Revolt against the Heavens

Chapter 585: Meeting in the Blood Abyss

Disregarding decorum completely, Sister Lisha spread her spiritual senses to contact High Mother Qin Xue. The use of one's spiritual senses was strictly monitored and regulated within the Monastery of Bliss and Repose. Even attempting to invade the chambers of the High Mother was akin to heresy and would be punished by death. However, Sister Lisha knew for a fact that such a fate would not befell her. In fact, being tardy in her informing the High Mother might result in her death instead.

High Mother Qin Xue was meditating in her private room. She had only a thin clothe around her waist. Although she was old, her body was extremely firm. There was almost no sign of old age on her skin as she regularly bathed in a pool of demonic beast blood. Her body radiated an aura of strength and vitality. As she had been meditating for several days at that point, even she was covered in sweat. The tattoos on her shaven head had spread all the way down her spine. They almost formed her own vertebrae in her back, but with strange runes that looked like they were moving around. One who would watch her back, after regaining their composure, would not notice anything strange. But each time one would take their eyes off her tattoos, the next instant, they would seem different.

Her chambers were obviously so well protected that not even Sister Lisha's soul could get inside. However, she immediately sensed that someone was attacking her defenses. It was as if someone had knocked on her door with a sledgehammer. This wasn't very polite. But High Mother Qin Xue also recognized the presence of Sister Lisha. And she knew that she wasn't stupid enough to interrupt her in such a manner unless something extremely important had happened.

Standing up, High Mother Qin Xue raised the thin clothe to her shoulders. It barely hid anything but it prevented the clothe from falling off. Then, she opened her door and sent her own spiritual senses toward Sister Lisha. When she found out she was in the chamber of the Blood Abyss, she was first worried. If something had happened, it could be a disaster. Without even thinking, she stormed through the Monastery of Bliss and Repose. She was so fast that the sisters didn't even see her, they simply felt a powerful gust of wind.

In fact, High Mother Qin Xue was so fast that she arrived before Sister Lisha could explain the situation. And when she was there, it had become pointless.

Towering over the largest pit in the underground chamber, High Mother Qin Xue was extremely excited. Her perception was even stronger than Sister Lisha's. Thus, she could tell that the Blood Abyss's purity had improved. She had been plagued with this problem for some time. Sacrificing girls was always dangerous. On one hand, it could maintain the Blood Abyss and prevent it from drying up. On the other hand, it polluted the blood of the Weaver of Souls. Thus, she had to be very careful when choosing a sacrifice. And this had also been the reason behind 'Devouring Abyssal Embrace'. Not only was it necessary to strengthen the blood of the sacrifices, but it was also vital to harmonize it with the blood of the Weaver of Souls. Unfortunately, this harmonization only worked with women. As such, she had not even tried to have Cao Yun practice it.

High Mother Qin Xue had been absolutely right. If Cao Yun had practiced their version of 'Abyssal Blood Veil Art', he would have not gone far. But their version was poor in comparison with the full art invented by the Weaver of Souls.

While all the Sisters in the chamber were kowtowing in High Mother's presence, Sister Lisha was simply bowing respectfully. The scene was extremely strange. After all, this was the most holy place within the Monastery of Bliss and Repose. And their leader was almost naked, looking into the Blood Abyss, paying no mind to anything else.

"Sister Lisha, you did well! Our efforts have paid off. Maybe it was that Mu Yun's blood that did help after all... How is your student's sister?"

"She's ready, High Mother. If you wish it, we can perform the rites and prepare her for the sacrifice."

"Of course, I wish it! There is no time to lose. We must take advantage of this surge of vitality. The holy blood essence of the Weaver of Souls is reacting. It's purifying itself. We might really witness the second coming of our god in our lifetime. Proceed as fast as you can."

"Understood, High Mother."

