Reverend Rizzsanity


Lo Jik lets the evening sun’s deep orange shade taint his features. Autumn’s wind gently ruffles his brown hair. It’s been three years since Lo Jik awoke here, and he’s changed a lot—mostly his body. The Tough Bones, Thick Skin, and Pink Muscles Gu thoroughly shifted his frame to the bulky side. His skin used to sit on his muscles, and his face looked quite sharp and chiseled. However, his features have some fat now. He didn’t look like a medical student’s study subject whenever he moved his body, causing several muscle groups to contract and flex.

He is also taller. Almost as tall as he was in the previous world. He’s currently 180 centimeters tall.

Lo Jik quietly sits on the peak of the stone tower hosting him, another Bai Clan Elder and a few Gu Masters of their clans sent by their Leaders for negotiations.

The negotiations?

The Bai Clan wanted a three-way tournament. Lo Jik agreed without issues.

The winner takes all the reparations.

Of course, he handed the Xiong Clan Leader a secret letter Gu from Gu Yue Bo. As if understanding something, Xiong Clan Leader did the same. Now Lo Jik must return the letter to Gu Yue Bo.

The ‘negotiations’ are just a way for the Clan Leaders to contact each other. Diplomats like Lo Jik are the risk bearers for conveying such messages. Ordinarily, there wouldn’t be any issues. But these are extraordinary times. The messages are exchanged.


Lo Jik must depart and return safely, expecting Bai or Xiong Clan’s attack. The Elders are the targets. The three clans want to weaken the other. So, they will ignore ordinary Gu Masters and aim for the Elders.


Lo Jik narrows his eyes as a white specter stands out amongst the thicket near a cliff. The Xiong Clan is situated on the mountain base, using several rock structures and a fort to protect against the Wild Beasts.

So, Xiong Clan’s terrain keeps them safe from one side through several cliffs.

The specter directs her almost glowing crystal blue eyes in his direction. Her lone arm waves at him before beckoning him.

‘What is she doing here?’

Lo Jik looks around.

The evening sun lowers further, casting shadows of other towers onto Lo Jik as he inspects his surroundings before spurning his Feathered Boots Gu. Without anyone’s knowledge, Lo Jik ‘jogs’ in the air as palm-sized white wings glow from his heels.

He lands on the cliff with a soft tap before quietly staring at Bai Ning Bing.

“I heard you were the diplomat from the Gu Yue Clan and came rushing,” She grins. “We meet again, Gu Yue Lo Jik.”

“I heard about your arm,” he glances at her right stump.

She smirks. “I heard about your wife.”

The duo grows silent until Bai Ning Bing shakes her head. “I want to know something. I believe you already know it. So, tell me. The meaning of my existence.”

“A philosophical conversation?” Lo Jik quirks. “I know I told you to read more. But that’s slightly much.”

She snorts, promptly sitting cross-legged on the ground while retrieving her Gourd. She drinks spring water as Lo Jik observes the water, releasing the crisp noise of turning into crystalline. Bai Ning Bing exhales loudly as her breath condenses into frosty snowflakes.

Lo Jik’s eyes twitch as he comments, “So, you have the Northern Dark Ice Soul Physique.”

“Oh, you could tell?” Bai Ning Bing snickers as her right stump grows at a pace visible to the naked eye. The stump grows as crystal ice before taking the form of her skin, bones, and flesh. “I wanted to surprise you. Huff! I’ve been cutting my right arm for days since my cultivation began to increase. Do you know how entertaining a fight with Myriad Wolf with one arm is?”

“Clearly not enough since you’re alive,” Lo Jik smirks.

“Hah!” Bai Ning Bing snorts. “That was the old me! I’ve faced death. Although it doesn’t scare me, I’m still lost about the meaning of existence. Why do I cling to life? What purpose am I here to serve? I thought battles would help me understand that. But it didn’t.”

“Well, you always struck me as the chatty one,” Lo Jik shrugs as he sits down. “But why did you come here? How does your existential crisis affect me?”

