Revolt against the Heavens

Chapter 74: 1-star Earth array formation master

Cao Yun explained what he understood from 'Guarding the Ten Thousand Directions' and Sun Liao listened carefully.

"It's very interesting! The way you see the Yin-Yang Alternation and the Five Transformations through your alchemy is really fascinating."

Sun Liao pondered for a bit. As a matter of fact, Cao Yun had given him some new ideas. But the most important one was to go explore within other occupations similar concepts he was working with in array formations. This new perspective on these two principles was an eye-opener for Sun Liao. Just after this session, he would run toward the library to fetch some books on these principles in alchemy and maybe even blacksmithing or other occupations.

"However, apart from the first three principles, your understanding is too shallow. These principles were made based on our world of course, but they should also adapt. An array formation master should always be able to adapt to their environment. If you arrive in a place where the stars are different, you must be able to look beyond the surface and reach the truth.

But for now, I think I can directly show you how to use a compass and help you make your first array formation. I know you just want to be able to detect them. But you must be able to use a compass to do so. It is certainly the most important tool of any array formation master. It can help you set up an array formation without spiritual senses but also detect them if you pay close enough attention to your surroundings.

I know you don't have a compass, so I got one ready for you. You can take it back with you, it's really the most basic compass, only used for training. As long as you're not above 2-star Earth, you don't really need a better compass. It's called 'Twenty-Four Mountains and Eight Rivers Compass' or simply 'Twenty-Four Eight Compass'.

A compass is usually divided into 8 sectors, themselves subdivided into 3, which gives us the Twenty-Four Mountains."

Sun Liao took a black compass the size of a medium plate and gave it to Cao Yun. Then, he went to a free space of the room and took out his own compass. It was a little bit different from the other one but Cao Yun could not really tell in which way, apart from the looks.

"I'll show you how to set up the most basic array formation that could be useful to you. Just like the Low-Level Qi Gathering Pill you've been known for, its main use is to help cultivators in gathering Qi. Its basic material is twenty flags and one spirit stone. The spirit stone will be the source of energy. Then, the array formation will be able to draw energy from the surroundings to gather it around the cultivator and help them absorb it. It's called Qi Vortex array formation."

Sun Liao took a lot care while placing the flags on the floor. Thus, Cao Yun was able to easily remember every single one of his movements.

"You see, I use my compass to determine how to best position each flag according to the room, but also themselves. There is a specific diagram to respect but the distance between the flags is not absolutely set. So even though the general shape will be the same, this will never be the exact same array formation. When you're an expert, you're able to always find the optimal setting.

That's why working with flags is easier for beginners. If you're mistaken, you can just move the flags around. The problem is also obvious. If you move the flags around, your array formation is broken. Now try and get inside."

Cao Yun obeyed while being careful not to kick any flag. When he got inside the array formation, he felt absolutely nothing. Then, Sun Liao put a small spirit stone on the ground. It shined and Cao Yun felt the air around him becoming more dense in energy. Each one of his breath now contained more energy and he could absorb it more naturally.

"If you're good enough, you can obtain at least seven times the energy contained in the spirit stone before it runs out. Then you need to replace the spirit stone to activate the array formation again.

Now, I'll set it up again while explaining the reasoning behind it. After that, you'll try to do the same. I'd advise you to focus on the first three of the Eight Directions for now, so I'll only explain them."

And so, Sun Liao began.

"This flag must be in the north-east of our array formation, it's the master flag. Array formations always have more important parts. The master flag here is the cornerstone of the entire thing. Given the formation, it should be very Yang and with Metal attribute. I'll use my compass to align with this room and find the best spot within this space. What's important is the relationship between the flags inside the array formation. Once your master flag is set, you'll use it as a reference for your compass."

He continued to explain the positioning of each of the twenty flags and then even the small spirit stone.

"Your turn. I'll consider it a success if you're able to produce twice more energy density than from the stone alone."

Cao Yun tried to follow the directions of Sun Liao. He knew the shape and the properties of every flag. So he used his compass and also tried to imagine the result with his 'Shen Visualization'. To determine the exact positions, he used his alchemy knowledge of Yin and Yang and of the five elements. Regarding the flow of Qi within the array formation, he tried to use his own meridians and vessels as reference to understand it.

Finally, the array formation was set up, his very first one. Sun Liao watched it for a while under many different angles.

"It's very neat. I imagine that you used some alchemy principles in there as well. That's really fascinating, I'll go fetch some books on it just after that. I think that three of your flags are slightly off, but the array formation works." He put his small spirit stone in and both the men who were inside the array formation felt the Qi gathering in the air around them.

"It's almost four times the energy density contained in the stone. Very good for a first try. I'll just explain to you how I figured out you were off on these flags."


Using all the advice from Sun Liao, Cao Yun altered his 'Shen Visualization' and made another Qi Vortex array formation. This time he reached six times.

"Great! You're a fast learner! Well, of course you are, given how quickly you took on alchemy. I'd say this array formation is Perfect and almost Pristine. Just a little bit and you'll get the qualification to become a 1-star Earth array formation master."

Cao Yun just wanted to detect array formations, but now he had learned how to set them up using a pre-established plan. And this Qi Vortex array formation would be very useful as his consumption speed of the spirit stones would only get higher with his Po cultivation.

