Reverend Rizzsanity

Divine Investigator

A piece of news shook the Gu Yue Village. The Clan Leader and other Elders chasing after the Lightning Crown Wolf encountered the Bai Clansmen. The Bai Clan’s Gu Masters forced their Wolf Tide away before trying to devour the Gu Yue’s Lightning Crown Wolf, too. A fierce battle ensued where Bai Ning Bing killed Gu Masters left and right! However, a Lightning Lycan attacked the group!

Lycans are mutated wolves of a similar status as a Myriad Beast. The Beast Tide came from the defeated and probably destroyed Xiong Clan. They surrounded the Gu Masters, killing everyone. Only Gu Yue Bo, Qing Shu, the Bai Leader, and Bai Ning Bing survived. The Rank 5 Expert invited to investigate Jia Jin Sheng’s murder—Tie Xue Leng saved the quartet promptly.

It’s been hours since then as the Gu Yue Clan set a banquet for the expert.

The Village just survived the harshest wolf tide and had a food shortage. Several Gu Masters and mortals alike starved. Yet, the Clan pulled through with enough Food and Wine to welcome their savior.

Several Individuals sit in the Clan Pavilion’s Hall. The Gu Yue Clan used to have dozens of Elders. Now? Many of them died. Chi Shan, Chi Lian, Mo Yan, Jia Shing, and more! The recent Battle Elders like Fang Zheng and Fang Yuan survived. There are also injured Elders like Mo Chen or Gu Yue Yao Ji. Mo Chen still isn’t healed. Meanwhile, Gu Yue Yao Ji merely had a broken arm—something she healed others off of before sending them to battle.

Gu Yue Yao Ji feels embarrassed and pressured by other Elders. However, she chose to sacrifice her arm for her life. The tearful Fang Zheng tries hard to contain his tears as Qing Shu consoles the youth.

Gu Yue Bo sits in the main seat. Tie Xue Leng and his daughter, the Rank 3 Tie Ruo Nan, sit beside him.

He starts the banquet by toasting Tie Xue Leng. The scent of fragrant meat and wine fills the hall. Gu Yue Bo’s eyes turn red when he speaks of the sacrifice, prompting Tie Xue Leng to console the Clan Leader.

“R-Reporting to Clan Leader,” A Gu Master meekly introduces his presence. “A Gu Master advanced to Rank 3.”


Other Elders’ eyes jump. Although mourning, the remaining veteran elders are also anticipative for the future. After all, prominent Elders like Chi Lian controlled several resource points. With the Chi Faction’s demise, other Clan Elders stand to gain the most.

The addition of another Elder meant a lost share of their future growth!

“Who is it?” Gu Yue Bo questions.

“It’s,” the Gu Master hesitates. “It’s Gu Yue Lo Jik, Clan Leader. I asked him to come with me. But he said…”

“What did he say?” Gu Yue Bo snorts in annoyance.


Lo Jik sits beside a grave with a peaceful expression. Bleeding Gu Masters lie beside him, knocked out cold. He quietly gazes at the setting sun as Rank 3 aura escapes his being. Advancing to Rank 3 in his first Aperture was as easy as snapping a finger.

“I said—the Clan is dead for me,” Lo Jik drinks wine from his gourd. He slowly turns to look at the grave before tilting the gourd and letting the wine flow down on it. Satisfied, Lo Jik drinks from the gourd again.

“Gu Yue Lo Jik!” Yao Ji screams, pointing a trembling finger at him. “How dare you harm my Medicine Faction’s Gu Masters? This is open treachery!”

Gu Yue Bo’s expression changes as he shouts, “Shut up now, Elder Yao!”

Yao Ji grows silent, sneering inwardly. She wished to plant some ideas in other’s heads to escape the consequences of hiding from the battle. Lo Jik just advanced to Rank 3. He has no backing since even the Mo Faction is finished. Mo Yan and Mo Bei died in the battle. She could not let a newcomer rise and assist Mo Faction!

The Tie Father-Daughter duo are also present beside the Clan Elders.

“It’s hard to accept losses, Lo Jik,” Qing Shu approaches Lo Jik, firmly patting his head. “Mo Yan was a fierce woman who loved you dearly. I’m sorry.”

Lo Jik doesn’t say a thing. He quietly drinks.

No, he wasn’t mourning.