“Because your answer might help me understand if I should fight against my fate,” Bai Ning Bing appears solemn. She reveals a Gu in her palm. It’s a solid grey-white cube.

“Do you know what this Gu is?”

“Stone Aperture Gu,” Lo Jik replies.

“Then you must understand what my intentions are.”

Unfortunately, Lo Jik does.

Although originating from myths, the Legends of Ren Zu hints at the reality of Gu Cultivation. Ren Zu had ten children. One of these was the Nothern Dark Ice Soul. However, Ren Zu’s children led a short and depressing life. It hints at the demise of every Extreme Physique!

Extreme Physique is too heaven-defying! It’s a provocation to the just Heaven. So, such talents are born with a limited lifespan. As a Gu Master cultivates, their advancement speed slows down. The Extreme Physique has opposite properties. As the Gu Master progresses, their cultivation speed will increase until their strained aperture cannot handle the load and explode! Moments before their demise, a Gu Master with an Extreme Aperture will display its monstrous might, sweeping any enemy ahead!

Bai Ning Bing is on such a path.

No wonder she was obsessed with life and death. She must have been young when she realized her fate and felt a need to live the best life possible before dying. However, it turned into an obsession that blinded her to the fear of death.

Although that fear is removed, the meaning of life eludes her.

She is like a lost animal, unable to return home.

On the other hand, the Stone Aperture is a Rank 3 Gu used by desperate Gu Masters who have no other method to progress their cultivation. This Gu squeezes all the potential out of the Aperture, turning its wall grey stone, and increases the Gu Master’s cultivation to their corresponding Rank’s peak. Bai Ning Bing wants to delay her inevitable death by turning her Extreme Aperture into the Stone Aperture.

Lo Jik narrows his eyes as he realizes something.

“So, you weren’t just crazy to use Rank 2 Gu back then. Did you do something to your Aperture?”

Bai Ning Bing shrugs. “I used the Undying Grass Gu to revert my Cultivation to Rank 2 Peak Stage. However, the Extreme Physique adapts. Although the Undying Grass Gu will heal me, it won’t drop my cultivation again.”

Undying Grass Gu is a Rank 3 expendable Gu that prolongs life until other healing methods are used to preserve the Gu Master’s life. There are several instances where a Gu Master dies before being fully healed. However, this life-preserving trump card costs a Gu Master a Major realm of their cultivation! Mo Chen revealed he secretly used this Gu to live through his injuries!

Lo Jik sighs deeply.

“I don’t know what to tell you, Bai Ning Bing.”

“Purpose of life,” she kindly repeats.

“I heard you the first time,” Lo Jik deadpans before smirking. “You’re mixing up goals with reasons to live. Tell me, do you need a reason to win?”

“No!” Bai Ning Bing responds sharply. “I want to win at everything!”

“But what does it matter?” Lo Jik questions. “Whether you win or lose, who cares? Why don’t you need a reason for such a meager concept but desire a cause for your existence?”

Bai Ning Bing grows silent. She opens her mouth to say something before remaining quiet. Her expression turns uncertain. The next second, she looks enlightened. This cycle continues for a few minutes. Lo Jik observes her. Reason dictates he should take this chance to kill her. But her life and death do not matter.

Lo Jik died twice. He still doesn’t understand the meaning of his existence.

Maybe it’s to sleep with the baddest Gu Masters to exist.

Perhaps to cuck the strongest.

Or reach the peak?

“You see,” Lo Jik's voice echoes despite the howling wind. Trees and bushes rustle while the sun descends, allowing a dusky sky to reign in Heaven.

Bai Ning Bing’s eyes widen as she watches in mysterious mesmerization. His robes and hair sway to his left while his smile broadens.

“Life is just a ride that ends with death. I know it will end. So? Why cut it short? I will enjoy the sights and see where it leads me.”

Bai Ning Bing’s lips open. Her core shudders, and she lets out a trembling breath.

