Reverend Rizzsanity


“Now rest,” the Bai Clan Leader beams at the girl before leaving.

Bai Ning Bing doesn’t pay the man any attention. Instead, she stares out the window, feeling the heat of sunlight on her face. She survived. The detonation of the Frost Demon Gu created a wave of thick ice around her and the ape-transformed Elder. She survived due to her Ice Muscles. Such conditions instead healed her injuries. However, the Elder died. Before she left the ice, Bai Clan Elders and Leaders appeared around her, opposing the Gu Yue Clan.

Their two clans are beyond any diplomatic relationships once the Wolf Tide ends. There will almost certainly be another war! But Bai Ning Bing doesn’t give two shits about that.

She focuses on her aperture and watches the white silver essence of a Rank 3 Gu Master saturate her aperture.


Bai Ning Bing is indifferent to the implications of such a change. She touches her right stump, smiling, ‘I’m lucky. It only took an arm to make me realize how stupid the fear of death is.’ Had her arm been sliced, the Clan Healers could effortlessly reattach her arm.

Everyone fears the unknown. Bai Ning Bing isn’t different. However, death did not feel dark and covered in a hazy fog for a split second.

‘Even the sun’s warmth is something I missed while bitching about wanting colors like a mad woman,’ Bai Ning Bing snickers. ‘But it’s not enough.’

The one question that continues to haunt her after the fear of death—

The meaning of her life.

Why does she exist? For what purpose?

She wants to know the purpose behind ‘their’ gazes. What drives them?

Bai Ning Bing feels that she will have an answer after another encounter with them.


Gu Yue Clan’s morale is at its lowest. After all, three Elders died! The clan recovered their corpses. However, their plan to assassinate Bai Ning Bing burned all the bridges between the two Clans. The teams from the two clans refuse to assist each other as their losses increase. To keep the Xiong Clan from benefitting, the two Clans released the statement of working negotiations with each other and that the Clansmen must assist each other.

But the Elders know that their war with the Bai Clan is inevitable. Bai Ning Bing’s actions crossed their bottom lines!

It doesn’t affect Fang Yuan. He has continued to increase the price of his Vitality Leaf Gu in the last fifteen days—selling one leaf for a whopping 80 stones! But his heart isn’t into such petty schemes.

‘It was a good thing I’m prepared. I rescued Xiong Jiao Man for a Bear Enslavement Gu and 700 stones during the previous life. However, Xiong Li’s team didn’t die because I never met an erratic Bai Ning Bing. Even Qing Shu is alive. Since Xiong Li didn’t die, he’s leading a team to request reinforcement from the Clan. I was prepared and exchanged my Boar Strength Gu for a Wolf Enslavement Gu from Qing Shu. I also need to be aware of other changes. Zie Qi did not have fighting experience since he entered the Medicine Faction alongside Gu Yue Yao Le.’

‘However, in this life, he must have gained a lot of nurturing. He won’t panic against the wolves. But the Rank 3 Elder keeping him safe won’t leave his side until the situation turns dire.’


“There’s something different on the board!”

Two banners stand tall in the clan square. One is the Merit Exchange Board, and the other announces the Clan Leader’s decree!

It states that every Gu Master must temporarily hand their Nine Leaf Vitality Grass Gu to the Medicine Faction for a uniform distribution of the Vitaltiy Leaves in these dire times.

‘Oh?’ Fang Yuan raises his eyebrows. The board reveals his name among many others from Chi and Mo Faction. ‘I wonder why this is the same. Was it entirely because of me increasing the prices?’

The surrounding Gu Masters gloat. This is the power of the System. Fang Yuan is compelled to hand over his grass Gu. He’ll land into trouble if he doesn’t obey the Clan Leader’s words, who must have received compensation from Gu Yue Yao Ji. As for this being a temporary procedure?

Fang Yuan wasn’t born yesterday!

The Clan and the System will have more righteous excuses to firmly control the Nine Leaf Vitality Grass Gu!

‘Hehe,’ Fang Yuan smirks. ‘Either I succeed tonight or crash down—there are no in-betweens!’


“Aren’t you a fiery pepper, Yao Le!” Zie Qi snickers, ruffling Yao Le’s hair as he pouts, blushing under Xiong Li and others’ amused stares.

“S-Stop this nonsense, Qi!” Yao Le swats his hand. She crosses her arms. “Gu Yue Fang Yuan is the opposite of what Gu Yue’s elite should be. He oppresses our brothers and sisters just because he lucked into his family’s inheritance? He is already a Peak Stage Rank 2 Gu Master. He should show kindness in these grieving times.”