He mourned Mo Yan’s loss before. But death isn’t new to Lo Jik. He moved on.

He always does.

But how could he let go of this grave opportunity? Mo Yan’s death can explain his sudden advancement and desire to leave the Village. He can put every explanation on Mo Yan! The Clan will have to accept all of it because he’s a grieving husband and cannot revive Mo Yan.

Mo Chen is the next to move. He quietly pats Lo Jik’s shoulder before sighing, “It will get better, Son. I loved Mo Yan and Mo Bei dearly. We’ll get through this together.”

Mo Chen turns around, bowing to others, “Please forgive Lo Jik’s words and actions. He is grieving for his wife, my granddaughter.”

Understanding flickers in the Tie Father-Daughter Duo as they recall the sight of Lo Jik quietly holding a mangled corpse.

“It’s understandable,” Gu Yue Bo sighs. “Please raise your head, Elder Mo. Many wounds are still fresh, and we are all too tense. Elder Yao, heal these Gu Masters.”

Gu Yue Yao Ji reveals an embarrassed expression. She cannot heal others, or she will implicate herself. So she makes an excuse, “I lost my Gu during a fusion accident, Clan Leader. That’s why I could not heal my injuries either.”

“I see,” Gu Yue Bo narrows his eyes. Other Gu Masters move the unconscious men as the masked girl speaks up. “Shouldn’t the new Elder receive a similar status? My wine will feel tasteless knowing there’s a grieving Elder without anyone near him.”

‘Bruh, let me act stoic!’ Lo Jik internally rolls his eyes. He corks the gourd before tossing it back. It accurately lands at the girl’s feet as he mutters. “There, drink that. It should taste better. Now leave me alone.”

Embarrassed, the girl’s eyes dart around. She was merely trying to help.

“Let me,” Qing Shu smiles. Reputation and benefits mattered little to the Green-haired man as he picked up the wine bottle before offering it to Tie Ruo Nan.


“These are the Gu Worms left behind by Yan’er,” Mo Chen reveals three Rank 3 Gu and one Rank 2 Gu. Mo Yan possessed five Gu. However, her vital Gu, the True Mind’s Eye, perished after her demise.

Across him is Lo Jik as they sit in the spacious courtyard under the beautiful full moon.

“According to Clan Laws, a wife’s possession passes to her husband after death. These Gu belong to you. You two were husband and wife. Mo Yan’s remnant Will in these Gu should recognize you and let you refine them.”

Lo Jik wordlessly stares at the Gu. He appears distraught. However, he is calculating inside.

‘Now both my Apertures produce Rank 3 essence. My efficiency for Cultivation doubled since I could recover lost essence using the Lotus Gu. I’m already down to 40000-something stones. I should reach Middle-stage soon. I don’t need more Gu. I also still have the Command Token. I should check the secret room now since many Gu Masters and Elders lost their loves. Those without inheritors, like Chi Lian, will have their Gu stored in that unit.’

‘So, I don’t need Gu. Mo Yan’s Shadow Gu doesn’t suit me either. I need Primeval Stones!’

“Please sell them,” Lo Jik whispers.

“I understand,” Mo Chen nods. A Gu Master cannot feed so many Gu. Mo Chen would probably blow his top off if he realizes the number of Gu in Lo Jik’s aperture.

The duo falls silent as Mo Chen sighs.

“I won’t lie, Lo Jik,” Mo Chen sighs. “My injury caused my cultivation to drop to Rank 2. I’m currently using my remaining essence to fake my aura. Others will soon see through it. The Mo Faction is done for without proper support. You’re part of my family by law, Lo Jik. You are young and a rare Combat Genius. If not for me, then Mo Yan—don’t let her memories drift away alongside our family.”

Lo Jik’s body shudders. He lowers his head.

“F-For Mo Yan,” He sobs while almost jumping for joy internally!

‘Holy Shit!’

Mo Chen smiles in gratification, unaware of Lo Jik’s thoughts, as he pats the boy. “You’re an Elder. You must learn to control these tears, Son. Come. Let me introduce you to the benefits of being an Elder. Mo Yan must have told you many things. Sigh, let’s drink, too.”

Lo Jik nods.


“Hmph! To think I pitied him!” Tie Ruo Nan snorts in annoyance at the recollection of the evening banquet. She stores her Gu, commenting. “But the room is nice and clean.”