“You’re worried about your Aperture, but millions die daily! Do they have an Extreme Physique? How you live your life is upto you. What path your experiences take depends on you, Bai Ning Bing. I can’t enjoy your ride, and you can’t do the same for me.”

Lo Jik tilts his head, using his Eye Gu to glance if others already noticed his departure. However, an accidental glance at the dusky sky makes him shudder. He hurriedly looks down while turning to Bai Ning Bing.


He avoids the Ice Blade. Unlike before, this Ice Blade is 2 meters long as a frosty air swirls around it! This is the power of the Northern Dark Ice Soul Physique. This Extreme Physique can enhance the use of Ice and Water-Type Gu by a level! Bai Ning Bing can use Rank 2 Gu to decimate Rank 3 Gu Masters. A step forward, she can use Rank 4 Gu to contend and defeat Rank 5 Gu Masters. However, she may not live to see the day!


Bai Ning Bing laughs loudly. “I get it! I get it!”

She cheers while hacking at Lo Jik. He avoids all her attacks, promptly activating the Battle Instinct Gu.

He had an idea when he saw Bai Ning Bing. Lo Jik almost tossed that idea when he knew about her physique. However, her hopeful expression lets Lo Jik think of something. So he doesn’t run away.

“I want to enjoy my ride. You’re right! Everyone dies. What makes my Extreme Aperture so unique? It’s not the death. It’s every other benefit! I know.”

Tens of Icicles bigger and sharper than before form in the air before shooting at Lo Jik as he punches them down, crushing them with minimal scratches!

His body is already refined by Rank 3 Gu.

Bai Ning Bing’s crystalline pupils glow.

“I will survive and use all my talents!” she licks her lips. “Thank you, Lo Jik.”

“You have a funny way of showing gratitude,” Lo Jik grins.

“That’s the only way I know,” she retorts and straightens her back. “Also, I want to experience the benefits of my Aperture before I temporarily seal it with Stone Aperture.”

She swipes her left hand across her chipped katana. Cold wind blows around her as the ice blade returns to its former sharpness.

“Good for you,” Lo Jik laughs. “I’ll gladly accompany you for a few hours before leaving.”

“You’re leaving?” Bai Ning Bing snaps. “Why?”

Lo Jik gives a crooked grin. He wants a partner since the wilds are unforgiving. His bait is immaculate as he tosses a reason that resonates with the depths of Bai Ning Bing’s being.

“I’m bored, Bing,” Lo Jik tilts his head. “And I have nothing in Qing Mao Mountain.”

She clenches her sword, frowning, “I promised Clan Leader to deal with the competition. He doesn’t know about my physique. But I’ll be free later.”

“Pfft—HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” Lo Jik holds his stomach and laughs loudly.

“Who the fuck invited you, Bitch!” He smacks his thighs as red litters Bai Ning Bing’s frosty features before she snarls out of embarrassment. “Fuck off! Nobody’s coming with you! DIE!”

“They’re here!”

“Bai Ning Bing? She is attacking Lo Jik?”

“It’s our chance! Attack and kill them both!”

Five Gu Masters surround the duo. However, Lo Jik and Bai Ning Bing rush each other. A blood-red mist appears around Lo Jik. He inhales it as the red smoke works his body’s activity and adrenaline by another notch—The Blood Rousing Incense Gu!

Surprising Bai Ning Bing, blood seeps from his pores before hardening into strange gauntlets that cover his hands and forearm. There are even different sections of his fingers to let them effortlessly clench and unfurl!

The Blood Jade Change! Offense and Defense!

*Ting* *Ting*

Lo Jik shatters her Ice Blade in two swift jabs before dropping and sweeping at her legs. She scoffs, jumping and creating two Icicles under her feet to move out of the way as a few stabs into Lo Jik’s back, only for him to snort and roll forward.


A Xiong Elder suddenly inflates, transforming into a massive bear the size of an Elephant.

“No, you!” Lo Jik laughs as he avoids the palm strike!


