Revolt against the Heavens

Chapter 83: Seamless Qi Vortex Array formation

Chief Elder Suxian continued with his lesson.

"Usually, an array formation is judged according to how much Qi actually follows the right path. The Qi that doesn't is called Wandering Qi. If there is too much Wandering Qi, the array formation will be disrupted. Either no effect will be produced or they will decrease over time and disappear quickly. The ranking is as follows: if you control 90% of the Qi flow or more, your array formation is Perfect ; if you reach 95% or higher, it's Pristine ; and finally if you achieve 100%, it's Seamless. Of course, you can never reach a perfect 100%, but if you get close enough, your array formation will be considered Seamless.

In such a state, an array formation perfectly blends in the environment. Trying to destroy it would be akin to try and destroy the environment itself. It's not impossible because the array formation is obviously smaller and contains less energy. And the higher the grade of your array formation, the harder it is to destroy.

I'll go over the grades next. Earth is the lowest and needs frequent maintenance to stay attuned with the environment. It also requires an external source of Qi, most often with spirit stones. Human is the next grade. It requires a bit of Qi from the user to get started but can then be used several times and even use a bit of the energy outside to function. Heaven is a step higher. It can naturally recharge itself over time from the environment.

But there are also two levels above. They are the legendary Spirit and God levels. I only saw one 5-star Spirit array formation in my entire life. It possessed a spirit and could take decisions on its own. Such an array formation can rearrange itself to maximize its power. The one I saw only had an elementary spirit, unable to speak human language. But it was still extremely impressive. Finally, the God level is really from the myths. And according to some ancient texts, it should be able to evolve, just like human cultivators.

To finish, I'll just go over the basic tools of an array formation master. Of course, there is the compass. This tool allows you to find out the best way to set up your array formation. And it also allows you to decipher other array formations. You can also use flags. These flags will be sent to strategic places in order to guide the flow of Qi. In reality, you can use many objects as flags. But the traditional flags are pretty neutral and can be used more easily in most cases. You can also use formation plates. Such plates are metallic disks in which you can engrave an array formation. To use it, you must have a basic understanding of the engraved array formation though."

Cao Yun had learned a lot. Now he realized more clearly what an array formation master was doing. By changing small parts in his environment he had to divert the natural flow of Qi and even alter some of its properties in order to manifest mystical attributes. Hence, the array formations he had read about were just giving the general shape of the finished product. But the exact position and orientation of every part had to be deduced each time a master wanted to set up a specific array formation.

Suddenly, an idea popped inside Cao Yun's head. "Chief Elder Suxian, if an array formation is just the control of the flow of Qi, isn't circulating one's own Qi a form of array formation?"

Sun Liao was surprised and with a huge smile, Chief Elder Suxian answered. "Indeed it is. In fact array formations were deduced by using this principle. It's said that Emperor Nuwa invented our Qi cultivation system and Saint Duan Huang used it as a basis to create his theory of array formations. He just had to observe nature to put it in relation with cultivation."

Sun Liao had studied for several years before connecting the two principles. But Cao Yun had done so in a handful of lectures.

"But, then, wouldn't it be possible to form an array formation inside the body?"

"Of course it is! That's exactly what martial arts do! Even if you can't manifest your Qi, you can use mystical powers by controlling the flow of your Qi within. And when you can control it outside, then an whole new range of martial arts opens itself to you."

"But, then, we could also try to align the array formation not only with the environment but also with the individual within. Wouldn't it increase its efficiency?"

This time, Chief Elder Suxian and Sun Liao were both surprised. This was a very advanced principle but Cao Yun spoke about it as if it was obvious.

"Yes it would. Sadly, unless you aim to use your array formation for a single person, you can't adjust it perfectly to their constitution. But, for the array formation you got interested into it's possible. The Qi Vortex array formation is very temporary as it consumes the spirit stones used to form it. So, usually, only one person will use it. If you adapt the Qi Vortex to your needs, it will increase your absorption of Qi by 4 to 7%.

I think it's time for us to get down to the practical side of the craft. I want you to set up a Yellow Moon array formation."

Chief Elder Suxian pointed his finger toward an empty part of the room with some tools and flags. Cao Yun knew what this 'Yellow Moon' was. This array formation increased the weight of Qi itself, hindering any cultivator inside of it. In reality, Qi had no real weight but it increased the difficulty to move it around. It could be used to delay an opponent or even to train oneself. As Qi was more difficult to move, you needed more will to do so as fast as if the array formation didn't exist.

Cao Yun had taken his 'Twenty-Four Eight Compass'. The first thing he did was to use his 'Shen Visualization' to get a rough idea of where he should set the flags. Then, as he did for alchemy, he corrected his interpretation by using the compass.

In the end, he was able to set up the right array formation. When he put a small spirit stone in the Gate of Wind, the array formation activated and Cao Yun felt as if his Qi had become as heavy as mercury. He had to use his Yi, Zhi, Shen and even Po to control it with the same ease.

Chief Elder Suxian and Sun Liao got near the array formation and examined it.

"Disciple, what do you think its grade is?"

Sun Liao took out his own compass. It was a bit bigger, with more characters written on it and some golden linings. He walked around and did some calculations.

"Master, if I'm not mistaken, it should have barely reached the Pristine stage."

"Good. You're right! It's very faint, but it just crossed over the Pristine rank." Chief Elder Suxian turned back toward Cao Yun. "This 'Yellow Moon' is a 2-star Earth array formation, which means that you are now officially a 2-star Earth array formation master. Congratulations!"

Just like that, Cao Yun had upgraded his emblem and also his ranking on the array formation scroll. This 'Yellow Moon' had just barely made it, but it was good enough. Moreover, he had set it right under the eyes of the chief elder of the array formation pavilion. No one would contest his advancement.

