Rise of Myriad Magic Emperor

Chapter 72: Emperor Vs Lord (Last Part)

Ellie, who was standing behind Kai, was looking at Kai with shock as her whole body trembled in fear as she looked at Yakto.

Kai is also shocked. This was his first time fighting with a saint level magic user.

He can't imagine what would have happened if he was not wearing his spirit Armour which Shiro has transformed into and this is one of his basic abilities to counter any law and magic until the wearer is able to provide magic power in exchange for it.

To counter the last attack it took one percent of his magic power. Which is equal to 100billion magic power,for normal magic users of transcend stage it is impossible to have such a large amount of magic power but Kai is not a normal magic user.

"Master is a saint magic user really as strong as this guy"ask Kai to Daoma through a mind link.

"No Kai. They can not be so powerful as currently all Magic users are affected by world barrier so it's very unusual for him to possess such power of law not to mention this guy have just breakthrough into Magic commander stage forcefully so be must not possess such kind of strength only think I can think is it does not belong him but to the armour he is wearing. Now that I look closely that armour is very unusual most likely a damaged divine armament and from its appearance and power of law it is sending out it's most infamous Dark Soul bone armour".

Kai:"Dark soul armour???"

"It was a divine armament possessed by the Dark souls clan from the Land of Eternal night. which is ruled by the Dark Emperor. Long ago when the Darkness Emperor had just been raised to power many clans challenged the Darkness Emperor but eventually all lost and their legacy was destroyed by him.

This damaged Dark soul bone armour and dark soul divine arts are part of dark soul clan legacy. Looks like this guy must have found some hidden site and inherited it."

Hearing Daoma, Kai was trouble" look like this guy will not be defeated easy like I was thinking about so master is their no way to stop this guy after all I cannot just defend here and let him attack me"as he look at Yakto who was standing 33meters away with crazy smile on his face as he use another magic art.

"Screams of despair"


As it clashes with Kai head-on with more than 10 times the intensity than the previous one. Pushing Kai moved backwards by one step while the land surrounding him lost all its vitality and turned grey at the same time 5% of Kai magic power got consumed by armour to cancel out the effect of the magic and law as he tried to recover.

Seeing Kai condition Yakto had a cold smile on his face"Is this all you capable of only defending not attacking while you were acting so arrogant just a few minutes ago".

Kai, who is still trying to recover from the attack, tried to balance his body while looking at Yakto again.

"Kai listened carefully. The source of Yakto magic power and strength is that Dark soul bone armour. So you have to separate it from him which is very hard to do in current your conditions.Only way you can do it currently is to overpower the armour beyond its capacity of magic power which will case it to overlord and will stop functioning for some time and before armour regain its control you have to separate it for him for that you will require help of Ellie space magic"said Daoma with as he explains all the steps and Kai listen carefully. Later he explains to Ellie the whole plan through mindlink.

"My lord I will do my best" as she regained some of her confidence and stood by Kai's side while calming her mind and preparing to cast Dimensions shift spell as soon as possible while looking out for undeads surrounding them.

"This time I will not disappoint Kai"she thought in her mind.

Seeing that Ellie is ready. Kai also looked at Yakto.

"Let's start. Sonic step"

Yakto who was confidentiality standing before his throne saw Kai disappear before his eyes and before he can react Kai touched his chest as large amount of endless stream of magic power get pounded into his armour as the rune mark on it glow with brighter red glow as on a next instant the whole armour start to crack as large amount of uncontrollable Magic power left it armour as screams of soul echoes through the surrounding with bloody red glow.

Kai who was touching the bone armour was bombarded by power of law as he felt that armour is trying to absorb his vitality to repair itself but due to effect of his spirit armour it is not able to.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHH, WHAT WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?"Shouted Yakto as the armour finally was not able to sustain such a large amount of magic power as it exploded.


With a red glow as everything within 100 meters of surrounding was sent flying due to shockwaves.

As clouds of dust clears out, Kai was struggling to stand on his feet, his spirit armour is already automatically undone due to not getting required magic power to sustain it.

He looked around and found a corpse of Yakto lying down 10meters away from him as well as the broken pieces of Dark soul armour scattered around nothing else can be seen beside it.


Hearing that sound Kai looked towards the sky as a figure of Ellie can be seen as he waved his hand.


Hearing Kai's voice. Ellie finally notices Kai as she flies towards him and hugs him and releases him after some time as she looks at Kai with worry.

"I am alright Ellie. You can stop getting worried hehehe"smiles Kai

Seeing Kai is ok. Ellie sighs in relief and together walks towards Yakto's dead body.

On reaching Kai found that the entire body of Yakto is destroyed from the inside out. Beside him is a red colour gem with a crack in the middle and a skeleton ring.

Kai was about to reach out to pick up the ring but Ellie stopped him and picked it up as she smiled and used her dark magic power as scream came out of the ring.


As the soul of Yakto appeared before him.

Seeing this Kai was astonished.

"Look like this guy really has received complete legacy inheritance of the dark soul clan or else he couldn't have refined his soul into a dark soul and possess a soul storing ring"said Daoma to Kai through a mind link.

Seeing Yakto. Ellie didn't hesitate.

"Dark void"

"AHHHHHHH, NO NO THIS EMPEROR THIS EMPEROR HOW CAN THIS HAPPEN AHHHHHHH" with screams of unwillingness and despair Undead Emperor Yakto is finally gone for good never to be seen again.

As she stores the skeleton ring and red gem in her spiral storage ring and holds onto Kai carefully as they rise into the sky.

Flying above Kai look below and out a crater of 300 meter in diameter with depth of 50meters. Beside it a large amount of undead can be seen walking around randomly about 1km away from the crater.

"Did this happen due to that explosion of magic?"said Kai with a bewildered look.

"Yes, my lord. It looks like our plan didn't work out as you said but the end result was the same.

When I sensed the intense uncontrollable Magic power I teleported all the undead within range of 500meters to a safe distance after all we have to restore them later, we can't have their body getting destroyed. I also wanted to teleport you being in the epicenter of such an intense unstable magic field. I was not able to do it. For that I am sorry my lord"as he apologized to Kai.

"You don't have to apologize. I can understand the situation you were facing and don't blame you for that but why did the explosion happen? Didn't the master say we only have to overload the armour? ''said Kai with confusion.


"Due releasing too much magic power than required in addition to that your spirit armour ability to defend against power of law in exchange for magic power cause you to release magic power at an uncontrollable rate to defend. Which causes you to release all your magic to be released at the same time causing the armament core to crack which causes the destruction of the core. If not for your spirit armour you could have died there"said Daoma with a serious voice.

"But I can't blame you for that but make sure to learn from it and control your magic power when you are using your spirit armour".

Kai nods as he looks at the below crater as they leave the evergreen field and head towards the eastern region.

This battle really squeezed out all magic power from his body and was the toughest battle he has till now. Making him know that even with a vast amount of magic power he is still not invincible.

As they head back home.

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