Revolt against the Heavens

Chapter 48: Eight Factions

As soon as the sun rose, a bell rang in the first-years' courtyard. A familiar voice followed right after.

"Line up in the courtyard!"

Elder Tang was standing in the center of the place, near a huge bodhi tree. With him stood a dozen of servants.

Gradually the first-years left their rooms and lined up before the elder. Cao Yun quickly saw his friends Ren Chao and Sun Liao. They had almost not seen one another since the entrance examination, but they had no time to talk.

"I hope that your first week was instructive and I'm glad to see that Chief Instructor Peng did not kill any one of you." After a small laugh, Elder Tang continued. "Even though you were officially disciples, you had not received your emblems yet. Indeed, there was a lot of paperwork to send to the capital. Despite being one of the largest sect, we're still under the jurisdiction of the Hongchen Kingdom, you know."

He made a gesture toward the servants. From two large wooden boxes, they retrieved small emblems similar to the ones the other outer disciples had. There was one noticeable difference. The number one was written on a completely black background.

"These emblems represent your status. They'll be essential to gain access to some facilities in the outer yard or the exterior yard. Do not lose them!"

The sect was divided into several yards with huge gates on the main road between them. The exterior yard was where the entrance examination had taken place and where the training grounds were. The main gate of the sect was there as well, the Shell Gate. Then, if you were to follow the main road, you reached the Heart Gate. Beyond this gate was the outer yard. As its name suggested, it was the living place of the outer disciples and many pavilions were there. On the other side of the Heidai Peak, separated by the Cinnabar Gate was the inner yard. Obviously, it was the living quarters of the inner disciples.

Inner disciples were disciples who had vowed their life to the sect. They were really separated from the outer disciples. An outer disciple could become an inner one after his five years of training though. The biggest difference was that an inner disciple could not easily leave the Wubei Sect but in exchange they had more resources. Outer disciples would rarely meet inner disciples within the sect.

Technically, instructors and elders were former inner disciples, most of the time. There were also some rare cases when the sect would ask for someone exterior to the sect, such as Xiao Xuefeng.

Finally, the Meridian Gate marked the summit of the peak, where the elders lived. On the highest point of the Heidai Peak was also the Sect Palace where resided the Sect Leader.

As the servants were handing out the emblems, Elder Tang kept talking.

"From now on, it's likely that you'll be contacted by factions. Indeed, the disciples within the Wubei Sect are organized into eight factions. I'll first explain the use of your merit points so that you understand the point of these factions.

I already told you about the ranking scrolls. Your ranking on the main scroll is given as a number of points. You're already ranked according to the points you got during the entrance examination, which means that you're all at the bottom of the ranking for now. Every month, you'll get resources based on your ranking on this main scroll but also on the other scrolls such as the fighting scroll or the pill forging scroll. These other scrolls are not based on points but on specific abilities.

You can also obtain more points by performing duties for the sect. Right now, as you can't leave the confines of the sect, you'll only be able to perform menial tasks." Elder tang stopped to think. "Well, you can also sell some products or very specific tasks. I'll let you inform yourselves with a pamphlet later.

The points do not only determine the monthly resources you're alloted but also your quota to use the facilities of the exterior yard. For example, the Yin-Yang Torture Illusion array formation that you used during the entrance examination can also be used as a way of training. But using a formation requires the use of spirit stones to power it. These resources are not free, so the time you can use each facility is limited. In order to know your quota of use, we refer to your points.

Let's keep the example of the Yin-Yang Torture Illusion array formation. Let's say you want to train there. Well, you need at least a hundred points. These hundred points will give you one hour of use during the month. Two hundred points will give you two hours of use during the month. These quotas only depend on certain levels you have to cross. To make you understand, if you have 499 points, you can use the formation four hours during the month. But if you get to 500 points, then you're in the next level and you can use it one hour and a half every week.

Every facility is different so you'll need to inform yourself. There are also specific ways to register for a spot. Once again, the Yin-Yang Torture Illusion array formation requires that you book a spot at least two days before you use it."

Elder Tang let all this information sink in as all the first-years were recalling how many points they got. Cao Yun was the highest ranked with 283 points.

"Now, let's go back to the factions. The factions receive additional points simply called faction points. They can give it as they see fit within their ranks. These points also depend on their merit for the sect but also on their number and quality of members.

You'll find that these factions give a lot of benefits. There are general rules concerning the factions, but each one can establish its own hierarchy and internal laws, as long as they don't clash with the Wubei Sect's rules. I won't tell you much about them, as they will probably try to recruit you very soon. So I'll just give you their names:

The Red Cliff Faction, the biggest, focused on fighting.

The Purple Northern Cloud Faction, almost as big and also focused on fighting.

The Hidden Orchids Faction, almost half the size of the other two, it's not focused on anything specific.

The Enshrouding Temple faction, we get into the small and more specialized factions here. It's focused on array formations.

The Dragon's Fire Faction, it's focused on alchemy.

The Lake Turtle Faction, it's focused on various arts and crafts such as blacksmithing, painting, calligraphy, and so on.

The Coiling Silk Faction, it's mostly formed of women and they focus on artistic performance.

Finally, the Heavenly Swallow Faction. It's been founded last year by a first-year just like you. It's still pretty small and does not focus on anything in particular.

Just to avoid any misunderstanding, you're free to join, or not, any faction at any given time. But be careful, some factions have conditions for you to leave. All these conditions, if they're written in their laws, have been authorized by the sect. Do not get lightly into a faction without thinking. But I must also warn you, trying to live your life without joining a faction will prove more difficult. There's strength in numbers after all. Now, before I leave, I'll give you all the informations you need on the factions and the exterior yard facilities. Read them well. Good luck!"