"Just remember that this array formation literally sucks in the Qi from the surroundings. In this pavilion, there's an array formation to provide Qi to the rooms just in case. But if you use it in your own room, you'll be depriving other disciples of the Qi around them. So when you use it, I'd advise to do it either in the array formation pavilion during the day. Or in a remote place during the evening or the night. Mortal cultivators are not sensible enough to perceive the difference in Qi but as soon as they start cultivating, they'll see that they can't absorb as much as they should."

Indeed, only Mortal Warriors could feel the Qi in the air. Mortals could only get a sense of the Qi if it was very close to them. Cao Yun and Sun Liao were able to feel the effects of the array formation because they were trying to absorb the Qi and felt the difference. A Mortal Warrior would feel the difference just by entering the room.

"Well, we still have some time, so I'll first explain how you can use the compass to find out whether an array formation has been set up. And then you should try to set up the Qi Vortex once more. If you're qualified, I'll just call an instructor and give you the 1-star Earth badge.

You used the compass to find the best position for your master flag and then to deduce where to put the others. To find out if an array formation is being used, unless you're a Spirit Warrior with spiritual senses, you do essentially the same thing. You try to find the spots where a cornerstone of the array formation could be and then deduce the position of the rest of it. If you find strange elements where the array formation cornerstone should be and also in some positions you deduced, you know there's an array formation. In order to deduce these positions, you have to understand all the Eight Directions and know quite a bit about array formations. Usually, we try to first detect attack and illusory array formations as they're the most dangerous. But you should also learn some detection array formations.

Even though anyone can create an array formation, you still have to adhere to the principles for it to work. Then, to break an array formation, you must also use the compass. The best way is with low level array formations like the Qi Vortex. They can have one or several cornerstones. If you remove them one way or the other, the array formation crumbles. There are also cases in which you can't do that. For example, if the array formation is engraved, it can become more difficult. You can still try to engrave something else of course, but you can also use the concept of gates.

Every array formation has at least one gate. The Gate of Life is the best one to find. If you can find it using your compass, you can exit the array formation at once. Of course, it can be a problem for illusory array formations as your senses are altered.

There are other ways, but they're pretty impracticable unless you're way more advanced. I don't want to make things too complex for you just yet. I'll give you a list of manuals that should give you a great number of array formations you should know, as well as specific techniques to find out if they're being used and where are their cornerstones or gates.

But remember that every array formation master will use their own way to set up an array formation. So you should trust your compass more than the books and adapt to the environment around you."

Cao Yun tried one last time to set up the Qi Vortex array formation. And this time, he succeeded brilliantly. The array formation was Pristine, it produced energy seven times as dense as the one from the stone.

Sun Liao immediately went looking for an instructor before Cao Yun could stop him. He wasn't sure whether he wanted to expose his newfound knowledge to everyone else. As much as it could bring him many benefits, it could also attract the wrong kind of attention from the people he suspected were inside the sect.

Anyway, while pondering about it, he thought there were more pros than cons. He set up the array formation once more before an instructor and got the 1-star Earth array formation master. To pass a rank, you simply had to set up an array formation of this rank in a Pristine state. That meant that the array formation had to reach at least 95% of the effects and less than 5% of the energy loss. Since the Qi Vortex array formation was about gathering energy, it could be judged only on its effects respective to the spirit stone. And seven times was the criterion.


Before leaving, Cao Yun had an instant of hesitation because he did not want to implicate Sun Liao but he still asked him. He drew what he remembered from the formation with incense and showed it to his friend.

"Brother Sun. This formation caused me some trouble. Do you know it?"

He took the drawing and frowned deeply. "I'm not too sure. It's certainly in none of the books I've read, but I feel some familiarity with it. Every array formation master has some tells in their craft. So I may see someone's signature in it, but I'm not too sure either. What were the effects?"

"This array formation was manipulating incense to produce illusions and excitement, arousal."

"I see... I'll look into it, Brother Chen." Sun Liao took the drawing with him.

"Be careful! I can't explain everything to you, but if the person who set up this array formation, or at least created it, is who I think they are, they are very dangerous."

Sun Liao saw how serious Cao Yun was. He took out the drawing and burned it away with a candle. "I remember the pattern, so I don't need to walk around with a proof on me. I'll remember your words, Brother Chen. But I insist on helping you. Trust me, I value my life, so I'll be careful."

Once they were done talking, Cao Yun left. On his way, he thought about what Sun Liao had told him about the way to use the Qi Vortex array formation. But going alone in a remote place could also be dangerous if he was targeted. On the other hand, his spirit stones were now too quick to deplete.

He would try to find a place that was remote enough and safe enough for him to practice later. Maybe he could have Huang Cixi look as well. She could also help him stand guard during his training. In the sect, there was no real danger apart from the demonic cultivators hidden in the shadows. But he wasn't even sure there were really any within the sect. For now, it was just his hypothesis based on his deductions.

Anyway, for now he returned to his room and followed his routine, training his mind cultivation, his Qi cultivation, focusing on the Neck Star in his mind, circulating 'Locking the Seven and Stopping the Waves' and also using 'Shen Visualization to train his array formations.

The next day he would read the books suggested by his friend and memorize every single array formation in them. Then, he would use 'Shen Visualization' to deduce all likely positions of array formations within the Coiling Silk Faction residence. He still had a perfect image of the layout of the garden and of some of the buildings.

It would take a very long time, but he was waiting to be perfectly ready before trying anything. And he still wasn't confident about his stealth for now anyway.

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