The Bamboo Buildings near the four gates are heavily modified, and their owners have moved away. The Clan also forced the Rank 2 veterans to contribute instead of staying back safely. Gu Yue Yal Le is in one of the fortified buildings by the East Gate. Several Gu Masters of the healing faction treat the injured Gu masters as they return from the outside. Among them is Zie Qi’s team. One of his teammates got hurt as the youth vented about Fang Yuan being a black-hearted trader.

Unable to bear her ‘secretly’ beloved’s sadness, Gu Yue Yao Le complained to her grandmother, Gu Yue Yao Ji. The Medicine Elder used this as a chance to reign the profits Fang Yuan was earning.

“It was a pleasure meeting you, Junior Sister Yao Le. Your presence in Gu Yue Clan gives me hope about our future.”

Yao Le flushes, nodding meekly as Zie Qi laughs. “Yeah, my future looks bright~!”

The girl pouts, glaring at the frivolous youth. Xiong Li laughs, too, leaving after a while. However, their departure transitions to a hurried return in 15 minutes!

“A Wolf Tide!” Xiong Li gasps. Beads of sweat run down his cheek as if he’s seen something horrible. His words shock others. Loud sirens blare in the village as Zie Qi’s and Yao Le’s expressions change!

“This siren,” one of the Gu Masters pales. “A Large Wolf Pack is approaching the village!”

Zie Qi and his teammates rush out of the building under Yao Le’s worried stare.

Two walls surround the village as Gu Masters hurriedly climb the internal walls through ladders. More Gu Masters climb the four stone towers around the gates. Zie Qi ascends the wall, sucking in a breath of cold air. He witnesses a large parade of wolves gathering outside the village from all directions! He can already count more than 20 Bold Lightning Wolves, and on the far back are the elephant-sized Frenzy Lightning Wolves resting under the pine tree’s shadows.

Thousand of green wolven eyes gleam a frightening light. These wolves are hungry and have already consumed the surrounding wild animals or driven them away. A village of humans is a fatal attraction to them.

Zie Qi’s hand trembles slightly as one of his teammates pats his back, smirking, “Don’t get cold feet, Leader. You’re young. But I’ve been on this team before Elder Qing Shu took over. Not one leader of this group has ever been a disappointment.”

Zie Qi nods. He respects Fang Zheng. The youth almost created massive political instability for the woman he loved and gave him a helping hand. It’s why Zie Qi filled Yao Le’s ears with complaints against Fang Yuan.

After all, Fang Zheng is not the same since his encounter with Bai Ning Bing. Perhaps Fang Yuan’s fall may ease his heart? Zie Qi isn’t a boy but a grown man from a different world. He saw Fang Zheng’s insecurities and wanted to help him through them!

Yao Ji acted today. However, Zie Qi must wait to see the effects. After Fang Yuan will be Lo Jik, who’s been oddly silent for almost three weeks.

Long, frightening howls from the three Frenzy Lightning Wolves snap Zie Qi out of his thoughts. Other wolves howl together, charging at the settlement with unsettling vigor.

The first wave of wolves fall into bamboo-speared pitfalls. The sharp bamboo spears pierce through the wolves, killing many and leaving the injured ones whining pitifully until their partners collapse, too. However, the wolves number in thousands! The pitfalls are filled with wolf corpses as other wolves rush the East Wall. Rank 2 Gu Masters instantly use their Moonblades and other Long-range means, carving the wolves like butter!

Snarls and howls fill the village as the Rank 1 Gu Masters risk their life beside the walls, activating Rank 1 Iron Thorn and Poison Flower Gu!

Another wave of defenses attack the wolves.

Zie Qi continuously uses the Moonglow Gu. He wants to continue. However, he stops after a while. His secrets must not be known to others, including how ridiculous his Aperture’s recovery speed is!

He climbs down the wall, switching with another Gu Master.

This scene is also the same on other walls, too.

The wolves may have the numbers. But the Gu Masters are intelligent, capable of using the rotation method to recover and fight at once—defending their stronghold. Meanwhile, the wolves are in the open.

Yet the situation could be more optimistic.

Bold Lightning Wolves enter the fray and use Gu Worms. Many Gu Masters get injured. Some die.

Zie Qi has already ascended the wall seven times. A Bold Lightning Wolf hits him, forcing him to be carried into the Bamboo Building where Yao Le is.

“Hurry! Lay him here!” Yao Le urges before healing Zie Qi.


The battle continues for hours. Zie Qi cannot continue resting and often returns to the wall. The awe-inspiring might of the Frenzy Lightning Wolves is a sight to behold!

These wolves need the cooperation of three Elders! To prevent getting caught in their battles, the Gu Masters leave the area. There are many holes in the wall by now. The wolves also jump over the wall through the platform of wolf corpses inclined against the walls!