A phantom of a black bear erupts behind the Xiong Elder. His attack turns faster and fiercer as the Bear Phantom follows the attack pattern, silently roaring.

His fist knocks into the bear’s forehead. Lo Jik uses his small size as an advantage. Such a creature killed him once. However, he readily makes the Xiong Elder dizzy.

Lo Jik grins as he suddenly rolls and kicks his heel. His boot tears apart as a cold Moonblade blinds the Bear.

The Bear howls in pain as Lo Jik turns his attention to Bai Ning Bing. A sphere of water vapor keeps one Elder’s Jade Pin Gu at bay while she darts around, avoiding the other three elders’ melee.

Feeling Lo Jik’s stare, she grins proudly, shouting. “Do you see this? I’m more valued than you!”

“Crazy fucker,” Lo Jik smirks.

Already crazy and unable to see, the Xiong Elder transformed into the Bear begins thrashing. At this moment, one of the gauntlets turns liquid and enters his skin.

Others already took the attention of Lo Jik at Bai Ning Bing’s words.

Shocked at their comrade’s state, one of the Elders rushed forward.

“Stay your hand!” Xiong Li roars. He recently advanced to Rank 3 through other Clansmen’s help.

His body inflates and turns muscular once he uses the Rank 3 Strongman Gu!

“As if,” Lo Jik flicks his hand as a golden Moonblade shoots out from his palm. It’s the Rank 3 Golden Moon Gu! Its attack power is a notch higher than Moonglow as it cuts open the cliffside, causing the Bear Transformed Elder to fall off.

“No!” Xiong Li roars!

Not all Gu Battles are about brawns. Why wouldn’t Lo Jik use his terrains?

Blood Gauntlet covers his free hand as he takes his usual boxing stance.


He gently flicks his ankle as Xiong Li’s expression changes. He hurriedly steps back and avoids the Golden Moonblade by rolling to the side.

“Fight fairly!” Xiong Li growls, cutting a pathetic figure.

Lo Jik snorts and doesn’t say a thing. Xiong Li isn’t worth the effort for his verbal persuasions. The other four Elders are stunned beyond belief as Bai Ning Bing alone countered them. However, the death of one Elder changed things for the worse.

And worst of all, Bai Ning Bing isn’t going all out.

“Too noisy!”

She suddenly snorts.

Bai Ning Bing stands on one leg with her other folded like a martial arts stance. She holds her Ice Blade horizontally before her body starts rotating on the spot.


The fierce wind swirls around her as white-colored frost gales cover her in a few breaths. Others’ expressions change. Even Lo Jik’s gaze turns serious.


Other Elders curse in their hearts. The Clan Leader sent them to silently assassinate Lo Jik. Who knew there would also be Bai Ning Bing?

Her actions and Lo Jik cutting off a small cliff must have already alerted others.


The leading Elder isn’t stupid. They have a chance to retreat now. But if they are found here, the Bai and Gu Yue Clan will definitely band together later!

Xiong Li retreats unwillingly before the wind quickens. However, Bai Ning Bing doesn’t stop.

Trees begin to uproot and fly toward the tornado before being cut open and splintering into thousands of parts! Dust, dirt, rock, flowers, leaves—Everything.

The fierce tornado begins moving in Lo Jik’s direction. His body suddenly flies into the tornado.

A sick fate awaits him—

Feathered Boots Gu!

Lo Jik kicks the air with all his strength. His body shoots into the air before fiercer wind seizes his momentum, dragging him into the tornado. The Rank 3 Bamboo Armor Gu forms around him. Lo Jik creates a transparent red protective shade around his eyes before diving into the tornado! Blood-red Jade covers his feet in a thick exoskeleton as he enters the eye of the storm. His body rotates while falling.

His heel smashes into Bai Ning Bing’s head.


A sick, bone-crushing noise echoes as Lo Jik caves Bai Ning Bing’s skull in.

He hopes she doesn’t die.

But if she does—

She will live in his memories.

