Reverend Insanity’s Formation Venerable

Foraging the Eastern Sea, dangers

Blood Demon was smiling, it was a deep smile that hid his demonic nature, he looked like a middle aged man striking fortune, yet that was exactly what it was. 

Blood Demon looked ahead at the sea, it was vast with multiple colors, the sun's bright reflection on it was astounding, it was enough to be qualified as a Rank 3 light killer move. Yet, it wasn't that which caused his mind to be ecstatic. 

"Fortune Golden Papers, it was written in the Legends of Ren Zu, it was in chapter 2567 of Reverend Insanity, it had used human path methods to induce Luck path methods." Blood Demon remembered keenly.

Legends of Ren Zu 

The Luck gu looked at Ren Zu's misery, it existed everywhere yet nowhere at the same time. It saw his struggle against fate to get back his children and was deeply impressed. It also loathed fate and wished to destroy it, however, it knew, it wasn't the time for it to exist, however, it knew that in the future that it would exist. 

It paired up with Time Gu, it's long time acquaintance, only with time could Luck take effect.

They also went to Isolate gu, a lonely gu that loved making friends, it was never satisfied with it's current amounts of friends.

"Isolate gu, you have seen the misery that Fate Gu has brought up on Ren Zu, we feel deep pity for him yet we don't have a concrete form, however, as long as we can work together, we can save Ren Zu and his children, not only that, we can lower fate's ability. We will also become your friends." Luck and Time gu both spoke at the same time.

Isolate gu, which looked like a depressed fly was deeply intrigued and joyful.

Soon they worked together to isolate the fate webs around Ren Zu and his Children, finally Time Gu helped a portion of Luck gu go into Ren Zu. 

It formed a Illusory golden paper, later on, after Red Lotus broke fate, not only did every being get luck, they also got luck, including beasts and mountains. 

The Illusory Golden Papers gathered up during a giant storm caused by Fate Gu and were hidden in this Sea, a sea in the Eastern Sea, it was also sealed by Space Door and so, even Venerables couldn't step foot here.

Back to present.

"I didn't expect my luck to be so good, by getting this secluded domains of Heaven and Earth I can survive against the Heavenly Court." At the remembrance of HC he had a frown, he was a blood path demon, HC would definitely want to kill him. 

This sea area was separate from Eastern Sea, it was located in space door. Space door like aperture, could be either small or infinitely big. 

Blood Demon managed to enter by entering through luck, Space door would occasionally suck in people, it could be many in a week or never in a Hundred thousand years.

"The place Thieving Heaven was searching for so desperately was found by me," Blood Demon had a wry smile, he started to remember everything that happened when he entered Eastern Sea. 

He managed to spot a fight in the distance and wanted to observe and see if he could fish out any benefits. Yet, the numbers of Gu Immortals kept Increasing, they also had the features of Zombies. He realized what was happening, a Super Force was attacked by the Zombie Alliance. 

Suddenly he felt the aura of Rank 8, he had a decent concealment for Rank 7, yet for rank 8 he was easily visible. Both the rank 8, one zombie and one living, both had space path dao marks, they both nodded and entered White Heaven. The space around was destroyed and the strays attacked him, his Immortal Gu, 'Heart Blood' collapsed and his strength fell rapidly, as the other rank 7's found him, they started to attack since this was a person of the Demonic Path, attacks of many paths converged and the space suddenly broke and split his entire body, only Blood Demon's torso was remaining as he entered the space pocket.

After a long time, he had arrived here and quickly healed himself. 

After using a few on himself to increase his luck, he mourned the loss of his only Immortal gu, and him only having a few Immortal essence stones. "Now, I should sell to Treasure Yellow Heaven, this could definitely be a monopoly on the scale of Guts gu." Blood Demon was ecstatic.


As he tried to open it, he was always blocked, upon further investigation he realized the truth.

"This, it's due to the space door, it's blocking the access to Treasure Yellow Heaven. He frowned and looked down, he could see a giant steel door, as giant as a country, however, it was constantly shifting, it suddenly turned into a Furniture type decoration and was only the size of a small leaf. 

"Sigh, I should first collect all of the Illusory Golden Papers, then find a way to exit this place." He got to work and extracted many Golden Papers, his luck was already extremely high, it could rival most ordinary rank 8's.

However, as his luck grew greater, the papers became exponentially heavy. From being paper weight to weighing as much as an entire sea. 

Blood Demon paled, he looked around and saw an unlimited amount, yet inside his aperture there were only 10.

Blood Demon almost wanted to cry, "as my luck gets greater, the heavier the papers, this must also be the work of heaven trying to resist fortune accumulation within a single person."

He turned around and looked at the door again. It had now become a door made of flowers and was barely large enough for him to fit. He prepared himself momentarily before shooting out and exiting the Space Door.

Blood Demon traversed in a space tunnel before exiting.

He looked around and was disappointed. 

Suddenly, his disappointed face turned into one of shock and fear. 

He looked like a innocent man being thrown into hell with countless ghosts and demons.

The papers suddenly felt lighter.

His luck had decreased a considerable amount. 

He paled in fear before flying away. 

He could see someone chasing him.

Clad in full golden attire, there were full locks of his white hair, he had an angry look at Blood Demon.

"Bastard, wait."

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