“Sister Yao Hong!” One of Zie Qi’s teammates screams as a Bold Lightning wolf gets past the defenses, biting a woman’s throat out. Zie Qi’s body trembles as his eyes turn red.


A nearby Gu Master shouts as a Lightning Wolf smashes into Zie QI, sending him tumbling down the wall. He quickly uses his defensive Gu before glaring at the wolf rushing at the medicine hall with bloodshot eyes.


Zie Qi shoots a moonblade, cutting at the wolf’s tail.


The wolf allows a long howl as his body suddenly inflates! A neat coat of green fur glimmers under the moonlight as the fourth Frenzy Lightning Wolf suddenly turns around and snarls at Zie Qi!

His body freezes when Zie Qi hears a shout.

“You dare, beast!”

An Elder emerges from the shadows, attacking the fourth Frenzy Wolf, who managed to sneak past the wall using some Aura Hiding Gu.

“Zie Qi!” Yao Le screams as the boy charges at the girl, hurriedly grasping her hand and dragging her inside.

“Do you want to die?!” Zie Qi shouts as he slams the door shut, urging others. “Quick! Help everyone up! We need to leave the area! Senior Brother Xiong, we will need your help, too!”

Xiong Li nods. He is thankful to Zie Qi. After all, that Elder must have been sent to protect Zie Qi, an A-grade talent.

Yao Le squeaks, “My grandmother is here!”

Indeed, Gu Yue Yao Ji rushed to the Eastern Wall after noticing her Granddaughter’s predicament. She assists the Elder already dealing with the wolf, resisting its might!


The bamboo building bursts apart as a formless pressure sends everyone nearby flying away. Unlike the Rank 3 Thunder Roar Gu, the Rank 3 Sound Wave Gu pushes everyone away. Some unlucky Gu Masters are flattened into the ground and turned into meat paste. Xiong Li and others are thrown into the fray of other wolves as their ears ring and their vision distorts.

Zie Qi looks around, dangerously close to the wall. Yao Le isn’t near him. He cannot focus on others as a wolf jumps at him.

Like Fang Zheng, he used the Black and White Boar Gu in the last six months. He hurriedly punches the wolf before using the Moonglow Gu at the other. But the wolves charge in like a steady stream!


The nearby wall crumbles, allowing Zie Qi to hurriedly leave the spot and escape the village. He slides past the wall of wolf corpses as blood and stench makes him feel a wave of disgust.

His problems aren’t over. Other wolves notice Zie Qi. Gritting his teeth, Zie Qi charges into the dark forest. He cannot risk going inside since the Eastern side is breached! A few lightning wolves uncharacteristically tumble in the dark, howling! Zie Qi keeps running until he’s sure he’s safe—

Something hits him in the darkness as his vision turns dark.



A pained scream leaves Zie Qi’s lips the second he wakes up! He’s naked and without any arms, tied against a rock! Blood continues flowing from his arm as he glares at the person responsible for it all!

Fang Yuan! He must be Fang Yuan. After all, Fang Zheng is incapable of it!


The wolf beside Fang Yuan snarls and pounces at Zie Qi, tearing his throat out!


Gu Yue Village’s A-grade talent died!

‘However, he doesn’t have an A-grade Aptitude.’ Fang Yuan used the Wolf Enslavement Gu on the wolf, prompting it to consume Zie Qi, starting from his torn hands. After all, Zie Qi has the strength of two Boars. However, he cannot exert said power and break free from his bindings without his arms.

Fang Yuan recalls his previous life. He wanted Yao Le to use her as a refinement material for a Gu to advance into Rank 3—Man-Beast Life Burial Gu. This recipe was made by an ancient Demonic Path sect leader who had made painstaking efforts and invented this recipe to strengthen his subordinates’ cultivation. Only those with low talent use this type of demonic Gu. During the five hundred years of his previous life, Fang Yuan had explored unknown places and coincidentally found this recipe. It had made a deep impression on him, and he had firmly kept it in mind.

It needs a virgin girl with the aptitude of a Gu Master—the higher the aptitude, the better. However, Zie Qi saved her from harm’s way back then, forcing Fang Yuan to lure Zie Qi away to redeem his losses.

To Fang Yuan’s shock, this Zie Qi has an Extreme Aperture!

Fang Yuan stares at the corpse, forcing the hungry Lightning Wolf to eat his organs and bones.

‘There is a talent above A-grade. Such an Aptitude is called an Extreme Aperture. Not only do they have a 100% essence, but their recovery is several times more than an A-grade Gu Master. Such heaven-defying talent comes with a cost. This Zie Qi would eventually die. However, I never knew about him in my first life.’

