Revolt against the Heavens

Chapter 1: The fateful night

In the courtyard of the Cao family estate, two young boys were fighting on a ring before the eyes of the main members of the family.

One of them was Cao Yun, a 15-year-old boy, with silky long black hair. He was not especially muscular in his azure robe, yet he still exuded an aura of strength. He was fighting another member of his family, a much more muscular 16-year-old boy with very similar hair and fiery eyes. Their fight was very impressive. Each one was at turn launching a strike and at turn parrying an assault. Every time their fists and limbs collided, shock waves were sent around them, blasting away some dust.

Watching them was Cao Beiwen, the patriarch of the family, a very old man with white hair and beard. He was sitting on a platform, a little higher than everyone else. He had celebrated his 213th birthday a few days ago and this fight was the last round of a tournament held at this occasion. Cao Beiwen was a 6th-grade Spirit Warrior.

The two boys were only 3rd-grade Mortals.

In this world, sentient beings could cultivate immortality by cultivating their life energy, the Qi. The main system of cultivation consisted of 9 ranks, each one subdivided in 9 grades. The first three ranks were Mortals, Mortal Warrior and Spirit Warrior. A Spirit Warrior could manifest his Qi outside of his body, allowing for fantastical martial arts. But Mortals could still perform impressive feats, and the two boys fighting on the ring were living proof of this statement.

Cao Yun was a year younger than his opponent, but he had already fought and won against fighters older than him. One time, he even was able to strike a draw with a 4th-grade Mortal, a fighter one grade above him. It impressed everyone, including his great-grandfather, the patriarch Cao Beiwen.

Cao Yun breathed in and relaxed. He was ready to launch a final strike, too tired to fight any longer. His opponent did not fare any better and understood him. He too relaxed and got ready for the final assault.

In the audience, a middle-aged woman with light hair had a tinge of anxiety in the eyes while staring at the ring. She was Cao Shui, the mother of Cao Yun. She knew her son wanted to impress everyone here, especially the patriarch. For he wanted to help his father strengthen his position in the family. She was worried because she knew he would go to his limits and beyond and was afraid he could hurt himself. She knew how hard he trained himself. Of course she was very proud of him, but she could not quiet down her worries.

Cao Yun pounced like a wild tiger toward his opponent. He punched with his left arm. The punch was blocked and his arm caught. Cao Yun followed with a kick right in the knee of his target who lost balance. His right arm was then free to break the hold on his left one. With both arms freed, he punched at the same time to the head and the torso. His opponent stopped the punch to his head but was hit in the ribs. When he finally tried to retaliate, Cao Yun used his other leg and swept him off his feet before striking him with his heel coming like a hammer from above.

Cao Yun had just won and he collapsed, sitting on the ground with a heavy breath.

As soon as his victory was announced, Cao Shui appeared at his side as if by magic. She placed her palms on his back. Cao Yun felt a warm sensation spreading from his mother's hands toward his entire body. A surge of Qi alleviated his fatigue in a matter of seconds. His mother was a 5th-grade Mortal Warrior, impressive cultivation for someone who married in the Cao family with no background whatsoever.

The hearty laugh of Cao Beiwen could be heard in the whole courtyard.

"Good! Very good! With this kind of fighters, the future of our Cao family is assured. In a matter of years, the young ones won't even need me. Ha! Ha! Ha! Good!"

Upon these words, drums were heard and a banquet was put together for every one to enjoy.

Many members of the family came to congratulate Cao Yun. His cultivation was pretty good for his age, but what was really impressive was his fighting abilities. He could battle people with better cultivation, better physique, and even slightly older and more experienced fighters.

His father, Cao Guang was also a very popular man in the family. He was 45 and yet had reached the 7th-grade of Mortal Warrior. He was very close to becoming a Spirit Warrior. The patriarch was slow when he was young and only managed this breakthrough when he was at least 90, twice as old as this grandson of his. Cao Guang was not present at this event, precisely because he was attempting to breakthrough from the 7th-grade Mortal Warrior directly to 1st-grade Spirit Warrior.

As a matter of fact, the last three levels of Mortal Warrior had to be broken through successively to achieve the Spirit Warrior rank. That was one of the most difficult Tribulation in the early ranks of cultivation. It could take months of isolated practice and meditation. And even for the birthday of the patriarch nobody dared to disturb him in this crucial phase.

Cao Yun finally freed himself from all the young members of the family and walked toward a very young girl. She seemed shy and intimidated by all these persons. But when she looked up and saw this familiar face, her smile got bright.