While High Mother Qin Xue stayed immobile, looking down in the Blood Abyss, Sister Lisha left in a hurry and gave many orders throughout the Monastery of Bliss and Repose. In less than a minute, she was already talking to her student Yinlü. She was still training with her twin sister Xixue. The moment she saw the look in her master's eyes, Yinlü understood. There was excitement but also a tinge of sadness.

Yinlü was aware that her master felt bad about sacrificing her sister. But she wanted to assure her that this wasn't an issue at all. She was completely loyal to the Sisters of the Abyss. If Sister Lisha had asked her, Yinlü would have jumped in the Blood Abyss herself.

"Master, is it time?"

"Indeed. The Blood Abyss reacted like it had never before. It might be our chance and we can't let it go. Are you ready?"

As she spoke, Sister Lisha's gaze lingered on Yinlü before shifting toward Xixue. Yinlü answered first as her sister bowed.

"Master, my sister mastered the 'Devouring Abyssal Embrace'. Her blood is perfectly harmonized with the Blood Abyss. There is no reason to hesitate. She is ready to take a step further."


"Xixi, you'll soon receive the highest honor of our Sisterhood."

Despite Yinlü's excitement, Sister Lisha could read confusion and worry in Xixue's eyes. As the days, the weeks, the months and the years had passed by, Xixue's happiness of being reunited with her sister had turned into sorrow. Yes, she had found her sister, but the link that had always existed between them had disappeared. When they were younger, it had been as if they were sharing one mind. But now, they were as strangers to each other. Most of the times, Xixue couldn't tell what her twin sister was thinking. But she was her own blood and she did love her, no matter how much she could change.

"Sister Lisha, my sister is right. I am ready. It has been weeks since I couldn't progress further in my cultivation. There is nothing more I can learn from 'Devouring Abyssal Embrace'."

Maybe, she could finally understand her sister's mind. By looking at Sister Lisha's eyes, Xixue understood that whatever was going to happen was dangerous. But she wanted to advance so she might see why her sister was so engrossed with this monastery and this sisterhood. She was ready to risk her life just to feel closer to Yinlü. Obviously, she didn't realize the true meaning in Sister Lisha's eyes. Although she didn't conceal everything when she was in Yinlü's presence, she always made sure to keep Xixue in the dark as of the truth of the ceremony.

"Good. Then, we'll go right away. There is no time to lose."

When Sister Lisha came back into the Blood Abyss chamber, High Mother Qin Xue had clothed herself. Still, she had not put on her ceremonial clothes. Instead, she had adorned a fancy robe with gold, silver and crimson red. All over it were runes painted in obsidian ink that looked like her tattoos. Sister Lisha saw that her hands and feet were also now covered with a few tattoos. She was circulating most of her blood cultivation at the moment. In Sister Lisha's eyes, it was a clear sign of her excitement.

As soon as Xixue entered the room, High Mother Qin Xue's spiritual senses were all around her. Even if she had wanted to leave, it was now impossible. Xixue's fate was sealed. But, just like Mo Yun, her fate had been sealed the moment she had entered the Monastery of Bliss and Repose. In fact, it had probably been sealed the moment she had received a message from Yinlü to meet her in the Oasis of Life. And now, she was about to fulfill her fate.

High Mother Qin Xue's eyes stayed focused on the Blood Abyss. But she examined Xixue's blood more carefully than anyone else ever could. There was no doubt that this Xixue was indeed talented. Sister Lisha had been right, she could have followed the 'Crimson Pact of Subjugation' path, but the sisterhood didn't need new members that badly. What they needed was enough blood to feed their dead god. Soon, he might finally recover and they would bask in his glory. After all her sacrifices, all her hardships, everyone she had killed to reach this place in time, High Mother Qin Xue was going to receive her just reward. Even with her cultivation, she had a hard time controlling her body from shaking.

"Come closer, Junior Sister. Admire the Blood Abyss. You should feel a connection with it."

