than sitting still.

“You know, the fact that your body is young doesn’t help, sure, but you also just don’t have the muscle memory.”

Alister groaned loudly, rubbing his face, “What the hell am I supposed to do then?”

“Well… you could go back home instead… train your body… and your mind,” Ode mused, rocking back and forth as she walked across a felled log, “Or you can just stubbornly keep at it as is and stop complaining so much. I get it already. Your life’s hard. Join the club, old mighty mage.”

He glared at her, but… she was right. This was a situation of his own making. He had to stop complaining and steel his resolve.

They were deep into the woods by this point, only walking farther as time went on. He had no destination in mind and was not worried about getting lost. Even if his magic failed him, Ode would get him home. He had at least that much trust in the woman. The further they got, the more on edge Ode became, however. It was clear she was uncomfortable but she was at least as stubborn as he was.

“Kid… it’s gonna be a pain to walk back at this point,” Ode muttered, her voice coming from his side despite her not being there.

He continued looking forward, walking with a purpose, “If you’re saying that, then it means I’m finally getting to something good.”

“Dangerous. Not really ‘good’.”

“In this case, that’s the same thing,” Alister held his hand out and summoned a weapon. A short sword fizzed into existence in his hands, which he had to catch as the tip thudded into the ground. “Ah… a bit… heavier than I remember,” he mumbled out of embarrassment. He was still so limited with what magic he could use, and while he wasn’t the worst with a sword, it wasn’t his preferred, that was for sure. A soft chortle came from the nearby trees as Ode couldn’t help but laugh at how stupid he looked.

“If Sir Jacob was here, he’d chastise your form,” she teased.

“It’s not weighted for a child.”

“Oh, I can see that. I can see that quite clearly,” she laughed again, smirking in the dark, “Don’t cut yourself with it.”

“Shut the hell up! I’m fine!” he huffed, hefting the sword up onto his shoulder. This was dumb. He looked dumb!

Why have you come here, mage? A deep voice rumbled through their minds like a rockslide, causing all laughter to cease. Ode jumped down to stand next to Alister, nose crinkled in concern.

“Ah, shit. Knew we came too far out this way,” she grumbled, responding to the mysterious voice, “We are here to hunt small game, that is all!”

This is not where the hunters hunt, little mage, it replied, a grin evident in its tone as though a purr of a giant cat, You are too far west.

“Yes sir. Understood,” Ode said with a quick bow, “We’ll leave! Sorry to bother you!!”

Alister looked absolutely perturbed that this woman, bold as could be, was turning tail to a disembodied voice. She grabbed his shoulder and started to turn him around, but only got to a quarter turn before the voice rang out once more.

Stop! You have piqued my curiosity young mage, it roared both in their minds and aloud, the rippling of the sound loud enough to make the two of them cover their ears. Alister’s sword slipped from his fingers as he doubled over from the pressure. The guttural sound echoed and rustled the foliage around them until it hushed into a tense silence.

Alister grit his teeth. Magic wound its way around their legs, rooting them to their spots like vines. “A dragon?” he asked, looking to Ode, “Was there a dragon this close to town?”

Ode’s eyes were closed, internally berating herself, “Yes… there is. This is a dragon’s… territory. I knew we were getting too far out. Damn it. I didn’t realize we went this far west.”

“A dragon??” he repeated, “One of the greater races. GREAT. Just awesome.”

I am wonderful, yes, little one, the dragon responded, the shuffling of leaves signaling his arrival. Larger than a Percheron, its thick, scaled limbs pushed branches out of the way as its angular face ducked down to look at them. Orange slitted eyes gazed at them, glowing slightly in the dim light the forest provided. Its scales shimmered like metal. It was indigo, a vibrant blue reaching toward purple.

“Y-you’re an adolescent dragon!” Alister squeaked, remarking with wide eyes full of wonder. For a mage, dragons were a race of great intrigue. They were heralded for their magic. “And… and you look somewhat metallic! This is incredible! How large is your territory? How long have you had it? How old are you? Did you-OW!”

Ode smacked him upside the back of his head, “Shh! Be respectful.”

He gave her a quick glare but shut up. She was right. This was a member of one of the three “Greater Races”. There was no telling how they would act.

Why are you two here? What do you seek to hunt in my territory? The hunters stay further east, wary of my space, he purred, continuing forward as though the two of them said nothing of interest. A claw as long as Alister’s face came forward and raked at his hair curiously, Your core leaks, little one. So wounded. Mage, answer me.

“The kid… erm… Lord Alister wishes to unlock his system.”

Oh, is that so, little one? You seek strength? I have just the prey for you…

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