The gale disappears as Bai Ning Bing’s corpse collapses on the ground. Half her head is smashed in. Just when others will believe Bai Ning Bing is dead—

Bai Ning Bing suddenly looks up with inflated cheeks. It’s a frightening sight!

She opens her mouth, revealing the Rank 3 Blue Bird Ice Coffin Gu—


Lo Jik coldly plants his foot atop Bai Ning Bing, burying her face into the ground as a strange blood-red armor covers the bamboo armor.

{A/N: Imagine the Master Chief’s Armor.}

Bai Ning Bing’s head explodes as icy mist coats and swirls around the duo.


The beautiful blue ice cracks apart as Bai Ning Bing’s head is healed—a heaven-defying physique!

“Fuck!” she spits grass from her mouth, glaring at Lo Jik as he revoked his armor. The Blood Change Gu is injured, and the Bamboo Armor is no better.

Lo Jik sharply exhales as vapors collect in his breath.

“Your move was easy to counter with my set,” Lo Jik shrugs. “It was fun. But we won’t be doing it again.”

One must realize that Lo Jik almost expended his two Apertures for the reckless performance. However, he also had the backup from the Lotus Gu.

Bai Ning Bing’s expression changes as Lo Jik continues softly. He speaks something that makes her sink in contemplation.


‘Fuck, fuck, fuck, FUCK!’

Lo Jik isn’t readily rattled—but he is.

He saw it!

He saw ten thousand cranes hiding in the clouds!

The clouds cannot stop his see-through vision.

‘I also noticed the frame of a Gu Master. Who is he? Why is he ‘perched’ near Qing Mao Mountain? I’ve seen the sky through my Eye Gu before out of curiosity. However, there was no Crane Tide! It only appeared now, after the…’

The Tie Father-Daughter Duo.

Is the Crane Tide an enemy or a friend?

Lo Jik may adopt risks against Bai Ning Bing. But a Crane Tide with a Myriad Crane King?


‘Mo Chen gifted me the Bamboo Armor, Golden Moon, and an Undying Grass Gu. He also gave me 50000 stones. There are several Rank 3 Gu in his warehouse. However, I can’t take them all. But I can try and take the Primeval Stones!’

He ignores his Clansmen in the Xiong Clan. Lo Jik has a legitimate reason to escape—Xiong Clan’s assassination attempt. He wants to return to the clan, take what he can, and get the fuck out!

Bai Ning Bing’s companionship be damned!

If she agrees, they will meet up. If not—whatever. Lo Jik only wants to increase his survival by partnering with someone reasonable. Yes, Bai Ning Bing is more rational compared to Fang Yuan. Others may not leave with him but report him to the Clan Leader.


Fang Yuan meditates in his room. He opens his eyes.

‘Lo Jik returned. Although almost assassinated, it’s the face of politics. Like before, the Bai Clan suggested a three-way competition two days later. Tomorrow is the preliminary competition to determine the qualifications. Anyone under the age of 30 years can participate. That’s the best time to leave the village!’

He briefly thinks before willing a purple fea Gu in his palm. His gaze turns brilliant.

The Light-Silver Essence in Fang Yuan’s aperture drops by 35% as the Purple Gu explodes into a purple fog!

The smoke converges and returns to nothingness.

Fang Yuan narrows his eyes. Realizing something and feeling the Lotus Gu through their connection, he grabs ahead.

The Lotus becomes material and falls in Fang Yuan’s hand.

The Rank 3 Heavenly Essence Treasure Gu!

‘It’s mine!’

Fang Yuan’s heart trembles.

“Fang Yuan! Come outside!”

Tie Ruo Nan’s loud shout echoes from the outside as Fang Yuan’s expression changes.


*Glub* *Glub*

*Glub* *Glub*

*Glub* *Glub*

*Glub* *Glub*

Vortices of pure Primeval Energy stop within the Gu Yue Clan’s Natural Spring. The Gu Yue Clan’s foundation is ruined!