The ‘clean’ she refers to is the surveillance Gu in their room. Gu Yue Clan cannot feel at ease without peculiar measures. After all, Tie Xue Leng is a Rank 5 Gu Master! But their methods aren’t overly provocative, making the Tie Father-Daughter Duo nod.

“Sigh, Ruo Nan,” Xue Leng shakes his head.

“I understand, Dad,” Tie Ruo Nan mutters. Even she understood and empathized with one’s loss. Tie Ruo Nan moves on and questions, “Are you sure you want me to lead the investigation?”

“Are you afraid?” Xue Leng chuckles as the girl crosses her arms. “No!”

“So?” Xue Leng continues. “How do you start an investigation?”

Tie Ruo Nan thinks before giggling, “The moon is so beautiful tonight, Dad. May I bring you around the Gu Yue Village? I would love to spend more time with you.”

The Father nods with a gratified smile.

They leave the Clan Leader’s pavilion, strolling in the streets and enjoying the sights of Bamboo groves. Although the Clan’s infrastructure is riddled with holes and battle scars, the people pull through, working without delay.

Although the Gu Masters rest, the mortals also do their part.

“Ah!” Tie Ruo Nan notes with surprise as a tall figure walks the street leading to Clan Pavilion. Noticing them, Lo Jik bows, “This junior greets Senior Divine Investigator.” His voice retains its monotone as he continues, “And I also ask for forgiveness from Little Divine Investigator. I didn’t mean my earlier words.”

“We’re all understanding, Little Brother,” Tie Xue Leng begins as he quickly gestures to Lo Jik to stand straight. Meanwhile, Tie Ruo Nan’s tawny-brown eyes light up.

“Little Divine Investigator?”

Lo Jik stands straight, nodding plainly. “Elder Mo Chen explained you are here to investigate some murder, but Lord Tie Xue Leng asked you to investigate it.”

Ruo Nan nods, prompting, “And that makes me the Little Divine Investigator?”

“Ruo Nao!” Tie Xue Leng interjects with a stern tone. The girl forgets in her excitement that the person she’s fishing compliments from is a recently widowed man.

Ruo Nan blinks in realization before guilt overtakes her features past her copper mask.

“Indeed, it does,” Lo Jik nods. “A pleasant evening to both of you. Elder Mo Chen instructed me to accomplish other tasks.”

“Hmm?” Ruo Nan mutters as she watches Lo Jik’s back. “Didn’t Elder Qing Shu reveal that Lo Jik, Fang Yuan, and Fang Zheng are from the same batch? It means the trio are 17-year-old like me. But two of them have C-grade Aptitudes. How are they Rank 3 Gu Masters?”

“You should focus on the investigation of Jia Jin Sheng’s murder, my Little Divine Investigator,” Xue Leng dotingly pokes his daughter’s mask as she toothily grins, “Yes!”


‘I did everything I could to organically ignore the Tie duo,’ Fang Yuan stares at the night sky from his inn. ‘To lower attention on her, Yao Ji implicated me in my last life. However, she targeted Lo Jik today.’

He sips his wine.

‘To think Lo Jik will become an Elder. Mo Yan must have left something important to him.’


As Lo Jik expected, the addition to the Gu room is massive!

Lo Jik can take a Rank 3 Gu from the less precious collection as an Elder. He also has the right to look through the clan recipes for 15 minutes daily.

The same night, he used the Command Token to peruse the Rare Gu in the Clan’s collection. He didn’t find anything to his liking before. But now? After several Elder’s death?

Lo Jik soon discovers another Beast Strength Gu among them.

‘Rank 3 White Ape Strength Gu.’

Lo Jik recalls the Elder Bai Ning Bing killed. This Gu must have been taken by another Elder before landing here. Now that Lo Jik has finished using the Body Refining Gu set, he can possess 10 Beast Strength Gu instead of the conventional 8. He already has the strength of two Boars and a Tiger. The Ape will be his fourth Strength Gu. However, the limit refers to ten Rank 3 Beast Strength Gu! Lo Jik will have to find ways to advance his strength further.

By the next day, Lo Jik is also 24300 Primeval Stones richer once Mo Chen sends him the premium price for Mo Yan’s Gu Worms.

Lo Jik stares at the Rank 3 Gu in his palm. It’s a translucent Crystal Ball with white mist and fog forming a realistic silhouette of an Old Man. The Old Man is hunched back as he stares at Lo Jik no matter how he moves the ball, showing a bitter expression.

