Rise of the Archmage Alister

16 - Embarrassment

Alister felt embarrassed showing such weakness to anyone, but it felt good to cry and have someone care about him. His parents cared so very much, but both of them were already so worried for their little boy. He didn’t want to cause them more concern. His cheeks burning red, he sniffled and hiccupped until he stopped crying.

“I am not having a good day,” he mumbled, chuckling at himself, “Thanks, Harriet… You were right. I needed some sunshine. I’ve been spending too much time inside.”

“Might I ask what soured your day, my Lord?”

He shook his head, “I learned about The Fall and The Opal Void. I wasn’t really… prepared for how much could have changed in thousands of years. An apocalypse is one thing, but the OS… thing… it should be impossible. But even if I don’t understand it now, I can just… learn about it.” He was still very disquieted about the whole thing, but now Alister was calmer. Calmer than he was earlier at the very least.

“It is a useful thing, the Opal System,” Harriet replied with a soft smile as the two continued their walk, “I remember little of my past life, but I know that it was less than a century ago. I cannot imagine the surprise. I don’t think I would react any different.”


“No thanks necessary, my Lord. It’s my honor and duty to serve you. Your whole family means a lot to me.”

“Why is that?” Alister asked, then paused, “Not to pry. I apologize.”

“I don’t mind the question,” she answered, smiling as she did so, “I served under him in a war. He led us to victory against formidable foes. I won’t go into details, but he has saved my life multiple times. I respect him greatly. After my service I decided to stay with the family as a butler. Of course, I try to help guard as well. Just here and there as I can. Old habits die hard.”

“Who was the war against?”

“Ah, that’s a far longer story than we have time for right now. Your father and mother will be waiting for lunch soon,” Harriet sighed, “Tensions between neighboring nations can at times become strained. Sometimes, they don’t fight with armies in such a direct way. If one nation can direct a flow of monsters toward another nation’s border, then that can suffice in place of a traditional war. This was one such case.”

Alister gave a hum, “Strange thought. It sounds clever, but brutal and underhanded. I’m not familiar with something like that. Large scale war… it sounds so foreign.”

“It is something that the dukes and duchesses have to shoulder from time to time. Hearing such words come from your mouth is odd, Young Lord. You will have many classes about such things in the years to come.”

“That… doesn’t… ugh,” Alister grimaced, “I hadn’t thought about that.”

The walk came to an end when lunch was ready, and Alister was greeted with the view of his parents, as well as Ode and Jacob, around the large table. They looked calculating and concerned… crap.

He sat down in his seat and fiddled with the fork in front of him, “I’m sorry I’m late.”

“It’s fine sweetie,” his mother responded, too loving in her tone.

“Sir Jacob and Miss Ode explained what happened today, Alister. It’s best to talk about these things over food and drink,” his father added.

Thus began a very tense lunch.

About halfway through his hearty soup, his mother spoke up again, “Alister, sweetheart… you know better than to do something rash, right? Accessing the system at your age just isn’t done. Traditionally, we wait at least a few more years.”

Alister stopped mid-bite and let his spoon softly settle back into his bowl, “Mother… I feel it’s necessary. I am not satisfied with simply waiting for years.” He had to resist the urge to grimace at her. He wouldn’t be held back.

“Son, your mother is right. It would be too dangerous. Even if you have some familiarity with combat from your past life, your body isn’t strong. You haven’t had the training necessary.”

“I am going to unlock my system, Father!” He snapped, pushing his chair back and standing, “I can’t stand that excuse. This is something unfathomable. I need it as soon as possible. Waiting isn’t an option. I am a mage! I have to ready myself for whatever might come.”

The four adults were taken aback by the ferocity of the response. That surprise quickly turned to anger on his mother’s face especially. Alister balled his fists, “I’m not waiting. You’re not being… unreasonable in your words… but it isn’t an option for me. I’m eight. I need to start working seriously immediately!”

With the poise of a noblewoman, his mother gave a soft, mm, before speaking, “Well. If you want to take on more responsibility, perhaps we should talk about marriage options? After all, you will have to marry a good noblewoman from one of the various families. Your choices are numerous. But you must keep up the family name, you understand?”

Alister’s abject horror and disgust was clear on his face. He never married in his last life, and none of his companions had to deal with arranged marriages.

“Dear, I think that’s a bit harsh,” his father mused, trying to calm the storm.

“No, no! He wants to act like a sixteen-year-old, he needs to understand the consequences. He’s the son of a Duke! This is part of the expectations of a sixteen-year-old. What else could we talk about? Landownership? Military service?! Things move at a certain pace for a reason.”

Emotions overwhelmed Alister once again, for what felt like the millionth time, and he felt tears well. The boy shoved his chair out of the way and stormed out of the dining hall. He slammed the door shut behind him with all the strength his tiny arms could manage.

“Miss Ode, please follow him,” Duke Blas sighed, and she gave a polite nod before hurrying off, “Alliana that was unnecessary.”

“He’s still a child, Blas! I’m trying my best but I can’t just change everything because of his… his memories!”

“I know. I’m struggling too. But pushing his buttons like that isn’t going to help.”

“What am I supposed to do then?”

“I don’t know.”

“He’s going to try to unlock it.”

“I know. Ode will make sure he’s safe. The king trusts her.”

“Why didn’t you ask Sir Jacob?”

“That would have been overkill. Even if Alister does anything, Ode can handle things if he runs into a boar or something.”

Alliana nodded grimly, “Eight, Blas. He’s only eight and he’s going to unlock his system… How are we supposed to deal with this?”

Sir Jacob, still in the room, awkwardly cleared his throat and bowed, standing, “Apologies, my Lord and Lady. I… We will make sure to teach him well. Please don’t worry.”

Blas gave him a weathered smile, “I’ve entrusted him to you two with the King’s recommendation. I have faith in you both.”

“You cannot blame a mother for her worry,” Alliana sighed, cupping her cheek, “I trust your capabilities, Sir Jacob. Miss Ode’s aloof behavior concerns me, but I know she is extremely knowledgeable. I just still cannot believe how much our little Alister has changed…”

“I know, my love. I know. I’m worried too. Once other nobles hear of his condition, they will try to push things forward as well. If they aren’t already in the process of such things.”

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