"Older brother, do you think that father will be successful this time?"

"Little Huiying, do not worry. I heard him talk with mother. Even if he failed last time, he gained a lot of insights and grand-father even guided him.

I'm sure he will soon get out with good news."

"What are you both doing?!"

A young man in his twenties spoke to the brother and sister. He really looked like Cao Yun but with a burly physique. Even though it was a festive occasion, he was still wearing an armor, with the symbol of the Cao family.

"Big Brother Sheng, I am tired of all this attention, and little Huiying does not like to be in a crowd, let alone such an enthusiastic one."

"Come one! You both need to enjoy this moment. I swear you will both remember it fondly. Little Yun, you could even strike it up with a lady."

Cao Huiying blushed when hearing her older brother who was blinking very suggestively.

"And you, little Huiying, you need to get out and speak with people. Everyone here is friendly enough. I know it's hard for you, but I'm sure you won't regret it. Please, listen to your big brother and enjoy yourself."

Cao Huiying was still very shy, but she felt the warmth of this hearty older brother of hers.


She finally stood up, but still she only stayed close to her brother Cao Yun.

After some hours, the patriarch finally made a speech. Everyone was listening carefully.

"Our Cao family is still young in this land, but with the young generation that we have, we are blessed with a bright future. I know the last years were difficult for you all, and I do not want to remind you of bad news at such a joyous event. But when these events come to your mind, remember the children you saw today! They will bring us to a new day. The Cao will thrive again, and we'll be even more prosperous than before!"

A loud round of applause erupted with joyous cheers.

But suddenly, the loving face of Cao Beiwen darkened. He sent telepathic messages to the elders of the family who were present and the captain of the guards. Without hesitation, he leapt into the air and flew many meters above the estate. He had sensed a very potent killing intent and knew a disaster was coming. Upon his instructions, without a second delay, the guards gathered and protected the family members, especially the young ones.

Cao Yun understood at once and saw his mother and older brother taking arms. He was holding the little Huiying who went from a happy smile to shaking from fear. The array formations protecting the estate were activated. These were some circuits using the Qi of nature to perform magical feats to defend the family. The light from the arrays engulfed the entire courtyard and a barrier of light cut it from the outside world.

Just before the barrier closed itself, a blade flew toward the patriarch. He saw it at the last moment and was able to repel it. The fight had begun.

Several figures clad entirely in black assaulted the barrier. It was pretty late in the evening and although light emanated from the barrier, it was difficult to make out their faces. The Cao family lived pretty far from the nearest city, so no one could witness what was transpiring here.

Cao Sheng went to Cao Yun and Cao Huiying.

"Go hide inside!"

Cao Yun was about to say something.

"I'm not kidding! This blade should be from a Spirit Warrior. You have no place here! Obey me!"

Cao Sheng's face was usually very kind, and he was ready to laugh at any moment. But in this instant, he was all serious. Cao Yun was proud but not stupid, even though he was a big deal in his generation, he was useless in a fight of this magnitude. He took his little sister and ran inside, as did many young members of the Cao family.

From the inside, he heard the soldiers preparing for battle. They all knew the array formations would not hold forever. And indeed, it took at least 40 minutes, but the barrier was breached.

A breath of fire was sent toward the main courtyard. Cao Beiwen stopped it with a single gesture. The flames literally froze.

The ice then exploded and was sent against the invaders. The weaker ones were pierced through and died. A figure flew toward the patriarch and began the fight. Only a 3rd-grade Spirit Warrior or higher could fly. He was able to keep his ground against Cao Beiwen which meant he should be a 6th-grade Spirit Warrior.

But his weapon was strange. It was a curved sword with a dark red blade. It seemed like it was covered in fresh blood who would never dry. If a weaker cultivator watched it for too long, they would hear the cries and lamentations of the people murdered by this blade.

On the ground, the fight was as intense as in the air. Alas, the Cao family was outnumbered and outmatched. The invaders knew the strength of their prey. And they prepared adequately.

A small group of them went toward a side wing. It was the isolation pavilion, where Cao Guang was meditating to breakthrough into becoming a Spirit Warrior. Seeing this, Cao Shui sliced many invaders on her way and moved as fast as the wind to stop them. She put her body between them and her husband.

The fight kept on going for almost an hour. The Cao family was taking serious damage but they kept on fighting and killing the enemy. Even if they were to fail, they would kill as many of them as they could. And they were not ready to accept a failure yet.