Rank 3 Primeval Elder Gu.

This Gu is a storage-type Gu for Primeval Stones alone! As one says, professionals have standards. Unlike other Storage Gu, this Gu can store upto a million Primeval Stones!

This Gu is intriguing. When stored to the brim, it reveals a happy and sincere smile. The Old Man looks plain and indifferent when the Primeval Stones amount to half its limits. Its expression turns bitter and sad, constantly frowning and worried once the amount falls past a threshold.

This is the Gu he chose from the other room. It was Chi Lian’s Gu.

Like the Lotus Gu, it also feeds on Primeval Essence.

Lo Jik chose this to store his wealth of 66100 Stones to free up the remaining space in his Earth Hold Gu.

‘Hehe! Mo Chen wants to use me to protect his Faction. He had the nerve to bring Mo Yan up? I must take your due, too, right, Yan? I don’t believe Mo Chen possesses a million stones. But his years of savings are nothing to scoff at either.’

Lo Jik’s need for Primeval Stones after discovering the use of Lotus Gu is at an all-time high!

‘If Mo Chen didn’t focus on saving and spending freely, he might be several times stronger by now. Chi Lian was the same. They chose to become misers for some fortuitous encounter with a Gu. However, they paid for that risk with time. Does spent time return? No. But spent wealth can be recovered. So, Time is more valuable. I can’t waste time. I must squeeze every benefit I can from Mo Chen before leaving this place for good.’

Lo Jik wished to use the excuse of finding fortune in the wild and leave the Clan with Mo Yan. Her death means his inability to exit the Clan. So, Lo Jik chose the timing and broke through his cultivation and future troubles in one go!

One must be careful about hiding and revealing strength. Had Lo Jik exposed it before, he might have been the one to die. Any later and Mo Faction might have been done for! However, he also opened himself to some issues.

Gu Yue Bo would not want an Elder to leave in such a sensitive time. Both clans suffered unimaginable losses due to the Lightning Lycan. However, it’s also the best time to attack each other. Bai Clan and Gu Yue Clan are only civil for the time being due to Tie Xue Leng’s presence.

Lo Jik sighs before taking out the White Ape Gu and working to refine it. He refined the Primeval Elder Gu using 180% Peak Stage essence and almost 800 stones.

He must refine them properly since they aren’t summoned from his Trait.


Last night’s stroll wasn’t as fruitful as Tie Ruo Nan wished. She and her father arrived at an awkward stage where the Clan Elders were busy with repairs and restructuring their Clan Order. They must devise several policies to divide the resources opened for others and encourage the Gu Masters to return to their duties.

After all, the Wolf Tide still remains. Surviving the harshest period allows them to regrow. But they also must clean the remaining wolves in the area! Now is no time to rest but to recover their resource points!

The entire clan is in a buzz come the morning. Tie Ruo Nan thinks for a moment before glancing at her meditating father.

“I want to do things my way, Dad,” she musters. “I know you told me not to rely on Intuition Gu. But I thought about it during the night. Man is the spirit of all living beings, and the Gu is the essence of Heaven and Earth. Gu are tools. I won’t rely on my Gu, but not using it is also inappropriate.”

Tie Xue Leng slowly opens his eyes. Visscitudes of life flash in his experienced gaze as he notices his reflection beside his daughter.

“And?” Tie Xue Leng smiles, not offering any advice or rebuttal.

“I’m fortunate that I have you near me, Dad. You made a name for yourself, experiencing such hardships alone. I don’t envy that. I’m glad that I don’t have to suffer such loneliness. However, I wish to solve this case at my merit. I have learned a lot from you. But I’m not the Divine Investigator. The only way to grow is by walking my path and taking reference from yours.”

Tie Xue Leng chuckles.

“Your mother would be proud of you, Nan. Here.”

He hands a letter to Tie Ruo Nan, adding, “This is Junior Jia Fu’s letter. He noted everything curious and suspicious about the Gu Yue Clan from his investigative resources. I planned to give it to you once you made some headway into the investigation. However, you can read it on your own when convenient.”

Tie Ruo Nan quietly stows the letter into her robes, nodding. “I won’t let you down, Dad.”

She walks out of the room, leaving Xue Leng sighing.