"You'll get your new emblem at the reception desk. But I'd like to do something else today." Chief Elder Suxian went and picked one of his books. "I'll set up a very obscure array formation and you'll have to decipher it. Your goal is to point out the palaces and the gates as well as the effects of the array formation. And if you can, even tell me how the Qi flows within. I'll adapt the array formations to your respective levels."

Then, the rest of the day was used to decipher array formations. By doing so, Cao Yun could further enhance his 'Shen Visualization' concerning the array formations. When he got back in his room, he had a better idea of where traps could be hidden within the Coiling Silk Faction residence.


In order to further advance his cultivation, Cao Yun had decided to set up a Qi Vortex array formation. He had already started to survey the exterior yard and had found the perfect spot, a small depression in the ground forming a basin.

By setting the array formation there, he would increase its effects and gain a bit of cover. Still, he would have to ask for Huang Cixi to help him stand guard. According to the rules, as long as the array formation did not stay more than a day and did not disturb anyone, he could set it up.

Hence, he asked his servant to accompany him with all the necessary materials. With the recent distribution of resources, he had enough small spirit stones to set the Qi Vortex array formation. He could probably even use a medium spirit stone. But for now, he would just work with the small spirit stones.

Even though Huang Cixi was his servant, she still had other things to do in the day. So to compensate her, he decided to gift her small True Essence Low-Level Qi Gathering pills. At first, she refused but in the end, just like Cao Yun always did, she accepted the gift as payment.

Using his own Qi circulation as a basis, Cao Yun began to decipher the position of the flags. He wanted to align the array formation with the environment and his own cultivation as well. By doing so, the natural flow of Qi would follow his 'Cultivation of Wrath' more easily. And it would then increase his absorption speed. Given the rank of the Qi Vortex, it would not be great, but he could be faster by a day or two in opening the next meridian.

The first array formation he set up was not that good, but he quickly learned and his next attempts were Pristine. As he cultivated inside his own array formation, the Qi flowed even faster within his meridians. His Po cultivation had also increased and he could control Qi better. Everything combined made his cultivation smoother and faster.

One day, he was even able to set up a Seamless Qi Vortex array formation. As he was always using the same spot, he could improve bit by bit every day. Array formations also took time and seasons into account but a difference of a few days was not that crucial for such a low level array formation.

He did not only focus on his Qi circulation. First of all, he could not ask Huang Cixi to stay with him all day long. But, also, he needed to train his martial arts, his Qi cultivation and he also devoted some time to alchemy. He did not have to specifically train his array formation skills for now as he was working with it every day.


Finally, he was able to forge a Pure Seven Frogs Winter pill with 3% toxins. Thus, he went to Meng Jia whom he had not seen in quite some time. After greeting Zhong Ling at the reception desk, he went with his instructor in the usual room and gave him the pill.

When he took the pill in hand, Meng Jia examined it very carefully. He was able to guess how it had been formed. In fact, he even enunciated it as he was thinking. Then, he put it down.

"Great. You have achieved the level needed to reach the 3-star Earth alchemist grade." From a spatial ring, he took out several ingredients. "You should be familiar with the Recoiled Turtle Miasma pill. It's a pretty easy 3-star Earth pill to refine. In fact, it's very similar to the Seven Frogs Winter pill. You should have no problem to forge a Pure one. Once you do, you'll officially be a 3-star Earth alchemist."

And then, Cao Yun refined the pill with great ease. Meng Jia had been right. Once he had mastered the Seven Frogs Winter pill with a very low level of toxins, forging a Pure Recoiled Turtle Miasma pill was almost easy. This was one of the common pills used to take the graduation exam.

Just like that, Cao Yun had become a 3-star Earth alchemist.

"There's not much to teach you until you reach the Mortal Warrior stage. I'll make you a list of pills to refine with the level and quality you should aim for. I'll also give you a list of books to read. Some are not available to you in the library, but the alchemy pavilion can give you access with your new rank. If you have any question, feel free to come and ask me."


In the next day, Cao Yun was cultivating in his Seamless Qi Vortex array formation when he felt his Qi opening another meridian. His tenth meridian was entirely open, the Stomach Meridian. There were only two more meridians to go and he would break through to the 6th-grade Mortal stage. In fact this stage only consisted in absorbing enough Qi to fill up the Lower Dantian until it overflowed into the Extraordinary Vessels. From all the work before, especially during the 3rd-grade Mortal stage, the Lower Meridian could store more Qi and it took a lot of time to fill it up. The absorption speed was also limited by one's own body and this stage was a way to train oneself to gather Qi faster. But with his Po cultivation and his newfound knowledge of alchemy and array formations, Cao Yun could probably break through to the 7th-grade Mortal in a matter of months while some cultivator took a year or two.

In this grade, you had to use your Qi to strengthen and temper your vessels and meridians so they could resist the higher level of energy you would output later on.

Cao Yun began to read the 'Cultivation of Wrath' on these levels and discovered interesting things. According to this cultivation method, you could use the 6th-grade Mortal stage to begin a small part of the tempering process. But you could also increase the quantity of Qi you could store by using your vessels. To do so, you had to concentrate your Qi in certain points that would act just like very tiny Dantian. By doing so, you would have more Qi and you would even gain some time on the next levels. In the later stages of the Mortal realm, you had to open your acupoints and by performing this cultivation method, you would already have some experience with specific acupoints. This experience alone would increase your speed by twofold.

The Drop of Wrath had been a poisoned gift but the 'Cultivation of Wrath' was really useful. And without this Drop of Wrath from Cleansed Asura, Cao Yun would be dead.

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