The servants handed out little pamphlets on these two points. Then, they all left with Elder Tang.

Cao Yun immediately read the pamphlets and memorized everything in it. By using his perfect Yi and Zhi as well as the very faint Shen, he was able to read and remember way faster than before. Many points were interesting for him about the facilities. But when he read the informations on the factions, he frowned. The conditions to leave them were all pretty intolerable. For example, to leave the Red Cliff Faction, you had to gift them 750 of your points. The only faction that wasn't making things so difficult was the Heavenly Swallow Faction. You only had to gift them 20 points.

"Brother Chen! What do you think about these factions?" Cao Yun recognized the voice immediately. It was Ren Chao's.

"Brother Ren, it's been a while since we talked." Cao Yun looked back to the pamphlet. "I don't know... Their laws seem pretty strict, especially to leave them. But on the other hand, Elder Tang is right, refusing to join a faction could be even more difficult. But do you already have an opinion?"

"Well, I don't have much choice. I'm not as impressive as you so I have very few points. After looking through it, the Lake Turtle Faction should be the obvious choice for me. It's not a big faction so the conditions won't be as hard and it's focused on my occupation."

"Same here!" Sun Liao joined in. "I'll probably join the Enshrouding Temple faction as it mainly focuses on array formations."

"And who asked your opinion, huh?!" Ren Chao and Sun Liao really had issues getting along.

"I wasn't giving it to you, you boar! I was talking to Brother Chen."

"You! What did you call me?! A boar?! Then I'll call you..." Ren Chao was desperately looking for a retort.

Before he could come up with anything, Sun Liao kept on talking. "I hesitated with the big factions but since it's focused on array formations, I will probably progress faster with them even if I maybe get less resources. What about you, Brother Chen?"

"I still don't know..."

They kept talking for a while. Cao Yun even invited them to drink some tea. Despite their quarrels, it seemed as though Ren Chao and Sun Liao were starting to hit it off.

They only left after several hours to register to the factions they had chosen.


The afternoon, Cao Yun received many visitors. The first one was an envoy of the Red Cliff Faction.

Chan Weifeng had made sure that their faction would be the first to contact him.

"Junior Brother Chen, please accept these spirit stones as a token of apology."

The man gave him ten small spirit stones.

"I can't..."

"Please, I insist! We know that some of our members have made things difficult for you. This is really sincere. Faction Leader Chan Weifeng himself is sorry about these matters. This really is just compensation, no strings attached."

As he was used to, Cao Yun always tried to decline gifts first before accepting them in the end anyway.


According to the rules he had read, he could get three small spirit stones at the end of the month. There was one for everyone and then one more for every hundred points and he had 283 points. So this gift was equal to more than two months of resources.

"Joining the Red Cliff Faction would be very beneficial for Brother Chen. Our faction emphasizes fighting ability and we have many experts with much experience. We know all the best facilities and how to use them."

"I read your conditions, and I must admit that you're impressive, but..."

"Brother Chen, for you, we could propose a different offer. Our members must pledge 30% of their resources to the faction. For you, we could go down to 25%. And remember, as much as you give away your resources, the faction can also give more. If you're talented and useful to the faction, you can even get way more than you give."

The factions were able to function thanks to the resources given by the sect but most of all, thanks to the fee from their members. Then, the leader could dispatch this wealth as they saw fit to encourage people working for the faction. Some rare members received more than they gave, but the others mostly were repaid by the influence of the faction. In a faction, it was easier to work within the sect. You had better information and you formed connections. Many disciples served in different facilities after all.

For example, many helpers in the alchemy pavilion were members of the Dragon's Fire Faction. And within the martial art pavilion, there was a lot of members from the Red Cliff Faction and the Purple Northern Cloud Faction.

"I'll think about it, Senior Brother. Please, help me relay a message to Faction Leader Chan."

"Of course."

"I don't deem the Red Cliff Faction responsible for what happened. There's no reason to have any bad blood between us."

"Thank you, Brother Chen. Your openness will be appreciated."

Cao Yun was sincerely unsure. On one hand the conditions of the Red Cliff Faction were pretty harsh, even though he had to admit the benefits were probably worth it. On the other hand, he would have to do many works for them in order to receive the resources that he had originally received for his own merit in the sect. These points would be his anyway, but he would have to work twice just to get them. However, until he made up his mind, he would not outright refuse any offer.

He had to remember his goal! This Wubei Sect was chosen as a means to an end. The most important thing for him was to find the best way to become stronger faster. Was joining a faction really such a good idea to advance quickly?


After the Red Cliff Faction, the Purple Northern Cloud Faction also sent an envoy. He gave almost the same speech, but a slightly better condition, 23%.

Then, an envoy of the Dragon's Fire Faction came in. Cao Yun was rather surprised by this visit as he wasn't an alchemist.

"Brother Chen, I heard of you by Sister Mei."

"Oh? So Mei Hua already joined your faction?"

"Indeed, she's a real talent, even compared with the older disciples. And we talked about you. I know that you're a novice but if you were able to impress Elder Xiao, it means you have a lot of potential. I imagine the Red Cliff and Purple Northern Cloud Factions already tried to recruit you."

"Yes, but I did not make my choice yet."

"Of course, Brother Chen has so many options. It's not surprising that you have a hard time deciding. I'm sorry to plague you with yet another choice, but my faction is interested in seeing you progress in your alchemy."

Cao Yun did not decline outright. However, he really was not interested in making alchemy his main activity.


Finally, later in the afternoon, a young woman knocked on his door, Zhi Yin herself. She was the founder of the Heavenly Swallow Faction, and the woman he had fought at the end of the entrance examination.

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