“Silly Daughter. You never could.”

The man shakes his head before slowly getting up.

‘I was like you, Ruo Nan. Stubborn and aspiring in my way of Justice. Like you, I only believed in Black and White till I met my first grey—your mother. Only by experiencing life can you understand the unspoken realities not shared in our Clan. As you said. You have your path, Daughter. And I have mine.’

His soft gaze regains its resolute sharpness as Xue Leng quietly takes out a Gu.

‘I’m sorry, Nan’er. There are things I cannot tell you because of high danger. Father wants you to grow. How can I willingly put you at extreme risk? Stay here and solve your case. Meanwhile, I will solve mine.’

Unaware of her Father’s thoughts and motives, Ruo Nan leaves the Clan Leader’s pavilion. She starts questioning the mortals. Since Fang Yuan is the primary suspect, her question centers around his past.

Jia Jin Sheng’s corpse was never recovered. After so long and such a fierce tide, finding Jia Jin Sheng’s traces is a fool’s task. The first thing an Investigator must learn is which leads to follow and discard. She soon identifies Fang Yuan’s surviving batchmates. Although she knows about Fang Zheng and Lo Jik, she doesn’t approach them yet. Those two have Rank 3 cultivation and an Elder’s status. They can choose to cooperate with her or not. However, their batchmates will cave under her pressure and reveal crucial hints.

But her investigation promptly ends!

“What? You already found Jia Jin Sheng’s killer?”

Tie Ruo Nan is shaken.

This is her first solo gig. Will it end before even taking off?

She soon returns to a graveyard near the one Lo Jik was grieving—

Ruo Nan blinks.

‘He is here again?’

Her gaze softens, seeing Lo Jik standing beside Mo Yan’s grave. As if feeling her gaze, Lo Jik turns to look at her before approaching her quietly.

“Little Divine Investigator,” Lo Jik nods as Tie Ruo Nan clears her throat. Once is fine. But she isn’t thrilled by the thought of a boy her age calling her ‘little.’

“Tie Ruo Nan is also acceptable,” she clears her throat, nodding. “I’m sorry for disturbing you.”

“You shouldn’t be,” Lo Jik smiles slightly. “I can’t stay by her side. I was merely reliving some memories. After all, an Elder can’t be seen sulking.”

The Truth?

It was an act. Lo Jik must perform with all his heart. So he visited Mo Yan’s grave early again when others ‘could not’ notice him.

Pondering, Tie Ruo Nan requests, “If it’s not too much, could I take some of your time? The investigation will pace if someone from the Gu Yue Clan is there to…” She struggles to find the right word without offending the first possible support as Lo Jik tilts his head.

“—Chauffeur you around?” Lo Jik completes her sentence as she almost chokes on air. That’s the last thing she will say. Tie Ruo Nan swiftly shakes her head, “No! I didn’t mean that.”

“Lighten up, Miss Tie,” Lo Jik shakes his head. “You should expect some humor from me. It eases my nerves.”

Tie Ruo Nan slowly nods before explaining the situation.

“Oh?” Lo Jik walks beside her. “I know whom you’re speaking of. But…”

He trails his words as Ruo Nan’s eyes wildly twitch. She comes across a flat ground without a single grave. Lo Jik explains, “A Frenzy Lightning Wolf with flying and speed Gu rushed here. An Elder sacrificed himself to preserve the remains of our Clansmen, pushing the self-detonating Wolf onto the graves of our enemies. It destroyed this grave, and we’ve covered it since then.”

Tie Ruo Nan thins her lips. What should she do now?

“You should look for Elder Fang Zheng. The Demonic Gu Master tried assassinating him during our half-yearly assessment. Perhaps Fang Zheng might know something.”

Her gaze brightens.

“Thank you. Can you lead me to Elder Fang Zheng’s house?”

“No,” Lo Jik shakes his head. “We aren’t on best terms. I can direct you. But going near his house may make Elder Fang anxious.”

Tie Ruo Nan accepts all the help she can get before leaving the spot. However, she doesn’t meet Fang Zheng immediately. Ruo Nan must collect some information about Fang Zheng to have a base. Since Lo Jik has a strained relationship with Fang Zheng, she cannot trust his assessment.