A blood-red fog emerges from the waters. It condenses near the vacant spot of the Heavenly Essence Treasure Lotus Gu. Unable to find it, the fog bubbles as blood seeps into the spring before corroding the Moat Gu’s light and entering the cavern!

A bloody stench fills the cavern.



A figure steps from the cave’s entrance. The man avoids stepping into the blood water. His sharp, brown eyes observe something moving INSIDE the water. His exposed lips purse as one can imagine the grave expression behind his Copper mask.

‘This entrance is corrupted by the Blood Frenzy Gu,’ he steps away. ‘I must find another entrance. But who destroyed Gu Yue’s Nature Spring?’

Suspicion emerges in Tie Xue Leng’s mind. The two cases related to Qing Mao Mountain are strange.

‘All suspicions about Jia Jin Sheng’s murder point to Fang Yuan. However, he didn’t make any suspicious movements. There is also no evidence. And the other case…’

Tie Xue Leng’s back straightens.

‘Qing Mao Mountain hides a Blood Calamity! I’ve sent a request for reinforcement from the Clan. Others should appear in a few days. However, I cannot wait. The Blood Frenzy Gu belongs to someone. But the owner must be unconscious. The Gu is acting instinctively, finding who destroyed the Natural Spring.’

Such cases are ordinary. Many Gu follow a set of commands. After all, a Gu Worm possesses a Gu Master’s will. Even if the Gu Master is unconscious, the Will inside the Gu Worm isn’t.

Xue Leng grits his teeth.

‘I’m injured, but I can’t depend on reinforcements. This Blood Tide will hurt thousands of innocents!’

He leaves the inheritance site before finding another way in.


“Records show Elder Fang Yuan opened five gambling rocks on the spot. A Rank 1 Initial Stage Gu Master with 44% Essence can't achieve that. Elder Fang Yuan also took to wine after the awakening ceremony. I have reasons to believe Elder Fang Yuan possessed the Rank 1 Liquor Worm before the caravan and used the Gambling Rocks as a convenient explanation to reveal it.”

It’s almost midnight, and other Elders frown. They are tired and must prepare for tomorrow’s preliminary competition. So, they can’t give a rat’s ass about Jia Jin Sheng’s murder.

Elder Chi Zong sighs.

“Miss Tie, there is no evidence. You cannot blame Elder Fang Yuan for his alcohol addiction and luck. Everyone knows Elder Fang Yuan was hailed as a genius before his awakening ceremony. Such a fall to an addiction is common.”

Fang Zheng lowers his head again.

Tie Ruo Nan nods.

“Indeed, I have no evidence. But I request the Clan Leader to detain Elder Fang Yuan in the Village premises before the investigation is complete!”

Everyone’s expression changes as one of the Elders snorts.

“This is plain bullying! To think the righteous Tie Clan nurtures such juniors!”

Tie Ruo Nan smiles instead, displaying outstanding confidence.

“Clan Leader, Elders,” she slightly bends her waist. “I’m not here with my Father or the Tie Clan. I’m alone as an investigator hired by Senior Jia Fu. I understand your thoughts. Tomorrow’s competition is crucial for the Gu Yue Clan. I can’t stop you from using Elder Fang Yuan’s strength. However, I will also have to reveal in my report to Senior Jia Fu that you let Fang Yuan enter the competition—should he escape.”

Gu Yue Bo’s expression turns grave.

Their trade with the Jia Caravan is vital.

Tie Ruo Nan is not lowering her Clan’s name but using Jia Fu’s cooperative relationship! How can other elders not worry?

“What are you going to write?” Qing Shu suddenly smiles. He doesn’t know if Fang Yuan is the killer. However, he will protect his comrades until proven guilty! “Will you write how you tried strong-arming the Gu Yue Clan based on conjectures? Any Investigator will know not to waste their employer’s time. If Elder Fang Yuan disappears tomorrow, it can be for any reason. There is no blame without evidence.”

Others nod as Tie Ruo Nan accepts this.