When Fang Yuan found out about Zie Qi’s talent, he made the bold decision of replacing a virgin female with a male.

The Man-Beast Life Burial Gu allows a C-grader like him to advance to Rank 3 at significant costs. Fang Yuan’s talent may decrease using this Gu.

But replacing the material with a Gu Master with Extreme Aperture has no side effects! This isn’t Man-Beast Life Burial Gu. It’s a different Gu—something Fang Yuan discovered!

‘Based on the reaction of my Autumn Spring Cicada, it is surely the Desolate Ancient Moon Physique!’

The extreme apertures are of 10 different kinds, all equally heaven-defying!

Fang Yuan snaps out of thoughts once he watches the wolf swallow Zie Qi’s spine. Refining the Gu begins the moment the Beast devours the human. If Zie Qi dissolves inside the wolf, the process will fail. He points at the wolf as a Single Aperture Charcoal Gu flies into the wolf’s mouth.

It cries painfully as the Gu starts burning the wolf’s organ. It continues for fifteen minutes until the wolf has no strength to struggle. Noticing this, Fang Yuan tosses three Kerosene Gu into the wolf’s mouth.

This is a Rank 1 expenditure Gu.

The wolf drops on the cave floor as Kerosene floods its system.


Sparks emerge from all his orifices, including its furry butt.


The wolf combusts in the next moment! The flames should be red if Fang Yuan followed the original recipe. However, an eerie blue glow reflects on Fang Yuan's face as he stares at the Blue Flames!

He tosses several other Gu into the fire. He exchanged all these Gu from the merit board.

The fire settles as a lump of white light floats from the corpse. Fang Yuan heaves deeply and tosses the Primeval Stones into the light. After a long period and his 1000th stone, the lump of light contracts and turns into a furry white, eight-legged spider instead of the usual black. Its face is that of a wolf’s, and on its back is a blue totem of a familiar face!

It’s Zie Qi!

His imprint looks happy yet sad. His smile seems bright, yet not a smile. The image feels alive since Zie Qi’s imprint hatefully glares at Fang Yuan!


Fang Yuan takes the Gu. He doesn’t bother naming his discovery.

‘Things changed after I used it.’

He swallows the spider. The creature travels into his throat before turning into a wave of deep-blue water, acting as an inverted Heavenly Waterfall! The water crashes into Fang Yuan’s aperture.


A strange pressure emerges from his Aperture at the water’s arrival. Fang Yuan snorts coldly. He was caught off guard last time. However, he suppresses the weak cicada floating in the center of his Aperture.

A Rank 6 Spring Autumn Cicada!

‘The Spring Autumn Cicada drank most of this new Gu’s effect, and I was left with low benefits.’

The blue waterfall seeps into his essence and turns the Dark-Red Sea into a beautiful blue one!

Under Fang Yuan’s control, the Essence crashes into the crystal wall, immediately destroying it.

Another light wall flickers and covers Fang Yuan’s aperture.

‘This water is not Primeval Essence. Ordinarily, keeping it in my aperture will lower my aptitude. However,’ Fang Yuan grins. He feels excited as the blue essence slowly evaporates into a blue mist, allowing the White-Silver essence to recover in his aperture. Meanwhile, the Blue Mist seems unable to rise further, as if encountering a blockade.


A corrosive hiss echoes in Fang Yuan’s aperture as the Blue mist is rapidly consumed by something. However, the blue vapors also rise.

‘It’s happening!’


Fang Yuan feels his aptitude rising!

‘Spring Autumn Cicada consumed most of it and recovered a lot last time. I understood later that this Gu’s primary purpose is to increase my Aptitude. I merely reached 47% last time.’

His Aptitude steadily climbs as the fog thins.





‘A 30% increase! It’s like a Rank 3 Polished Silver Gu. But this isn’t the end,’ Fang Yuan exhales sharply.

‘Moments before my death,’ Fang Yuan recalls. ‘My aptitude rose from 47 to 48%. It caught me off guard. That’s how Fang Zheng got a jump at me.’ He smiles coldly. ‘Ten Extreme Apertures are heaven-defying. Hehehe! So what if I die following this path? I have my ways. I have my plans. Ancient Desolate Physique! This new Gu transfers an Extreme Physique from one Gu Master to another. Now I need to prepare how to deal with the issues of the Extreme Aperture once my aptitude ‘recovers’ to 100%!’

He is clear about these talents. Even if a Gu Master uses a method to reduce their aptitude, the Extreme Physique will recover the lost talent.

Fang Yuan glances at the cave, noting the blood marks. He smirks coldly before destroying all the evidence.

‘I could obtain an Extreme Physique in this life. How can I walk the Strength Path? My gains in Time Path will be unimaginable!’

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