‘I see. Lo Jik and Fang Yuan firmly suppressed the classroom and extorted their Primeval Stones. From a logical standpoint, it’s the classic representation of the strong getting better. Fang Zheng could thrive regardless due to his A-grade Aptitude. However, the story doesn’t end here. Fang Zheng has had troubles with Fang Yuan for their inheritance claim and Lo Jik for his current wife.’

Calling their relationship strained will be an understatement. However, after counting the timeline, Tie Ruo Nan cannot help but feel something wrong.

‘That’s right. Based on all the descriptions, Lo Jik should be with Elder Mo Yan. But he also had some mysterious relationship with Shen Cui. While Fang Zheng’s wife blamed all of it on Lo Jik, why would she still return to the Bazaar?’

Tie Ruo Nan refrains from using her intuition Gu. But years of accompanying her father already refined her instincts to detect bullshit from far!

‘I already have enough data. Let’s meet Fang Zheng.’

As things are, Fang Zheng is the person closest to Fang Yuan.

“Ah!” Shen Cui gasps when she opens the door for their visitor. Their house’s servant already died during the Wolf Tide, so it’s the couple alone.

“Good Morning, Miss Shen Cui,” Tie Ruo Nan greets warmly. “I’m here to meet Elder Fang Zheng. I apologize for my unannounced visit.”

“Well,” Shen Cui nods before revealing a look of hesitation. “Please come inside. I will call my husband.”

Ruo Nan nods as she enters their home and sits on a chair in the living room. Shen Cui promptly leaves. Unknown to Shen Cui, Tie Ruo Nan activates her investigation Gu. The soft murmuring voices turn sharp.

“The Clan’s guest is here to visit you, Dear,” Shen Cui prompts gently.

“I’ll be down in a minute.” A gloomy voice echoes beside her. Shen Cui consoles. “Everything will be alright. Should I prepare some tea for you?”

“It’s fine, Cui!” Fang Zheng snaps.

“Zheng,” Shen Cui whispers as the youth snorts. “Just leave me. I’m sorry. I’m not angry at you but myself. I… it’s back again. Everything is back ever since I confronted Bai Ning Bing. I’m sorry, I couldn’t perform my duties last night—”

That’s Tie Ruo Nan’s hint to stop eavesdropping. However, she already understands a few things.

Erectile dysfunction is more common amongst the higher-ups than one might believe due to political stress and emotional turbulence. That snippet in the couple’s conversation allows Tie Ruo Nan to conclude that their marriage isn’t faring well. Fang Zheng’s past was not easy, too.

Fang Zheng soon appears in the Living Room as Shen Cui offers tea. Before she could leave, Tie Ruo Nan requested Shen Cui to join them, much to their confusion.

Accepting the tea, Tie Ruo Nan sips it through the hole in her mask for her mouth. She praises, “The fragrant bamboo tea is quite refreshing. Thank you, Miss Shen Cui.”

Shen Cui hurriedly nods, humbly accepting the praise.

“I’m here to ask about the Demonic Gu master who tried assassinating you, Elder Fang Zheng.”

Fang Zheng blinks.

“Me?” Fang Zheng blinks innocently. “I don’t know much. I was unconscious for seven days after the attack.”

“Please, Elder Fang Zheng. No matter how unimportant, anything might be a hint for the investigation. The body of the Demonic Gu Master is already destroyed. Did you do something that unintentionally caused such an intense reaction?”

Fang Zheng shakes his head again.

“I was busy cultivating that time. Others believed that the Xiong Clan hired a Demonic Gu Master to assassinate me. It’s not the first time they did it. They assassinated the A-grade talent before me.”

Tie Ruo Nan nods. Such conflicts are plentiful in the ‘Righteous’ path. However, she is too young and weak to impose righteousness upon the murdering Clans.

“I believe the talent in the next batch also died. Gu Yue Zie Qi?”

Fang Zheng’s gaze dims as he nods.

“Zie Qi died in the Wolf Tide. We never recovered his body.”

Tie Ruo Nan continues questioning several things, from his time in the academy to his relationship with other Gu Masters. Time passes quickly. Ruo Nan realizes there are no findings from Fang Zheng. But she is here for Fang Zheng AND Shen Cui. Mortals are quick-witted and know more about the daily life of the Clan than some Gu Masters. They have their own network present in every household in the form of servants.

Her gaze darts around before she decisively cuts Fang Zheng loose.