Xixue was a bit afraid as High Mother Qin Xue had not hidden her spiritual senses at all. She felt completely naked in front of that woman, and not just physically. It was as if her very soul was laid bare in front of her. Worse than that, High Mother Qin Xue wasn't even looking at her. Even her mouth had not moved. Her words had resounded into Xixue's mind. And she felt compelled to obey. So she walked forward and looked at the Blood Abyss.

Immediately, she did feel a deep connection with the blood down below. Part of it was due to her mastering of 'Devouring Abyssal Embrace', but there was also something else, much fainter. She simply couldn't put her finger on it. After all, no one else had even noticed it, maybe because they had been too excited about the strange phenomenon.

As she was looking down the Blood Abyss, Xixue felt her body rise into the air. High Mother Qin Xue was completely controlling her, as she had controlled Cao Yun a few years ago. Xixue's body was now horizontal, facing the surface of the Blood Abyss.

"Girl, circulate your blood cultivation as much as you can. You will merge with the Blood Abyss. The experience is beyond anything you could ever imagine, so you must be prepared."

"Xixi, listen to the High Mother. I swear that you won't regret it. This is the highest honor of our Sisterhood. From this moment onward, we'll always be together."

Terrified, Xixue calmed down a bit after hearing her sister's voice. She had no choice anyway but to circulate her blood cultivation.

When it satisfied High Mother Qin Xue, all the sisters began to chant mantras in Antique Sixian Xixue knew almost nothing about. Suddenly, she felt the force supporting her disappear. In an instant, her world turned red as she fell directly into the Blood Abyss.

As soon as she touched the Blood Abyss, what had happened to Cao Yun happened to her. But unlike him, she had no way of resisting or healing. The Blood Abyss completely corroded her skin, ate through her flesh and entered her bloodstream. Soon, it also entered her bones as she was still falling deeper and deeper. She tried to move around and swim back up. She even tried to look at her sister, but everything was just red. There was no way to see what was going on in the room. And those in the room couldn't see through the Blood Abyss.

Xixue had almost no time to process what had happened to her. Was this a trial she had to go through? Was her sister aware of this? Could she survive? Was she meant to survive? Confused and disoriented, Xixue didn't even feel pain at first. Time slowed down as her mind was muddled. When she finally felt that her flesh was being corroded and that her very organs were attacked by the blood, she finally understood. They had raised her for this purpose, to feed this well of blood. Her own sister had trained her just to become a sacrifice.

The poor Xixue held on the thought that her sister could never had willingly done so. She had been kept in the dark. But if that were the case, they would have had no reason to let her see the scene. No! She had to be ignorant of the matter. Otherwise... Otherwise...

Xixue's thoughts began to drift away. She was dying. And worse than that, she had lost the will to live. For a long time, she had survived in the hopes of finding her sister. She accepted to become City Lord Sihe's pawn just for that. She had done things she wasn't proud of just for that. But when it happened, it didn't turn out as good as she had thought. And now, she didn't know what she was living for. Maybe dying here wasn't such a bad option...

As her thoughts turned darker and darker, she felt a familiar presence. While she sinking deeper and deeper, she felt Cao Yun's aura. She was one of the few who had been able to sense his real aura when he had been wounded by Xin Zhe. As such, she recognized him straight away. Then, he had been killed too in that Blood Abyss. That had been her fault. Most likely, he had come here looking for her and had died because of it. She really should just die, everyone would be better off like that.

Those last thoughts turned into pure nothingness as Xixue's brain stopped.

In the Blood Abyss, Cao Yun was rising higher and higher just as his breakthrough was settling down and his control over the Blood Abyss was getting stronger with each moment. Spreading his spiritual senses all around him, he was literally flying, not swimming. Suddenly, he felt a familiar presence too. Then, he saw a face. Xixue's body had been almost completely devoured by the Blood Abyss. Even her head was being dissolved. For an instant, he saw her face before the skin disintegrated entirely.

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