Cao Shui was bleeding profusely, and before her, tens of corpses were amassed. She seemed very soft when in reality she was a tigress ready to protect the family she was accepted in. Alas, due to her fatigue, an invader was able to enter the isolation wing. Cao Shui was terrified. During his attempt of a breakthrough, she knew her husband was powerless to protect himself. She tried to run in, but was attacked in the back and had to defend herself. As she feared for the worst, the pavilion exploded from the inside and the corpse of the invader flew in the air. When he touched the ground, there was nothing left of him.

An unkempt man came out of the pavilion.

"Dear, were you successful?"

The man answered.

"Just barely... Now, let's tidy up this mess."

He looked at the invaders attacking his wife. They saw a monster in his eyes and the fear engulfed them. One of them even died on the spot, his heart just stopped beating. In a flash, Cao Guang appeared beside his wife and with a punch, turned all these men into a mist of blood. The power of a Spirit Warrior was way beyond what a Mortal Warrior could endure.

He joined the battle with his wife and they almost turned the tide. But alas, a huge thunder struck down from the heavens and the lifeless body of Cao Beiwen collapsed on the floor. His opponent then came down from the sky and plunged his blade in his heart, just to be sure. An ethereal soul tried to leave his head and the invader caught it in his hand and burned it to ashes.

Seeing the patriarch dead, and even his embryo soul burnt, the fighting members of the Cao family were horrified. Let alone the death of the patriarch, the most powerful man of the family, they knew that this invader, a 6th-level Spirit Warrior, was going to join the battle.

At this moment, all hope was lost.

They instinctively went around the building in which the young ones had hidden themselves. Cao Shui and Cao Guang were leading the final battle.

Inside, Cao Yun was holding his little sister very tight. No one was above 16 in this building and every one was afraid. They were hearing the battle raging for more than an hour now. When they heard the thunder striking, they knew something terrible must have happened, for no one in their family used thunder in battle.

Cao Sheng went toward his parents on the battlefield. He was now the chief of the guards because the former one had just died.

"Go inside and help the young ones to flee, we'll hold them as long as we can!"

They both hesitated.

"What's with you all today?! Listen to me! Do not hesitate and obey! Save as many as you can!"

They nodded and rushed in the building. They were the last two more powerful fighters. Without them, there was no chance at all, but even with them they could only last for some minutes. The last guards activated the final array formation, it sent a powerful killing intent toward the enemies. Some of them even fainted, and it blocked the Spirit Warrior for a bit.

Cao Guang and Cao Shui used this chance to take the children with them. They fled toward the mountains, but they were rapidly chased. Cao Sheng fought until the end, with the utmost of bravery, but fell to the Spirit Warrior who cut off his head with the bloody blade. The Spirit Warrior then chased the couple and the children.

Cao Guang sensed him just as he was stabbing him with his blade. He had no time to react and saw the bloody tip of the sword coming out of his chest. Cao Shui attacked toward the Spirit Warrior, but he barely flung his sleeve and all her energy dissipated in mid-air. Cao Guang took a hold of the sword and with his bare hands broke its tip which he threw toward its owner. Taken by surprise, thinking no one could break his weapon, the blade sliced his face. He let go of the hilt and drew back a little.

Cao Guang sent a telepathic message to his son. He had just broken through the Spirit Warrior rank, and could now barely manage this kind of telepathy.

"Leave with your sister. Protect her! Live! Your mother and I love you! Do not throw away your life. Live!"

Cao Yun had stopped running when he had seen his parents attacked. He heard his father and then saw the eyes of his parents, they were begging him to keep on living without them. Reluctant to leave them to die, he knew he had no power to help them. He had gone from proud genius of the family to powerless nobody. He hugged his sister even stronger and used all his strength to run.

He heard two bodies hitting the ground. He knew. His parents were both dead.

Several men in black chased the children. Of course, they caught them and slaughtered everyone.

Cao Yun was the fastest of them all and was able to flee deep in the mountains. But it was useless. The same Spirit Warrior with a bloody scar on his face stood before him and his sister. Cao Yun could not even move when the man took his little sister from his arms. The man flung his fingers and a deep cut appeared across Cao Yun's torso.

Huiying was screaming and crying with every thing she had in her as she saw her brother, the last member of her family being killed. In a last moment, Cao Yun tried to touch his sister, held captive by the Spirit Warrior, but an invisible force sent him flying backwards.

He fell into a ravine in the mountains as he heard the cries of his sister dying down in the distance.

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