“I would like to know more about your relationship with Elder Fang Yuan. You said he was brilliant, and your wife was once his servant.”

Fang Zheng frowns and nods.

“So, did you try challenging Fang Yuan for his rightful inheritance for your emotions or at your Adoptive Father and Mother’s encouragement?”


Fang Zheng snaps.

Tie Ruo Nan puts her cup down, smiling. “I’m not slandering you, Elder Fang. But it is a crucial difference. I traveled to different clans with my father. I saw how siblings are torn apart by their distant relatives for inheritance. According to your testimony, your Adoptive Father possessed the Nine Leaf Vitality Grass Gu. His earnings weren’t lower than an Elder’s. Yet he put you and Elder Fang Yuan in such poor conditions. He favored Fang Yuan over you. However, Fang Yuan shared all his gains with you. That was until the Awakening Ceremony. You became the talented one, and your Adoptive Father favored you.”

“The situation changed. But Elder Fang Yuan was the sole inheritor after you accepted your Uncle as your Adoptive Father. Were you told about the magnitude of your Inheritance?”

“No!” Fang Zheng grits his teeth.

“Then why did you challenge Elder Fang Yuan, who looked after you for years?” Tie Ruo Nan pursues. “Were you jealous of Elder Fang Yuan?”

“No!” He was. But he will never admit that. Tie Ruo Nan already has some understanding of Fang Zheng’s insecurities. However, she doesn’t poke them. She gently guides him to an answer Ruo Nan wants him to see.

“I challenged Elder Brother because Father and Mother were left with nothing—”

Fang Zheng’s expression freezes as Ruo Nan narrows her eyes.

“How could they have nothing with savings from Three Bamboo Building, a Tavern, and the constant production of Vitality Leafs?”

Fang Zheng pales.

“N-No!” he stammers. “They wouldn’t.”

Fang Zheng suddenly turns and stares at Shen Cui.

“Is that the truth?!”

Shen Cui lowers her head, unable to speak.

The Elder suddenly stands and rushes out of the house.

“Zheng—” Shen Cui stands when Tie Ruo Nan clears her throat.

“Please stay, Miss Shen Cui.”

“It’s all your fault!” Shen Cui glares at Tie Ruo Nan as the woman mutters.

“Shouldn’t you be grateful? I didn’t reveal your affair to Elder Fang Zheng.”

Shen Cui’s pupils shrink, and color drains from her face.

“You’re wrong!” Shen Cui shouts while Tie Ruo Nan smiles. “I’m not here to prove your affair, Miss Shen Cui. I’m here to find a murderer. So, I won’t bother finding the proof of your unfaithfulness. Please cooperate, and I will leave at once.”

Tie Ruo Nan’s tone turns sharp.

As the law states—It’s not blackmail until written.

Shen Cui grits her teeth before sitting down.

“I understand you were Elder Fang Yuan’s former maid. Please tell me everything about him.”


Alternate Title: Magnificent Losses; The Clan is Dead; Banquet; Mourning Elder; The Performance Beyond Life and Death; Surely, Mo Yan Will Support His Choices; Yao Ji Fumbles Again; Drink The Wine; The Settling Duo; Mo Chen Lets a Wolf Inside; Turning in the Token; Ape Strength; Primeval Elder; More Space; Wealthier; Mo Chen’s Inheritor; The Need to Make the Primeval Elder Happy; Midnight Stroll; One’s Path; Growing Daughter; A Man’s Grey; The Investigation Ends?; Taking Correct Routes; Defusing Schemes; Fang Zheng’s PP Issue; The Destroyed Graveyard; All Leads End; Meeting Lo Jik; Little Divine Investigator; Fishing for Compliments?; Fang Zheng’s Past; Showing Truth; Shen Cui Rages; Unfaithful?; Onto Fang Yuan


A/N: As one might see, I changed some portions of the Investigation. I don’t mind how hateful and naive Tie Ruo Nan was shown (Which shouldn’t be the case since she followed Xue Leng for years), but I didn’t like the investigation part where Tie Ruo Nan just makes wild claims without rhyme or reason. Like, bitch. Did you think there is only one inheritance on Qing Mao? Fang Yuan could have many things. He could have found the inheritance before the awakening ceremony, too. But no. She just rode the Extreme Talent hard. Oh, and possible character development for Ruo Nan? Not in the flaky righteous way steeped with hypocrisy?

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