“Indeed. But may I inquire something, Elder Qing Shu?”


“How long does it take for the Moonshard Crystal to form?”

Qing Shu blinks before answering, “At least 8 years.”

Tie Ruo Nan nods.”Where did you learn this?”

“In the academy.”

Tie Ruo Nan turns to Fang Zheng.

“How do you harvest the Smelly Green Bamboo Soil, Elder Fang Zheng?”

The youth blinks before answering.

“And did you learn this in the academy?”


Tie Ruo Nan asks similar questions to others. She spent her day learning from Fang Yuan’s batchmates. Once she questions every Elder, including the Clan Leader, she turns to Fang Yuan.

Fang Yuan’s expression shows nothing as Tie Ruo Nan smiles.

“All these questions are taught in the Academy. Others did not know these answers until the Academy Elder and other teachers nurtured them. Yet, Elder Fang Yuan, how did you have this knowledge from before?”

Others grow silent as Tie Ruo Nan continues. “You say you were addicted to alcohol and slept during the classes. However, you always answered correctly when the Academy Elder questioned you. Did you not?”

Fang Yuan sighs internally.

‘To think I would leave such an opening.’

Tie Ruo Nan doesn’t wait for his answer.

“So, did you drink all night? Did you cultivate? Did you feed a liquor worm? Did you sleep during the classes or pay attention? Indeed, I have no evidence! I have nothing, Elder Fang Yuan. You should feel relieved.”

Others turn grave once they realize what Ruo Nan is trying to convey.

“Anything can be true or false. The Bamboo Gentleman Gu did not change inside your aperture. Perhaps you had another Gu. Maybe you didn’t.”

She turns to the Clan Leader.

“That’s what I will report. I will write that Elder Fang Yuan was so talented that he knew the answers to things he wasn’t taught or slept when informed. I will convey my admiration for his Cultivation talent that refined a Vital Gu before the A-grade Aptitude of Elder Fang Zheng. Also, I will express my solemn regret for not being able to solve the case since every lead is wiped off! Such cleanliness makes my heart burst with admiration.”

The hall is silent as others slowly look at Fang Yuan. Uncertainty fills their expression. They only saw Fang Yuan’s brilliance. The light hid many suspicious points. Indeed, when did Fang Yuan learn the curriculum? And if he acted about his alcohol addiction, what else did he lie about?

‘Damn, I didn’t think she would use my words like that,’ Lo Jik almost whistled for Ruo Nan. But he didn’t. He is a grieving widower!

Gu Yue Bo breaks the silence with a soft smile that doesn’t quite reach his eyes.

“I understand Young Miss Tie. Although I cannot keep Elder Fang Yuan from participating, I will keep an eye on him. In fact, I cordially invite you and Lord Divine Investigator to be our guests during the competition.”

Tie Ruo Nan hesitates. She got her point across to everyone. So, she nods and accepts the invitation.

She turns around and leaves after tossing a glare in Lo Jik’s direction.

A man cannot even have an affair in peace in this world.


Alternate Title: Another Meeting; The Northern Dark Ice Soul Physique; Xianxia Ice-Ice Fruit; The Ten Extreme Physique; Stone Aperture Gu; Meaning of Life; A Grand Ride; For Sights and Giggles; To Fuck or Cuck a Venerable!; A Mesmerizing Sight; Rizz! Rizz Everywhere!; The Brilliant Battle; Testing Limits; The Xiong Interject; A Dangerous Cloud; Fear; Kill; The Ice Storm’s Weakness; Eye of the Storm; Smashed Head; Master Chief Bitch Slaps The Bitch; Shots Fired; An Intense Bait; The Three-Way Competition; The Acquired Lotus; Fang Yuan, Get Out!; The Hidden Blood Calamity; No Evidence is also Evidence; The Collective Elders; The Upright Ruo Nan; The Evidence Conclusion; Too Brilliant?; Using Jia Fu; Striking Weakness; An Outstanding Performance; Compromise

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