Reverend Insanity’s Formation Venerable

Rivals worlds apart

Right after Blood Demon managed to create the concealment immortal killer move 'Conceal in Blood,' he rapidly deduced many mortal movement killer moves to run faster. As he went he saw Flowing Cloud city, it was completely in ruins, there were only a few people remaining after such a battle and Immortal tribulation.

"These are all goodies," he stole almost all things that could be moved quickly, including corpses and even ordinary trees and plants, one of his core beliefs was, everything had value, and he was also poor.

He went the opposite way from Shang clan and Tie clan headquarters. "Hmm, now that I think of it, that Shang Zuo had likely been planning to make me sign a Information path pact to not harm the Shang clan, I have heard rumors when I refined Connecting Heaven and Divine Sense gu and went to Treasure Yellow Heaven. 

"Those tribulations where truly difficult, however, I have gained around 1,400 Blood path dao marks," he could notice that many of his attacks and abilities where boosted at least double but a bit more as well. 

"The difference between immortal gu and not having it was immeasurable, It's very lucky that I managed to refine one," when he thought of his immortal gu, he had more fondness in his eyes than any beauty, it couldn't be helped, this was that kind of world. 

He also thought of Wei Ru, "Hmm, that mortal, he has some connection to me, I think he might be an otherworldly demon like me, it's like our lucks are connected to each other," he was a blood path peak grand master, any more attainment and he would be quasi great grand master, he indeed had a reason for saying this. 

"He might have been created by Heaven's will to rival or suppress me, in this world, what I want is freedom, like the Feathermen, I will give him a helping hand, he will be like an Achilles heel that will motivate me to work harder, otherwise I will lose my greatest freedom, life." Blood Smiled at that thought.

Blood Demon knew what was the most crucial thing at the moment, "I have to survive the tribulations and live, the pain felt from ripping out my insides is still there, yet, due to the Blood Path dao marks, it's alleviated to a certain degree. 

"This guy Wei Ru, I will drop him into the Western Desert, I don't hear much from that place anyway in the Reverend Insanity book. I also have to prepare for the coming of Fang Yuan." Thinking of all these thoughts, he arrived at the border between Western Desert.

There was a regional wall that shone with wild colors yet there were 2 distinct colors, although in the Southern Border part there were still trees, they were drier and fire resistant.

Blood Demon descended and pulled Wei Ru from his aperture and threw him on the ground. "As you expected, I am an otherworldly demon, I have reason to believe that heaven's will plotted against me using you, I will allow you to live as long as you go into Western Desert and live there. Once you feel strong enough to come back to Southern Border and fight me or kill me then come, this a information path rare gu that stored my attack which can defeat multiple Rank 5 gu masters, another is this, an incomplete formation path inheritance I stumbled upon years back. Take these and leave." He waved his hand, the dusty wind flew as the attack sent Wei Ru into the Regional wall, he still looked flabbergasted at everything that happened. 

Blood Demon smiled before leaving, "make me proud" Wei Ru only heard this before he couldn't see Blood Demon anymore.

He rapidly calmed his mind down, he looked at the desert landscape, he sighed before entering the Regional Wall, this was the beginning of a new journey.


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